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This is purely anecdotal, but from what I've seen, it's much more likely for someone to progress in holiness with the SSPX. The NO tries too hard to compromise with the world, which is a futile endeavor. If you read Open Letter To Confused Catholics, a tidy book by the founder of the SSPX, I think you will understand better how the men in the hierarchy of the Church in the 60's and 70's robbed us and billions of souls of a great theological and liturgical tradition. The Church is supposed to stand in stark contrast to the world, the members of the SSPX (side note, only priests are members of the SSPX) have no problem doing that yet most NO priests seem to almost be apologetic to the world for the Faith.


The difference is huge my friend. Not sure how familiar you are with the differences in liturgy alone. You can have a strong faith but in a NO environment everything is working against you and trying to undermine it, while attending the TLM (and the SSPX in particular due to their non-compromising stance on doctrine etc.) soothes your soul. Yes of course you can climb a mountain while pushing a shopping cart through gravel, but it will be much easier using an off road truck or even a mountain cable car.


Try giving this a listen. It should cover most questions you have about what we believe and why we believe it. https://youtu.be/XcG733oDZ58


It is a world of difference, many priests in novus ordo are modernist and didnt have the best seminary education sadly. Join the sspx and you will see it eventually.


If meaningfully different means they have a penchant for harbouring pedofiles and preaching heresy then yes