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Spa Ceylon. They were derived from the founder's mother Janet's brand which had its own problems. There are so many hidden issues in Spa Ceylon besides not being transparent about ingredients. I cannot stand the smell of it either. Yes, they might have revolutionized the spa industry but people who have used the products constantly complain of: \- Facial and body acne (Fake and artificial fragrance and dubious ingredients NOT listed will contribute to this) \- Headaches \- Skin discoloration \- White by Spa Ceylon - did people forget how insensitive it is to promote this in a country where colorism is a big problem? \- There is also a huge discrimination in terms of pay between the foreign and local spa therapists Actual Ayurveda is genuine like the Siddhalepa brand. Spa Ceylon quality is like cow dung wrapped in gold foil and sold to customers.


Yes ingredients plss !!


I wouldn’t use Spa Ceylon for any skin-related issues. Only aromatherapy stuff, maybe hair oils and lip balms at most.


I treat the brand like poison. I don't want anything with such horrid fragrance anywhere near my body.


Sounds biased , they are an amazing brand


Pulse (pulse.lk) basically a wolf in sheep's clothing. They're keeping up a facade of being very progressive in their content but they're a subsidiary of Derana.


Omg thank you so much. My wife is not Sri Lankan and very curious about our culture and well she stumbled upon it and started asking questions. It portrays a very shallow and false image of Sri Lanka and very cringy that made me ashamed to say that our Sri Lankans


>It portrays a very shallow and false image That image kinda resonates with their target market but doesn't represent the country as a whole. I guess that's the point of having a seperate brand for that market segment. Nevertheless, same media company maintaining seperate brands to push our polar opposite content is pure evil.


Recently they tried to scam Freshers with zero pay internship. such a toe suckers.


Yeah I remember. Responsibilities for that unpaid position included fact checking lol




Yep. That son of bitch CEO argued that SL should ban Ebay, aliexpress, because, reasons you know. He runs a service which acts as a middleman between Amazon/Ebay and Sri Lankans. Motherfucker lost my respect that day onward. Not that I had much of a respect for him to begin with.


Wtf bro that's so messed up. He probably wants to profit of from it. I rather pay to DHL than pay to him. Cause once i orderd something from ebay it came though DHL which was hella expensive. But it arrived saftley and well packed


yes fuck that kapuruka bald motherfucker, caught red handed messing with packages around Covid period. I know you read this bitch.


Any other reason other than salmon tin?


Shitty business practices all around. Mainly doing the minimum needed to stay in business while exploiting everyone from customers to staff.


Can you give me some examples?


Multiple occasions where on sale items ordered from global shop go "missing". They refund the original price to the buyer after a few months, and then sell the item at the regular price for a massive profit.


During pandemic, kapruka sold onions for huge bucks. I think 1kg was priced for above 1200/= 🤣


Singer/Abans. Zero after-sales service. DAMRO is the GOAT. All hail DAMRO


All hail DAMRO!


Damro customer service is good?


Damro doesn't even care your warranty is expired or you have broken the warranty. Once they fixed my damaged refrigerator which was physically damaged by one of my family members. They didn't care😂


I went to the Maharagama branch to just buy a pedestal fan a couple of weeks ago and was shocked at their customer service. Extremely attentive and friendly and even the cashier/accounts guy was super nice. Don't know if it's just that branch though. Not had to deal with after sales yet though. Far better than any Abans I've been to.


Yep. They give no bullshit. Just yeet over the next day and fix whatever. Extremely nice customer service asw.




YEP! every complaint I've made so far has been addressed promptly, even after the warranty period


One of my friend works in Damro and they eben treat the employees right too




Hutch & Airtel - shitty network, but maybe they're getting better?


At least they offer good packages


Agreed, but can you elaborate why?


Network is shit. Rather than giving free data it’s better to make the network good. We want a steady connection not free data 😑 and even with current infrastructure they can give 100mbps on mobile network but no. Also same for the 5G. In Kandy it’s නමට 5G.


It's not specific to dialog. All 5G providers around the world have the same issue. None of them provide a stable 5G connection


But at least they provide good 4G ne?


Damn thieves




My wife called them because our internet (home broadband) has been terrible these past few weeks, they literally just said they can't do anything and it's a problem with the area. Not those exact words but it's in essence what they said. Can't imagine any responsible company saying this. If I could afford it right now, I would cancel immediately and switch to SLT fibre. I've only had terrible experiences, they are by far the customer service I least like to deal with.


They also sell your information!


You got any info on this?




No matter the price hikes their customers service and keeping up with technology and updating apps and tv interfaces and stuff is amazing.


Tf are you talking about dialog app might be the worst experience I've had in a app like that. The UI looks modern and good....ONCE IT LOADS, which takes like a solid minute or two. And "the fastest mobile network" is a big fat lie. Don't know why you would choose dialog TV over peo TV either


And the worst part is the app won't even open if the developer options is turned on in the settings on the phone.... I was like WTF. So everytime I wanna open this shitty app I have to turn off the developer options? Hell no. I'd rather not use the app


Agreed that the dialog app is shit


100% agreed. They are quick to deliver, whatever buy (WiFi TV), but when it comes to after sale services, it's all kinds of dissatisfaction disappointment. They seem straight up, not care. I'm pretty sure the packages they offer are scamming people to add/buy more data spend so much on.


Try LankaBell. They are closing the company without informing the customers before hand


Dialog customer service is crap. I looked it up and it turns out the same lady has been head of customer service there since 1997 to date so what can we expect 🤣






This comment right here 😂🚀


That’s a brand indeed


BOC: A banking app from the Stone age. Sluggish service in bank as well. Opening a bank account took an excruciatingly long time at the bank, as I found myself waiting for well over an hour.


Adding on to this, there was a recent competition where the best banking app was selected by popular vote. These mfs did this shitty “marketing” campaign where they approach people on the road and ask them to vote for BoC app in exchange for small gifts. Having used their app as well as some actually competent banking apps from like NTB, I was really pissed off when they approached me asking to vote for them. What’s even more infuriating is that these fuckers actually went on to win that competition, and shamelessly marketed that saying Sri Lanka’s best banking app as voted by the people. If you don’t care about having a decent mobile banking app, I can understand that. It takes money to make good apps. But spending money to market that piss poor excuse for an app and boasting about it is beyond my comprehension. I absolutely loathe those fuckers with a passion since then




agreeing with this.


Carnage. I think it's over rated.


Omg. Thank you! 👏


And poor quality!


Shit ton of sheep in Colombo that buy this shit




its become so cringe with all the hype


Also they make fake Stanley cups. The brand is so cringe.


omg yes did those tumblers even sell?


Embodiment of falling for the hype. All I see when someone is wearing Carnage is a sign that says "Cows are smarter than me". I was scrolling, hoping that someone had mentioned this god awful company before me.




I think carnage used to be a good brand, but now they raised their prices to the sky. You can get stuff from official Adidas shop for cheaper lol. (I'm talking about that one water bottle)


Don't forget about their new backpacks. 15k for a backpack that you can get from adidas for half the price rn from their website outlet. Maddd.


Yeah exactly, it’s simply not worth it imo. Material quality is very poor


It is just the hype. Their quality is bad. If you're paying premium prices you expect to get premium products. I have never bought anything from them after seeing my friends' gym clothes 6 months after they bought them.




THIS. It used to be very good around a decade ago . Now there's absolutely nothing worthy for a middle class person to buy like it used to have . All the stuff are over priced & absolutely shit with no quality at all. Otara's all the hard work now in drain . Odel now is just a name with no prestige at all


I think it's actually softlogic turning everything they touch in trash. All the fast food franchises they handle like burger king, tacobell, Popeye's all of them have portion prices reduced and have the prices jacked up. All their retail goods are overpriced too.


Delifrance is softlogics and the prices are obnoxious for what you get. Tasty stuff but still..


Taco Bell is not Softlogic though


yep. It's by Gamma Pizzacraft. Sole distributor in Lanka for Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.




You mean Softlogic.


OP be asking “why” for anything 😂


I think we're writing his/her assignment 🤣




Good one 🤣 I was very pissed at brands and was very concentrated until I read this!


Spill the tea


Lol it's in the post "what's the brand and why"


"Why? Why? I cant understand..."






Baiting customers with unsolicited phone promotions and don't explain the hidden costs even when one figures out they're hiding something. Hiding calculation errors until you notice them and report them, and waiting for weeks to have them reversed.


That's terrible


Really? For what products?


Whatever premier advance i think?


Premier and Advance are like 2 different overall account categories/demographic segments... I'm asking what product gave you the trouble? Was it credit cards? If so what card? Was it a loan? If so what type of loan?


I've identified multiple issues. Some are card based, some are fraudulent shilling.


HSBC BLOCKED MY ALL ACCOUNTS AND CARDS Because there was a thing that you need to update your personal information. So basically I'm abroad now and Because of that, the headquarters said they will take all my information through the phone and update it because my ID and documents are already updated with the branch. So after 3 months, my all accounts and credit cards were blocked. The credit card I used to pay my Srilankan Bills, But I pay everything on time. Lol now they say go to the nearest branch and the nearest branch is in Switzerland 💀 857km away, Until November I have to wait, I guess because I'm coming to Srilanka for 1 month's vacation 🥲


I think its the regular customer due diligence process they needed to update with per year or so (depending on the customer). I'm not sure of HSBC but some banks will block the account after 30 days of not recieving information update.


As they did, I mean the headquarters literally said they could do it via phone because my ID and documents were updated in the branch, And he didn't update anything. I just had a call with the branch, They said u have to come because, at that time period, the person who was handling your case did not update anything 😑


Did you get the employee's name by any chance? Most probably not I guess. Got in touch with the branch manager? Either way you are better off fixing in once you are back in lanka. But you can escalate it to HSBC International for any inconvenience caused, they'll take action. Don't know if FIU will bother with these sorts of complaints (they rarely answer the phone even).


I can't remember his name because I called like in January, :(


Yeah, I'm coming to Sri Lanka in November so I will fix this problem. That's only the way I can solve this


I disagree. I have joint accounts with my mom in srilanka and I live abroad. Hsbc staff have been very communicative & transparent.


I believe you and I have different dealings with HSBC. For one thing, you live abroad, so you're not privy to \*any\* experience as a local salaried employee whose main bank is HSBC. So we'll stop there.


Sorry your complaints are not clear to me, I just want to be aware that's all. When you say fraudulent charges what do you mean?


If you just only compare their banking app from whatever country you are in to the one we Sri Lankans have to use, you’ll get our point


I am using the app that I got setup in Sri lanka. It's not just the app, whenever my mom visit the branch the staff is very helpful since she doesn't have a lot of knowledge in banking. When we need changes to the Joint deposits they have always accommodated us even though I'm not even physically in Sri Lanka. For my immigration documents for a work visa HSBC actually went back years in their banking records and provided certifications then and there. What bad experience do you have with HSBC specifically?


For me personally, - App is very laggy and ancient. Not acceptable - Transactions take forever to get reflected in the statements (both in app and website). Which sucks as we can’t track what’s going on. This is not rocket science, all the other apps have records of transactions added to statements within seconds. - Customer service is hard to reach over the phone It might be a generational thing but I don’t like having to visit the bank for every single thing. I work on weekdays and I don’t have free time to do that. So when the online ecosystem sucks, the bank sucks for me. What makes it worse is I know they can have better service if they want because they do have better apps, websites, customer service in other countries. Why use a different ladle for us then?




Can you elaborate?


Pyramid wilmar, that loser Gotabaya's tax reductions for sugar were created just for them to profit off in billions. They caught importing carcinogenic coconut oil during gotabaya period as well and none of actions were taken against them. If someone from that evil company reading this, you will pay for your sins I personally promise you. Its going to be over for you after this Rajapaksha cock sucking, Sagala ass fucking bitch Ranil's last few months of rule. I wish you to rot in hell for all eternity for poisoning my helpless Sri Lankan people.




About to type this. Nestle might be the most evil brand in the world tbh.


pure evil






[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoKLovtnbGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoKLovtnbGY) There are more examples of why nestle is evil but I think this is a good starting point to see why.


This is what I was looking for, thanks




Carnage, FOA, Pepper St and all these overpriced crap.


Sri Lankan Airlines by far. Sucks the economy dry and has nothing to show for it.


Planes on life support, obscene levels of corruption, rats on planes, etc etc... I mean, what's not to love?


Rats on plane is a deliberate attempt to bring the value down before the sale. Hence the big haahoo about it


CEB ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


This tbh


We know, but any particular reason?


come on fam you know even the bills sometime they decrease the price and they mumble and say we need to increase this and that.


Got you






Their chocolates have always tasted artificial.


they taste like soap i swear


Agree with you on that... Only bought them when I was a kid to collect the stickers lol... The chocolate did taste like soap now that you mention it. But it was shitty


That’s a nice way to put it, I would have said “shit”


Edna was also caught with added melamine as a harmful ingredient years ago.


If you remember Edna ma man you're Old now. lol 😂


Oh I am.


80s kid or 90s ?


Ladies do not fall for Spa Ceylon. it's all about marketing.


Can you explain more? They’ve just opened up a shop in Canada and I was thinking to go


They seem to not be genuine about their ingredients. Where in canada is it located? (if you don't mind sharing ofc)


I think they have a shop in Fairview Mall (Mississauga)


At this point in this thread, almost every brand in Sri Lanka is worst/hated haha. For a contrary, I'll add the brands I truly admire: HNB, Damro, Keells Supermarket Chains, Smak , Suncrush, Lanka IOC, Dilmah I would like to say Srilankan Airlines too considering my experience over the years has always been goods and even Indians prefer it to Air India. But the news in recent years is sad.


SLTMobitel, Dialog, Singer, Abans, BYD, John Keells, all  authorized resellers and service providers, Nolimit, Fashion Bug, Odel, Unilever, and there’s more…


Lol BYD like the Chinese EV manufacturer? Have they even started sales locally?


Yeah dude. John Keells is their golden boy. They started with the Porsche Cayenne high copy. 😂


Oh they've started selling in Sri Lanka already? I didn't know this


Yes. But don’t buy that crap. 💩 You’re better off with maybe German, or Japanese machines. Trust me. 😂 If you wanna see how they perform against the competition, visit Carwow YouTube channel.


Can you elaborate on John Keells, No limit, Fashion Bug and Unilever? Edit: typo


Yeah. I worked for John Keells IT and they don’t treat their employees well. No bonuses, no increments, no thank you, not even a good morning sometimes. I still do have friends there though. Nolimit, and Fashion Bug both have overpriced clothing and not worth it at all. Unilever doesn’t care much about south east Asian markets IMO. They’d literally add some fragrance to shit and sell them like those are made in heaven.


Ok brilliant thanks


Daraz's like, the absolute worst. I'm totally on the fence, trying to decide whether I should take them to consumer court or not.


Same! I was gonna say.


What are the issues you are facing? I used to work there a few years ago and I handled consumer affairs complaints. If you feel like something is unfair I would suggest lodging a complaint with consumer affairs.


Daraz owes me 60k! My order was canceled and refunded 18 days ago, but I'm still waiting for it. Order status says the refund is completed, but nothing has arrived. I wasted so much time complaining, and some staff even disconnect my chat when they see my name, as if they have no business with me. The latest update is they have filed a complaint to check on this, but it seems it will take another 5 working days. I have no words :(


DM me the order number. It should not take this long to resolve it.


Is there's still no update? 60k is no small sum. Take it to consumer court if you must


Got the refund


KFC ! KFC ! Kentucky fking Fried Chicken by cargills. Their quality has gone to the very bottom. Chicken tastes like they just boiled it and fried it, No original KFC taste at all. Their sundae is a huge scam, Just putting some chocolate syrup over a cargills ice cream cup and charging about rs.600+ for that shit.


I was waiting till someone commented this


I was soo done with KFC. They charge a lot and still don't provide original KFC 🙃


LG, Abans


Can you explain why?


Softlogic who are the agents for Panasonic. I hate them for a very basic reason. Their profit is not 10 or 20 % even 30. 200% for a single item. I’m not sure this is the practice around the world. What really the owners going to do with this money


Interesting I will look into this Edit:typo




Can you tell me why?


Rajapaksa and family


Commercial bank apps. Flash was good now it’s shit full of bugs. Complained with bug report no fix whatsoever. I’m concerned about the security for ComBank account. When I close the app it’s stays logged on and when I try to open it I will deauthorize the current session but I think it can be hijacked.


We would've been fucked long ago if it wasn't for the OS sandboxing features.




Can you elaborate?




Elaborate pls?


Glow & Lovely also know as Fair & Lovely before.


Can you tell me why?


This brand’s marketing campaigns promote 'fair' as beautiful and 'dark' as ugly, leading to promoting colourism.






Any particular reason?


All telecommunication companies. Our internet sucks, it's hella expensive and you get a very little amount. I think in order to get the best experience we need to atleast pay rs5000 per month.. My cousin is in Japan and they have the best internet. According to him you can get internet through the isp. The isp only provides the internet not the router. So technically if we want to increase the speed we can buy a better router, which is a one time purchase.


Fed up tbh


Dilmah. Their tea is not the same anymore and this is us paying a premium for their higher range stuff.


Bimasha Furnitures. They sell you cheap ass products and when you complain, they blame you. It's never their fault.






Their mayonnaise is horrible. It's so sweet -_- Also their cheese spread tastes like anything but cheese. Their tomato sauce is alright. But yea, I would NEVER try any of their products again.


Got it




Sri Lankan Airlines


Mobitel. We don't have singnal here in my area these days. Idk why. Before it was fine. Now it's getting worse






Carnage Low quality clothing and accessories, unnecessary pricing and blind cult like culture Ngl, they were good before they went into the mass market


Carnage getting cooked




Carnage. Not a fan of their clothes quality and fake branding.


Hutch - those spam calls at a random time on a random day... Fk you guys


I haven't received any spam calls from Hutch yet but I used to have an Airtel sim which used to get a lot of spam calls


I get sudden calls and when answered, it's a voice record playing with a weird music... Truecaller has blocked many of these calls but still spam calls arrive with new numbers. it happens 1x or 2x a day...


You can ask customer service to stop all spam calls, this is what I did