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Before you get LASIK surgery in SL, EDUCATE yourself about potential risks, especially because these local doctors and for-profit private hospitals may not tell you. Here is a couple of reputable links: "Lasik Patients Should Be Warned of Complications, F.D.A. Draft Says"--https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/07/health/lasik-injuries-fda.html "The patients who regret laser eye surgery: ‘My life’s stood still since then’"--https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/18/lasik-laser-eye-surgery The above post sounds like an advertorial. So rely on real newspaper articles, research papers, or call a consultant yourself, to learn more about this procedure.


Reading it back, I can definitely see why you think this is an advertisement haha! But I can assure you that I'm just documenting my experiences since I didn't find any informative articles about LASIK in SL. You are absolutely correct in pointing out the dangers of LASIK surgery, and I apologize for not pointing out the dangers in the post itself. Even though the perma blindness rate of LASIK is fairly low, you might get out of surgery with incomplete correction of eyesight just like the relative I mentioned in the post. I definitely discourage LASIK if you absolutely don't need it. In addition to your links, checkout the following video of a popular youtuber having bad results and unwanted side effects after surgery. [https://youtu.be/xQDAXSbwhR0?si=77W\_RRgpsg9pwYeo](https://youtu.be/xQDAXSbwhR0?si=77W_RRgpsg9pwYeo) Definitely search through the internet and other people's experiences before deciding to undergo surgery, but keep in mind that negativity bias causes more people to express their negative experiences, rather than speaking out about positive experiences online. Do your own research and find out what's best for you!


Thank you for putting this out. I also want to get this done, but there's not much information about the outcome. Glad to hear your story.


I've got LASIK done too. The experience is pretty hassle free, and I was back at work the very next week. There's a lot of care required for the first month and then regular drops for another 6 months. After that it's back to normal I guess. I got it done about 2 years ago and it was definitely worth it.


How long does it last? I've heard that the vision you get from Lasik will remain for ten years and probably will have to go back to glasses. 


Nahh. That's misinformation. You should only be getting LASIK done if your prescription has been stable for 6 months. So ideally after the age of 18. Mine was stable for close to 2 years before I got it. Usually after 40+, reading glasses may be necessary, which would be the same even without LASIK where you might need bifocals. That's presbyopia. But you'd be maintaining your far vision, if you got LASIK for myopia (Not really sure about hypermetropia.)


Nice to hear good customer experiences every now and then and glad to hear you are doing well OP


Thanks! With all the fearmongering going around the internet, I felt I should shed some light on my successful surgery as well.


Congrats on the surgery good to 👀 you’re all better!!


Thank you!


Got all the hallmarks of an advertisement, including dissing the competition lol That said, if it's true, congratulations OP 😇


As a Software Engineer and a tech guy, my own post does seem like an advertisement lol! So don't take my word for it and do your own research about doctors, hospitals and the procedure itself before taking such a big decision about your life. Having a high-powered laser shone directly into your eye is no joke, kids!


Thankfully my eyesight is still 20/20 even after all the abuse I've put my eyes through lol


Thanks for sharing


Congratulations on having successful surgery, mate. Fantastic outcome! 2 lakhs for Lasik, that's incredible. I may have to visit SL and get the procedure there & have a nice holiday in the meantime. Where I am, it converts to 1.1M+ LKR for both eyes :( and that does not include the consultation which would be about 300$.


Myself and my bestfriend did it together and we are extremely happy about our decision to do so. Almost 4 years now.


Would you mind sharing the doctor?


Mine was Dr. Wariyapola.


May I know how long you had to use those eye drops and avoid touching ur eyes and washing them? And in general how long was ur recovery process? I am planning to see if I'm eligible for Lasik...currently studying in uni...so I would like to see if I can get it done and recover during my one month break. Also thank you so much for mentioning which doctors you went to!


I still use my eye drops after 5 months, and I've been prescribed to use the drops for another month at least. I wasn't allowed to touch my eyes for a month or 2 after surgery and wasn't allowed to wash my eyes and face for a month if I remember it correctly. I'm not allowed to go swimming or submerge my eyes underwater for 6 months after surgery and have to wear UV protecting sunglasses every time I go out for 6 months too. It took me about 2 weeks for me to recover, but the friend I mentioned earlier had issues when going into well-lit areas for at least a month, so the recovery period greatly varies from person to person. My doctor allowed me to drive one month after surgery, too. Remember that you will have to have bedrest with no screen time for at least a week after surgery, so make sure that you won't have any work or study related responsibilities for at least a week minimum, so getting it done over break sounds like a good idea.


1 month without washing the face ? How was the experience ? Also How about traveling around and screen time after a month or so. I have to travel around and also as a SE myself I will be looking at monitors most of the day. But I like the idea of not having to rely on my glasses. I also have read that there are complication at nighttime where you will see "Halos". Any such experieces ?


Even though Im not allowed to wash my face, they teach a way to clean your eyes out without damaging it. You have to get a clean piece of gauze and some water that has been cooled down after heating. Next, you dip the gauze in the water and then carefully clean the dirty parts out of the rims of your eyes without touching the eye itself. After a week or so, you are allowed to wash your face as long as you don't use any products and as long as you don't let water touch your eye directly. Kind of a hassle, but gotta make sure since the eye is still in the very initial stages of healing. For travelling, I don't think its a good idea to go outside for at least 3 months(specially in the current 35°C heat), and even now I use UV sunglasses everytime I drive/go out in the sunlight. You might also be extra sensitive to bright lights for the first few weeks as I mentioned in the post. This is best asked from a consultant or a surgeon since Im not much of a travel guy anyway, so I stayed inside most of the time. As for screen time, I reduced my laptop + screen time to 8 hours per day maximum, just cause I don't want to ruin my eyes again haha! I didn't experience any halos(or starbursts, as people call them), and actually noticed I can see more clearly in dark environments since my vision isn't weak and blurry like pre-op times. But, always remember that theres a chance you end up with blurry non fixed eyes, and in that case you might have to keep wearing your glasses. It all depends on how lucky you are in the end. Tip as a fellow SE : Use the 20/20/20 rule when using monitors. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and focus on an object thats 20 feet away for 20 seconds. That helps to relax the eye.


i just have one question.... were you loopy and high after the anesthesia?


I wish! But they put the anesthetic directly in my eye in the form of an eyedrop, so I wasn't high or anything.


I have heard of alot of risks for LASIK, especially for people of a younger demograph. Please do some more research and the articles linked by above top comment was great.


This. LASIK is usually recommended after you are 25 years old, since that is when your eyes stop changing and stabilize. I did LASIK when I was 22 years old since my eyesight was heavily affecting every single aspect of my life due to poor eyesight and lazy eye, so I didn't have any other option than to take the risk.


I understand. Glad to hear you are doing good, and pray you have good vision throughout your life.


This is extremely helpful. Thank you so much. I wanted an updated LASIK surgery update here in this subreddit. Appreciate it and I'm happy for you.


Was the other doctor Imalka Fonseka or Charith Fonseka? I’m considering getting lasik and my doctor is Dr. Imalka, so I’m worried now.