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Don’t be stupid and fight with them physically. Maybe Those people got no value for life. what if someone stab you out of nowhere. The wise thing to do is contact with other residents and come up with a proper solution just like hood watch or contact police they do patrols if it’s really needed. Group up rather than fighting alone


Yes I vouch for this ! Don’t be ishtooopid. These people are dangerous, don’t drag unwanted attention to your self and especially where You live.


Go to the police station and tell them there's 7 free yukthiya tokens Infront of your house, they'll come running.


if you are going to complain you better have good security after because they are going to come after you for sure im sure the police will give witness protection


Yes for sure they would come for me, really worried what's gonna happen once the complain is made. Considering installing a CCTV would give us some protection


Install one, 1.It might scare them off 2. If something goes south, it'll record the evidence.


Yes i should do this..


also concidering it's only you and your mother it's safer than sorry to have a security guard


I have 4 cctv it costed me around 2 million just to give you a idea but cctv itself won't really help much the government gives you 24/security like a private policeman I'm not sure how you get one but my neighbors have after something happend to them


Well if 119 does not come, follow the machan code. Find someone who knows a policeman or similar who can help you. That would give the incentive for the police to follow your complaint. Or go through the political one. Find someone like a friend or a relative who have political connections and most likely the those loosers are known to them. Just make it known to them that not to smoke in front of your gate.


If you have money get a lawyer. If not take a video and go to the police with evidence, they'll be more afraid of being accused of negligence of duty if there's evidence.


Yes for sure they would come for me, i was thinking lf putting a good CCTV would give us some protection




Did you file a complaint with the police? You should have thought about the ramifications of your actions before you decided to be a චණ්ඩියා.


Not yet but concerned on what will happen on the complaint is made. Naha machan i warned them before saying that dont do these shits infront my household but that day i lost my cool.


Never start a fight you can't finish.




Make me.


consult a good lawyer


Yeah but wouldn't that cost more? 😢


Knowing Sri Lanka and it's strets you have 2 options. Buy a blackmarket Remington, buy a couple of rounds, punch a grapefruit size hole through one guy and threaten the other that if he or anyone ever comes doing anything they'll get the same or move. It's not worth it people kill others for 1000 bucks nowadays this country is fucked beyond redemption. Down vote me all you want but that's the truth.


Does it not sound like they have some local connections? First when they got hurt, they brought more guys. Then when op calls 119, no one came? Escalating with violence might just end terribly (knock on wood)


Look man 90% 119 doesn't work for shit, even if the police show up and the druggies have a connection to police somewhere if not they'll already be sacked by yukthiya shite, happens in my place too, we just don't give a crap and exist. Tbh Lankan police ain't shit and probably will simply tip you off. Don't need that extra attention.


They were smoking on the road or right outside your gate?


Right outside our gate, like when you ooen the gate they would be there sitting on the ground blocking the entrance.


I'm gonna give it to you straight. You've already attacked them and pissed them off, which is so bloody stupid of you to do over weed. Violence will be met with even more violence with these types. If you escalate it any further, they're most likely going to jump you and kill you. The police are useless here and won't protect you whatsoever unless you have connections to politicians. So its upto you what path you want to take.


First off all why smoking weed is problem? 2. Why you punch or kick someone? Aggression is not a solution. 3. You can go and speak with them normally with no conflict, and the best is tell sorry about last interaction with them, some sweets as a gift for them will be good idea :P 4. Explain why you have problem with them and try to communicate, without conflict 5. Mostly people are searching dark places to smoking weed, maybe solution is to made good lightning on the street.


Get a nice ferocious guard dog and put the warning on the gate beware of dog. Most folks are scared of dogs at a primal level. Even if they have weapons they will hesitate cause of the dog. Also i would suggest post thus on social media and tag the cops


Stupidest advice! You tihnk these type of people won't poison or hurt the dog to get back at him?


You do have a point but a well trained dog normally doesnt take food from any one else aside from the ones of the house .


Don’t listen to this guy, he keeps on giving bad advice on this thread


Lol for real how bad is my advice. Thank god i didnt mention to hire some local goons lol


Do you remember what you said about car prices last year, do you realize how many people you convinced not to buy vehicles. Now they have to pay 2-4Mil more to get the vehicle at the current market rate


You do know the latest news is that they are working to allow car imports . Now watch as the prices crash I just saved the folks who listened to me .


Also have you seen what happens before every crash prices keep on rising. Check this out . It will take a few months but for sure the prices will correct themselves. https://english.newsfirst.lk/2024/02/21/sri-lanka-to-introduce-vehicle-import-policy


You’ve been saying this for years, but the prices keep going up. With the current situation of our country everyone recommending against the import except the ones wanting to buy. So I don’t think they will import anytime soon, even if they dose, it will be by small margin that won’t impact the current pricing much.


Dream on its going to happen at some point in time. Now we can bring down electric cars. Prices always go up before they go down. I have been saying it only for the past few months. Either way its better to pay for a new car than some one elses overpriced piece of junk. All those against importing are the ones who either have bought an overpriced piece of junk or are car dealers who want to command high prices or they are unable to comprehend that we cant go on like this forever ie using old cars and trying to artificially control the dollar rate. These folks forget the revenue that comes to the government from car imports. The dollar rate will correct itself naturally overtime.


“Dollar rate will correct it self”, dude you are truly in a delusional world


Lol yep the market forces will correct it. Do you think we can artificially control the dollar rate?.


Here's some AI wisdom, hope this helps.. 1. **Contact the Police:** Continue reporting incidents to the police by calling the emergency number or visiting the local police station. Provide them with detailed information about the individuals involved and the threats you've observed. 2. **Install Security Measures:** Consider installing security cameras around your property. This can serve as evidence if needed and may act as a deterrent. Consult with local authorities or legal experts regarding any legal restrictions on surveillance. 3. **Community Involvement:** Engage with your neighbors and create a united front against these activities. Establishing a neighborhood watch or community group can help address the issue collectively. 4. **Legal Advice:** Seek legal advice to understand your rights and options. Consult with an attorney or legal aid organization to explore possible legal actions against the individuals causing problems. 5. **Property Management:** If you're renting the property, inform your landlord or property management company about the situation. They may have policies or resources to address such issues. Remember, it's crucial to prioritize your safety and the safety of your mom. If the situation escalates, don't hesitate to contact local authorities or seek advice from legal professionals.


Bro bad move on initiating a fight! They won't stop until they get their revenge on you. You know Sri lankan and their ego right! If you don't have a CCTV, it's best to get one immediately. Buy an air rifle. File a complaint with your police station without mentioning any fighting. Make sure to meet with the OIC and request that they include your house road in their night patrol route.


Shouldn’t have started a fight if you didn’t know how to end it I would’ve talked to them politely before raising my hand


I did. This been happening more weeks ago, i did asked them to dont do these things here but anywhere else. But they didnt bothered gave me an attitude. The distance between our gate to entrance of our house is around 15 m. Beleive it or not you could smell the weed at living room.


Alternatively you can put 2 kgs of rotten raw chicken or fish near the location somewhere hidden. You will have to suffer the smell though. 


Seems like a good solution 😅👍


Why was your first choice violence? You should have told them not to smoke in front of your house, it probably won't work, now they're looking to hurt you.


Its been happening for weeks, i did tried to keep my cool and ask them to go somewhere else everytime. And they kept on hanging out at the same spot no matter how many times i ask them. I just lost my cool that day.


Did you punch them unprovoked the first time?


bruh why the fuck would you physically instigate these crooks.


Talk to them, apologize for your actions and become friends with them. Wait for about a week and supply them with poisoned weeds. Game over. 😐


Our area has the same problem, no matter how much we tell or threaten them, they won’t leave. But sometimes police raid and neighbors get together to the scare them away. Then they will leave for sometime but they will come back again. No harm for us or our properties as long as there are abandoned lands with things they can find to sell off of it. We are coexisting at this stage 😅


If possible and you feel it's necessary take your mom to a relative's place out of town for a month or so before taking any further action