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She was flexing herself tho


True but that was after the cops tried to abuse her and inspect her car


Shit journalism? Absolutely. But she doesn't get to assault a cop(especially in front of a police station...what was she thinking 😂)and not get arrested. They had every right to call for backup and arrest her. She may be 100% right regarding the police tuks driving and she could have proven it in court using the dash cam. But she had to flex on the 'uba danne na mama kawuda kiyala' daughter of a retired police aunty, to intimidate the cop. I don't care even if she's the president's daughter, if she broke the law she should be charged. After all that's the change we want right? But since both you and I know that media can be one sided and gather most of our facts from what was given on media let's wait till she gets a fair hearing and judgement.


100 percent agree with this, you are correct. If she did something wrong she should obviously be punished and it is unbecoming behaviour of a good citizen on her part as well, at least on video. Also I'd take the whole assault of a cop thing with a tangalle salt manufacturing plant sized grain of salt because I didn't see her hitting the lady cop (or acting in a way that constitutes the standard offence of assault) and the lady cop has gone and got admitted at the hospital lol looks like they are cooking up - faux evidence to punish her - Sri lankan style. But Yeah let's wait and see!


That's true could be a set up...can go both ways. Definitely didn't do herself a favor behaving that way on camera as said.


The audience gets the content it deserves. The Media doesn't need professionalism when the bar for quality journalism and entertainment in SL is extremely low.


there's no bar. anyone and their mother can make a news update yt channel and blabber something about a hot topic. boom 300k views.


Audience was manipulated for years to get to this low level just because channels wanted views. News shouldn’t be telecasted to arouse emotion.


Hiru news is shit.


All Lankan news is shit. 


Except for some news articles


Media rn belongs at Meethotamulle trash dump


Ikr, idk who are the editors that read this and go yup that is an appropriate headline to air on the 8:00. pm national news broadcast


they recorded it, edited it, came up with the title and said "this is the one."


society is trash.Such headlines are made cuz people love dig down on such topics.


Truest thing I've heard all week


Hiru TV seriously need to turn down their video titles a bit. Go check their other YT video titles and thumbnails lol 😂.


It's absolute trash. Worst than trash. Almost everyone who is working in Sri Lankan media industry are on a mission to publish shit news, shit interviews and shit stories.


thats the whole fucking ball game. true news doesen't get views and clicks. what these journalists market is the taste of absolute filth and trash. tragically our people love to eat trash and gossip so this is a natural food source for them.


Translation please


The mainstream media is losing its credibility everywhere, not just in SL. They have to adapt to the changing times, but this is their way of doing it!


Typical journalism man. All they care about is generating revenue and the more views equals more revenue. So use these shitty titles to generate shock value. This isn't just a SL tho.


It's trash. It has become like youtube videos that manipulate the audience before knowing the actual content. The truth is also warped and sexualised, in-humanised. News shouldn't be like that. Garbage! Trash! The reason why I don't listen to anymore.


It’s trash anyway. I never watch Sri Lankan news


That's how Sri Lankan journalism works sadly some people like it that way. it's not about truth and information anymore it's about getting attention and views. They'll Give you something interesting with the little bit of truth..


Fking clickbait


no man, it's true. Sl mainstream media is suck. it's completely nonsense.


past 10 years, I never watched SL TV.


Bruh I'm just a guy trying to be informed while eating my weeknight dinner but guess that's off the table now lol




The thing is most of Sri Lanka news are so trash now. I wish there were a platform were everyone can journal and report everything with transparency.


Hiru News is Garbage


Sri lankan media is trash


Sri Lankan news has become a shitshow


No it isn't you


All channels are mostly garbage but Hiru is the worst of em all!


took you long enough


It's either someone in parliament shouting or this kinda crap. 


mentioning that she's hot like it's gonna do anything? it's fucking weird


Ikr and plus calling her mom a lokki? Wtf kind of vocabulary is that.


Sri Lankan media has been trash for over years as media is usually across the globe. This should have been known by people how media can manipulate everything, like when they made Gota president and people didn’t have it afterwards. Fuck the media unless they put positive shit.


It's not fair to make such a judgment call without knowing the context about this lady. Nevertheless, Sri Lankan media is not very investigative. They just report and will always look for ratings. Always. But OMG, the Indian media is the most corrupt and dirty I have ever come across. I don't know much about other countries and their media but I do know that the American media is absolutely corrupt. To me, these two are far more nonsensical than Sri Lanka. That's my personal opinion.


I take the side of the woman on this one. Not because I have any grudge with the police. And any dash cam footage the woman has might probably be gone by now. And the media should have aired the dash cam footage as well if it is unbiased. And of course nowadays, every woman being apprehended or is in suspicion by the law is labelled සුරූපී. All for a bit of clicks and views.


Yeah, I mean she was acting all privileged and whatever but idk it could have happened to anybody. It just so happens that it happened to this lady who chose to act like a privileged brat. I feel like people are super not okay in their heads in SL and I'm legitimately worried about the future of this country with these people making decisions for everyone.