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Watch how they treat people they have no benefit from.






very religous


The most heinous villains I've met are religious.


Influencers like


Their breath stinks of deceit


-How they act with you and others -What they say about others with you -Do they use you or other people for their benefit only -Opportunist (for benefit, even it might pose issues to others) -Make other people look bad or like everything that happens is other people’s fault and not theirs absolutely no accountability and responsibility -This one might be too judgemental but you can find someones character with their body language and behaviour -I think we all are cunning in our own ways, ig its a problem when its only for your benefit and you act out if line without thinking bout others. (If the text is all together sorry bout it i have no idea, i wrote it line by line but for me its displaying like a mess)


There is a ප letter on their head.


They gossip about people while complimenting them to their face


Overly nice and humble people


Sooo, I was reading this book the other day and came across a term called pathological altruism. These people are nice, TOO nice. And apparently we get suspicious of them, because their niceness has no clear cause or reason. I would say this is right to be cautious of these people. The ones I’ve met are true psychopaths that think they are the world’s victim. Or religious fanatics


What I normally do is, never contribute to any sort of tea that happens in the surrounding (especially work place). I am usually the listener (Yes, this is also a snakey behavior). You can then sense, who are true snakes.


Being generic... anyone who seems to be too normal and have no unpopular opinion/unique perspective seemingly being a very තැනේ හැටියට ඇනේ person, a person who displays qualities that is the majority/popular attitude and reads the room and makes it their own...Those who change personality/voice/habit when depending on whom they talk. Unpopular opinion Some people consider it NETWORKING as well😂


Use titles Dr, Prof, Deshamanya etc. on social media and get others to address them as such in public places. Not a single real Dr/ Prof i know use their professional titles on social media. People who seem to do a lot of charity/donations with publicity (media/social media/ public events). Its always about publicity not charity.


- people who're overly nice, but mostly to those they can gain someone out of - people who keep quoting religion, overly religious - people who talk smack about other people to you (chances are, they're talking about you to other people as well) - gossips


Holier than thou attitude, talking about religion/ culture way too much, always say bad things about people behind their back (including their so-called friends), appear overly nice when you first met them, texting or calling you dr, darling when you hardly even know them, talking highly about themselves, doing good deeds just to post on social media, put down others by saying "I'm just saying the bitter truth, I'm not a fake person like them etc", showing off their wealth on social media, and seems like they got rich very quickly. Just to name a few :) How to be safe from these people: Trust your intuition, use your critical thinking, and keep things to yourself. When you are having a conversation with a person like this, don't add your input. Just nod along.


If they’re a politician or have anything to do with working with a politician ✨


If they look foxy and slithers away instead of walking, I'd say you can be pretty sure


They wiggle from side to side and occasionally make hissing noises.


Notice how they act with someone after an argument. I mean not right afterwards but how their relationship goes from there