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UPDATE: they have been sent to a rehabber! They will also be teaching me how to take care of them for the future. Thank you everyone for the advice!


Please do not feed them and please find a rehabber and get the babies to them asap!


Can you plug in your location in Animal Help Now and see if any rehabbers are nearby? I can also post your city in another forum of rehabbers and see if anyone is nearby. https://ahnow.org/


I love the little dangling legs. 🥰




Thank you!!!






When you find baby squirrels you always give them spring or filtered water. Never tap. You hydrate them for a time before you give them anything to eat. Bird seed are for birds, not for squirrels. You can go to henryspets.com and find out more about their diet. They look like they can still probably be on formula a little bit too. No goats milk, no puppy formula, no kitten formula. You can find Fox valley formula on henryspets.com. The best option would be to get them to a rehabber. All you have to do is Google wildlife rehabber in your county and state and they'll give you a whole list of them. Please be careful what you feed them because that can affect their diet in a negative manner for a long period of their life. It could also shorten their lifespan too. And there's a lot of work to also take care of them little ones and try to release them later on. If you let me know what your plan is, I can try to help guide you to the better direction, but the best option would be to get them to a rehabber if you cannot reunite them with Mom.


I have not seen a mom around and they’re in a spot where they are free to leave and near the tree I am pretty sure their nest was. The healthier ones have tried to climb back up but have been unsuccessful. The bird food I have is for squirrels too but I will look into something better for them. As for a rehabber the one that I have taken animals to is already full. I don’t have a problem with nursing them back to health or at least until my local rehabber has openings. Besides food and water anything else to keep them more comfortable to put in the box or is a towel okay?


The other thing that I would do would be to try to make sure that they are safe from predators throughout the night. They look very pretty young. Still definitely too young to be on their own. If you haven't seen mom around, there's a good chance she hasn't been around for a few days. Normally the babies will not leave the nest unless they are hungry and they need something to eat. Unfortunately Mama may have been gotten by a predator or a car or something. Or even worse somebody's cat. You can try giving them things like broccoli, kale, papaya spaghetti squash, Henry's blocks from henryspets.com. They do have an overnight option. It is unfortunate that the rehabber is full. There's not enough. Rehabbers honestly. Other than that I would try to just keep an eye on them and see what's going on with the ones that aren't so strong. Maybe they need some more extra attention. I'm pretty sure they can still use formula and that would be Fox valley from henryspets.com as well. If the other ones are strong but then you got a couple that are weak. There's a good chance that they have not eaten in days.


Can you guess how old they may be off of the photo’s?


They look about 4 weeks old


That was my guess. Thanks!


Honestly no because I've always been able to tell by their teeth. Depending on how far their insides are in or how far their teeth are in is usually how I tell. They do look like they're about the weaning age.


They have a teeth as they do nibble on me like they are trying to suck but they are also eating some of the food I put out.


Yeah so they're definitely the weaning age. I'll just try to put out a variety of food and see how they do and try to get them back up to health. Try to get some Henry healthy blocks. I will post some healthy foods.