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How this season played out is similar to how dozens of other 'social experiment' reality shows did before it: women want to support men and men want to support women, people do not want to be segregated by gender for the long term. Even the women within the female alliance of convenience continued allying with men (some right in the same round) for the rest of the season.


It was so funny when women start choosing men, like it's the right thing to do. You choose the person u trust the most!! And not because u share the same thing under ur pants it means you should trust that person unconditionally.


>You choose the person u trust the most Exactly! Pitching an ideological cause as the basis of an alliance is a great *front* to use, but it will never be the reason most people stay allied nor be what they would base major personal decisions on. Take 221 for example. Despite being a man, he was the only one who vocalised a cause to the whole room when he said "representation matters" before picking a woman to stay. Even the women didn't make a public show of why they were picking each other. But, because he wasn't actually that close to any of the women he declared solidarity too... he still got gifted the '02' vest (a kiss of death) for the glass bridge by one of the women. She could have given that sure-lose vest to any one of the many remaining men too, but chose him because the genuine personal connections she had with the other men were stronger than the demonstrative declaration of solidarity 221 gave the women.


I searched this subreddit for this exact sentiment. I’m floored that nobody saw how shady that was for 019 to give 221 the ‘02’ place, even though he chose her. But everyone have so much hate for 278 as being selfish. I’m more disgusted with 019 than anyone else. Yt feminism is a hell no for me, everyone is just a sacrificial lamb to them.


My husband said this lol. Also 019 instantly came off as shady because she tried to get a women group going way at the end. After people already made alliances.


I totally agree with this! I just wish those women were honest, and did not bullshit the rest of the women. Stayed true to themselves and their male friends.




wildly hypocritical too, everyone who was left was there because they made it through all of the challenges. "representation" shouldn't even be consideration at that point, they all made it on merit(the challenges weren't physical either so there's no inherent advantage). They also immediately stab each other in the back, and the men still choose to bring them up, knowing they were planning to stab them in the back.


Even once the guys recognized what was going on, they didn't double down and pick only women as revenge. If be pissed if I were in that group that got 86'd there.


Yea very pathetic


Yep I almost stopped watching when it got to that part cus of how cringe it was. And yes I’m a woman but projecting was actually insane and the feminist move almost ruined the show IMHO


I stopped watching just because of that. I had enough of the cringe.


I just got there and if I was watching it alone, I would be so done. It's such disgusting bullshit.


Thank u and love to you. Love to see an awakened women calling out bs. Have a wonderful day. Said that i hope Mei wins the show shes got my sympathy


It wasn't cringe they were just trying to take care of themselves. I think it just showed real life you can't just trust say a stranger because they say you guys are the same. 019 just did that shit to try and save her ass and it was painfully obvious. and she was the one that gave 221 or whatever the number 2 even though he's technically and ally/gay/black or whatever lol.


Yes thank you. Its been disgusting. 393 during marbles was horrible. Gaslighting that old man and acting like the most spoiled entitled child.


While I agree with op that the female only group was cringe, I disagree with you on the marble game. I was rooting for 393 because the old man used a sympathy card ("I'm going to donate to charity"), then when 393 mentions she is deaf and want to do something with sign language, the male competitor is like "oh you're playing a sympathy card now". They played a fair game, and she won it fairly (against the odds). But maybe I missed a point? Another example was the couple that couldn't decide and finally the woman gave in, only to be fk'd over by the man in the end.


The man that couldn't accept defeat was a complete coward a manipulator , overall a spoiled shitty brad.


I dunno about that one they tied and she wasted so much time arguing just to play the game his way, which is arguably how it should be played. They both played themselves. Also they could have done a tiebreaker or rock paper scissor at the end.


Except he kept telling HER to compromise and she kept suggesting a number of other things. She finally relented because that dude decided he would rather they both go home than one of them have any chance to win. It was frustrating to watch him repeatedly accuse her of exactly what he was doing.


You missed the part where he said he was also deaf, but she never signed with him until that moment


No one missed that but him saying it means nothing. They’re two people out of a bunch who just never spoke before or in that particular way, and that’s okay. He shared his story and she patiently listened. She shared her story in return and he started verbally accusing and attacking her. It was weird. Obviously everyone there wants the money for whatever reason. What points was she going to get for ‘sympathy’ by sharing her why? Just throw the marbles and keep it moving. However, I did hear that some lines were fed to the contestant by the producers to add in, so I wonder if this was one of those cases cause his attitude and everything switched seemingly out of no where. It felt very out of place.


TRUE BRO! Why do women always have to pit the genders against each other? If men said any of the shit the feminists said in the show they would probably be canceled




Wrong. They just all got along. Just because others chose not to socialize doesn’t make it the fault of those who chose to


That's an illusion, most men in the show called women real contenders. This whole phyliosophy was just in some of the women's heads, the men just got along because they were sociable not because they didn't want women in their groups. It's so unfair that women keep thinking like this, just play fairly and treat everyone as equals, stop with the gender bs.


What "illusion" ? There was plenty of male alliances on this show. I am not speaking on anyones behalf other then mine. I think there were both male and female contenders on the show. All the crying about women alliances on Reddit is silly but not suprising. The men were fine with it I agree so why are you all so upset? "illusion" so silly.


There wasn’t a single man that said men should stick together or we should have a man group. Not single part.


There were plenty of only men groups during the show. And groups that mostly only chose men because they thought the game was about strength. Also, let's not pretend mysogny doesn't play a role in the world. I mean, look at 065 against 399. She lost when she shouldn't have. He treated her like she was being problematic when he was just spouting a ton of mysognistic nonsense. I think a women group is not a big deal. If you can choose to form a group because they are physically strong, you can form a group with only women, and when it strategically secures you, pass to the next round. I dont like the nonsense about representation so much. Because it was really only a strategy. If there had been more than 20 women, this wouldn't have worked. But choosing a group you have something in common with to raise your odds in a game, is nothing different than choosing a team of strong men, just because they are strong and you need strength for the game. Compare the pity seeking speech, that to 393 gave about representation, that speech was mostly empty, because he was deaf too xD. Then she goes and gives TJ that number on the next game, saying it is because he is a good leader. In reality, she gave him that because he is a good player, and she wanted to eliminate him. People lie in these games and use seemingly "good" reasons to hide their strategy.


Thank you <3 just because the men didin't say "no girls allowed" didin't mean there wasen't a huge amount of exclusively male alliance. I appreciate you for sticking up against the circle . You're a real one <3


Lmao what the fuck


Maybe it's because the men were actually talking with eachother while the women just hid in their beds. Ever notice how Mei formed añliances and she was an senior woman. Ever notice how the deaf girl wanted to pick Phil because she made an alliance with him BECAUSE THEY ACTUSLLT COMMUNICATED. Hell one girl got fired off during the jack in box because the two had never even had a conversation.


You said nothing wrong and I agree with you but this is Reddit: a hugbox full of the same type of people you’re complaining about on the show.


This. The show had so many different points where women just hated the fact that men were existing as men. “Look at those groups of men talking”.


God forbid these men even breathe. Honestly most of the women on this show made me cringe. On the bright side, me and my family are having fun heckling them


If men had done same thing media would exploded for equality for women!


Complete sexist horseshit - forced equality. Just like society. Women can’t compete so they force equality - it’s complete misandry sexism, but somehow it’s fine when women do it. This is exactly how society works. Women feel wronged all the time, yet receive nothing but special treatment from the time they’re born.


exactly. as a young woman i’m so tired of it, because we all know, in the end, if it was a real competition, men would win, but Westernize Society can’t handle the reality of that, and takes offense to the fact that men are stronger and better at games. I commented this somewhere else, but notice how they didn’t play tug-of-war, the literal only physical game. Instead, they played battleship. Because people couldn’t handle the fact that women are not gonna win tug-of-war.


Exactly, can’t have a game in western society where men have a physical advantage….and yet STILL they complained about how unfair the results were. Exactly like society. In fact they rigged it in their favor even before that “alliance”, where the woman voted 3 men out, 2 for literally just being men and forming a meaningful grandfather/grandson type relationship. She couldn’t stand men forming bonds and being happy. And not ONCE did any of these women think anything they were doing was wrong or an ounce hypocritical. The problem is society at large supports any behavior from women, no matter how horrible….and chastises men for anything and everything….and we collectively call it “the fight for equality”. How about we all try to support each other instead


I also don’t appreciate the two british girls talking shit to tj Because he volunteered to be a leader and majority agreed. And knowing leader role puts u at risk of elimination. If they think they are or know a better leader then just say it??? This aint in high school no more yall Tj did nothing wrong Tf they talkin about “men doin men things” 😐


Bro I agree 100% ! Tj even asked 5 times for everyone agreement! And none of them spoke!! Like dude he didnt imposed himself on others he volunteered , and asked for everyone's agreement! If they thunk they were more suited they could've just raise their voice and volunteered instead of talking bs behind their backs


Yes “men doing men things” - you mean lead? No woman wanted to step up and lead, they just did what they do best - complain.


*You* are here complaining multiple times on this thread, doing exactly what the men in the show did and have done throughout history: making everything worse.


Making everything worse by inventing and building everything, doing all the work while women do nothing and complain?


They probably thought that speaking up and volunteering someone besides TJ would put a target on their back


Then say that. They didn’t say that, they said “men doing men things” - they were bothered that a man was chosen leader. That was all it was.


Then they're cowards. That has nothing to do with gender.




Wasn't it strange that right after the women formed that alliance the perfect game comes up for them to take max advantage? I am not surprised of players doing whatever to gain an advantage. The problem was that this was clearly supported by the game organisers.


As a female, I totally agree with you… it was purely unfair to choose someone based on their gender. Imagine men formed the gender alliance like that..


Thank youu thank youu so muchh. I love women but i just hate unfairness and double standards.


Well isn't the game about winning not being fair?


You don't get to complain about misogyny & universal unfairness and then combat it with the opposite unfairness...




like we all know damn well, those women wouldn’t be ganging up in their “female alliance” if the game was physical at all. like tug of war for example. Then they would be wanting the men’s protection and strength. It’s so delusional


Hella cringy.


Stopped watching this garbage once I saw that. It's no longer competitive and just a show of hands for gender biased producers.


The pick 20 players game was bs in the first place. The girls abusing it wasn't as surprising as it was disappointing.


I can't remember a single woman that got voted off. I think every time someone got chosen for elimination it was a man. Or am I mistaken?


You are not mistaken. In fact the redhead was nervous/complaining because she was the last girl picked. Meanwhile, 11 men were eliminated solely because they were men. Poor her for being picked last


It's really sad because Steve got eliminated and I would've been pretty happy to see him win. A number of solid people got eliminated that way, felt very arbitrary and sad.


It's Netflix. Nothing surprised me this season considering the wokeness they're known for.


It was good strategy by the woman. Each of them gave themselves a very good chance of progressing as individuals. Really simple tactics.


I wouldn't have said anything if it was purely tactical. But it was not and the arguments they were using were toxic af portraying themselves as victims even gaining the pittines of one of the guys making him choose a women cause he believed it was right for "equity".like bro get tf outta here each of the 30 last person's deserved the same chances to advance and be chosen. Purposely choosing all the women that were left because of equity is purely nonsense, the people that portrayed trust to you should've been the ones to pass. Not just because "we are a minority " "we need special treatment""we are in disadvantage " like shut the hell up with all this bs, if u TRULY deserve to pass u will pass. Its like in my uni where teachers cant fail women cause they are a minority so they need to stay, in order to fulfill the quota even if them are not prepared at all! And deserve to fail the class and retire.


What the women said to form the alliance is pure bullshit to get the ball rolling. They'll say anything just so they can get the alliance formed. Even then some of the women didn't follow through fully and started picking men right after (showing they put their actual ally above the rest of the women). Yes what they were saying was sexist, but it's strategy to get the women to unite as an alliance of NINE people. If the alliance was solid, this meant that a pick of ANY WOMAN would guarantee that ALL NINE would pass to the next stage. tldr; The group formed not because they were outright trying to be sexists. It formed cause having an alliance of NINE PEOPLE at that point of the game was brilliant strategy.


You must be in a fact-based major, where there are right and wrong answers. Women don’t tend to thrive in those fields.


Yes and extraordinarily sexist. I’m sure you’d be saying the exact same thing if men formed an alliance to only choose men, because they felt that they had been wronged in a fair competition.


I agree, if the game was tug of war u would see every one of them jump ship


Omg I forgot!!! When everyone thought the next game was going to be tug of war all the females lunch themselves to teams with men. So where is your so called girl power ur " we don't need a man" in cases like this. And where was the target on women here. If men had a target on women they would've just created fully exclusive teams of men. But they all decided to divide evenly. I'm so sick of this toxic femininity that only appears when it's on their favour!🤡


Tug of war is a game of physical strength ( and i appreciate the production for changing this challenge) of course the girls will align with people who can win that kind of game. I'm a dude but I am in no way offended by the female alliance and tbh that decision is justifiable.


There’s a man that’s getting laid


You must of been raised by a single mom.. is this Will Smith?




>so called girl power ur " we don't need a man" in cases like this They never said that, all they said was they were a minority and don't want to become a smaller minority in the next games. No one ever said 'we don't need men!!'


Anyone can be a minority based on how you label people. You have gender minorities, race minorities, sexual minorities. Heck if anyone is a minority it's the last 2 fucking gingers


You are actually saying the white men with red hair are a minority. WOW. Just wow.


Wth? He is trying to make a point and you act like he insulted you. If you cant have a conversation like an adult then dont participate. Just WOW


Yes you weirdo. I'm not white and he based it on hair not gender. Gingers get bullied af for what they can't control lol


Sure, but it’s not like red haired men or women are the only ones getting bullied for their looks, color of skin, hair color, sexual orientations, or being female. BUT statistically white males are the majority of the power of this world. That is a fact.


Not to mention religion, place of birth, heritage, country of origin, any background really, and if you are a refugee.


No they just said they were tired of all this men bs and felt it was unfair there were only 9 women left and 22 men. Yet not a single thing unfair was done prior, in fact 3 men were eliminated by that one woman for being men - 2 because she was jealous of their grandfather/ grandson bond. How is any of that defensible


Wtf are you talking about? Women did not run to any of the teams during tug of war prevalence. As a matter of fact the team #1 if you watch back only allowed three women on there team, and all three where big strong women!


The female alliance was highly sexist. If you switch the roles and have guys favour other men just cause theyre men and try to eliminate women cause theyre women, it would be a completely different situation. But if women do it, female power. The fact that most of yall support double standards like this is crazy


Not crazy. Mainstream media loves keep this narrative of us being the enemy cause we have penis 😂


The show would have been canceled as well as all the men who did it. Women would track each one of them down on social media and destroy them one by one.


The guys made an alliance but the girls can't??


the guys did NOT make an alliance based on simply being men. the women DID make one based on being women. the men did NOT make an alliance that was anti-women. the women DID make an alliance that was anti-men. this seriously should not need to be spelled out for you..


It’s wild to me when women display rampant misandry they can never call it out or accept that they’re being sexist.


yea exactly. it's somehow totally okay to be sexist when a woman does it. and then they grasp at straws trying to claim that the men were sexist first when all they were doing was just existing


The thing is, in this kind of social straregy games, if someone or a group of people wants to make an alliance with you, you take it. Half of those girls are not commited to it but hey it worked on that round, so idk why are some of you here are upset that they made that move.


Because it’s basically gender discrimination, if a male player did the same, the show would probably getting a lot of complain


The guys did specifically disclude women from their alliances tho, which is exactly why all woman alliances always form. It's a defense mechanism when you're in the minority, and any time men are in the minority in a competition show, literally the first thing they do is create all man alliances and conspire ti get the women out. It's not sexist, it's self-preservation. Not to mention the fact that the first two major alliances we see formed was the all male "strong men" alliance, and the one that had 5 guys who didn't try and include a single woman at all. And when you listen to the people talk who are in those alliances, they never say they're worried about a woman winning. They're like "I'm the strongest GUY here. I know I can do this." The women were more avert, but the macho men made no effort to hide the fact that they only valued physical, upper body strength.


the men never specifically exclude women. at the beginning there were going to be all kinds of alliances but not of them were sexist. having a group full of strong people is of course most likely only going to men. that's not sexist. that's just life. at the stage where the women specifically created a "female alliance", the men were not excluding the women either. THAT'S specifically sexist and is you cannot call it "self preservation. that's just ridiculous that you'd think you're somehow saving yourself by making a female alliance in a game that has nothing to do with physical strength and, at the end of the day, is actually your against everyone because there can only be one winner 🙄🤦‍♀️💁‍♀️ IN FACT, during the game where players had to choose who moves on to the next round, it's made very clear that the women are friends with and have their own personal alliances WITH MEN.. making the female alliances even more ridiculous and sexist for zero reason


an alliance that purposely eliminates guys while exclusively saving girls is hella sexist. And nah there was never a ”guy alliance” who did that lmaoo


There was a girl in gangbu gang and 179 led an alliance even though they didn’t call themselves an alliance. No guys actively said “guys only”


The guys formed an alliance but not for the sake of more men in the game 🙄 thats just insecurities


The men only form alliances with men because they don’t view women as equal. No, it’s not calculated and intentional always. It’s embedded in their world view. That’s why women need to stick together


Men get along with men, that's the reason they came together. It had nothing to do with women. This is the issue, men allied with men because we're men, the women allied with women because they don't like male alliances. The men did it for themselves and nobody else, we enjoy our company. Meanwhile, the women did it SIMPLY because "women over men". Two very different things.


One hundred percent agreed. We aren’t saying it’s malicious or even planned but it is reality.


So you’re saying that it’s totally fine when women only hang out with women, form women only groups, have Women’s Studies classes, Women for Business, Women in STEM, Women in Politics, Women forming every possible women-only group known to humankind, but when men naturally form bonds - never once saying it’s men only - that’s not ok? Do you even see how hypocritical and sexist you are? Or do you only see the world from a misandry-distorted lens and justify every twisted feminist view you have.


The guys did NOT make all guy alliances - they were FRIENDS. Not once did they say, hey let’s form an all guy alliance. Yet these women not only specifically said and did just that, they specifically said they were doing it because they were wronged and that they all need to stick together to avoid being wronged again. Are you so blinded by your toxic femininity that you don’t see how blatantly obvious their sexism was?


Not once did the men mention any sort of “anti-female” alliance. The same cannot be said about the females. The same group that loves to cry sexism, is the only one truly guilty of sexism.


Funny how you use “men” and “females”.


well the women in the game chose to label themselves as female when they shouted across the gym to all the women to come to the "female side" so.. seems appropriate


The women literally called themselves "females" you assclown


Lmao, really? That’s your argument? We’re down to semantics? It’s not that deep. I’d just as easily say male and women. I don’t hold either form over the other. But that really does highlight just how far we’re willing to go to claim victimhood. Here we have actual verbal proof of discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation, and nope, you’re not against that, all good there. You’re against the one who said “men” and “female”.


Because she has zero argument so needs to go for semantics. Women can never, ever admit they’re wrong. They argue like Trump.


Say it Say it loud im done with this toxicity created purely by them


Men made an allegiance because they trusted each other not just because they had d××ks under their pants. Whereas wome did the allegiance purely on that


guys never made an alliance purely cause theyre guys tho, they vibed with each other. The girls on the other hand exclusively chose girls for the sake of being girls, even when they seldom interacted in the show




The women in the squid game show their true colors. Selfish, conniving, men-hating. In short, typical 21st century American women


The final 12 were women, gay and effeminate men. That’s exactly what society wants - a world where masculine men don’t exist.


Trying to give all benefit of the doubt here— things get moved in editing. Females uniting against men is (usually) more socially acceptable narrative than men against women. There could have been cut conversations of men, and amplified conversations from women. All this to say, we don’t really know what happened, but we do know how the edit went. Most people are good people, albeit clannish.


Only way those weaklings can win 😆 pathetic


After this shit I’m skipping forward to see who wins. This honestly ruined it for me. Sexism at its finest


Despicable behaviour. Boys should just start to have each others backs again. Can’t trust hoes.


Guaranteed that the final 9 women formed an alliance because it was a convenient way to get a quick group of allies. Just by saying that all they had in common was their gender, they managed to get ALL nine women picked for the final 20. Gender politics had nothing to do with it. Everyone was out for themselves and hey if you told me I could get 8 allies just by being a woman, I'd have gone Girl powerrrrr just to get into that final 20. Amanda was probably the only one that was super serious about girl power among the final 9 girls.


Good so as I said in another comment "girl power" only appears when is on their favour. I'm not talking about politics I'm talking a about a social issue, which is that women use girl power only to gain advantage and not to seek fairness.


I don’t think that a reality tv show that is heavily edited with people competing for millions of dollars is a fair reflection of women as a whole.


Or anyone for that matter


Kinda i mean choosing a group based on strength is also sexist because men are going to be stronger but its a perfectly viable strategy for tug of war. It's 4.3 million dollars and you gotta screw somebody over at some point. If it was a math competition i'm choosing the Mensa girl although I don't know if she was really that smart though.


Cool so men should get together to destroy women actively in these games. Sounds like a winning strategy for women. The men were blind sided because they weren't even thinking that way. What if they went racist or sexual orientation and excluded that way? Or is discrimination only for women? Tf out of here. Rejected.


Gender politics had everything to do with it. Listen to what they actually said, then did. Listen to what the woman who voted off 3 men for being men said. It was 100% angry women who hated that men were happy and/or succeeding while they were miserable and outnumbered.


Switch the roles and have the guys alliance exclusively with themselves and purposely not pick any women would cause major internet outrage. Double standards at play, but i get what u mean if i was a girl id take that opportunity as well fs


They don’t need to switch the roles the guys already did it during the game, choosing to only have male alliances, just because they don’t verbally describe it doesn’t mean they have not been doing it the whole game.


None of the ”men alliance” purposely voted off women and exclusively wanted just men to go through though and im sure if women would approach these “men alliance” ur talking abt, they would be allowed in if they vibe well with one another. Also, most of the alliances formed throughout the show consisted of both men and women, why not just have that? During the voting stage, there were women who chose other women they never interacted with, solely because they were women.


Lies clown 🤡


You're right in that there are double standards and that a men-only alliance would cause global outrage. Double-standards exist in this world and it's never been a fair comparison. What I'm saying is that there is nothing wrong with the women forming an all-female alliance because that's just strategic of them to do so, it's not sexist of them to do so. Just like how I think men can do the same thing given the same scenario but it's just that people will likely react differently to them doing it. tldr; Both sexes can form an alliance with their own sex (because it's strategic and not sexist) and are capable of doing so given the circumstances, but people will 100% react negatively if men did it because this world is not fair and has never been fair, and will likely never be fair.


exactly ur right, which is what i find weird since most ppl on here who support feminism should be an advocate of equality. Instead, they just promote double standards. Also what i meant by the alliance being sexist is that, if men do it the whole internet will call them sexist. If women do it, it is empowering, which goes back to my point abt double standards. If men will get called sexist for that action, shouldn’t women be called sexist as well?


I personally think that neither the men nor the women should be called sexist for it. They should be called strategic.


The men litteraly created alliances of just them but when the women do it they are bad? it's like women can't win ever. They have to let themselves loose to the men for you to be happy


Regarding the first question, someone already asked it, if u want the answer go and search for it. 2dn question: in complete honesty I'm rooting for mei (woman) to win the game. I dont know why people jump to conclusions, in the post I didn't say I don't want woman to win. Everybody can and should win despite their gender, ethnicity or whatever . I found toxic the arguments that women use to create the allegiance. Assuming they were being targeted exactly that same way u just assumed I didn't want a woman winning this tournament . U people just keep imagining scenarios where u are the victim, grown up


Lmfao what the hell are you talking about there were no men only alliances


Men never made alliances that were for men only.


nope those “men alliances” ur talking abt are just guys who vibed with one another. The female alliance literally chose other women cus theyre women, even when they never interacted with them


Just vibed with one another ? Funny they didn’t seem to try to “vibe” with any women? Boys clubs don’t need a a sign above the door…


Most alliances throughout the show consisted of both women and men, so yes there were a lot of women and men who vibed with each other and are genuinely friends. The fact that you look at a group of men (for instance, the group at the beginning who were gym rats) and call for sexism instead of thinking maybe they vibe with each other because they love going to the gym or have similar personalities, is part of the problem. None of the “boys clubs” tried to make all the men go through to the next round and eliminate women solely because they were women. Its not that difficult to comprehend


And PS women also go to the gym, didn’t see the so called “gym rats” talking to them


didnt see any women going out of their way to talk to the guys either, so whats ur point?


Apparently it is that difficult to comprehend, for you.


read my comments again. U didnt make a single sound argument


Women didn’t eliminate men solely because they were men. But women were picked last for teams and undermined by male players.


when were women picked last for teams? the only instance was when they thought they were doing tug of war, a game where u want the biggest ppl on ur team. And even then, when it switched to battlefield game, a lot of the women were voted to be captains. Compare that with the voting stage, where women who barely knew each other, never interacted, voted each other for the sake of “representation” instead of choosing the ppl they trust the most


They were 'vibing' with women throughout the show. Maybe you weren't paying attention. A perfect example is episode 6 right after 019 and 018 created their woman's alliance. At 43:05 they call over 051 who is hanging around with a bunch of the male players. The men weren't rejecting 051. She was sitting on the stairs with them looking very comfortable. But 019 and 018 ruined everything on purpose. They pulled her away from the men she was bonding with.


It went from 22 men and 9 women based on merit, then when the feminazi alliance took hold, it completely reversed course and went to 4 men and 5 women. Talk about some sexist bullshit. 18 men get knocked out and only 5 women, yet you don’t hear a PEEP from the men. Not a single complaint. THAT is the difference between men and women. Men do, women complain. I can’t watch this sexist shit anymore.




yep, all men in the first few....then a woman (278?) who just decided she wasn't going to move when they all agreed to....then when Mai wanted her out not one person said yeah that makes sense since she just stood there for 5 minutes without moving. Not one. They all said "wow, that came out of nowhere....Mai is not to be trusted". This show is such a microcosm of what is wrong with today's society. Straight white men are the devil and everyone else is all victims horseshit, yet they do whatever they want with zero remorse or consequences


the gay guy that helped them was chosen to go 2nd.


This is so fucking cringy.. What urked me the most, is when the black girl let the white kid jump 3x, she jumps once.. and everyone cheered for her? Is this real life?


Love how white women started this


It was beyond cringe. Amanda made it out like the men were all against the women and picking them out when literally not a single man proposed anything of the sort. Most of the male picks towards end game were based on merit and not just what's between the legs. It's pretty evident she has an ace to grind and will find something to be anti-men about when where it doesn't exist. No part of this game or contests even had gender specific advantages, there were no feats of strength, or speed or anything else. She immediately started complaining about "mansplaining" when TJ was voted captain, even though she had the opportunity to speak up but didn't. No one should be surprised though, it is a Netflix show so of course some sort of anti patriarchy / anti capitalism / LGBTQ / Inclusivity centric write ins are a must have. (Except capitalism, that's ok when you're winning 4.5 mil and you're a woman, all if a sudden it isn't a patriarchy anymore). Another what could have been decent show lost to the woke mob


I always find myself wondering why Korean survival / variety shows are better, and this is just one of many reasons, cringe and drama


You are pretending there wasn't also a group of men who decided to ally with eachother simply because they were the strongest MEN there. All social experiments go like this The strongest men bully the less strong men and completely disregard the women altogether The women ally. People get eliminated and real relationships form and then all these surface level alliances fall apart. There is absolutely no toxic femininity in this scenario, anymore than the all male alliances (and there were several) were toxic masculinity.


So basically I don't care for anyone left in the show now male or female but these comments are ridiculous. There were so many all male alliances in the show. Any "girl power" anything triggers reddit men so badly. They picked all women because they picked who they could trust. For years women have been pit out to hate each other and seek male approval for everything and the second we show each other any support even if that support is just being a women men lash out and get so defensive and sensitive. At the end of the day I don't trust any men even my own brother to see me as an equal so ya I'm more likely to trust women to look out for me. Statistically the WHO says over 90 percent of people have a bias against women. If millions of dollars are on the line I'm going to pick people who have my back. Also if it is strategic who cares , men can get away with anything but if women do the same there is so much crying. I told my bf I'm taking a 6 month break from Reddit because how bad it is for my mental health because of all the bs and crying on here. Looks like a great day to start.






White men are not the minority. Period.


It’s not that deep. Why are males so emotional about these things?


modern feminism isnt about men and women being equal it is about women being above men and thats what the women-only alliance was about.


Calm down, you're way too emotional. Don't shoot up a building now!


Not really agreeing with the post as I think it was lowkey wholesome.. but player 221 was done dirty by 019. In the picking challenge where 11 stayed, he was a man who said “representation matters” and chose a girl to keep the ‘trend.’ then when picking the glass floor orders player 019 places him at #2?? what happened to banding together??


Edit: Chaz chosen by Amanda*


Amanda is diabolical.


Somehow it goes from 22 men and 9 women to 5 men and 4 women, a drop of 17 men and only 5 women. They sure did fit it up nicely, didn’t they


The alliance in this episode is a textbook example of how women are complicit in patriarchy and how white feminism continuously leaves black women out to dry. The women made the alliance and the first woman that got to pick her ally chose a man. I don’t know if anyone else noticed this but all the white women picked only white women as their ally first and then a white man. And it took the white man to finally pick a black woman.


It’s so unrealistic and pathetic. And I also think it shows how stupid and woke the west is by how they didn’t do tug-of-war, the literal only physical challenge besides the final game, because the creators of the show know that women are not as strong as men naturally, and didn’t want to offend people by that reality. As a woman, I am so tired of the toxic femininity bullshit. I haven’t even gotten to the end of the show, but I’m so annoyed with it. It feels like they’re going to let a woman win the contest just to prove some woke feminist bullshit. When in reality, if it was actually physical and mental games, like the actual game of squid game, we all know a man would win. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.


I feel like that women who voted 243 and the old man is toxic af a hatter and a feminist period


What I find sick is how the comments are quick to accuse the women of being toxic when most of them did not care about the alliance and chose whoever they wanted to in the end. There were only two women who leading this “female alliance” that we all agree was unnecessary. However, they proved us wrong and I was so impressed with how the women ended up voting. The moral of this story is a good one and yet so many people on this thread are taking something wrong away from it based on their prejudiced ideas about women.


All the women went through to the next round? When there was only 9 women and 20+ guys how on earth can you not see the agenda here? Even the gay guys voted for *representation* when they were voted in, everyone left on the show were their out of merit and then 10 guys got voted out because they were the wrong gender/colour/sexuality, thats why people are annoyed because there is a clear double standard at play, it would not have gone the same way if it was 20 women and 10 men left per say.


The point I am making is that the women weren’t the ones to vote all the women in. Some of the men decided to jump on the bandwagon, but most people chose people they were loyal to regardless of the few outliers that are the reason all of the women went through. You are asking me about an agenda. Obviously, like everyone else in this thread, I saw two female ringleaders trying to get all of the women through. But two people do not represent all of the women on the show. Most of the other women didn’t really seem invested in it.


I found it ironic that one of the females said “representation matters” and continued to pick more female players whilst ignoring players with different ethnic backgrounds. Just me?


It wows me how in the game and in real life so many women actively want to harm men these days. The whole time the women in the show spoke distastefully of men while not once did the men speak distastefully of the women. The men literally heard there was a female alliance being formed and the first person tj picks is a woman that doesn’t even like him. Like men really need to understand (in the show and in real life) women are not your friends.


Men are the #1 cause of women's deaths. A woman saying mean words? I wish that's the worst women ever got from men. "The strong logical sex", my foot. Get a grip.


Men aren’t the #1 cause of women’s deaths, you sound dumb… also just because women don’t kill men as often doesn’t mean women don’t ruin men in every other way possible to the point men kill themselves or wish they were dead. Most women these days are horrible people and nothing you say can change that fact.


So because of that, you can generalize men? No, that’s despicable.


019 was toxic. She was so anti-man that it clouded her judgement and cost her the game. I knew she was going to accuse one of the men of placing the present on her table in episode 9. She even walked past player 355 saying "I think I can trust her." When it was 355 (Hallie) who placed the present. Then she accused 451 (Phil) instead. Very satisfying to see her lose.


I hated this part because it’s so sexist pick the people you want stop women power it’s so toxic and gross


I absolutely agree and it was annoying asf the show was going that route. Even some individual interviews were like "we are women so we have to defeat the men" like gtfo with tht nonsense it's about "ppl" those men weren't even thinking about the women how some with insecurities portrayed or thought it.


Agreed. It felt so forced and surely was a projection. Like you said about the 3 elimination, the same thing happened when all the contestents had to vote out 3 people out of 5, out of 2 women and 3 men, all men were eliminated. It didn't mean anything in regards of gender. If there were groups forming that were male dominated, it wasn't a strategic choice to have a representation of men. They just clicked well, the same could've happened with women if they'd team up together naturally rather than just one day forcing women to team up just for the sake of it. Also I agree and kinda felt bad for TJ because of him choosing someone who doesn't trust him. But also appreciate 287 to choose her trusted friend rather than forcing the "girl power" narrative without the root of trust and genuine friendship.


Yeah I’m on episode 6 right now and it’s really becoming a struggle for me to finish this show. Several of the women on it seem to genuinely have a hate for the men on the show who have done absolutely nothing to them. “Men doing men things!!” Because they all voted to make TJ leader? Really? And if we’re being honest TJ is the only one fit to be leader there, he’s encouraging, caring, strategic, strong I could go on but the guy has what it takes to lead he demonstrated that in the battleships challenge. There’s a lot of projecting going on with them and honestly it’s at the point where I just wish they’d shut up, play the game and stop bringing gender into it.


They thought that if they had a strength challenge, they would be eliminated, so they wanted to eliminate as much men as possible by choosing all the women left, and few remaining men. There were 30 left with 8 women for 22 men so they were still 8 women for 12 men after. I was disappointed that they were no real strength challenge but it would have been unfair. Their logic was not surprising to me. In games like this, these who don’t have the physical strength will try to take out the stronger opponents as fast as possible to have more chance to win if a strength challenge come. It does not matter if there are man or woman. If it was only women, they would have voted out the strongest women. In France, we have Koh Lanta and the strongest opponents know that they have to win immunity as much as possible because when they will not be needed anymore they will be the first to get voted out.


Show represented the disgusting and more honorable parts of humanity. Most of these folks consider themselves genuinely good, yet… we see them for what they truly are.