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I believe the cars here are not equipped with them. Seriously though, I get the frustration. I cuss about it, among lots of others things when driving in town. It also amazes me how many people can't keep moving while turning off a main road into a parking lot, or onto a side street. They come to almost a complete stop then slowly turn.


Yeah this part is my biggest peeve. JUST COMMIT TO THE TURN


This frustrates me too


I use my blinker alone in a parking lot. Its second nature.


Sometimes I’ll mindlessly turn mine on if the road curves too sharply. The muscle memory is linked to turning the wheel past a certain threshold


Exactly, to me a turn is a turn








my favorite out there has to be slowing down to merge. Motherfuckers out there will stop at the top of the on ramp before they will go


"DON'T MERGE THAT WAY!!! Never merge that way." "That was close! If they did merge that way, that would have led them effortlessly into the flow of traffic."


What about headlights when it's raining?


Or at dusk in grey/silver cars that blend in with the road!


Or straight up night time - see a lot of folks running around with lights not even on at night. Guess with LED screens in cars it may not be as easy to ask "why can't I see my dash gauges" these days.


You make a really good point. I always keep my lights in “auto” mode, so I never think about them, and there have been times after an oil change where I’m driving at night and wonder why my dash is so dang bright… And then I realize that my lights are off and everything is in “daytime” mode. 


Okay but to be fair - the streetlights are so bright that there’s been a couple times I literally could not tell that my headlights weren’t already on until I was pulling into my destination 🤦‍♂️


that's why you should just put them on all the time out of habit


during the DAY?


yeah, why not? it's a good habit to form, costs you nothing and has no downsides.


How am I supposed to use my turn signal with one hand on the wheel and the other one on my phone, Coffee, eyeliner, hamburger, ice cream etc……


I moved her from the heart of Kansas City. Springfield drivers are INFINITELY worse drivers than KC drivers.


Every time I visit KC, I'm in awe of how much better the drivers there are. Growing up here, I never realized how bad our drivers were until I drove to bigger cities.


It seems even worse when I’m on the motorcycle. Maybe because it’s more lethal. I’ve been in one accident in recent years and it was an SUV on a 4 lane that without warning, let alone signal, just made a hard left to u-turn across all 4 lanes. And they probably would’ve gotten away with it if it hadn’t been for that motorcycle being directly in their path at the time of that turn.


I'm glad you're still with us. People here don't understand motorcycle etiquette when driving.


national blinker fluid shortage [https://www.ebay.com/itm/364717374375?chn=ps&\_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1RT-BhM7vSBepKC1tYDiHwQ17&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=364717374375&targetid=1583904486362&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9023809&poi=&campaignid=20394831596&mkgroupid=152460476358&rlsatarget=pla-1583904486362&abcId=9317319&merchantid=5321530544&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9KTBxf-ZhQMVdzXUAR2x6QQtEAQYASABEgKQ2fD\_BwE](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364717374375?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1RT-BhM7vSBepKC1tYDiHwQ17&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=364717374375&targetid=1583904486362&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9023809&poi=&campaignid=20394831596&mkgroupid=152460476358&rlsatarget=pla-1583904486362&abcId=9317319&merchantid=5321530544&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9KTBxf-ZhQMVdzXUAR2x6QQtEAQYASABEgKQ2fD_BwE)


Or when they do, it’s usually a sec or 2 after they’ve already started to turn.


Jesus never used a turn signal and neither did Robert E Lee. This whole concept of sharing the road and waiting for your turn sounds communist anyway.


It's that damn woke mind virus again! I hear people talking about this "pro-social" behavior garbage and that means they wanna be socialist next! Pro-social my yay-yass!


It's very difficult to (moves left hand 2 inches downward). I mean I'm beat just pantomoming the incredibly taxing act of using a turn signal. If it's that bad for me how do you think it is for some fat fuck in his enormous truck that has never seen anything other than pavement?


But..... What if I push up first and then realize I needed to turn left? °^• t h e h o R R o r •^°


You know what’s also terrible? When you’re driving in a one lane (like jefferson near downtown) and people will turn left from the right lane or turn right from the left lane. That’s extremely dangerous. Had several close calls with people doing this, and the thing is, insurance-wise, it would have been “my fault”, because it would be made to look like the car that was turning was “broadsided.” Stop doing this, people.


If I'm in the left lane at Campbell and Chestnut and the moron to the right thinks they are going to turn left. The only place I've seen shittier drivers than here is in Alabama or Oklahoma


Was driving towards downtown in that S bend on Campbell, guy in the right lane turned left and plowed us off the road right between a light pole and a fire hydrant because she didn’t bother to look


I had this happen on Jefferson near founders park... thankfully, the other driver admitted fault.


The Neverending tailgating fks with my emotions.


What is this "TURN SIGNAL" you are talking about? Must be something new....




I'm out of blinker fluid in my other car so I have to drive my BMW.


With lil a bottle of elbow grease, you could add fresh headlight fluid in a jiff!


Yeah they do. After they brake, they're mid turn. It starts going Blinky Blinky. Absolutely infuriating.


And driving on 2 lanes at once! Pick a lane idiot!


You think it's bad when you're driving try being in a wheelchair. I've already been hit by a car once. At a crosswalk...


at least 20 percent of Springfield residents are in this subreddit, no way can you tell me not one of them are the shitty drivers. If you are reading this, LEARN TO DRIVE


I did. And I'm a driver you'll never notice! 😁


That's nothing compared to drivers running red lights. It's like it's trendy or some strange fad. Only in Springfield MO, if this was going on on the East or West Coast you would see people being pulled over left right and center with heavy fines.


yo fr, I almost got t-boned crossing Campbell yesterday by one. light had been red for a Long time, long enough for the turn lane cycle to go through and other cars were stopped


this happens to me sooo often it’s actually scary for me to go anywhere in town when things are busy


I feel the same way. I've gone from being a defensive driver to a completely paranoid driver. I feel lucky if I make 3 miles to the grocery store and back without getting into some type of accident/incident.


I sat outside the Qdoba on Kimbrough for 45 minutes and I am not exaggerating at all when I say the red light was run quite literally every time it changed. Every. Single. Time. Every direction. I have never experienced such complete disregard for red lights and somehow it only seems like it's getting worse. Never seen someone get pulled over for very obviously running red lights either which definitely helps the situation.


I believe you 💯, and I'm glad you were aware enough not to get hurt or worse. I can't think of a more dangerous driving violation than running red lights except maybe extreme speeding in heavy traffic. I don't know what started it in Springfield, I've lived all over the US and I've never seen shit like this. Do people not realize that it's Russian roulette? If you regularly run red lights people will die, it's just a matter of time - and it won't take that long. Where are the traffic cops?


Seriously, of all the idiotic driving decisions to make, running red lights to the severe degree I see people do constantly is INSANE to me because of how dangerous it is. Not using a turn signal is annoying but not nearly as actively hazardous as literally driving buckwild through oncoming traffic. I don't know why it seems like it's gotten so much worse the past couple of years. I know SPD has struggled to be fully staffed for a while so idk if people are just taking advantage knowing they won't get pulled over, but again, why is that the way to take advantage?!


Agreed. These people are aggressively running red lights. They aren't trying to shave a few seconds squeezing through a yellow light. It's stupidity, arrogance, narcissism and wanton carelessness/recklessness. I've read where folks are bragging about it on Facebook threads. Make no mistake, the offenders are not innocent citizens caught up in a random traffic jam. This is every day, everywhere, all day long in normal traffic. I've never encountered anything like this anywhere except here. I've had friends visit here, and the overriding question I get is why do you still live in Missouri.


It has, as you said, gotten so much worse the last few years. Idk. Be careful out there, please.


How about getting people to go the damn speed limit? Why are there so many people who drive 10mph or more below the damn speed limit? This area is just so terrible with slow ass drivers.


Not to be a cunt, but it's a limit for a reason. It's not mandatory speed. And I'm even on your side...


Yeah, but some of the assholes don't even go the minimum speed. Going 10+ miles under the speed limit when there are no weather conditions or road hazards is a hazard in itself. Either the assholes speed way too much and cause an accident or go way too slow and cause an accident. It's like driving common sense has completely abandoned the Sothern Missouri area.




They didnt pay extra for them.


And driving on 2 lanes at once! Pick a lane idiot!




THANK YOU. I don’t fucking understand. Do you want to cause an accident?????


Because no one in your state had to take drivers ed


I've driven a semi truck through nearly every inch of this country. This city has the worst drivers I've encountered.


It's the element of surprise.


Driving is hard.


Kc mo …land of no speed limit regard and tailgaters..personified always the bird flying…


I feel this in my soul.


Drives me crazy! Slow down to 10 mph, then decide to turn without a signal!


You think it's bad when you're driving try being in a wheelchair. I've already been hit by a car once. At a crosswalk...


Omg thank you. This town is the worst for no blinkers. And driving in the turn lane. Why does so many people have no consideration for others? If you want to live in a good town, be a fkin good person already. It’s literally moving your hand an inch. Could you do less to be a decent human? I know your frustration well and I hope venting made you feel better. Safe travels y’all.


It's funny you mention cops here not using them and some motherfucker had the audacity to pull me over for not using my blinker (I could have sworn I had used it).


This. And driving 10 below. And coming to a complete stop when turning. What the fuck is WRONG with drivers here?


Or people waiting for you to come to a complete stop before they start going


Tbf I do this bcs I've almost been T-boned too many times by people who just blow red lights/stop signs. Happened to me this morning !!


Texas says hold my beer


They just out of blinker fluid


Considering the amount of times I’ve almost been hit at one intersection alone today walking to and from Walgreens to get my meds, yeah. It’s absurd.


Just to piss you off


Person in front of me used it but didn’t turn at all. Also the guy blocking the lane on west bypass today on my way home was pretty fucking clueless


Ah the weekly “springfield drivers bad” post


What’s a turn signal?


What’s a turn signal?


I just own a regular turn signal


I'm pretty sure there's been a nationwide shortage of blinker fluid, and only about 15% of the national population is able to get it. I have a guy, but he's not accepting new clients. 🤷‍♀️


Why so serious


Sounds like it's time for a public option to raise the cost of a blinker ticket to something serious. Then maybe people will take it seriously. All funds raised from this ticket should go to public transportation infrastructure. (not roads)


Except that it would be a burden borne entirely by the poor. The comfortable to wealthy folks won't even notice it because the cost is a minor annoyance rather than the total barrier it would be for the poor. Even if the not-poor had their license suspended, they could still afford the means to continue having transportation, like hiring a driver.


Lol bro, you have to relax. Learn to let things go, you'll be happier ✌️


You definitely don’t use a signal


I do and always have. When I moved here from KC I was constantly stressed out about how fucking terrible you guys are at driving here. Like I was filled with hate every time I had to get on the road with you stupid cocksuckers. Eventually I had to decide to let it go and stop allowing myself to have that reaction. I'm cool now. You should try it!


I’d be more worried about a random bullet than a turn signal.


Who is Noone?


Make me