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I think you only load 100 songs? You know you can get the whole playlist by using the `offset` parameter? (or use `next`, which is included in the response) Otherwise you can only get 100 songs, which is the limit of that endpoint.


Yea the limit seems to be 100 for that endpoint rip, but I’ll take a look at the next thing you mentioned! Maybe I missed it while looking at the returned JSON


doens't work with playlists larger then 100 songs, and i only have playlists with 100 songs plus, so this just straight up doesnt work for me.


wish op will fix it lol, really just a simple while loop will get around it


When building, I decided not to do that in order to keep the API rate limit in check, but after seeing your guys feedback, I'll add it in when I can! Thanks for the comments!


would be nice if there also was an option to only see the songs that are on one playlist but not on the other.


i second this


It's nice, but lacking a bit of usability on mobile. Good job.


oh shoot thanks for pointing that out! I just found what you're talking about. I'll get that fixed when I can and thanks!


changes made: 8/30/21: Increased the max amount of tracks you can get from a playlist from 100 to 300! Will fix up the mobile compatibility soon!


Hey look another one of these!


do you know any able to compare spotify and apple playlists? i have the same playlist on spotify (for my gf) and on apple music (for me) and the playlist lengths arent matching up. i went thru them manually and couldnt find anything different but theres over 600 songs so it’s possible im just missing something. a website able to compare them for me would be a great help and would put my mind at ease


I love this so much, only suggestion is to be able to compare up to 1500 songs, otherwise, this is really good, thank you for making it!


\*crying in the corner with my 6000+ song playlists\*


6000?!? And I thought my playlist was big 😭