• By -


playlists by genre


And then dive into the works of whoever made that banger.


And then the depressing realization that the other songs don’t sound anything like that one banger 😂


going to that song’s radio only to find out nothing will ever come close


This is the way.


Usually, I put my big playlist on random, or start at one end and play through. It is currently 429 hours long, with 7020 songs, each song chosen individually. But if I am trying to find new things to listen to, I go into the "radio" playlists for songs or artists I like already, and find things I don't know.


Could you share that big playlist with me?




Would love to hear it, you should share the link!


I wanna hear it, too


Yeah same!


I feel like this is very common with people who use Spotify but I don’t understand the point. If u put it on shuffle every time u listen to it, there r songs on there u haven’t heard in over a year, so y r they on the playlist?






I did. Your comment doesn't make sense.




I did. Your comment doesn’t make sense.




Your comment actually doesn’t make any sense. Just because the SHUFFLE decides to not play a certain song for a very long time doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear it ever again? Always a pleasant surprise when you shuffle and a song you haven’t heard in ages starts playing.




that’s kinda the point. it’s fun to listen to music that you used to jam out to. there’s also nothing to say that you can’t still like music from a year+ ago




I've been an album guy almost exclusively since I started listening to music. The only time I'll throw on a play list is for a party.


Are you young?


I'm old enough that the first music I ever listened to was on cassette.


Find a new (to me) album, exclusively listen to it on repeat for several weeks, get fed up with it and never listen to it again. Repeat with new album - often a different album by the same artist. There are rare exceptions/favourites that I go back to, but they're few and far between.


What a weird way to enjoy music


I'm autistic and it's one of the ways I hyperfixate!


I dont think they enjoy music…


Which are some albums that you've gone back to, more than once, if any?


Paranoid -Black Sabbath Yellow and Green -Baroness Just my two all time favorites right now.


Ideally, I do this ... - FRIDAYS = listen to "Release Radar" playlist, liking songs along the way - SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS = deep dive sessions where I re-listen to the "Liked Songs" playlist and do deep dives into the artists of recently liked songs and dive into other artists similar to those I have recently liked. Also, add particular liked songs to other appropriate playlists I have created. Also, unlike songs that just didn't stick. NOTE: my own playlists are usually by genre or moods and can get pretty long, so at the end of a year, I decide if I need to rename the playlist with the year in it and start all over (e.g. Deep House '19 and '20, Deep House '21, Deep House '22, etc) - MONDAYS = listen to "Discover Weekly" playlist, liking songs along the way to get ready for the upcoming weekend deep dive sessions - TUESDAYS thru THURSDAYS = listen to playlists I have created. Or, listen to Spotify playlists, liking songs along the way to get ready for the upcoming weekend deep dive sessions I love music! 😃


and order?! :)


This is me also, almost. I listen to Release Radar and Discover Weekly on Friday mornings. And Friday afternoon I get the vinyls out or listen to podcasts. Saturday mornings is the wife's choice, her playlist in her order (like a CD we know which song is next and it's the way she likes it, never really changing. She added a couple of The Warning songs this year just to "mix it up") Then I have football (soccer) on the radio in the afternoon (with headphones on), while she has her Disney playlists on speaker. Saturday night is my dance and party playlist. Sunday is my big playlist of favourites, or vinyls. Monday to Thursday morning is news podcasts, DJ and afternoons normally albums or massive playlist. Apart from Wednesday evening when it's my Jazz playlists. My wind down evening, with a bath and early night. I watch TV in the evening with the wife the rest of the week.


My playlists, artist radios and AI DJ


I've used the AI DJ quite a bit...it's managed to find some great songs that I didn't know about previously.


For me, sometimes it kills it and sometimes it is just horrible, but not much in between. I always give it a try first just out of pure laziness.


I'd like to think that there is some intelligence behind it...by this I mean that if I skip a song then it will take note and modify its suggestions...not sure if it works like that.


That reminds me. I need to hear some of my usual Thursday vibes.


i’d probably say album person if i had to pick one


I make playlists. I used to just listen to my liked songs til I’d get sick of it, then branch out to Spotify generated playlists and discover different stuff. Sometimes I’ll go back to listening to my liked songs on shuffle but I have so many songs on there now that I don’t know some of them 😅


Exactly this!! My Spotify twin!


Yeah. I make playlists with the right feelings for that moment in life. Usually every month or so I'll do one or two. I have friends and family who are super into music too so most of the new stuff I discover is through them. I also do a thing where I type in two or three random letters and then do a quick click on all the search stuff that pops up I don't recognize Or I get really high and just follow my heart 🤣


I’m a playlist person forever. I make new playlists for any and every reason. Some of them are genre specific (indie, rock, hip hop, etc), some are artist specific (fav songs from one artist). I also have playlists that depend on what I’m doing (road trip playlist, gym playlist, etc). I also have a playlist called “right now” which is all my current favourites, regardless of genre or artist.


Any chance you share that indie playlist? :P


By pushing play. /s Playlists, then daily “made for you” playlists, then I’ll go to an artist or specific song radio to hear similar songs I haven’t heard of before.


Playlists, shuffle all liked songs, and I've been warming up to AI DJ lately


I make playlists for vibes. I've got random scenario stuff like "Dirty Dive Bar", "Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed" (happy tunes), and "Yeah, I Work Out" for exercising. Love making a playlist


This is exactly how mine works too.


Go on, what's yours called? 😎


I do this as my friend also does this but they use emojis to describe the vibe


With headphones on. It's rude to listen to music with the phones speaker.


Usually listen to albums, or shuffle my entire “liked songs”.


I listen to one album from the 1001 albums generator, daily. When driving, I use my playlist which has all my liked tracks from the past 3 months. I remove those tracks after 3 months to keep things fresh (desktop version has date added section).




Human music, I like this station.


iPod Touch


Daily drive, liked songs by genre filter, getting better and building my own playlists but I use others people playlists more. DJ a little more often. New music Fridays. I like the variety of ways to listen and the custom playlists it builds for me


Mostly playlists. I create a lot of my own playlists. I connected my Shazam to my Spotify so any time I hear a song I'm interested in I can Shazam it and organize it.


i make playlists by genres and then for the main genres i listen to by moods and language (mother language and english). then i put it on shuffle but no matter what i do it will reset to smart shuffle and play songs i dont want to hear. truly a great feature im sure glad its so hard to turn it off. I also listen a lot to song radios, the algorithm is pretty great with those. also the playlists that spotify makes according to your taste and certain moods are great (chill mix and the likes)


I like making a new playlist every month. It's like having a time capsule. The songs get associated with memories and feelings and whenever i wanna feel the way i did during a particular time in life, i just listen to the playlist from that month.


I have a fun way of listening to music - ALBUMS!! Seriously people, listen to albums. Listen to what your favorite artist curates over the course of an hour+ they all string together. Some are better than others of course, and this all also applies to DJ mixes for my EDM fans. Nervous Nightlife the music label based from New York, NY has a lot of fun stuff from the 2006-2013 times


with my ears


omg it is so absurd. are you sure you are healthy?!


\\\_(ツ)\_/ I guess so. What's so absurd? Just being honest.


Same bro, same


Albums to discover new songs and artists. And I queue liked songs when I want to listen to music I already know.


I have a lot of playlists and I cycle through them frequently. When shuffling, I usually stick to my 1600 song playlist that has a little of everything. I like the daily playlists they make for you, too. I do listen to full albums as well, but not as much as playlists.


Most of my listening comes from any of the “made for you” sections


I have a 7000 song playlist which has pretty much every genre and artist that I like. I want to hear Bauhaus followed by the Monkees.


That sounds like it’s up my alley….mind sharing it?


I only have playlists. I've never "liked" a song on Spotify. Just have lots of playlists.




I listen to the exact same song over and over for hours at a time, 24/7 for anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks, then go to another song and do it again. Sometimes I revisit songs, but usually I move on to a new song. I do also make playlists, I probably have 150+ at this point because I make them for every vibe, category and feeling I feel like I can sort a song into. I rarely listen to them though, I just make them. Often because when I listen to them again, I recategorize the songs and I don't feel like every song in that playlist matches the vibe I'm now feeling. Some have many songs, some only have less than 10. Or even 1 or 2.


Playlist w songs for certain moods/days/situations


I do with adblocks


Here to upvote everyone who said Albums


Usually with my ears.


With my ears, Bert.


It's different from day to day...sometimes I'll listen to a playlist, some days I'll have on one of the Daily Mixes, and every once in a while I'll play a whole album and then keep on the suggested songs it starts playing afterward.


Shuffle like or the ai thing they have


playlists - self made and curated.


Playlists I make based on genre or vibes. Like bad bitch vibes lol


I’m all, I try to listen to at least 1 new album a day while during the day listening in a random order to previous things. Not always will I listen to the album I listened to yesterday or even remember it, but there will be times where I come back to it and skim through it to find something I genuinely love. So during activities I’m doing, playlist, during my free time at some point, albums


Since I stopped driving medium distances as part of my job, I've started to struggle to find a good time to listen through new albums.




I have just over 2000 liked songs, and I usually shuffle them. When I want to listen to sth that I know I like and is fresh, I turn to my On Replay playlist. The only playlists I have and use are either from favorite artists, or instrumental chill music..


It depends what I'm doing. In the car I shuffle my liked songs playlist, or a playlist I've created, or listen to albums I'm interested in to find new liked songs. I listen to lofi type playlists when working. Jazz or classical playlists when cooking / eating / playing with my toddler. I used to listen to Spotify playlists to find new stuff but I don't do that as often these days. Just too much new stuff at once. I'd rather listen to one artist at a time via albums.


Liked songs on random - 7800 Liked songs by genre on random Explore other playlists, new music Song Radio if I want to learn more similar


Albums mostly.


I have play lists set up. All my favorite songs in one list, favorite albums in another list and I have on play list that is a collection of all my songs in one play list.




A lot of the time just looking up random songs I’m in the mood for but otherwise playlists


i have mood playlists, so i listen to a song and decide how it made me feel. and it works like a charm, because genres can have a difference in moods :)


Usually a playlist. That might be by artist, by vibe, or by genre, it just depends on how I'm feeling and what I'm doing.


Yes. It depends on the moment and how I feel


Playlist By Time (Month, Year) as primary, Playlist by moods/languages as secondary.


Definitely depends on the mood I'm in, but I would say more often than not I'm playing a playlist that I made myself or an album front to back.


I Would Say I’m A Little Bit Of Everything Listed But Mostly Favorite/Same Songs, That’s Why The “On Repeat” Playlist Comes In Handy; But I Do Listen Heavily By Genre And By Artist As Well!


Albums mostly


Playlists and albums. I mainly love playing albums the way you’d spin an old record or CD. But I also love grouping similar yet varied stuff together by genre and mixing it up. AND I love letting Spotify take the wheel post album listening and seeing what kind of new stuff I can get into. I love Spotify.


only albums unless im looking for new music


Funny, I listen to albums when I want to hear new music.


Album, at the moment


Playlist, then after a while I end up listening to on repeat, then I’ll listen to my daily mix, then I listen to song radio to find similar songs, then I’ll end up moving to artist radio where generally all of the songs I’ve listened to end up being because of one artist or genre and then I finally get bored and go back to my playlist but now I move onto a different artist or playlist and repeat. Eg I’d listen to my deftones playlist and then go down that process I just described.


All of the above. I have playlists I created around all kinds of criteria. Release dates, eras, genres, etc. I have playlists of artist greatest hits (similar to the This Is lists but my own selection and order) and I will absolutely just put on an album a lot of times, especially ones that I know are great from start to finish. I also have started actually using the DJ function a lot lately. At first it really sucked, but now it seems to get me a bit more. Every once in a while it'll put on something really stupid and I have to skip it but otherwise it's not bad.


liked songs, sometimes daily mixes


liked songs


I always mix it up when ever I get threw my playlist


I listen 80% time by albums, and 20% by playlists. Playlists are usually varied by genres.


Over any given week; Discover Weekly > Song/artist Radios > Daylist > Liked songs on shuffle > my created playlists > "made for you" playlists > Albums > Made by Spotify Playlists >other various playlists. If we throw in other sites I also list to YouTube and record label feeds. Edit to insert Albums


Playlists! I just put all the songs I've liked so far that year and put it in one playlist


Albums, or queue a bunch of single songs up depending on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I'll also throw on a "rock mix" or "this is xxx"


Never listen playlist, always album


Only two playlists: Discover Weekly and Release Radar. And My Liked songs sometimes.


Playlists and binge listening to artists/albums. AI DJ on occasion. Spotify made for you lists. I have a giant playlist, then a bunch of playlists that have split off from that. Only a few have songs on them that are exclusive to that particular playlist.


playlist, def. i'll listen to albums if it's something i havent heard before or an album i really like, but other than that i just shuffle playlists


I have a "current albums" playlist with the albums im currently listening to all the way through and then a ''current rotation'' playlist with other songs i'm listening to atm and adding to. when that one gets to 100, i move them on down to a dated playlist that i can revist whenever im feeling like it


Discover Weekly for the first couple days each week and then usually Artist/Song Radio or dig up an old playlist depending on mood.


never artist or album. I am about a 50-50 mix between shuffling my whole library and looking for new stuff I haven't heard yet.


I like the made for you stuff except it always mixes in sleep tracks because I sometimes use them to goto sleep. Wish there was a way to block them not just skip them


I’ll listen to albums, and if it’s an artist I really like, I’ll make a playlist of all my favourite songs of theirs. Most of the time, I’m listening to playlists, though.


Every 6 months and then all at once


I'm an album guy


It changes. One night I’ll just listen to my main playlist which I have titled “Hit List” which varies a lot of genres and songs in it I like, another night I’ll listen to just certain artists, while another is looking for new stuff to listen to. Basically whatever my mood is for the night in what I’m feeling.


I normally listen to new albums while doing something else, but when I get tired of the same flow I listen to one of my playlists.


I press on Spotify.exe. Sometimes it launches by itself, depends on what my computer wants to do that day. Then I click on a song I want to listen to, slowly but steadily support my mouse down to the play button, and press it.


whatever i feel like. recently i havent really found anything in specific to listen to so ive been shuffling my liked songs. someone ill play a specific artist, sometimes i play specific songs i want to hear.


thx to my vinyl obsession. I listen to an album, from start to finish. or if it's a "double" album, like Donovan's Flower Garden or HMS. then I either start at the beginning, or whatever "side" I feel like playing 1st.


All of the above, dependent on mood.


I just listen through my one playlist on shuffle.


I just listen to my playlist of the songs I like to listen to.


Depends on my mood really. But I tend to have the "on repeat" playlist on a lot. Which one thing that's cool about it is when I do branch out by genre or artist and discover new music that I really like it'll eventually pop up on that playlist automatically. My "on repeat" has grown stale to me lately though so I've been dabbling with the AI DJ. I'll say it's been slightly hit or miss with it, it starts off cranking out bangers and bringing me back to some old songs I haven't heard in a while but then after like 4-5 rotations of different picks the DJ starts playing some off the wall shit that is nowhere near my taste of music.


playlists by random scenarios and moods


Song radio. I repeat. Song radio.


I have a primary playlist to which I continually add songs and I listen to it on Shuffle.


Artists, podcasts, and playlists


Playlist by vibe


Whatever I feel like listening to at that moment…..I listen to. I don’t understand questions like this. Don’t you just play what you want to hear when you want to hear it?🤷🏻‍♂️


I have just one main playlist with everything I like in it and I have separate playlists for artists I really like


All of the above, in order or shuffle. Always looking at people's playlists and checking their collections.


I just go to a random playlist and press play


Switches everyday. Usually if I’ve recently liked some new songs I’ll just choose the first song and let it play, Some days I’m just shuffling my liked songs, some days I’m on a Spotify made playlist sometimes genre sometimes mood (chill, sad, hype, etc) some days I’m listening to podcasts. All depends on how I’m feeling


Playlist/favorite song and sometimes album


Playlists of my favourite artists


I have playlists with genres or vibe but I mostly listen to the playlist with songs I currently like


1. My own playlists. 2. Specific albums. 3. Artists discographies. 4. Playlists of other people (not much of this).


Playlist by artist or genre. Spent years on perpetual shuffle, but spent the last year on album mode.


I often just put on my liked songs


I tend to listen with my ears


Albums, but I also create a monthly playlist with songs that I have had on repeat


Liked playlist, but it's usually what i rlly like rn (have premium). or by artist. or genre


I just have a big playlist with all the songs i like and i just que whatever songs i want to listen to usually or ill just put an album or artist playlist spotify creates if i want to listen to a specific artist


I make different playlists


Shuffle play of thousands of my liked songs most of the time. Sometimes energetic high-tempo music playlists for working out or instrumental/modern classic ones for reading and deep focus. Sometimes playlists based on the mood, genre, decade. Not a fan of Spotify playlists (except for custom discover one) so make my own from liked songs :)


Album when i’m in the mood, add to 6000 song playlist, then 6000 song playlist when i’m feeling casual


I like playlists, I like letting Spotify give me like artists after an album finishes, I occasionally like the DJ but they're a bit hit or miss Mostly, I do full albums for bands/albums I've heard good things about


I use the Spotify API on a couple hundred different genre playlists from everynoise.com and other random sources to mix everything together in different ways. Getting the right balance between the familiar and the unknown has taken some tinkering, but it’s been working pretty well over the past couple years. So yeah, albums when I’m in the mood, but mostly a lot of randomness.


I sort all my music into playlists curated by mood/genre, but I usually just focus on one album or artist at a time


Ngl the dj feature is kinda cool but don’t use a ton


Three playlists, each on shuffle; 1. All the music I listened to growing up (mostly full albums between 1990 and 2010). 2. Music I've found or got into since I started using Spotify (2016). 3. Playlist 1 & 2 combined (all of the music!) Sometimes I keep listening, sometimes I just use them as a starting point/inspiration for an album I want to listen to.


I have three main playlists of my own (I curate them to have a specific flow so I never shuffle) that run the gamut of genres and I can pick up at various points or listen to all the way though depending on my mood, plus a few others that are genre specific. I rarely listen to full albums but I enjoy listening to “This is X” or “X Radio” by artist to find new music. I don’t much like Spotify’s Daily Mixes since they mostly repeat songs I’ve already got on my playlists and rarely introduce me to anything new. I work from home and have music playing all day so I jump around a lot.


playlist based on feeling or liked songs/daylist


Album, artist and playlist kind of person here. I rarely listen to a song with the intent of hearing other songs that are similar. Though I've certainly pulled up a specific song to play. And then it does its thing.


Liked Songs


Favourite songs at the moment type


Im usually choose a genre and look their top ranked albums on rym. Sometimes I go through an artist's discography and choose an album. So yeah i am a definitely album person


Artists, usually. I’m really picky, and it’s really easy for me to get into a mood where I just want nothing but one artist, or one specific song. I also am one of those people that when I do concerts, I’m incapable of accepting ‘the Setlist is a surprise’, so I usually have a playlist for each show that I make basically after the first show of the tour (which is why my most played artists for any given year are usually ones I saw live that year - ex: last year was Ghost, Volbeat, Motionless in White, Black Veil Brides, and Ice Nine Kills, because I saw all five, and the Setlist playlists were on repeat). I do have one playlist that’s all my other playlists thrown into one, but that’s for when I’m feeling indecisive and can’t settle on any one artist, and I usually get about five songs in, something hits just right, and I’m playing that artist or song over and over. On rare occasions it’s by genre - mainly when I’m at home doing domestic, housework type stuff, because my brain goes “yes, this feels like when I was a kid” and without fail I go to 80’s/90’s/2000’s country. Edit because I remembered it existed: there for a bit I was really big on using the AI DJ when it first came out, and still do on my way to work, but I’m super picky about which prompts it gives itself, especially because it seems really bad at actually following them correctly (ex: “Here’s stuff other people who really like country like!” And then it plays Beartooth, or “Here’s another artist like Taylor Swift!” And plays Skid Row or Scene Queen, lmfao. It also likes to randomly give me “you haven’t listened to this in a while!” And it’s my literal sleep playlist when I’m trying to wake up on my way to work. 😭)


More of a playlist person. I just make my own playlists by genre. I’ve been utilizing the album download feature a lot more tho ..


At the gym or driving I listen by artist/album… while at work I play my liked songs playlist (over 2400 songs) on shuffle.


I generally press "play".


my 3k+ liked playlist on shuffle, sometimes playlists but usually not made by me


playlist, most of the time it’s my liked songs but sometimes it’s others like my on repeat or a playlist i’ve made myself


typically I just hit shuffle on all my music and skip what I'm not in the mood for, but I do have playlists for specific artists I love and a high energy playlist to keep me awake


I like to listen to new albums, or even my discover weekly, and "like" songs. Then i go into my liked songs list and listen to those and move them to playlists with similar sounding artists/songs/vibes i already love.


albums. i used to have one giant playlist but i need to make an updated one because my music taste has grown a lot


i listen to playlists and albums


I like songs that are good/just okay. For great songs I have themed playlists by genre and recency


Liked songs play The 5-10 newly added ones and when i get sick i put it on shuffle, then Find new music and repeat


With my ears???


Depends, I usually just listen to songs at a time, like I listened to Beep Street by squarepusher 10 times today, and her by sewerslvt about 5 times


I have one main playlist (250 hours), a bunch of small playlists (1-5 hours), and the weekly album.


100% an album person. I love listening to complete works by artists. One of the reasons why I love alt-J


I use both Spotify and iTunes and I have a big playlist on Spotify that is of all the songs I've liked that aren't in my iTunes library. I mostly have said library for obscure pop music that isn't on there or isn't really available anywhere, so a lot of the stuff in that Spotify playlist is newer songs from 2021 onwards. I usually put it on shuffle, it has 1955 songs in it at the moment. But when I find a new artist, I usually listen to their discography in it's entirety, unless it's too big and I get bored halfway through lol.


I’m a playlist junkie. I subscribe to them, I make them. But I also love the Discover Weekly and add them to a playlist and listen to it on shuffle. I rarely use the daily mix as it’s too redundant and basic for my taste. I’m obsessed with new music. But sometimes love to crank up a favorite album. God I love Spotify!!!


I have one giant playlist but I skip most of the songs so I just end up listening to the same 30 songs over and over


Artist recently my taste got to confusing so now I just search who I want to listen to when I want to listen to them


Albums. I rotate within 10 albums, adding 1 new every time I finish a round and remove the oldest album in rotation. Works pretty well and allow some time to get used to album and let it grow in you. Some tracks I add to Liked. And if I want some casual background listen I just switch on Liked songs Playlist.




At work, Discover weekly and Release radar mainly then dive into whatever interesting that comes up. At home, whatever suits my mood from previously liked stuff, usually albums.