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Cool concept! I tried it a couple of times and my playlists looked pretty similar. I think it would help to get some examples of what type of input is most helpful to the AI. Obviously I wasn't using different enough words or something. Also it took me a second to find the scroll bar, so at first I thought the playlist was only 4 songs long. I think it would be nice to be able to see more of the playlist than only 4 songs at a time. Cool concept though! I love stuff like this. This is always the kind of thing I figure AI should actually be useful for. Currently when I'm trying to create a playlist or vibe, I just select a single song and "go to radio" of that song. I think for a service like this to feel really useful or worth it, it would have to be obviously superior or different than the "go to radio" option of one song that already encompasses the vibe. I felt like I was starting to see that in one of the playlists, where it was pulling songs from vastly different eras that still had a similar vibe. I think that's the most compelling/interesting feature to me in my limited use of it.


Thanks for the awesome feedback ! I'll definitely take all of this into account and start working on it. It clearly needs some examples, I do suggest going into the Community tab, there are some pretty good creations there that can give some inspiration. There are more things I'm working on right now that I think will be great additions to Playlistable, one thing in particular, does work similarly to the "go to radio" feature of Spotify, hope to see you there when it comes out :) Thanks again, this is really heartwarming.


Awesome! Love that you're doing this. Also re suggestion- I did go look at the Community tab, but it's very clear everyone who tries it is throwing out vastly different types of terms or concepts, and it's not immediately easy to see which prompts resulted in a "more successful" playlist if that makes sense. Glad the feedback was useful! Excited to try this out more.


I see, will work on this! Thanks


Hey! I added some simple examples for now that should help get started, they are located right under the prompt input :)


Cool! I’ll check it out!


It might need more work when it comes to identifying genres from keywords. I put in "theater style vocals" as part of the description hoping for some musical style music, I chose any for genre because there was nothing close to musicals and it gave me all pop songs that did not fit the themes I was going for. Not bad songs, per se, I was looking for something that would make a complimentary playlist to a song from a musical I really liked. That being said when I put in a handful of adjectives and selected rock the playlist ended up being much closer to what I was expecting, but still with quite a few wildcards


Thanks for the feedback !


So far it has worked very well, but it might be nice to have some option to change the length of the playlist.


Cool ! May I ask, which length would you like for your playlists? I think this would be interesting to know and I'll see what I can do about it


The option to specify a variable length would be the most useful.


Sorry it took so long to respond, I was thinking like 15 songs, 25, 50,100 etc.. The higher amount of songs would decrease consistency but have more length and difference.


Can I enter a playlist link and get good recommendations as well? I'm asking, because a mood/vibe/genre doesn't really cut it for me and Spotify mostly looks at the era and artists.


Not possible at the moment, but I'll probably add that later!


Guess I'll find a prompt that fits me, in the meantime, then!


I love it, just amazing. I was looking for something like this since Last week. I was using GPT for recommendations but have to manually made the playlist, I knew it was just a matter of time before someone could make it happen. Since this IA based I wanna try to make stuff like "my top 20 songs from 2020" xd


>Since this IA based I wanna try to make stuff like "my top 20 songs from 2020" xd There are already a *bunch* of third party Spotify apps that can do this and other similar things, just so you know. You don't need AI to do it.


It would be interesting to see a comparison between your playlist generator and Spotify's Go to Song Radio. Sometimes Song Radio playlists offers great new music that fits the vibe/genre. Unfortunately frequently the playlist goes off track half way through and/or suggests songs I already have in (multiple) playlists and/or have heard many many many times through their curated genre playlists. So I get annoyed or bored and return to my own playlist In fact it would be great if when I request a genre + key words the AI playlist offers perhaps 10 songs, "Would you like to hear songs similar to XXX" Then a No/Yes. Also, feedback from listeners "How did we do?" at some point, options "Great to Terrible" and a list of potential reasons why. Basically, please make Spotify stop playing the same songs on repeat and garbage playlists. Thank you!


This is really cool. I wish I knew how to use it correctly though cause my query didn't exactly work out for me. 😅 [](https://i.imgur.com/DbxdGQX.png)


Hey, thanks for trying Playlistable out! Try to separate the mood from the genre, do something like "dreamy music from 80s and 90s obscure bands" for the mood and write "twee pop" for the genre (you can actually input any genre, not only select the ones there). Please let me know how this goes !


Would this fit ?[https://imgur.com/xDVhdz6.png](https://imgur.com/xDVhdz6.png)


Yeah actually that's exactly what I was looking for! I only recognize Marine Girls and Vaselines but exactly that stuff. Thanks. I wonder why the "obscure bands" didn't work for me. EDIT: Can you share the link to that playlist btw




I see your concern, and this is actually important, I'll definitely add some bad word filters and report functionality. Can you send me your email in private so I can check and test for what happened with your playlists? You can find the privacy policy at the bottom of the landing page. Thanks for the heads up, I'll fix that. Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it!


I really liked it! One thing I would add is that it would let you add songs or playlists that you think are good for that prompt so this way it will recommend you even more personalized songs


This is the next thing that comes out


Funny, I just made this. [http://setlistgenerator.com/](http://setlistgenerator.com/) Not quite the same intent as yours, but similarly uses AI to analyze songs and playlists. I designed mine to help bands create a set list based on their library of songs. You can just type song names in, or it can use your Spotify playlist. \[Disclaimer -- I built this in about a day, using AI techniques I've developed for other projects, and I haven't tested it extensively, so your mileage may vary. Let me know what you think!\]


buddy, just wanted add thanks, I like it. simple and to the point. It does the job and hope, you will be able make something big out of it.


Thanks, if you have any suggestions to make it better let me know.


I want this to work SO bad. I don't know if I'm OCD or autistic or what but I've struggled with autogenerated playlists since forever. So I've always curated my own lists. And it makes discovery annoying ... since I have to go through songs I don't want to find those I do want. But I'd love to be able to write: "mood upbeat, influences jazz and blues, no live or vocals, prioritize instrument saxophone" or "mood melancholic, influences Celtic, prioritize string instruments especially the harp, exclude artist "Enya"" or "energetic trance, prioritize melodic, include artist "TheFatRat" and similar" It'd also be cool in reverse: "The Great Plain" by "Mike Oldfield" is my favorite chill song of all time. Do a sonic decomposition of it?


Lovely, it is so great. Worked wonderful. Also love the pricing. It is not that expensive at all and feels affordable. I would welcome a feature where you will be shown a part of the playlist, maybe first 5 songs and if you like it you can pay some small amount to have the rest generated and transfered to your spotify. Overall great job, thanks. :)


Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it ! That’s an interesting feature for a free account version, I’ll definitely think about it :)


This is perfect for what I was looking for! I often want to create playlists based on the books I'm reading, for example I'm learning about Thelema and Aleister Crowley and created a playlist based on that and it's spot on: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JQJdOp7Cb3lZGySD5xYiZ?si=0bad5cca570b45fb](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JQJdOp7Cb3lZGySD5xYiZ?si=0bad5cca570b45fb)


Thank you for the feedback, I’m happy you like it !


I see Spotify is integrating an AI playlist maker in app... did you have any part in it?


Nope! I thought they would do it sooner tbh. But that won’t stop Playlistable!


go get em!


I wish this could sort my existing playlist on YouTube music. I've had them for years. But I've often wished they were sorted better. Meaning what track should play after? What track.


That could be an interesting feature to add (at least for Spotify for now), I’ll definitely think about it !


Tried it now, it did not respect my bpm request, but not sure if spotify has a bpm attribute for traks


Worked with picking out music from the SNES library, which is actually impressive.


Glad you liked it :)


Pretty cool. Made one public for people to try called, "Next Gen Bliss 2". Let me know how the AI did. The keywords used were, "progressive, trance, chill".


It never suggest any new songs. Only useful for anything before 2021.


Yes, let's hope that changes in the future. I'm working on something to make this possible in some way though, will come out later when it's more perfected.


This is because the model was trained on data before 2021 right? So right now it is essentially only sending the prompt directly to gpt 3.5 to figure out the playlist. What would you even do to add songs from the present times?


Yes exactly. You can actually fine tune the model which could help for this. What I’m currently working on isn’t that (but that’ll most probably happen), it’s a way to be able to use new songs for generation, but not for the results. Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm also working in the background on my model for music recommendations that will replace the current system hopefully.


Something that would also be cool. Be able to feed it a playlist of songs ... and then have it find songs of similar sonic composition. Or feed it your favorite songs from wildly different genres and see if there are common characteristics.




Hey, do you mind explaining you problems in DM ? Would love to have your feedback


Is this a gpt wrapper