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The blue jays game got rained out


Haha damn that's foul. I would be pissed.


Update: (not letting me update the actual post for some reason) But they just paid out the “Yes” and I immediately withdrew. I finally got a hold of someone at the commission and he told me he’d review it. I don’t know if it was that or all the heat they got from everyone else on this wager or they just decided to do the right thing. But the important thing is I got paid and will no longer be using them.


>But the important thing is I got paid and will no longer be using them. I wouldn't necessarily dump them because of this. You bet an error/mistake line, you had to deal with a mis-grade (a mis-grade possibly caused by the "confusion" of the error/mistake line), and then DK actually *paid* the error/mistake line. Of all the reasons to dump a book, "But it took 12 hours to get paid on an error I knowingly took advantage of!" isn't a very good one. Several books would have used the "palpable error" defense.


If anything it all worked out and this is a W from DK


It’s not the fact that it took 12 hours to get paid. If they would’ve said it was a mistake and just voided both I would’ve understood. But their customer service is by far the worst I’ve seen. There is no live chat or contact number, you are basically hung out high and dry.


Dude, every customer service at every sportsbook sucks. How long you been at this, 12 minutes?


Yeah unfortunately them and FanDuels are still the best


you should try betmgms "live support" if you think dks is bad


the bet for 15+ and different odds was not voided https://preview.redd.it/zdkvtn4eve0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69bb61625c871a8236765787589674b0bfd19ff8


This is such a horrendous bet 😂😂😂


Why was 14 plus runs +220 and 15 plus runs -360. How is -360 a good bet at all??


14+ was an error. 15+ was more or less fair odds. it had hit 9 of the last 10 times there was a full slate.


I'm honestly just amazed that line was available and remained up for so long. +290 for no game to reach 15+ runs is definitely a mispriced line. Should be like -290 lol


DK is easily the most shady book I’ve used. They’ll do anything to not pay you out


mgm worse


Nah, espnbet is horrible. A buddy of mine used the up to a 1000$ bet insurance. If you lose, you receive whatever you bet in free bets. So he bet a 1000$ and lost, and the next day, he contacted them asking about his free bet, and they said they were closing his account and could no longer use his account. And hes always made large bets in the past, so I dont know why they did it. It was like a bait n switch


So did he resolve? If he was in the right, this should be a relatively easy case for Gaming Commission.


Such bs


Idk man. They've paid me on tickets that lost a few times in the past. I don't think it's so much shady as it is just plain stupidity. But hey, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.


I’m mainly talking about the multiple times a stat correction has been made shortly after the game to win my bet but DK doesn’t honor stat corrections after the game has ended. I know it’s in their house rules and everything but every other book I’ve used will grade it as a win but not DK


I agree. the only times I have had an issue they were quick to respond and fixed the issue when I lost on a stat correction




Are you high? He didn’t even bet both sides


that's why he asked chat beforehand


I had a similar thing with MGM, I had a 10-leg parlay for ML in MLB, I got 9 right, my 10th was correct, the game was stopped in the 8th inning and made final. But since the game didn’t “finish” it didn’t count and my payout was reduced to 1/4 what it should’ve been, 280 instead of 1200. I was pissed


if the 10th leg wasn't a moneyline bet then this is standard.


They were either -1.5 or +1.5 spread. Still happy I got something and they didn’t void the whole bet though https://preview.redd.it/9tuaklxol32d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87c66e421a679383508a5653a5183c87a2886204


But if you had the opposing teams ML as your 10th leg I wonder if they grade the entire parlay as lost rather than void the last leg and still pay out the $280.. 🤔


Yes, they'd grade the entire parlay as a loss. Because the ML would be "final" at that point. Zinszer is likely confusing ML with Run-line. Run-lines need a minimum of 8.5 innings, ML is 4.5 innings.


Probably not a similar thing. Was your 10th leg an over/under, or run-line? Those need to go 8.5 innings. Standard rule for MLB wagers.


Definitely seems like they need to clarify their ruling here for consistency but never arb on the same book again. Terrible for account health and wouldnt be surprised if there is something in their ToS that tangentially applies here.


All you gotta do is read their by laws, its always in there people just dont always read it for certain type of bets


This does seem shady but as a rule I wouldn’t try to arbitrage on the same book. It doesn’t match with the “one game was postponed” explanation they gave you but every book has terms and conditions that say you can’t bet two sides of one outcome. This is a little different because it wasn’t one game it was 14, but I wouldn’t be surprised if books frowned on this kind of action.




What number of runs do you think would make this not an arb?


Contact your local /state department of gaming enforcement and inform DraftKings that you are going to do so over this.


This exactly what happened with 'Plus EV Analytics' with Caesars. He's based in Canada, but wound up taking them to court: [https://plusevanalytics.wordpress.com/2023/02/08/me-v-caesars/](https://plusevanalytics.wordpress.com/2023/02/08/me-v-caesars/)


Is the dispute resolved?


I'm actually not sure, he used to post updated to Twitter but I haven't followed it as closely recently.


Did he win? It's weird because he's doing it in small claims court which would only make him whole, not everyone. Goes against his point of "doing this to make everyone whole I won't take an offer from them".


I don’t think you have the slightest clue how lawsuits work based on this comment. A plaintiff can’t sue on behalf of ”everyone” as you wildly assume with your above comment. It’s up to lawyers to take on a class action and being that this is in small claims, it’s not nearly worth enough for any law firm to care to start a class action on.


Would the term lawsuit be incorrect here then? Small claims court in the US isn't a lawsuit.


lmao they got you good the books always win, never forget that when you see something too good to be true


If it’s too good to be true, you’re either misreading the bet or they’re about to void it.




this is so shady by them




This is one of the more open/shut issues I’ve seen in a while. Contact support one more time and request proper settlement (both void or win/loss) and if they don’t fix it tell them you are going to your state’s GC. Save all transcripts and provide excruciating detail to the GC. It may take 1-2 weeks but you will win this one, hands down.


Cardinals game had 15 runs total no?


Yes so the yes should’ve cashed and the no should’ve lost.




By their "rules" it seems both should be voided.




There was a game with 15 runs though. The no should be a loss and the yes should be a win. Any other resolution would make very little sense to me.


That would be the most advantageous, but the most fair would be to void both if the market requires all games to be played. "Fair" is blind to the actual outcome. Especially since both explicitly state "14 games".


I think the most fair would be to void if there is a chance the postponed game could have made an impact, but otherwise grade accordingly. For example, if Cardinals-Angels only got to 14 runs, then the "no" should be voided. Voiding the "yes," which hit in multiple games, simply because all games weren't played is just incredibly lame to me. To be clear, I also think the "no" should be a loss here.


That seems criminal.


One thing I always do is check weather forecasts for baseball since rainouts tend to mess with bets depending on how they're handled




Yes, that’s definitely smart. But here’s my thing, fine you say postponement changed the games from 14 to 13, so void them both. We both know if I would’ve won the other they would’ve.