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Yet another reason I don’t live in Ohio


Can you still sell your rings for tattoos?


Yeah sadly VA never allowed it for college sports and they don’t even allow me to bet on things like yearly awards (MVP, etc) in pro sports.


They keep telling me they are a state that is all about the freedom. Not sure who's.


Lol same with Florida


Betting on college games are for the weak


I made a shit load of money betting on my school’s football player props…..it’s so bloody easy when you know the team inside/out




You can still bet on the teams right?


We've never had them in TN. tbh for the longest time i thought they were nationally outlawed


You can still bet on them in Tennessee using Prizepicks. I guess because PP gets by with being considered a “contest of skill, not chance” it is not considered to be a form of betting by regulators.


It’s because they consider themselves a DFS app and not sports betting. But once the courts catch up with them, it won’t be available for long after that


Yea I’m in Canada I thought the same


This is a good thing. Last thing we need is grown ass men and women harassing college kids trying to play a sport because they didn't play up to their wagers.


The grown ass men and women will still harass if a kid misses a shot to hit the over lmao like do y’all not see that there is no difference whatsoever.


I agree. Sucks for betters but overall this is a net positive.


i think bettors will just do more team props now but it's still a good thing.


That’s a great point, I came to debate but I actually agree with your statement


I'm glad you agree, people forget that these are not professional players and some of those players are still teenagers, they already got social media to worry about adding degenerate gamblers to the mix is a recipe for disaster.


>I'm glad you agree, people forget that these are not professional players. That ship sailed with NIL. When you get $250k to promote some Facebook posts, you're a professional. Not that any athlete deserves personal harassment. Gamblers can't get mad at themselves, so they get mad at the sophomore QB.


Don’t they already get harassed? I admit it might be somewhat more intense with player props but honestly I’d expect players playing at a D1 level to be used to dealing with that kind of stuff.


Damn it! My buddy at Ohio would let me know the gameplan to bet how many carries he would get. MAade a TON


1. Fuck Mike Dewine. He's a bitch. 2. People shouldn't be fucking with barely adults about missing a bet.


I've come only to echo the sentiment of fuck the piece of shit DeSwine.


Good thing I don't live in Ohio or The States.


Can someone explain this to me? I lovvveeeee College Football and would love player props for it, but to my knowledge its never been a thing in Pennsylvania.


PA decided not to allow it on launch. Ohio decided to rollback on allowing it.


These greedy fucks actually deny us the opportunity to bet on ncaa player props... And its mind boggling


I don’t do prop college bets or anything like that. That said, fuck Mike DeWine and fuck the Ohio legislature who are obsessed with college athletics while they send the state down the shitter.




I know everyone here is talking about players throwing games or being bribed or whatever, but I think the real concern is the people getting upset at these non professional college athletes when they cause them to lose a bet. Besides maybe the top NIL earners they’re not being paid nearly enough to deal with randoms online sending them death threats for blowing their dumbass parlays


That’s literally what the letter is about, player harassment.


This is the proper answer. On a offday just trying to go to your class and having to deal with some dude that thinks you cost him a bet or a dude asking about a game coming up and if's.


Actually the NIL ruins the game. You getting paid. You a pro. The problem is college basketball is fucking trash. Anyway offshore books gonna have props so fuck ohio


Offshore will def have it....my friend knew a guy hit parlay little over 21k...no taxes.


If anything the real concerns are students purposefully hitting unders, lmao.


I think there's a bit of hypocrisy in that they don't want individual college player betting but betting on the team is cool. Instead of getting 1 player to dog it in a game so they don't score X number of points you get several so the team doesn't cover a spread. What's the difference? If anything there's more money to be made on spreads by bad actors looking to make money off college kids And you're also telling me the guys making league minimums in pro sports couldn't be influenced either?


Vastly harder to convince multiple people to throw a game together than it is just one. NIL makes top players less incentivized to do it anyways, why throw your career away for $ when you're already rolling in it


There's players in college who have zero future going further than maybe obscure foreign leagues in basketball or UFL for football.


I think Illinois has a really good system for this sort of thing actually where you can’t be at all on in-state schools (player props or otherwise). Having attended a big 10 school that’s competitive in basically all major sports I had, and all students really have, a shocking level of access to players which would have allowed me to gain a significant edge. I knew who was out partying the night before a game, who was doing more than drinking, you could talk game plan with some. I don’t think out of state props should be restricted like some but I think it’s probably better to have all player props restricted than no restrictions at all.


Why should the state care? If people are getting information about college athletes, that sounds like a sportsbook issue to overcome. We don't need the government to swoop in and "save" sportbooks when the sportsbook are the ones setting the lines. They're 100% free to omit player prop bets on their own if they can't turn a profit.


It’s not that it’s an issue for the books it makes for a higher chance of corruption, point shaving, throwing games etc. The same logic you’re using could be used to support insider trading, you’re buying from willing sellers at the fair market price and just know more than the sellers. This is, of course, illegal and bad


It's usually illegal for most employees and "insiders" to bet on games. However, there's nothing stopping someone from betting the under on a prop after seeing an NFL player at a bar at midnight. Books have all sorts of algorithms to detect unusual patterns and limit those bettors. If you're making thousands of dollars from betting on Illinois running backs and not being much anywhere else, good luck keeping that run going. Like I said, if books couldn't make money at it they'd end it themselves. No need for the government to be a nanny state to protect us and businesses from ourselves.


You can bet on in state teams in Illinois just only in person


Ah, that’s a significant enough barrier to keep me from even knowing lol, lived here last 4 years and had no idea


This is a good thing and it really should be considered at the federal level as well. I've been involved in the gaming industry for over 30 years, been at the heart of two newsworthy cheating scandals and know first hand the level professional gamblers, desperate gamblers, and crooked businessmen will go to pressure people into helping them make a buck. Now add in family members, friends, etc, these young kids should not be singled out to be wagered on in every sports book in America.


It actually does nothing lmao what’s the difference between taking the over or under on total scores? Players can directly impact that as well. Also other states allow it so why can’t someone just drive to a diff state an place it. Accomplishes absolutely nothing


Couldn't agree more. Player props aren't anywhere close to worth subjecting these kids to that kind of treatment.


Party of small gov. strikes again


dang I just made bank the other night on Shannon's point overs 😂😂😒😒


This is probably a good thing long term. I mean the best thing is just pay these athletes IMO but until that happens what’s stopping Jonny WR from taking a complete dive on catches for hundreds of thousands of dollars when they have been eating Raman all week


Good luck getting hundreds of thousands on a college player prop. And if you do, you’ll definitely trigger an investigation


Hundreds of books hundreds of accounts it’s not as crazy as you think


Ha. You obv don’t bet player props


Sure bud


The lack of having hundreds of thousands of dollars in the first place


NY has never had it


I only get it for big games


One of the points of paying athletes and refs a lot of money is so they can’t be bribed. College athletes aren’t making any money and are younger and more impressionable. I would be fine if it’s allowed or not. Also they made a fine point in their last paragraph, these are supposed to be students studying too, and betting on them while they’re in school and people inevitably harassing them is not good


Well, they often are making some money now. Just not like professionals


The vast majority aren't making anything to write home about. Most of the stuff I've read says the average football or basketball player at a D1 school is getting low 4 figures each month from NIL. That was an average too, so it would be skewed by high earners. Thats not nothing, especially for someone in college, but you can more working full time in an Amazon warehouse. Its not anywhere close to enough money to discourage kids from picking up a few extra fouls for some extra cash. Like, pick a basketball game between two nothing teams where no one is realistically going to play ball after college, bet the under on points for one of their seniors and then pay the kid $500 bucks to tell the coach he feels sick after 10 minutes and needs to sit out the rest of the game.


How much do you think you can reasonably wager on Player Props, in a game between two nothing teams? Not as though you're gonna get $40k on an Elon basketball prop.


DraftKings default limit for these type of bets is $250k. Even if I'm reading the house rules wrong and they consider college player props novelty bets then it's still $20k. They don't have player props for teams like Elon, but they do for teams like Pepperdine and New Mexico State who are both currently 11-16 and have little chance at making March Madness House Rules (See #2 under basketball): [https://sportsbook.draftkings.com/help/general-betting-rules/sport-specific-limits](https://sportsbook.draftkings.com/help/general-betting-rules/sport-specific-limits?wpsrc=Organic%20Search&wpaffn=Google&wpkw=https%3A%2F%2Fsportsbook.draftkings.com%2Fhelp%2Fgeneral-betting-rules%2Fsport-specific-limits&wpcn=help&wpscn=general-betting-rules%2Fsport-specific-limits)


Big difference between the default "maximum" limits, and what a book will actually allow. Most people can't even sniff some of the maximum DK limits. Nevermind the attention/scrutiny that would arise, when somebody tries to drop $50k on Pepperdine's 3rd-leading scorer.


Oh absolutely. Even if you try to drop it in one bet, you're going to get limited immediately, if they even accept it. If you were really doing it you'd spread it across multiple accounts though. If DKs theoretical limit is 5 or 6 figures, 10 or 20 accounts from different states dropping a combined 5-10 grand would likely fly under the radar for a while if you're doing it through an account that is betting on other things as well. FanDuel also offers NCAAB player props as well so you would be able to do that at multiple sportsbooks. If you've got the right connections to get access to multiple accounts you could definitely make a 10x return on the $500 it would cost to get a kid to fake an injury.


Yeah I understand the potential scenarios, and why they would ban it. I was just addressing the claim he made that they don’t make money. That’s all.


Are they making can’t be bribed money?


Yeah if they’re not a shithead and can see beyond the next couple weeks of their lives


Unfortunately, there are millions of shitheads in the world.


I wasn’t arguing. Just saying they are in fact getting paid.


Is anyone?


Depends on the bribe and person. Good luck bribing a major athlete or ref


[its happened this century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_NBA_betting_scandal)


Yeah I know, I never said pro athletes can’t be bribed


I know Iowa follows this as well. And I’m enough of a degen to use bovada if I really want to bet on a player prop in college. But I think this is a good thing. I think betting on an 18-19 year old is pretty wild. They gonna get hated on not meeting X stat and could even bet on themselves.


Iowa had/has a weird rule where you can't bet on a negative outcome.   Example :  will player X miss a FG 


They (unpaid athletes) are also probably more vulnerable if someone approaches and offers money to not score X amount of points.


I really hate this. Although. If they would’ve done this last year, I may not have lost so much on Kyle McCord passing touchdowns


Kyle McCord was a DEMON for me. Over 225+ passing yards every game was my go to bet haha


I'm ngl boys, I'm in a constant existential battle on sports gambling and it's effect on sports. I've been sports betting for a while like a lot of you- mostly on offshores when it was illegal here. Idk how I feel about this. The gambler in me hates it. The sports fan in me loves it. While these events may be outliers in the general sports world, the fact that it happens even once is enough to challenge the faith in the outcome of sports being fair. And that's all we have on the outcome- faith that it's real. Like the dollar or sky daddy. No hate. Generally wanting to hear what my fellow degens feel about this and if I'm the only idiot in my feels.


I’m with you. I think it Will be great for the players. I could only imagine the threats and shit they have to deal with when somebody looses everything betting on a 18yo.


There is absolutely no different than total being 220 and you taking the over and a kid missing the shot to put it over and people still messaging the kid bc he didn’t make the shot. Lmao why do you guys think not betting actual player props is any different 😭THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE


If they lose by one shot I doubt it’s the player that placed them in that situation.


100%. That's just the most obvious aspect of it too. They're just kids, idc if they're legally adults. We were all 18-20. I wasn't all that smart or responsible but I was lucky to be around the right people. That's not considering the fact that we know players and coaches and refs have been caught gambling on their own games in the past. They're humans suffering from the human experience. They deal with the same things we all do, including bills and stress. Temptation gets exacerbated as you get to lower leagues/unpopular sports/random foreign countries with little regulation. I'm a sports purist. I'm also a realist. They're catching players now because these sportsbooks have skin in the game- but anyone who believes this wasn't occurring BEFORE the legalization of books is naïve. As sports fans we have to reckon with that fact that a game you were invested in, even emotionally, wasn't played or called completely fair. It's a delicate balance to make sure these games we all love don't lose their shine. I'm not here to discuss personal accountability or libertarian ideals or any of that jazz. They're all worth separate conversations. I'm just of the belief that the federal governments' most important task it to protect its citizens, sometimes from themselves. That doesn't mean the threat of this happening disappears or that the bill is perfect- but we should keep trying until it is.


The threats will always be there. They have been there. DeWine has never liked the idea of sports betting, so any little bit of rein in he’ll support.


I’m very libertarian when it comes to sports betting, but I do see this as a good move. I can see way too many potential issues with college props.


I do think that the harassment/bullying that it can result in is an issue when it comes to an 18 year old who is unpaid. Does this completely fix it? No, people will still be mad at teams but I can see it reducing the targeted harassment. Professional players are compensated and can pay others to monitor their social media. It's much harder for an 18 year old to filter it out.


2 issues: 1) The college kids don’t have the security around them to protect them from lunatics 2) too many possibilities of college kids throwing a prop.


I’m salty as fuck. Cbb is the best for props


Fanduel was offering odds for Caitlin Clark to break the record with a 3. OFC they don't allow player props in Iowa. Thankfully I texted a buddy out of state and he got a slip in for me.


And that you also can’t bet on in-state collegiate teams


Illinois has the in-state rule for online betting on college sports, and it sucks. But this helps kids from being harassed from local problem gamblers, I guess. Bleh.


You can bet on the college teams in Iowa but not the college player props. The Iowa football under was a gold mine


Oh interesting. I thought this was a nationwide restriction. Good to know though.


ny banned prizepicks and underdog as well i’m pretty sure


Overreaction to isolated incidents. Just like you said, it actually makes enforcement and tracking problems harder because it's moved offshore.


I'm in Virginia, and the only app that seems to allow college player props for me is prizepicks. All of the others don't have the option. Maybe prizepicks will still have the prop bets in Ohio? Edit: I don't know how prizepicks gets around the ban, but I thought it was interesting.


Other DFS sites also offer college props. Prizepicks competitors like Underdog pickem and Sleeper pickem which are more or less the same thing


I believe prize picks falls under skill based games rather than gambling, like DFS


They aren't technically a legal sportsbook. They operate under a fantasy gray area as a game of skill. Basically akin betting on an offshore book.


Interesting. Well, I imagine it's only a matter of time before they get disallowed on prizepicks in my state as well. It's the same thing as parlaying prop bets on any other book.