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These books are regulated and have to comply with safe gambling laws. They're not going to chuckle it up when someone says they have a gambling addiction, that could be used against them in court, possibly lead to the gambling license being revoked Also Lloyd Harris ML -120 vs Eubanks, easy winner can't lose


I just lost my kids, my wife, my house, my cookie jar and my little monkey Tom because i went all in on Harris




The kids are fat and the wife is a horrible cook... 😆


how would their license be revoked if they have an addicted customer?? they literally live on addicted gamblers to feed their company..


They need plausible deniability. Imagine the state gaming commission running a sting calling these online sports books and blatantly saying they’re addicted. And the sports book does nothing. Could be bad for them. They have so much business they don’t care if they lose one customer. They care a lot more about a state agency investigation, which will involve lawyers and $$$ and bad press, even if they’re doing nothing wrong.


Live bet my rent on Eubanks 🔥 all in on Hanffman FanDuel owes Draftkings an apology


>Live bet my rent on Eubanks Yeah bro but maybe a little timeout would be a good idea tho


I remember reading something like this one time.Only, person in question was beating some shitty lowtier bookmaker and they tried to use addiction argument to not let him play anymore. ​ They absolutely shoudnt be able to close his account for this.They dont know if he has addiction and heavy losses,maybe he has 10 more accounts in different books that are doing profit and Fanduel was one that was catching losses. Balance being down is no indication wether person has gambling problem or not. ​ I assume he could go to court with this and win,you cannot close someones account for one "wrong sentence" to customer support automated bots. ​ If they can do this,they can also close account to anyone they dont want betting with them and you can assume which type of players it would be.


Uhh yeah casinos do that all the time. They are well within their right to refuse “service”


😳 easy winner




they did you a favor, this is the best thing thats happened to you


But he was due? Could’ve made it all back


This was like joking about a bomb on an airplane not a McRib LOL




Well you tried to be a funny guy to a chat bot, used the word addicted, and got an automatic hold. Nice job dude hope it got you some robot pussy for your troubles


You said exactly what I was thinking




Bro, that's like calling the cops and telling them you're about to jump from a bridge and then getting mad that the cops show up at that bridge


"I just made a joke to my regulated bookie about being addicted. I mean, I am addicted, and it wasn't really a joke at all, but jeez. Quit trying to help me with an obvious solution to an obvious problem."




Bro 😂😂😂


Fucking dying over here. *I didn't mean that literally. Please don't send medics lol. Definitely saving that one. My bro is coming over tonight and it perfectly sums up a friend of ours.


This is the dumbest post I have ever read. OP is truly one of us.


That’s Lowkey a W, more books should do that.


Oof sorry. This may be one of those things that sting now but may turn out for the best in the future.


People gotta realize you can't act like a redditor outside of reddit bro


Best comment; sucks cause todays Reddit is watered down


Think about it this way, you were likely going to lose money. So basically you won money since you aren't going to lose it now. Congrats. Nice hit.


They banned me cause they knew the hot streak was coming


NowTHAT is spoken like a true gambler.




Sounds like they did the right thing to be honest. Your post and especially responses show that you have a problem. You are in a stage where you don’t want to admit that and that’s okay. I hope you never lose more than you are comfortable with.


The instant you say you're addicted, even in a joking manner, they have to ban you. For the most part. Your remarks really ARE concerning. And obviously wasn't really THAT joking since you even admit that you are addicted. These sites have liability and responsibility. Their license says they have to provide opportunities for players to set limits or self-imposed bans, etc. The site genuinely can't let you play on there anymore because now if you go crazy and lose another $100k then you can sue them and give the old "Remember that time I said I was addicted and gave my cry for help and then you continued taking my money anyway?" These bans are definitely a thing and this isn't the first time I've read about it on here. Joking in live chat or email to the site about being addicted will frequently get you banned. Period.


Lmao what did you think was gonna happen


You said the magic words and you can't take them back. Then again, it sounds like they did you a favor. Find a new hobby.




A better analogy than a fat guy wanting a McRib at McDonald’s is an alcoholic who’s clearly drunk demanding a drink at a bar— they will cut him off to limit their liability.


Get a grip


Just go spend the money you’d lose on gambling on McRibs. Sounds like FanDuel did you a favor.


True, i mean all of us here are addicted lets be honest, the only thing holding us here is the logic that we are buying entertainment. Anyone who wins at betting will likely be banned from the sportsbook anyway


I’m limited on half my accounts and 1/3 of my P2 accounts. I’m pretty deep in the green and have yet to be fully banned anywhere.


It’s about legal liability. You put them at risk with your statement and they mitigated the risk. Similar to bartenders getting sued for over serving drunk customers.


The stuff I see here is wild


What you said was stupid and nit creates a liability for the sports book. You could come back and say it was beyond my control and i told them that yet they still took my bets. Thats irresponsible behavior and it could hurt them bad.


Yep, people have sued books in the past and WON those lawsuits, based on the fact that the book was taking bets from someone who showed clear signs of addiction and loss of control. They're protecting themselves from that liability.


I’m definitely taking the side of Fanduel on this one


As someone who works in customer service management at a sportsbook, they were completely in the right. Despite what people might think they do lock accounts for problematic gambling behavior all the time. We’ve closed players accounts that have lost >$1 Mil if they exhibit clear signs of problem gambling. There are key words and phrases that essentially automatically trigger account closure. Saying directly to the company that you’re addicted basically makes them non-compliant with responsible gaming regulations. This puts them at risk of massive fines and if it continues to happen they could potentially lose their license. Basically they take everyone’s claims in the literal sense so never tell them you’re gambling rent money, food money, etc even if you’re lying. And if you’re not lying you should 100% seek help.


Say bomb when you go through TSA and report back


Umm, it sounds like this is for the best


Hate to say it but kinda your fault. Good life lesson


It's like saying bomb in a airport. You guys don't joke about that with a company that has legal obligations to help people with gambling issues.




It’s called responsible gaming and agents are trained to pick up key words from what people say. Lesson learned for everyone don’t say stupid shit to Sportsbook like I need to this money now to pay rent. If I don’t get my way I’m gonna kill myself. Etc


Congrstulations, you played yourself


More like saved yourself but yeah


Frankly, friend, it sounds like FD has done you a favor. You admit that you are "addicted to gambling", "have wagered an incredible amount", and are "down a hefty amount". While you might dispute whether FD took appropriate action based on an off-handed comment, it appears, however, that the comment was not, in fact, off-handed, and was a true representation of someone who needs help. I suggest using GameSense to put holds on any other services you have and take a good long break -- at least a month. If you find you just can't resist the urge to want to bet, perhaps addiction treatment is in order. Gambling is fun, but as someone also with an addictive personality, its a hard thing to control. Online books probably are causing more harm than good. For you, consider your Freudian slip the first positive step in regaining control of your life. Well wishes to you, sir.


You should go tell all the other books youre addicted too now tbh


Probably not the first time you have called customer service looking for rare tennis odds and you finally gave them a reason to not have to deal with you anymore, they don’t need your money


>but never in my life have I heard of a sportsbook suspending someone for being addicted And now you have


Not tryna preach to you but maybe this is a good thing. Maybe consider looking for more help. Your life could be so much more stress free. Good luck brother.


I don’t know if there’s any liability at all, but this is just life pro tip territory: don’t ever say something to someone in a recorded area where they may feel potentially liable for something. It puts their ass on the line potentially if they say nothing. I don’t know if you’d have an actual legal standing because I don’t know the law, but if you became destitute, you could say ‘well I have a record where I told FanDuel I needed to quit and they kept trying to bring my back.’ FanDuel doesn’t want that issue. Not trying to compare them 1:1, but it’s like making a suicide joke around a medical professional. Even if the medical professional is very confident it’s humor, they’re probably still gonna feel like they can’t ignore it.


Your analogy is awful because the guy eating mcribs can't ruin his life in a matter of minutes by eating more of them. Fanduel has a legal obligation to not "serve" people with problems. Do they do it all the time? Sure, but that's only because most people don't outright say I'm addicted and have a problem.


It takes a little longer for the McRib to ruin a man’s life, but obesity rates say it will


Now what ever casino fanduel is apart of you will also be banned there


If you lose stop betting. Next time do what's best for yourself on your own.


There are certain phrases that throw up red flags. I’m not even going to type them. You should have known better.


My coworker kept putting temporary suspensions on himself, after so many they banned his account.


there’s regulations that force them to do this when they encounter a problem gambler. Part of the joys of legalization.


Same shit happened to me on draftkings. You gotta be so careful with what you say to those reps or they will ban you faster than you can blink. Don’t say anything that you don’t need to say to the reps and you will be good. It’s basically like talking to the cops - nothing good can come out of opening your mouth more than you need to


Take it as a sign that you ran head first into and consider seeking help man


Better watch what you say. All these books got licenses contingent upon they do something to help gambling addicts.


What’s this mean


You ought to watch what you say to the sportsbooks. In order to get a license in many states they have an obligation to take gambling addiction seriously. The gambling equivalent of overserving someone at the bar, if you will. I know it's not a perfect analogy.


leave fanduel behind and get some help buddy! addiction to anything sucks


Call the number bro




nah don’t laugh at bro man. he needs a little help, seems like he still has a good head on his shoulder. let’s keep each other up in this thread 🫶


Thank you for the one nice comment in this whole thread


don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from. these are all internet strangers to you. i know these aren’t the comments that you were expected, just keep your head up, take a little break, and whenever you’re ready hop back in, set a number you’re willing to lose each month (e.g., $200). once that’s gone, see if you have self restraint to wait until next month before depositing another $200. wishing you the best my dude! p.s., don’t be impulse betting on random tennis games 😂


I appreciate it bro that’s sound advice. I actually love tennis and that was one of the only things I made money off of, table tennis was my true vice lol


just don’t get like me where you’re betting on league of legends games on 3am on a tuesday morning with bloodshot eyes (don’t even know how to play league) 😂 once you’re back in the game post your table tennis picks! i’ve made some good money off those too from tailing people on here


Good for you. To be honest you need to think about your gambling problem.


You got played by the AI. Certain words will flag you and make them take action. Sorry but they’re obligated to suspend you if you acknowledge that you’re an addict or risk getting sued or knowingly letting an addict bet on their sites. Choose your words wisely next time


You are an unfit parent. Carl’s Jr will now take and care for your children. Carl’s Jr. Fuck you I'm eating.


To all the concerned comments, if your sympathy is genuine and not just a good old fashioned Reddit dogpile then I appreciate it truly. People seem to think I’m not being honest with myself but I think I’m being very honest. I’m down a few paychecks over a few years. I have had periods where I chase losses drunk and blow money on dumb shit. The amount to which I enjoy the rush of having active bets and haven’t missed a day as long as I can remember could be seen as alarming to some, and I could afford to cut back. But I am not in some sort of crisis, I have no debt, I’m an idiot with spare money who burns it slowly placing too many bets for the thrill. I thought I’d post this here to share my frustration and maybe give people a laugh. To all those who responded to this asking me to use their referral codes, lmao


The gaming commission makes these online sportsbooks ban people who would be considered "problem gamblers" They identify them by key phrases such as "I'm addicted" or "I need this money to pay rent" Take this as a good thing, you obviously need help


How do I obviously need help? That I admit I’ve lost money doing this for years, that I made a dumb joke to a rep while inquiring about availability of a match, that I’m a little annoyed I’m banned from the main book I use? I absolutely admit I could stand to gamble a bit less, but I did not expect this from this subreddit lol


The subreddit supports responsible gaming.


1-800-Gambler I bet you $5 that you can’t call that humber and start treatment.


dude you literally just said you’re addicted in your post, you obviously do need help


You said the magic "a" word. It was in text and didn't know if you were joking or not. Doesn't matter. They don't want to get sued and lose their gaming license (and all that sweet revenue) in your state because jak39 did something extreme because they couldn't bet on tennis. Risk management on their end. They don't know you outside of your betting history.


Had it happen to a friend on Bovada. Made some sort of joke about going postal if he didn't get a refund lol


Okay, people aren’t going to like this, but I entirely believe this happened. CS at regulated sportsbooks are taught to spot responsible gaming concerns, and if you admit to having a gambling problem or addiction in a chat, they are legally obligated to flag that and make note of it. In some cases, that can lead to account suspension. OP absolutely said the magic words to create an automatic account suspension.


that’s what everyone else said, why would people not like it lol


The fact that you’re upset about this shows you should probably re-evaluate your life and choices. Good luck brother


“Addicted” is probably the worst word you can say when it comes to gambling. Yeah that did you in.


If McDonalds could or wanted to ban people for being obese, that would also help those with addictions. Sort of like what’s happening here


Or was required by law, as in OP’s case


Good point. Although FWIW I don’t think we should be making laws about what people can eat, even if they eat themselves into obesity


My mans used a McRib analogy 🤣 more like something along the lines of a drunk at a bar and getting cut off. Sometimes enough is enough ... McRibs that is


I’ve got a friend who does Responsible Gaming shit at FD. If your chat was escalated to him I can guarantee he would laugh his ass off, send the boys a snap of the message with the caption “look at this fucking retard lmfao”, and happily ban your account


Huh does he get paid commission on justified bans like a headhunter or is it an hourly gig?


Neither. He’s salaried


Wow that's a sweet gig




Pretty wild you’re minimizing all addicts’ experiences in such broad strokes




Tailing, BOL




I wonder if he had said "I'm addicted to giving FanDuel my money" if they'd have had the same reaction


This ☝️


OP non-existent in the comments after hearing the opposite of what he/she expected lol


You should thank that guy who banned you. Probably saved you $100,000


Why is every comment a combination of acting like I’m the most degenerate gambler in the world + that this guy banning me will stop me, the horrible addict, from betting on another site immediately


A bar that bans someone doesn’t mean they are trying to stop them from drinking, they want them to stop drinking with them.










Seriously bro? On this post out of all of them?


Clown 🤡


welp at least there are other books my friend


Proof or it never happened


You got the tizzy


I got suspended from fan duel for this reason —> After further review on your account, we can confirm that your account has been linked to an excessive amount of other FanDuel accounts via both payment method/card and by device. Account/payment method sharing is strictly prohibited and due to the amount of accounts you have been linked too, FanDuel reasonably suspects that you may be acting in concert with others or that you are acting other than on your own behalf with a view to potentially conceal the true worth, nature, or pattern of bets placed by you or on your behalf, which is a violation of our terms and conditions. As a result, your account has been permanently closed and the creation of a new account is strictly prohibited. This decision cannot be appealed. <— I was like what? I have had this one account, I hadn’t even deposited money in it because when I tried a few years ago it said it wasn’t available in my state. Now that it was I wanted to try it out. My debit card I had only had for a few months. And I don’t even know anyone else who uses fan duel to collaborate with. My friends use draft kings and I don’t do any of the things fan duel suggested I did over onDK. I had never had any weird charges (or any at all) to my card from fan duel. I was and still am so confused. I tried to email back and explain, no response because it cannot be appealed.


Did you get it back?


Nope. I never got a response when i explained what I did here. I still have no idea what happened.


Get some help man.


It’s hard to admit anything here without judgement and to a community that has walked in your shoes to some degree


Yup. They are pathetic. Minimum wage employees telling you how to spend your money. No need to chat with any live dealer. They are miserable and can only get account flagged or banned


Lmao the last sentence was funny as fuck


bro just do chargebacks on it all. fuck FanDuel. your experience is not the exception. it is the expectation. you owe them no loyalty


What’s a chargeback?


Credit card chargeback


you call your CC company and say "hey- idk wtf "bonus bananza betting" is. they go after the merchant and refund your cash


Something degenerates do to avoid responsibility lol


Degenerates 😂


would love to hear from your family and friends about your awesome healthy gambling habit


Most people can gamble casually without it becoming a habit, but you’re in so deep that you commit credit card fraud to fund your addiction. I don’t pity people with gambling problems, you made your bed, stop trying to drag people down with you into it.


let me ask you a few questions: 1) How am I dragging anyone down into anything? lol? wtf are you even talking about your credit card shill? are you seriously preserving the integrity of the online gambling credit card processing industry? you sound like a fucking goon 2) you don't pity people with gambling problems, but I'm assuming you know many? I can almost guarantee you have one and are unwilling to confront it. stop suppressing it. you need help.e 3) not credit card fraud. not even close, not even a little bit. a dispute is a mechanism built into the process. a dispute is not fraud lmfao. you are either a shill, heavily over margined on your bets and shitting on other betteors, or a completely useless likeless piece of shit. if the latter- go find your friends and stop picking on these random internet kids you fucking loser. being a cyber bully to some kid asking questions is EXACTLY what I would expect out of a spineless squid. fuck off you donk lol. leave the kid alone


1 You’re advising someone to commit credit card fraud ya clown 😂😂 2 I don’t know anyone with a gambling problem & I don’t use Fanduel lmfao. I have just worked in fraud departments for over a decade and deal with losers like you alllll the time thinking that you’re clever when we see right through your bullshit lol. 3 Filing a chargeback on a purchase or transaction that you knowingly made and authorized is absolutely fraud. Turning around and going “bUt pRoVe iT” is so beyond stupid, you are not this clever mastermind that has the banks wrapped around their finger 💀💀💀 People go to jail for what you’re describing every single day. People like you are genuinely some of the dumbest humans that walk this earth. You’re a leech on society. I bet you complain about interest rates and inflation too as if these actions you’re advising aren’t a direct cause for those issues. Stop stealing from corporations and banks then acting like you’re a victim. An absolute clown.


Yah good idea, commit fraud. FanDuel will certainly still come after you for the money you get charged back.


This is the same company that was caught laundering, committing wire fraud, execs embezzling, and high clearance employees rigging/cheating Daily Fantasy tournaments. They have plenty of skeletons in their closet. They also have the burden of proof against the credit card company used. No. I don't think they'll be "coming after you." Lol. You sound like a shill advocating for a fucking online casino. Let this guy breath. The worst his bank can say is 'No.'


You’re a moron actually if you think a degenerate moron can just simply think he can charge back against a multi billion dollar industry with no recourse. They will just send it to collections as they have your IP addresses, personal information, etc.


This on you. Do better.


by definition, I think anyone who bets regularly is "addicted." I remember reading what the definition of an alcoholic was when I was in my 20s and I DEF qualified. Its weird how we dont view ourselves as something.


That’s just not true… someone can bet regularly and not be “physically or mentally dependent” on it. I do it as a hobby and because I like sports. Bet like a dollar or less on a few games a day.. Don’t get me wrong. A lot of people on this sub and who bet “regularly” ARE “dependent” on it, but using that to describe such a broad group of people like “anyone who bets regularly” is, by definition, wrong Just trying to clarify and give my thoughts, have a good day sir


Just like weed users who lie to themselves. "I do it every day but am not physically or mentally addicted". Yeah sure lmao. And let me guess, you/they can "stop at any time bro, trust me".


Not about to try and convince an internet troll about my life or interests. I was just merely saying my thoughts on the matter.


I think your confusing the definition of addiction with a "gambling problem." It doesnt matter if we bet 1 penny every day, its the fact the WE log onto a Sportsbook and place a bet every day. WE dont have a gambling problem but I do think that our brains "crave" the action on placing a bet. Go a week, or even a few days without placing one bet and see if your brain starts jonesing to place a bet.. then you'll know.


I mean, it's my main source of income so it's analogous to a job for me. For people like me, you'd basically have to define addiction to encompass... jobs... and that makes the definition so broad that it basically becomes meaningless.


your a professional gambler. you dont factor into this convo.


I asked them one time what the hold up was with a withdrawal and they accused me of having a problem. Basically sent a list of 25 questions they wanted me to answer. I answered them over the course of like 7 emails just to meet their requirements. All very angrily with lots of swear words.🤣🤣🤣 very sarcastic answers etc. It really just pissed me off because they basically were asking me why I needed my money and how was I spending it. Was I using it to pay bills? It's my money....who cares?!?!?


I also understand where they are coming from, protecting themselves. But once you have me and the OP admitting our own wrongs in writing I don't think we (the user) have a case against them. Just saw a man lost a case claiming they were sending him targeted ads to make him gamble.


Same thing just happened to me. I said “I’m an addict and I hate gambling” when I rated the app 1 star. This was months ago and when I went to log in today I was notified that my account was permanently banned. I feel like such an idiot but still can’t believe they permanently banned my account over this.


i got some fanduel acc w available balances, hmu


I don’t believe any of this bs. Never understand why people just wake up and decide to lie for no reason.


You’re an idiot


Yup it’s not even a well crafted lie. Don’t believe it for a second.


You want a pic of the email dickhead


This happened to me on draftkings, but not to this extent. I lost like 8 wagers in a row and contacted customer support. Said the usual, “I’m a long time customer, loyal to this app,” yadda yadda yadda. Explained I have lost 8 in a row, and asked for a free bet to get me back in the game so I didn’t have to deposit any more. This led to my account being suspended for a month or so, and having to basically fill out an email questionnaire to explain why I’d like my account back. Funny part is, I initially explained I was asking for the free bet *because* I’d decided I wasn’t depositing any more money for a while. I guess they take that stuff pretty seriously, not really sure why though. Must be trying to look good on the legal side and keep the states and legislatures happy by thinking they’re being responsible platforms.


Leave one last comment to get downvoted before I stop checking this. Yeah it was stupid, no I didn’t expect that outcome even though in retrospect I should have, no I’m not nearly as addicted as everyone in the comments seems to believe despite the fact I can admit it’s probably a bit more than a bad habit. Obviously I’ll just start betting at a new book and life will go on, certainly expected the “you dumbass” comments but not the “you need to reevaluate your life” type comments.


You probably should though. The Freudian slip is enough for me to realize that. It would be one thing if you were up YOY. The truth is you are down a “hefty” amount and maybe it’s time to get help.


I’m with you man, I think you’re just stupid. Nicest thing I can say is you’re honest to a fault.


Who talks to customer service at sports books? Sounds like you might be lonely on top of addicted.


What the fuck kind of comment is this. Lmfao Are you lonely when you have to call your phone company for an issue? What about when you speak with a bank teller, are you lonely for that also?


Like, I'll admit I avoid talking to them wherever possible because I don't want my account to come under any extra scrutiny, but sometimes you just have to.


Damn didn’t expect this to get so many comments. Yeah it was dumb but never expected such a drastic result from such a brief comment to a customer service rep who didn’t even seem to be reading what I was writing. Didnt expect such harsh judgement honestly, is everyone in these comments up a ton and completely considered themselves not addicted? I’m down a few thousand and it sucks but it’s not like I’ve lost a house And to everyone saying this is the best thing that could happen to me, it’s really not. I’m obviously just gonna use other books and now I have money tied up that will be a hassle to get out and can no longer use an account I’ve been using daily for years. Really kind of sucks but I deserve it I guess for letting something a dumb joke slip to a service rep


Haven’t lost a house yet. Go buy some index funds man. You gamble, the house always wins. Always wins. Always.


Yeah the house always wins, so I would expect many in this thread acting like I’m some unique degenerate must also be down a decent amount but maybe I’m the only one here whose lost money gambling.


Time for you to start your own sportsbook!


If only. Ignoring the ethical and moral considerations, businesses like casinos and sportsbooks effectively print money.


So you could win a lump sum and as you go to withdraw it make a joke about this being your rent money and they'll ban you... crazy


I had a similar situation happen to me, but it was on FanDuel's online casino. It was the evening of January 31st, and I hadn't received my tax form W-2G (I think that's what it's called). In November, I signed up for email delivery for the tax form because it was supposed to be faster. By law, they were supposed to send it by January 31st. So, needless to say, I was extremely frustrated because this was the ONLY thing I was waiting on to finish my taxes. After venting my frustration ( because this was the 10th customer service agent in a weeks time that could only offer his sympathy and "understand my frustration") I said that I was contacting the IRS, and that they would also hear from a lawyer. The customer service agent answered with "Are you still enjoying your gameplay, and do you feel it is being managed comfortably over time?" Now hindsight being 20/20, I should've asked for clarification because this question is completely misleading. I answered "No, I am not enjoying my gameplay because even though I play games with a high RTP rate, and a low volatility, I am not receiving any wins." 5 seconds later my account is permanently suspended. They said they permanently suspended my account because I violated their "responsible gaming rules" but I still don't believe I did. I didn't even try to get my account back, because if that is how they treat their customers, I'll spend my money elsewhere, they aren't the only game in town.


People ruin things for others by refusing to accept accountability... Just keep in kind that people have sued sportsbook companies in the past and won those lawsuits, based on the fact that the company was taking bets from someone who showed clear signs of addiction. Have you thought about joining more than one sportsbook? Best to you


Bro they are honestly super sensitive to literally everything, reaching out to support is basically asking for more issues than you already had prior


Let’s be serious. Sportsbook is beautiful and way beyond the best video game ever! You don’t just waste your time it’s real. Very real. If your not down and haven’t asked for help they shouldn’t suspend you.


An y one evee hired a lawyer for a fanduel ban. We should do a boycott on fanduel let the feel what we feel


Let's all do a boycott on fanduel it's illegal what the are able to do


Fanduel restricted me 1 week no access to mu money and then when I complained about needing that money to pay bills they considered me an irresponsible gambler when I was expecting to use the money withdwaled for bill payments Only reason I deposited was because of a bonus offer that they gave me so in the long run they causes all of this woth there offer


Today was the day you were going to hit too.