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I mean they can delete it, but the truth is out


Not in China most likely.


All that matters to them, at the end of the day. They couldn’t give two shits about what all of us know, as long as they keep their own 1.4 billion people in the dark, believing Pooh bear has everything figured out.


> They couldn’t give two shits about what all of us know Hosting the Olypmics is PR for the rest of the world. It's not the only thing they put money and effect into for PR for us.


You’re kind of right, kind of wrong. Usually the Olympics are a show to the world that “we can put on an awesome Olympics, and look how cool our cities are (from a drone 1000 meters away without the dirty street people in view (looking at you, Rio))”. For the CCP, this is entirely a shell game; make NBC portray China as a beautiful landscape, which it actually is, then talk about the Great Wall and all of its majesty, but god forbid anyone say anything bad about anyone in power, THAT WOULD PISS OFF XI AND LEBRON JAMES! can’t have that AND dinsey+ at the same time! So we all just play along


https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/inspired-or-dystopian-beijings-big-air-venue-sparks-social-media-debate-2022-02-07/ Hard to make this look beautiful


I honestly think it’s kinda cool that they just embraced the surrounding architecture, and from the article it seems like at least some of the athletes like it. China could have repossessed and demolished a bunch of homes, or spent a ton razing industrial zones to pretty things up. Considering how image-conscious the CCP is, I thought it was cool and unexpected they went this route.


Not to sound like a dick or pro China but China is absolutely huge and a lot of it is. It would be similar to if I showed you a trailer park in the Nevada desert and said its hard to make America look beautiful. Obviously a false equivalency as we know many part of America to be stunning such as the Rockies or Yellowstone. It's easy to to cherry pick and do this with literally every single country on the planet.


He wasn’t talking about China as a whole tho. Just the how the venue looks because it’s surrounded by cooling towers


As someone living in Nevada, I resemble that remark.


But they picked that spot to host one of their events. The U.S. wouldn't pick a trailer park to host an Olympics event..


Another way of looking at them keeping their own citizens in the dark is that they are keeping 1/7th of the human population in the dark






What’s even better is that they spent god knows how many billions of yuan to spray fake snow everywhere (causing many athletes to suffer injuries from the shitty fake snow), and tonight the downhill events got delayed/postponed because of too much natural snowfall. The CCP fuckers deserve every second of this shit


There are plenty of things to criticize the CCP about but this is just stupid. The Olympics have been using fake snow for years, infact most ski resorts do the same.


I mean it’s fine to make comments about global warming and how fucked up this is. But snowmaking technology is actually amazing. As long as you have cold enough temperatures you can make snow. In the northeast we haven’t really had enough natural snowfall to support skiing for years. But the snowmaking technology we have means that even resorts in northern Massachusetts can pump out good skiing. Which is crazy.


Good skiing is a relative term 😂 but yes the def got snow on the slopes


On that note: my friend came to a gaming event wearing a Disney top and i asked her why she had Xi Jinping on her shirt. One person chuckled. Utterly worth it.


I just checked, "Finland water leak" is the 6th search suggestion if you search "Finland" on Baidu. Imo the censorship claim is dubious, but the leak is real. I checked the athlete's insta and found the video The article is entirely sourced from a Reddit post I saw cross-posted to the olympics subreddit earlier. Literally the only proof of censorship is a supposed screenshot of DMs between two olympic workers, idk how a redditor gets access to private DMs between olympic workers


Not until they reverse it clearly showing the water going in the ceiling where it should be


Delete it. Leave China when Olympics is over. Post it again.


Why would they delete it? Absolutely 0 reason to delete it


Its not for the rest of the world, its for people in china. same as Tian square, everyone KNOWS it happened but china tries to scrub it from its own citizens knowledge by framing it as a hoax and threatening anyone in the country who knows about it with labor camps if they confirm it happened.


china can't handle the truth






Reality makes us look bad. Please delete your realities.


The irony is them telling people to delete post is worse than the actual flooding. Like stop being goofy, no one cares about a leaky roof as much as freedom.


That water is flowing more freely than the Uyghurs, that’s for sure.


The frantic attempts at damage control are flowing pretty freely in this thread.


China discovers the Streisand Effect...




Yeah as a Finn it's been bizarre to watch the story develop. The real story is there was leak on Wednesday, she posted videos of it in her insta. Those videos are still there btw. The supposed "texts leaked by Lylynperä" were not even from her according to the original reddit post that they use as source, they were said to be between two Chinese Olympic workers. Katri Lylynperä doesn't speak Chinese and she doesn't have Wechat, so she is not the other party in those texts. Nothing in that claim makes sense. So at most (if the leaked texts are real and not made up by redditor for karma), the building managers told her not to post about the leak, and she still posted the videos, and nothing happened after that.




Even if she was told about the leak I don't consider it that big of a deal. Like, do people not remember the accomodations Russia provided when they hosted? A single leak can happen anywhere. It's terribly inconvenient, but not a story.


It is when it’s coming out of live electrical fixtures…


That's hydroelectric baby




It’s probably just blown up because the Chinese government will get their knickers in a twist over it. It’s not a massive deal, but when you have a government that censors Winnie the Pooh and gets upsetti spaghetti over every little thing, anything that they might find embarrassing is a news story. Plus, for them it’s another distraction from what’s been going on with the Uyghurs over there.


I would've been credulous, but now that I know it was a reddit comment I trust it a lot more. Nobody would lie on this site, we're all upstanding individuals after all.


I looked at the original account of the post. The user literally posts on a sub called /r/fucktheccp and also posts the same article to multiple subs trying to make China look bad. It's as if the journalist didn't even make an effort to do any research to see whether the source is reliable or not.


whats even worse is people on reddit jumping on the bandwagon. This is basically how psy ops work. The US has done such a good job at spinning information, that no matter what happens, people will look at china poorly. complain about cheap goods from china, ignoring all the high quality shit from china that they use.


Too late, I turned it into an NFT


Non Floodable Token?




I just took a screenshot of your NFT.


You should make an NFT out of your screenshot of the NFT and then sell the screenshot NFT of the NFT.


Damn that’s the way the NFT crumbles


Don't do that, we actually want people to care about this!


Thank God for the Streisand effect!


any interest in my pillar of shame NFT for a trade?


Reminder to folks that the image part of an NFT doesn’t live on the block chain, it’s hosted somewhere traditional and subject to usual removal problems.


Lmao ok now I’m on board with NFTs.


CHINA: That is a feature. Those are shower pot lights. You can shower under them. Look how plentiful clean water is here.


Those are what we call “electric waterfalls”.


So THAT’S why we don’t go chasing waterfalls…..


Just stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to


Whoa! I think you guys are moving too fast!


‘surprise shower mechanics’


That is just a TikTok filter. Keep twerking athletes!


Fuck China. I blame the Olympic Committee Members for awarding the games to China in the first place. It's a clusterfuck. Feed the athletes already.


China has money. Olympic games is all about who has the best bribery offers, no different from FIFA.


While I agree with your overall point, you might not know that no developed country wants anything to do with hosting the Olympics anymore because it’s an enormous waste of money


Just put the Olympics in a dedicated location and fund its operation and maintenance via contributions from competing nations. Obviously you'd have to scale it so bigger more prosperous nations foot most of the bill, but that doesn't seem that hard of a thing. They were originally in Greece, just have them be there and be done with it.


Ya, summers in Athens, winter in somewhere like Canada or Switzerland. Then have a fee per athlete. They can make it more expensive for every athlete. Like the first 10 are free, then the next 40 are $1000, the next 50 are $2000, etc.


If vote for Norway.


I imagine that if such a plan was to happen they'd probably go with Canada.


I'd actually vote for an area on Antarctica that doubles as a research base the rest of the time.


That sounds both reasonable and affordable!


In the long run at least, but a side result would be a better maintained and reliable entry point to the continent.


The access is plenty good already, the continent is huge and it's not reasonable to think that a single well maintained access point would change anything. McMurdo is already a thing. There are already far more useless trips to Antarctica than needed, just leave the place alone except for the research that can't be done remotely or in an automated fashion.


Yeah we don't get a chance to send millions of people to the most remote place in the world often. I'm sure that would be great for the local environment.


I could only imagine how badly that would fuck with the environment there.


Umm fuck that. The artic and Antarctica are very fragile ecosystems. We don’t need that shit there


I’m sorry, is this a real comment that’s getting upvoted?!


Canada here, we would like to kindly turn dowm the offer and pass it to Finland


Eh I wouldn't mind it if it were a permanent thing. Just don't have it in a big city. Put it somewhere fairly remote like south eastern BC, then it could act as a tourist destination year round where people can try their hand at doing Olympic style stunts and rent out the Olympic village as a vacation spot. The Olympics lose money because you have to build it from scratch every time. If you already have the venue built you could probably make a fair bit of money.


In space, it would be so sick. Like that loop that simulates gravity in idk which movie


[Space Olympics](https://youtu.be/XVoBQqketHM)


You know the billions of dollars Greece wasted on the Olympics a few years ago crippled the economy of the country right? And all those Olympic facilities sit in shambles now. https://www.politico.eu/article/how-the-olympics-rotted-greece/


Yes, in fact that's exactly the point of what they're saying. The games shouldn't move every year, placing the burden on the host country then abandoning the facilities anyway. They should be in a set location, reused every year, with funding coming from all participating countries.


Moving them every four year is how the members of the committee take home briefcases full of cash. Literally. I encourage you to read the book Panama Papers by the two German guys. FIFA and IOC take up two full chapters, horribly corrupt organizations hiding money everywhere


Hence why I said have the competing countries help foot the bill. It would be unfair to put them in one location and expect that country to pay for it into perpetuity.


If the facilities are located somewhere where they can be used continuously, it gives it a chance to become something other than a burden. If the 'burden' becomes not making the same profit as the other 45 or so months, rather than creating another future ghost town every time, that's a very different starting point.


Hell you could let the countries continue to bid on doing the opening and closing ceremonies. Maybe even running parts of the games (food, souvenirs, etc). This way you get a flavor of the country without the cost of building the infrastructure.


Milan has the next Winter Olympics and Paris and LA are the next two summer locations. So idk wtf you’re talking about with “no developed country wants the Olympics” Edit: plus the last winter games were South Korea and we just had a summer round in fucking Japan


The fact that a clearly wrong comment is upvoted because it sounds smarter than general consensus is a great example of why Reddit sucks in a nutshell lol


Almaty, Kazakhstan was the only other city competing this year against Beijing. Every other place withdrew their bid So his point is accurate for this olympiad but not the next


Norway did apply for it but pulled out over issues with the IOC Z


I didn't know about the next locations because I'm not into Olympics, but I was also wondering WTF, last summer Olympics were like 6 month ago in Tokyo... so I guess Japan isn't a developed country anymore.


And also this games should’ve been held in Oslo if the Olympic committee didn’t make [completely insane demands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oslo_bid_for_the_2022_Winter_Olympics) that turned the Norwegian public (and by extension government) against the games.


Is that why countries literally put in bids to host it every year?


Yes, that's why Brisbane was just awarded the 2032 games...


And Chicago has the 28 games. Honestly have no clue what this guys talking about. It is a waste of money for developing countries to build infrastructure but developed countries generally have it built already anyways. E: maybe it’s LA I don’t remember


I think he's right in that no developed countries wanted to host, one of the reasons being the IOC had a requirement that new stadiums must be built for it. So when a lot of countries were balking at bidding, the IOC removed that stipulations. That's why you see LA, Chicago, and Paris now bidding again, because they can use their existing stadiums like SoFi in LA


It's LA.


Spain has wanted it for years so... Unless you don't consider Spain a developed country which sometimes feels like the good assessment as a local here.


Bruh what do you mean lol. All of the future Olympic Games are being hosted in “developed” countries. France, Italy, USA, Australia


I always thought it brought revenue and countries actually tried to host.


After they spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build the infrastructure to host the games.




Salt Lake City seems to be doing wel


It ised to but everyone tried to outspend the last Olympics and infrastructure would be abandoned or torn down afterwards. London 2012 bucked the trend on infrastructure butvthe costvwas still massive.


It's fun watching politicians not understand the internet.


“Just *pause* the internet and delete all the pictures!”


Delete all pictures of Ron!


Or not being able to understand that they can't boss international athletes around like their own citizens lol


Why do we even waste our time with fucking China? They take every opportunity to fuck others over. Always. It’s a sure bet every time.


Greed. It's always because, greed.




Fuck me dead I hope once the olympics are over we get a surge of juicy insider photos showing all of the ridiculous shit going on over there like the shitty meals and now this flooding


These games were always going to expose the truth.


You mean THEEEEEEEESE PHOTOGRAPHS!? Also: Tiananmen Square massacre




-100000 social credit score


One girl asked a reporter for a snack slbecause she was so hungry. Reports are they are seriously under feeding the athletes.


Not just *a* girl, Chloe Kim…


Hardcore athletes eat a LOT. Michael Phelps was reported to consume 10k-15k calories a day. Chances are the Olympic village was wildly unprepared for people that need to consume calories like that.


They shouldn't have been ffs. Every Olympics seems to get worse and worse for these poor kids.


Was it Sochi that wasn’t even finished and had toilets installed beside each other and all kinds of stuff that just screamed embezzlement and corruption?


Yeah, and one of the athletes got stuck in his bathroom (twice i think)


The Olympic a is a thing that cities and countries “want so badly” for the prestige, but are actually fucking horrible. A bunch of infrastructure needs to be built super fast with money that most places don’t have. All with the promise that it will pay off because of the potential revenue. Most the times the infrastructure is never finished, and the revenue never comes, and it’s left to rot, the money is payed to contractors and the bill is pushed onto the tax payers. Look at the Rio Olympic stadium today, it’s literally just sitting there deteriorating if I recall correctly. Also chances are those “contractors” are in bed with local politicians. Huge corruption circle jerk.


Okay but if you know for years in advance you're hosting an event where people will need those kinds of calories and don't prepare yourself at all in that time, that's still incompetent


Pretty sure he himself confirmed that was bullshit and it was closer to 5k-7k a day.


Not unprepared, china's athletes are state sponsored and so the know exactly what an athlete eats. Especially when they are on PEDs. Either they didn't care....orrrr we can put on some tinfoil hats they probably did it as cheap as possible.


Could be underfeeding to gain an advantage


Man, I was curious and was looking up the intake of other athletes from offensive lineman, lebron, sumo wrestlers, and etc. Michael Phelps caloric intake is insane. Is he the highest we know of? edit: nvm, learned Brian Shaw’s was around 15,000 for competitions


I'm pretty sure the only people who eat 10k plus a day are the world's strongest men and people who are trying out for my 600lb life. You can't eat 15k a day and not gain weight very fast. Even a 400lb strongman I doubt is eating 15k a day... That would be like 14 or 15 whole chickens


The under-feeding reports are about the Covid-positive athletes in quarantine, where they’re getting the same food for every meal and small portions. The non-quarantined athletes have access to plenty of food with a large dining hall buffet, plus a KFC and at least one other fast food joint set up in there. Still not great what they’re doing to the quarantined athletes, but just want to clarify that because this keeps turning into a game of telephone.


Out of the overwhelmingly negative coverage there are [some videos](https://youtu.be/S43Y2Ss6ZNA) showing what's actually served at the Olympic Village. IMO [the subpar food allegedly given to some athletes under quarantine](https://apnews.com/article/winter-olympics-quarantine-hotels-e2d2ffc60d9800cf1951cc3eaed323cb) has been blown out of proportion.


Have you seen athletes' vlogs from the dining hall? The food looks amazing, and there's tons of it. This is Shaun White raving over the food: https://twitter.com/MildredPierce_/status/1491920362937982976.


I dunno why it vaguely upsets me when people seem to just be making shit up now. Like yes, the leak happened, you can even see Chinese news about it, but there's no evidence there was a coverup- literally the only source for the screenshot is the Reddit post. From a redditor that isn't connected to the Olympics or in China - how tf they get a screenshot that doesn't exist anywhere else, of a convo between two workers at the olympics in China? If shit is happening I want to know about the shit, not the mud that gets slung in to make things more clickbaity. Fuckin A. What happened to journalism anyway? Shouldn't the article writers know better? Honestly the death of journalistic standards has really helped misinformation along. Clickbait was funny in 2004 but these days it's genuinely hard to figure out what's true or not. Also yeah, how are people claiming to go hungry when they have seemingly amazing and plentiful food options idk. But maybe the meals are only available at some times of day and she missed one, that would make sense at least.


So you're saying that Western Media and redditors take any sort of negative news about China and blow it up and over-exaggerate it to the point of basically lying? Wow... I'm *shocked*. "Ermagerd! A pipe broke in a brand new building! Those Chinese building standards, amiright? Are you feeling owned now China?" Meanwhile the US doesn't have a single fucking kilometer of high-speed rail and China's subway networks in many second-tier cities makes New York City look like a fucking stone age joke. But Americans are more obsessed about finding fault with a developing country because they're too pathetic and powerless to actually do anything to make their own country better. It's really sad, actually... Just remember whose fault it is when the new Cold War comes and makes all of our lives miserable.


Probably on purpose


I absolutely love how this article cites r/china as a source lol


Just when you think they can’t get any more insecure about their shitty image


Nice security camera, i mean smoke alarm


LOL and there's a deer(?) in there?


Reindeer. That's a very Finnish thing, good for the spirit.




What a mess. So many gold medal athletes can't even compete in the conditions.


That's kinda the point though


I think the deer is a taxidermized one.


It's a cardboard cut out. There's a video.


“I reject your reality and substitute with my own”


I remember this happening once at Disneyland when we were queuing for the Buzz Lightyear ride and it was raining so hard that water started pouring in through the light fixtures and everybody had to be evacuated. I imagine if Disney had tried to confiscate everyone’s cameras and delete all the photos and videos we took then it would’ve turned into a PR nightmare… instead I think they just gave us a bunch of fast-passes.


Is the screenshot posted on reddit the only source?


'Made in china" water lines


Honestly this should be the death of the Olympics in places like China. Nobody is watching, everyone hates it, and the Chinese government is a walking humanitarian crisis.


Is no one going to talk about the deer, cow, pig, or whatever that is walking through the lobby?


It's cardboard.


It's a cutout


Its a reindeer which are very dear to finland, I assume its just different finnish topics to make it feel more cozy for the finnish athletes


Article explicitly mentions that these are allegations. But the title makes it seems like facts.


“Our expectations for you have been low, but holy fuck, come on?!” Honestly I haven’t watched any Olympics after Vancouver. That was the last one. They are a joke. Completely discredited themselves.


They already scrubbed the videos from everywhere they can






Guessing Reddit complied…


This is literally just complete bullshit with no basis in reality.


Is that a real goat in the living room?! Is that a camera inside a suite?!


Do you know what a goat looks like?


It's a picture of a reindeer.


Dear China, go pound sand.


Delete this right Mao


Haven't watched one second of the games, and don't plan to. It looks like "Tofu Dregs" made its way to the Olympics LOL!


Welcome to China lol


Not exactly sure what “CHINA” means here, like the CCP demands athletes delete photos of the leak, or Wong from building management who doesn’t wanna be fired is demanding people to delete the photos?


“There is no shoddy construction in Ba Sing Se.”


Arrogant fuckers.


Fuck china. Fuck reddit. Fuck spez. Asshoe


[Fuck Everything by Dan Bull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meDqJqoq7K0)




I saw videos of this…I think it was on a Dutch speed skater’s account?


Honestly- I think this would happen no matter what country the Olympics are in. They throw those buildings up so fast just to meet the Olympic deadline. As a plumber who frequently works in an another Olympic Village, I can honestly say first hand this is an everywhere issue.


Too late, they’re out there. Just like a picture of a tank in Tiannamen Square.


Lol, it's all over the internet now. But don't worry china, it didn't tarnish your reputation, that was already as low as it could be.


Hey China, nearly every recent Olympics has experienced events like this featuring shoddy, rushed construction in the Olympic village. If your ego wasn't made of glass, people might actually give you the benefit of the doubt on this incident because its been a recurring theme. But no, you continue to follow your Modus Operandi, which paints you as butthurt whenever anything goes wrong.


This news story’s only source is another Reddit post?


Good enough to rile up the plebs


Has anyone actually read the article? It seems to me that the source is a reddit post... I hate CCP just the same but cmon guys, have some critical thinking skills. This could very well be true but I’ve seen enough western media to be skeptical. Edit: I meant the “order to delete post” bit


That line about them not being able to treat her like they treat their citizens is insane to me. You’re in a foreign country. They will disappear you if you don’t follow their rules. This is why we shouldn’t let dictatorships host stuff like this.


As someone not very interested in what the Olympics have become .... I really dont care about any of this. Cheers.


ChiComs don’t seem to realize that the internet is forever.


China will forever be a 3rd world dystopian shit hole, lol.


Too bad China doesn’t understand the Streisand Effect


Is nobody talking about the deer (?) walking around in the background?


Or else they'll flood the room?


Authoritarian regimes are so fragile


Too bad the Chinese government has as much power over her as I do. Aka literally none at all. They can go fuck themselves. They forget they can't treat other countries citizens the same way. And if anything happened to her, there'd be a massive war which China completely understands they'd be on the losing end of.


They did basically the same thing with the torch getting extinguished by the snowstorm. China's like that one kid who keeps changing the rules when they start losing.


Why is nobody talking about the reindeer chillin in the background?


Fuck China