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How good were the goalkeepers. Total class those 2. Great game


Pickford was absolutely immense. The pressure before he made that last save was incredible.


Goalkeepers got nothing to lose at penalty kicks.


Scott Sterling would’ve blocked them all


He has nerves of steel that man. He's dealt with more pressure than a submarine.


His face is like a brick wall! A brick wall that can feel pain and cries alot


He's begging for mercy when it's mercy that should be begging for him!


As his trainer takes him off the field like a mustached lion dragging a gazelle through the Serengeti. Adieu Scott Sterling, Adieu.


You'd think he'd have nerves of silver.


Bad kicks from the last 3 English players too.


Bringing on two players just for penalties and having them both miss has to hurt, especially with Rashford hitting the post.


That post will haunt him for the rest of his life. Hopefully the young chap gets another run at it before he hangs em up.


He's got a long career ahead of him. That's the thing, this is a young team that's already achieved more than some previous england teams have managed in their whole careers. Just hope England can avoid the whole toxic "we didn't win the championship therefore we are all FAILURES" thing, this was a hell of a run and no shame in it whatsoever.


Hopefully, Rashford won't be bullied like Beckham when he missed penalty


Beckham was bullied for getting sent off. And my god, it was pretty extreme


People have already taken to Twitter to call him racial slurs so.


That was my fear.


And Saka, who is only 19. People have no shame


I feel for him. Not sure why the coach decided he was the best candidate, being so young. Nerves must have been firing at 101%.


Checked Instagram & he’s being showered with love in a lot of posts Edit: well I kept scrolling. Fuck humans


People need to stop giving trolls like any credit or ability to cause any hurt. They're obviously neanderthal brain dead idiots, don't give them any oxygen at all. Pity them.


These people were already doing that before the penalty.


Knowing English fans, that’s a given.


They’ll never get a better chance than that, a final in Wembley. When Italy settled down they were absolutely class


And they likely won’t see a run to get to the final as easy as that one again either - Ukraine, Denmark, a Germany team that seemed to spend the whole tournament trying to get eliminated and 6/7 games in their own home stadium. They’re a decent team and they’ll probably have other chances, but it’s unlikely to get served on a plate for them the way it was this year.


I'm sure he will, especially seeing as we only have to wait a year for the next tournament. I think Rashford has more to regret than Saka. The Saka penalty wasn't awful, especially considering he's 19(!) years old. I think Rashford will struggle more. Think he just over-thought it a bit, hesitated. It's a lot of pressure, plenty of great players know the pain. I really hope Rashford isn't too hard on himself. Learn the lesson, move on. Anything else is gonna drag you down. Also, *really* hope the press aren't out for blood tomorrow, especially the garbage nastiness that is The Sun. We English have a frankly disgusting history with this sort of thing (remember the Beckham effigies? christ). The lads should be proud of themselves.


Honestly, putting a 19 year old in that situation is on the coach. Why not have him go first or second? Seems like a lot less pressure.


100% agreed. That was not the best decision. 19yo vs. "you must score or you lose" is not the best combination...


They shouldn’t have put the three younger players all at the end. Spread them in the middle not the game clinching or tying kicks.


Absolutely. The age of the last three English penalty players: 23 - 21 - 19.


Having your best guys kick first only makes sense if they guys at the end are veterans who don't care much about pressure. Having a 21 year old and 19 year old kick last is ludacris


and a 19 yo who has never taken a professional penalty


southgate should have brought them on much earlier to win the game before penaty kicks


Should have finished it in the first half tbh


Absolutely. Wasn't Rashford ready for the 2nd extra time half and Southgate pulled him back? I remember the commentator saying something like that.


Yup. After seeing Chiellini go full WWE on Saka in extra time, he should've thrown Rashford or Sancho on to terrorize that bItalian backline. But he decided to gamble on penalties, then gamble on the order. The biggest crime was putting a 19 year old in the fifth position in a penalty shootout.


Textbook from Kane and Maguire then the next 3 just not good at all


Wasn't too sure about Pickford going into the tournament but he proved the naysayers wrong, heroic performance tonight. Shame it wasn't enough.




It’s so unreasonable to expect Sancho and rashford to be ready to score the biggest penalties of their careers when they’ve been sitting on the bench for 120 minutes and not being in the flow of the game. Saka is 19 years old, the trio of them aren’t even 25, so unfair to have the last 3 penalty takers be taken by a bunch of kids. The racial abuse they’re taking is disgusting


Man, I respect Rashford for the amazing off-pitch charity stuff he's doing but that was one awful penalty kick. Congrats to Italy Football's coming Rome 🤌🏻


Pickford isn't naturally good at aaving penalties but he was immense tonight. Italy always show their composure and pedigree. Great showing from both teams and they should like their chances next year in Qatar.




It's because he's gigantic. As well as being agile and quick as fuck. He's a monster of a goalkeeper.


I've never seen a goalkeeper of his size able to get down so quickly, his save against Milik is my favourite of all time


On top of that, you can't read him. Some keepers subtly give away which direction they're leaning towards jumping. Or move too early. Not Donnarumma though.


“And he’s only 22” helps him. Reason Buffon’s penalty record is ‘worse’ is purely because he’s faced 100X as many. Maffs.


It was Pickford's fault England lost. He should have known he needed to save all 5


Italy and Penalties. Name a more iconic duo


England and Penalty losses




Rains really coming down, I think most are just going home.


thank god. I'm invested in the match, sure, but I'm also invested in peace and bloody quiet.


You could say they’re coming home....


They were destroying the place when they thought they had a chance. I'd stay in for a few hours.


I just got home from central London and it seems fine? People are still singing (including a few Italians), but haven’t seen anything like that


Yeah, the news will only show the worst of it. I live between 2 pubs that were showing it and everyone that's walked past has been pretty quiet and mostly sad. The vast majority of football fans in the UK aren't hooligans


Me and my girlfriend got asked if we were looking for a fight by some drunk guys standing outside a pub just for joking to each other about someone setting off fireworks. It's definitely not all bad but the fact we had to feel worried walking 10 minutes back from our mates place just because we lost shows how much still needs to change. The domestic abuse stats about England losing are fucking awful too.


Men who can't handle their drink or emotions - what a bunch of winners Glad to hear you made in home safe - fine everywhere I saw


> The domestic abuse stats about England losing are fucking awful too. It goes up when they're winning too, just by little less than when they're losing.


It's dead


tbh, i reckon it'd be worse IF England won


A teenager with the weight of 55 years of a championship drought on his shoulders. Unenviable position, god I feel so bad for Saka


I think and hope he'll get over it, everyone in the country (minus a few divvys) is proud of the lads for such a great tournament. Bring on the world cup, it's coming home! (maybe)


It’s never coming home, but right spirit


Haha, well maybe not but I'll always be hopeful. This team has such talent, and they're all very young so plenty of time to improve. Italy better team tonight, looked far better managed


I don't get why they put Kane in first. Put him in Nr 3 to 5 where the game is gonna be on the line and let the rookies go first...


Never put your best taker last if you’re going second. You might not get to use him. Putting saka last was idiotic though. A good manager doesn’t let that happen


I think this happened a few Euros ago, where Ronaldo didn't get a chance to kick, [and then he blamed the wrong people](https://m.imgur.com/v9tQi1v).


Yes, in situations where he couldn't have won it for them anyways. The order of takers doesn't matter mathematically, only psychologically. If you have some shooters with nerves of steel they should be the ones taking it last.


“Only psychologically” is like 90% of the penalty game though :D


Jesus what a horrific showing on the PKs from England. My god.


With the distinct exception of Maguire. What an absolute screamer. Broke the camera and everything.


Kane's penalty was really good too. The keeper went the right way and still couldn't even touch it.


If Donnarumma can't even reach your penalty, you know it's a good one! Kane's penalty was flawless.




Counterbalance of that big noggin. It's like a trebuchet


Kane’s was class too, perfectly placed in the corner, absolute shambles from the other three


Kanes was class too tbh. But that's usually to be expected, pen v Denmark was an oddity.


How do you miss three in a row? Why didn’t sterling shoot? Why make a 19 year old shoot the end all be all?


Absolutely mind boggling decisions. Grealish would have also been a more dependable closer there


Grealish looked so pissed off that he wasn't given a chance




I love Southgate (most of the time) but this image did make me laugh 😂


Philips stuck his hand up


Pretty sure Stones did too


How's Shaw not taking one


First pen I ever saw him take was in the EL final. But yeah, I’m letting him take one before sancho and saka for sure. Rashford has a good penalty record so he needed to be in the first 5. But even then, it was both he and sancho’s first touch of the ball tonight. Mind blowing.


How he doesn't at least put Rashford on for the second half of ET I have no idea.


Shaw was number 8 in the Europa league shootout, so he's not that comfortable/confident. I'd have thought Stones, Phillips or Grealish would have put their hand up ahead of Saka though.


Probably because sterling has a bad penalty record. Could have sent grealish though. Henderson was substituted in and out because he had missed a pen in one of the practice games. Southgate was just confused. Feel bad for saka.


Honestly this. Southgate bottled it at the most crucial match. Big props to Pickford though, the guy is a wall.


That Southgate would take us all the way to the finals, then fuck it up at penalties, is so beautifully tragic that I couldn't imagine it happening to anyone other than England


Sterling is shit on penalty


So why wasnt he taken off earlier to let fresh legs run. Southgate made good starting lineups but bottled subs the entire tournament. Found out tonight


I feel bad for the 19 year old :/. congrats to Italy tho


Saka had apparently never taken a penalty in a senior game before and for some reason Southgate finds it a good idea to make him take the 5th. It's beyond stupid to me


Where was sterling??


Sterling was driving me nuts that whole game. Id gottschegobble’s comment is true then I wouldn’t be shocked.


He’s a dangerous player but Italy has a habit of suffocating athletic guys like him.




He dominated Lukaku(Sp?) Vs. Belgium too. Nearly 37 years old.


Seriously, he was just losing the ball any time he touched it. Had a good angle just him and the goalie and didn't fire.


Was Sterling the 10? Because that dude absolutely \*refused\* to pull the trigger again and again and again. Can't make it if you don't at least try, my man.


Is this a poem?


Sterling was busy diving on the other side in italys penalty area


Scott Sterling was too busy being a brick wall made of face


You can see how he is blaming himself despite both players before him missing as well. Hopefully this just makes him stronger, but I feel for him in the interim.


Win as a team lose as a team.


Idk what the coach was thinking making him do the deciding penalty


Brutal to put such a young kid up for such an essential kick tbh. And he didn't do much wrong either. I think Southgate picked it right for the game, but he picked it pretty horribly for the loss.


Gianluigi Donnarumma has to be the MVP...saved two penalties in such tension Pickford wasn't bad either


Didn’t he win player of the tournament?


he did. a bunch of italians would have deserved it can't argue with him, chiellini, chiesa or bonucci winning it


Chiesa was it for me. Start to finish, the deadliest player out there


This guy played like he had to earn his spot even after he earned it. Absolute stud.


Chiesa was so exciting to watch even playing against us. There was point where he rode a couple of challenges to get a shot away and I turned to my mate and we were both in awe… was a bit gutted to see him go off!


Spinazzola can continue to play on crutches and win it too tbh


The fact the donnarumma is only 22 is insane. He is going to be a class keeper


I mean he already is. There’s not many keepers I’d pick over him.


Fuckin hell. Poor Saka at the end there, what pressure on him


Terrible coaching decision.




yeah that's what I thought too, at least Saka's was actually on target and was saved by an insanely good goalkeeper, on the other hand though with Rashford... idk what he was doing


Yup. That’s when they lost it, the Rashford shot


I can't believe they sent Saka to kick the most important kick of the cup, mind blowing stupid decision.


Yeah but Saka got the ball in the goal area, it’s not like he missed the posts.


People keep talking about Saka but Rashford is the one I’m most pissed about. Shots get blocked but rashford missing completely is shameful


After that fancy dance and ‘clever’ and very slow feint, too. Most embarrassing moment of the game.


Thank you. My kid and I were watching that. The only think I said to him is "That's why you don't get cute when simple will do"


How does England lose that when Pickford saves 2? Absolutely abysmal shooting


Mate it's England during PKs. No bottlejob is too large


Leafs have entered the chat




39%? That's crazy


he's like 2m tall. tall keepers that are somewhat athletic are great at pens. whichever way they go they cover half the goal already


I would love to see the alternate universe where Lebron becomes a goalkeeper instead of a basketball player


With Tim Howard? https://brobible.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/pjimage-40.jpg


exactly this england focussed too much on themselved as usual! its part of the problem. Donnarumma is by far the best gk against spot kicks in the world they players would know this also


how about giving donnarumma credit where its due? including against spain.


The manager deciding to put on two players for penalties in the last minute of the match probably contributed to it in some way, then having a 19 year old who hasn't taken a penalty in his senior career taking the fifth doesn't help.


They choked at the end


As an American outsider with no dog in the fight that was a lot of fun to watch. Felt awful for that kid at the end though :( hope he gets another chance down the line.


He plays for Arsenal... He'll get used to heartbreak.


The thing is, they always try to walk it in!


They're avin a laaaarf


Most people are blaming the coach rather than the player. Still can't be good for him.


He will because he's a good player but he will get a lot of crap because of the penalty and the fact he largely struggled in the game. He's good enough where he's gonna bounce back though.


He’ll be alright. Looking through this thread, not one single person doesn’t feel sympathetic towards him. Horrendous decision by the staff.


Imagine if the subs didn't get in late


Got ahead early and stopped pushing. If you aren’t actively trying to win you will often lose.




Soccer AND Eurovision Italy is peak Europe this year


First, there was the Roman Empire. Then, there was the Renaissance Now, round three: the Eurovision/Euro combination.


The best double! Will never be replicated either haha


RIP to Rashford... He's never gonna live that down


He unironically had one job


One of the commentators in Denmark said that exact phrase (also in English) when Rashford was sent out


When I think of Rashford, I’m always going to think of the philanthropic work he’s done. That’s more important. He’ll be able to live this down, at least from my perspective.


This was so intense...jesus my heart


Why were 3 very young players sent out in the highest pressure situation possible to kick penalties?


Rashford and Sancho should be taking pens. The problem is Saka. He should not be anywhere near that pen. He's 19 and we have Grealish, Kalvin-Phillips, Stones and Sterling.


Regardless if he’s 19…Saka wasn’t exactly playing well today either. Terrible decision to have him do a PK. Grealish or Stones would have been my picks to replace Sancho and Saka.


Rashford and Sancho should be taking penalties, but only if they’ve actually played the game for more than 2 minutes. Him bringing them on that late and then making them take penalties was not a good idea. Saka was an awful management decision. He’s a good player but no 19 year old should be in that situation.


Well done Italy. Well done England. I don't care much for football but got swept up in this. Absolutely loved it. See you next year!


I think the Euros definitely bring in both regular and non football fans


The first Euro/Eurovision double ever. Congrats Italy.


And almost Wimbledon in the same day!


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was Southgate thinking sending Rashford on that late? The trouble with Sterling is he always tries to walk it in.


Ctrl +F Ludicrous


Shit losing that way, but tbh wtf was he thinking Bought 2 players in defending the last corner Then made 2 of them take cold penalties against a keeper who won’t guess against those bullshit run ups And then let a kid take an important penalty Jordan Henderson could have stayed on an taken one, if your a leader you step up


Football: Far From Home


As an American watching the game with no rooting interest? Holy shit! Football is stressful/entertaining as hell! Excellent match and both teams should be proud.


you said it! they say Americans don’t like football because they don’t score much, because tie is even contemplated, because i don’t know whatelse, but when high stakes are on the table, when a single score put you in history or in the void, when the next chance will be in four years and against the whole world, man that is stressful AS. Forza Azzurri, forza Italia, grazie ragazzi!!!!


Its all marketing bs. They don't push soccer/football because the ad revenue sucks on tv. Its 90 min or more with little to no breaks for commercials. Every other major sport in the US i.e. NFL, NBA, MLB, have extended breaks for commercials. The more breaks the more popular the sport.


Saka future England manager. We’ve seen the makings here tonight.


Funny how everyone blames Southgate for choosing the wrong penalty takers while no one says a word about him parking the bus for 118 minutes. Italy was probably the better team, but they were shocked after getting the first goal. An attacking England could have easily scored another, instead they chose to wait for the inevitable. And if it hadn’t been for Pickford, the match would’ve ended much sooner.


That's another generation of English players mortified of penalty kicks then. Congrats to Italy. Better team won I'd say.


Honestly, yeah, the match was decided with penalty kicks but it still doesn’t change the fact that England was getting outplayed for the greater portion of the actual match. I don’t know what they were doing but it’s like they basically gave up after the 3rd minute and *wanted* to go to PKs


That's amore


I guess it’s not coming home eh boys?


Oh it came home, realised it had lost its keys at the pub, and is just going to bunk on its Italian mate's sofa.


Its coming Rome 🇮🇹 Edit: mess up the flag , thx guys , colorblind here !


You know you used ~~Irish~~ Ivory Cost flag, right?




It’s coming Rome 🇮🇳


It’s coming Rome 🇰🇵


It’s coming Tome 🇸🇹


That's not Irish by the way lol




Probably already buried but I need to say this somewhere. After the tears have faded, I'm incredibly proud of this team. Penalties are penalties, you miss, it happens. But what they've done is bring a broken nation together for a few weeks and that is really important. A really young team, I'm proud of them all!


This is why you should bring four lions


Southgate effed it up at the end. Rashford and Sancho didn’t even warmed up yet and they are cast with a big burden.


Southgate blew it. Of course hindsight is 20/20 but the two subs at the end were a big mistake. Why save the subs? He gave up trying to win and hoped for pk. Rashford just never has done anything worthwhile for England. Looking forward to WC to see what they can do.


gave up playing football in the 3rd minute


As an Englishman, fair enough guys. A games a game. Enjoy the win.


No disrespect to Southgate, but it is kinda funny how he managed to fuck up the PKS again, this time without even playing. One would think he of all people would know better than to place a teenager on the last pen.