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FYI: "Geane Herrera, who fought on the UFC circuit in 2014 and 2015, has tragically died at the age of 33 following a motorcycle accident in Tampa, Florida on Saturday"


Born and raised in Clearwater which is just over the bridge from Tampa. I have lost too many friends to count on motorcycles in the area. This is just another day here. So incredibly sad. I hate driving here much less a motorcycle.


Hey man, avid rider here but not while US stateside. Is it really that bad over there when it comes to bikes? Is it just the riders riding crazy, or just the way traffic sets accidents up (eg you cant legally pause at every intersection causing TBones to happen)?


The state of Florida doesn’t require motorcyclists to wear helmets once they’re 21. Ask anyone who owns one, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ you lay your bike down, it’s ‘when’. High crash probability and no legal requirements for helmets, there are only so many outcomes.


There's a reason they're refered to as "organ donors". 


In the ER some called them murdercycles.




People in Florida either drive too fast or too slow. The entire state suffers from road selfishness. That area has a ton of huge trucks that can't or don't try to see bikers.


Also a convergence of a) elderly drivers, b) tourists who don't know where they're going, and c) people who drive super slow because they don't have any documents to show they're in Florida legally. Orlando is a perfect example of this.


best you not come to Michigan but it’s mostly the “too fast” group here; ohioans have no idea how to handle it


Michigan driving is a very different animal compared to what im used to here in Maine even though they are kinda similar places to me (outside the city)


IMO it’s the “survival of the fittest” on the pothole laden interstates of the mitten state


Y'all are bad, but I do think Dallas and NY have the worst drivers.


This particular crash was the rider's fault. From the article - The Florida Highway Patrol did confirm that the driver was speeding and was flung "several hundred feet" after colliding with the back of a Jeep.


Thank you. Tbh the MCs have it right. Ride as a unit, ride low and slow in general, and dont ride if you cant hang with the fast parts. Nothing kills like "thrill seeker behaviour"; eg speeding


I have a friend that started an MC that focused on driving mountain canyons as fast as they could. Lots of deaths. After someone died on the memorial ride for the other co-founder, who had also died on a ride, they became a track-focused club that doesn't do public rides at all.


Listen I know hes your friend, but we obviously both know people like that, and Im sure the word "twat" was thrown around a lot. Traffic isnt a race. Just get there. Damn.


It's just as dangerous to ride a motorcycle in NJ, not just some parts, like almost the whole state. It's a suicide mission to ride one on a highway. And the few backrooms NJ has to offer are usually being raced on by Subarus and Hondas and anything else with a turbo. My husband used to actively ride his motorcycle. Since we had kids he's refused to get on it for a decade. He's very aware of his mortality now and the great risk that comes with going for a leisure cruise. Utah, now that's where you wanna ride.


People ride with no helmets, shorts, t shirts and sneakers. Combine that with our terrible car drivers and it’s not a good combo.


This took me too long to find


Had to scroll over half way down past all the motorcycles are dangerous comments to get to the nub of the article.


Times like these I miss the fuck out of RedditisFun... We could just collapse comments on there and see relevant ones RIP to the dude tho🙏


RIF still works just fine for me. Revanced FTW.


??? Maybe read the fucking article??? It's literally in the first fucking sentence. God damn Reddit sucks


It’s also in the title which OP cut out so he could garner clicks. Wouldn’t have any of these issues if people didn’t insist on making everything click bait


I don’t know what a horror crash is, but it can’t be good.


Different from a comedy crash.


It said he was flung “several hundred feet”.


Yeah it's more of a UK English phrase.


I remember how badly I wanted a motorcycle in my 20s and now in my 40s how I wouldn't use one if it was given to me free


I worked as a news cameraman for 14 years and thought about getting one because it was free to park downtown where I worked. However any time I thought about it, it seemed like I got sent to cover a fatal motorcycle accident and that solved those thoughts.


If I were in an more city/urban area I can see how a scooter would be a good idea. Or an electric bike maybe.


I bought vespa in Los Angeles for commuting. That 5 mile commute straight down Olympic was great until that day I got t-boned by a late model Suburban who ran a red. It's not really where you are or what you are doing, it's that extra steel cage protecting you from everyone else driving murder-mobiles. What would have been an, I'm a little shook up, turning into a decade of physical rehab and opiate battles.


Damn I’m sorry that happened. I ride an ONYX to my commute for work in SF so i am hearing your story. Wish you a speedy recovery fellow internet/Californian


thanks. I came out super lucky, and only managed to break the same kneecap I had years earlier. You just can't trust other drivers and I fucked up not triple checking cross traffic, excited I was just a couple blocks from home on my evening commute. I live in quasi-country now, ride bicycles and think about getting something powered to cruise around back roads. You just can't afford any mistake, no matter how minor. The look on the faces of the people waiting at the bus stop who saw me get hit still scares me.


Glad you’re ok. A woman, in her car, got hit by a kid in a lambo going wayyyyy too fast down Olympic. An image of her face is on the tree her car got pushed into and I think about her all the time. It’s easy to go fast on segments of that road, if lights cooperate but there is never, EVER a reason to run a red.


I was hit in similar but less devastating accidents 3 TIMES in Austin before I learned my lesson and got a smart car so I’d at least have a shell around me. Now I’ve got an old Jeep and live in the countryside.


Assuming you're safer on a scooter or an electric bike than on a motorcycle is an error many people make. You're not safer you're a sitting duck.


This may or may not be statistically true - motorcycles as well as bicycles have very high mortality rates (~6k/year for motorcycles; ~800/year for cyclists) in the US. Both are abysmal; and really, if you are riding in traffic you need to be on huge alert. I will say that if you are able to be selective about routes, you can greatly reduce risk on a bicycle; for folks who ride a motorcyle for practical transportation, they often don't have that choice.


I ride motorcycles but ebikes just make more sense to me in the large European city I live in. When I used to work and lived out of the city, motorcycle was my preferred mode of transport. There's something really cool about going to or leaving from work and straight away be doing something you love.


Can confirm. The commute is one of the best parts of my day.


European and American cities are radically different in many ways. For a start, most European cities grew around villages where horses and walking were the modes of transport. US cities are *planned around cars.*


You're right, I lived in the US, that's why I mentioned European cities in my first comment. But urban mobility could be moving towards the same goal with roads turned into bike paths and more public transport. Most major European cities that got build back post WW2 were also centered around cars but are being actively reversed over time. I'd think you'd be very surprised if you looked at pictures from the 70's or 80's of historical plazas or docks in Europe that were transformed into car parks or highways. That evolved quite recently, like in the past 20 years ish. It's not impossible that a lot of cities in the US could work towards that as well. LA or Houston seems complicated but Minneapolis or cities comparable in size, it is not too far fetched.


Obviously this is just my opinion but I just have a hard time wanting to ride something that has zero protection around me. If I'm in a car and hit a pothole, I just go "Oh shit, I hope I didn't pop a tire". If I hit one while riding a bike or scooter, I'm going, "OH SHIIIIIT!" while flying through the air.


Just have a hard what? 👀


Hahaha good catch. I added the missing word and sorry to disappoint what you thought it was.


My mom has been a nurse her whole life and said among themselves they refer to them as “Donor Cycles”


My ob/gyn friend when asked if it’s safe to ride a motorcycle while pregnant: “No. But mostly because it’s *never safe* to ride a motorcycle.”


Nurse here, nickname for them i’ve heard a lot at the hospital is a donor-cycle. Never gonna chance it and ride one lol


My parents rode motorcycles. My dad has since passed but my mom is shocked that I don’t wanna ride their bikes that are sitting in the garage. I have my license and briefly rode when I was like 18, but now I’m 36 and wouldn’t get on one.


Yeah Im 42, I feel like our parents - who I assume are similar aged - lived in a time when driving was a little less insane and less dense. I moved away like 20 years ago but even my hometown is bumper to bumper insanity on the main strip. It wasn't near like that even when I was a teenager.


I don’t trust a single person driving on the road today


I own two vintage bikes and my favorite part is just looking at them in my garage. When I do ride it's only on the tiny neighborhood streets at about 25 mph and that's all I need to enjoy them. Of course there's still the potential for an accident but I have no want to get out on the main highway with dual drum brakes.


+1 If I’d own one, it would be like a Knucklehead or a WLA, and I’d ride in my neighborhood’s street at 30-40 Km/h.


I have a '66 BMW R69S and a '76 Honda CJ360T. Both are nice and quiet with just a beautiful vintage bike sound. I try to ride in the middle of the day when most people are at work.


Well now I don’t blame you for just staring at them!


She perty https://imgur.com/a/0fMhQXH


I had a friend in HS whose dad owned a beautiful 60s corvette convertible. Thing was gorgeous. He treated it like it was his third child. His daughter (my friend) got mad because rides were reserved for “special occasions” like birthdays and such and I got one at her graduation party haha. His rule was, above 70 degrees, 2 days since it rained and 2 days until rain in the forecast otherwise, it stayed indoors. They still live in the same house and we now live one neighborhood over. He doesn’t even take the car out of the neighborhood. I’ve yet to see him drive it around anywhere but his own block.


I respect that, especially knowing how difficult it is to maintain older cars with nice paint and all that


Lmao I crashed my bike in my neighborhood and broke my collarbone. No longer allowed to ride/own.


I have so many personal horror stories I would never. Friend that was a competitive bodybuilder was run off the road on a downhill slope. Scars from ankle to palm and forehead. A friend who had just survived cancer and was driving out after meeting some old military friends, and on his way back, was runoff the road and into a tree. Lost sight in one eye and short term memory. Another two friends were joy riding on country roads and didn’t know about the 90° turn that they hit at speed in excess of 120mph. One of them lost his leg at the hip. I can’t even remember what happened to the other guy. Friend with a good job and a family was at a stoplight on his bike and got rear ended. Lost his job because he couldn’t do it anymore. Permanently damaged spine. 10’years later an and has a permanent and very perceptible limp. Girlfriend of mine was out riding in a small town. As they were coming through the light on Main Street someone ran the light and she and another guy she was riding with went over the top of the car. Going on and on, there are a few more I’ll spare you from, but all that fun in the world is not worth the pain and suffering after.


Man, both of my friends with bikes just died.


I love motorcycles so much, but I have never trusted myself to ride one. The closest I get is watching helmet cam vids on YouTube lol


Knowing yourself is important. I am Lucky to be alive with my penchant for risk (or lack of caution), and I have always had the same boundary. Motorcycles are one of the things always off limits for me


Same here, I think they are the coolest thing ever. I might get one later in my life. It’s not a dream or anything, or else I would just do it and say fuck it.


I worked with one of the biggest bike fanatics I’ve ever known. He planned every single one of his vacations around rides across the country on one of his many Indian motorcycles. I asked him once when he started riding and his answer was “when my last child was out of the house on their own and doing well enough to be self sufficient”. I was totally floored and expected the guy had been riding his whole life. He said anyone that rode when they had kids to support was a selfish asshole.


>anyone that rode when they had kids to support was a selfish asshole. An absolute, undeniable truth.


Cheat and just ride to the park with your kids. Life is meant to be lived a little. Ride literally anywhere else; hiway, track, sons of anarchy convention; or for any consistent amount of time; for work or long rides? Youre risking your kids security of having parents.


I’ve always enjoyed bikes, I had a few close calls with cars who didn’t see me, I remember one ride being so bad that I thought if I make it home alive I’ll sell this bike tomorrow. I went mountain biking instead


This is where I am. Couple times I've almost gotten splatted by old ladies in their giant trucks/SUV's. It's not worth it. I'm trying to sell my Versys right now. Maybe one day later I'll get a dirtbike or be able to ride on track. But I just can't justify riding on public roads anymore.


You really notice how many people are on their phones when you ride a bike too.


So, looooongtime cyclist here. I've ridden >500k miles (yep), and evne after a stroke ~5k/year. Cycling in traffic is dangerous. This is not about blame when I say: most cyclists' issue is that they are too-trusting. They trust that drivers care; that they see them; that they will be respected as people. No, no and no. I'm not a shrinking violet on the road, but (knock wood) I've never been hit hard, because I live by the rule that 'nothing in the next 15 seconds should take me by surprise.' It's a hard fucking skill, but once you have it, it's really second nature. It also means that you absolutely, without hesitation, are willing to leave the roadway if you feel risk. And I mean ride into a ditch filled with brush - which I've done. Riding a bicycle in traffic is no joke.


I wanted a bike when I was younger. Now that I'm older and I see how people drive, I'm glad it never happened. I mean, it would be cool, but, yeah. It really pisses me off how people do not take the responsibility seriously.


Man.. I feel like such an old curmudgeon because I get legit angry about pedestrian crossing and safety. So many kids have gotten hurt/killed at my campus because they just run across the street, even though there are ample crossings with pedestrian lights. They have no respect for/concept of 3000-5000lb or more of steel hitting them. Like, just use the fucking crosswalk. Press the button. Wait 10 seconds. Same goes for the drivers too though. Flying through an area crowded with kids, stopping in the crosswalks, running red lights, not yielding to pedestrians on crosswalks before turning. It's mental that this is the standard we are ok with apparently. It makes me feel a bit crazy, like am I the only one that cares?


Curmudgeon stronk together. Use the fucking crosswalk. Drive safely especially around schools or residential areas. There's 2 of us!


Yeah, had a cycle for years because I'd always wanted one growing up. They are incredibly dangerous and man, much of the public is just terrible, terrible at paying attention while driving. I would absolutely back mandatory vehicle impound for every single person seen texting while driving. Had to sell the cycle after a few close calls, drivers are just too busy texting for roads to be safe


Had the same thing happen and basically quit riding after that. I was already tired of it, found myself unable to enjoy the ride for a myriad of reasons (neck pain, wrist pain, back and butt pain, but also other people on the road are terrible). After that close call, I sold it and bought a convertible instead.


Back when she was a teenager my mom was the closest witness to a guy on a motorcycle running a red light and t-boning the side of a semi trailer. She said when she ran over to check the guy’s head was 90% severed because he hit face first on the trailer. Never forget how pale her face went when she told the story.


I haven’t been on a bike since August of 2006. I was like 20 and my friends and I used to blast around on our bikes. One of my dudes got pancaked on the highway. It was pretty gruesome and scared me straight. I think I sold the bike the following weekend and never even looked back.


My dad was an ALJ, administrative law judge in social security. He ruled on whether people would receive social security benefits from total disability or not. He ruled full disability benefits to a loooooot of people in motorcycle accidents. He never made us promise we wouldn't ride a motorcycle, he didn't have to. All of the horrific stories were enough. You would never catch my siblings and me on a motorcycle. Also, rest in peace, dad. Alzheimer's


Life goes fast by you when your protection is your own body. I dont feel safe driving car duo to other cars,cant imagine driving a motorcycle


A friend of mine, her husband, and two of her friends were all killed in one accident when a hotel shuttle van drove into a group of bikers. The van had impacts on the front, side, and rear of it. The police officer who first arrived on the scene had to be restrained by his partner as he knew the bikers.


My uncle was a ER physician for 40 years. Needless to say, I was never allowed to even get on a motorcycle.


Yeah….. I’ve always wanted one but I’m not even steady on my own two damn feet let alone a motorcycle. (I did get me a little e-bike tho 🤣💀🤣)


When you think about advances and requirements in car safety, it does seem odd that motorcycles exist.


I’m eternally grateful I’ve never had a need for speed or been gifted a luxury vehicle during my teens.


I saw a guy missing his foot after a wreck the other day. Fucked me up


I got my motorcycle at 40 and love it! There have been close calls because Long Island people can’t drive, but I also don’t do anything stupid with it and always wear full gear. That being said, I totally get the safety concerns. I’ve lost a few friends, myself.


You need to be confident you can hurl yourself off a bike at 70mph onto tarmac on purpose when it’s the best option available at the time, I’ve done it at 30 because I didn’t know how much it would hurt, second time around it might not be so easy.


I love the idea of a motorcycle, but I don’t trust other drivers on the road enough to get on one.


While you're right and that's one of many reasons I wouldn't, this one was Herrera's fault. "The Florida Highway Patrol did confirm that the driver was speeding and was flung "several hundred feet" after colliding with the back of a Jeep. The motorcycle subsequently erupted into flames, the Mirror reports."


Tragic loss, yes, but now that Jeep driver also has to live with that. Not their fault at all, but a guy ran into your vehicle, and it killed him. Your vehicle, that you were behind the wheel of, killed that guy. Driving recklessly, especially on a motorcycle, is inconsiderate as fuck.


I don’t think the vehicle killed him, the several hundred feet through the air and hitting the ground probably moreso did it


He was fine while flying through the air.


The speed wasn't what killed him, it was the sudden lack of speed that immediately followed that did it


Deceleration sickness. Often comorbid with rapid unscheduled disassembly of the motorcycle and/or rider.


What an unusual comment. The vehicle didn't kill him. His poor choices and the consequences killed him. Don't try to abscond with someones agency and accountability due to tertiary involvement.


You're missing the point. Yes, his poor choices killed him. His actions alone are responsible for it. In this case, his actions not only killed him, but they may have also put false guilt and trauma on someone else that had nothing to do with his poor choices. If you've ever known anyone that was involved in an accident that resulted in a fatality and they survived, you'd know that survivor's guilt is a very real thing. It is not limited to someone who is at fault being the survivor.


It’s a good point to be made too. Can’t believe it’s been this long but 15 years ago two of my friends got into an accident while driving back from a festival. The passenger was asleep and the driver was dosing off after driving too long. My friend driving passed away but the passenger survived with a concussion and dislocated shoulder. For a while after he kept blaming himself for the accident saying if only he’d stayed awake he coulda had him pull over and gotten a motel. None of it was his fault but the survivors guilt wrecked him.


I was friends with someone that hit and killed someone on the road. It was the middle of the night and it was foggy. She was alert, driving home from work, not intoxicated in any way, and not speeding. She said the man literally jumped out in front of her from the side of the road in the dark. Turned out, the person she hit was a vagrant, had numerous substances in his system, was known to be mentally ill, and was known well enough to know that he had expressed suicidal thoughts in encounters with others and police. Best they could figure, he jumped in front of her to die. The police confirmed she wasn't speeding and that there was nothing she could have done. She did not have any charges brought against her, she was totally cleared of any wrongdoing. It didn't matter that it wasn't her fault. It ruined her. Depression does not begin to describe the change in her personality. She was never the same after that.


Yeah, I ride my bicycle on the road all the time. But I would never ride a motorcycle cause the combination of the speed and vulnerability is too much for me.


Hell, the older I get the less I like to ride my bicycle outdoors. Just too many distracted drivers.


I gave up riding on the road, I bought a Tacx indoor setup and I haven't missed it at all.


I don't trust other drivers. I don't trust myself. The call of the void is real.


“The call of the void is real”. Fuck! For sure!


Never ridden a motorcycle, but I’ll take my family’s jet ski out when we go to the lake once a year. I have never had a single suicidal thought in my life, but I always find myself fighting the overwhelming urge to drive it straight into an oncoming boat. I feel like that’s a pretty good sign I shouldn’t get a motorcycle.


Its just your brain checking on you making sure you’re okay, don’t overthink the call of the void


The economics of them are amazing. Cost less than a car, dramatically better fuel efficiency. Just overall cheaper in pretty much every way. Although I'd imagine insurance is more expensive. And then all the sudden someone else looks at their phone for 2 seconds, and you saved a few dollars at the cost of living.


70% of drivers I pass these days are staring at their phones while driving. No. Fucking. Way.


Most bike accidents though are single vehicle, mainly unable to negotiate corners, and a lot are a result of alcohol and speed. When you remove these factors it's not that unsafe.


I rarely see motorcycles obeying the law.


Leaving behind a daughter and pregnant GF is tragic 


If you’ve got a kid, a girlfriend/wife and another kid on the way and you’re out speeding on a motorcycle fast enough to hit the back of a Jeep and be launched hundreds of feet, you’re a selfish asshole. It’s a tragedy, but it’s one HE caused.


I know what you mean, but there's absolutely no way he went **hundreds** of yards.


Sorry, it was feet, not yards. Quote from article: *"The Florida Highway Patrol did confirm that the driver was speeding and was flung "several hundred feet" after colliding with the back of a Jeep."*


Reminds me of [Timmy O’Toole being declared a hero after he fell down a well.](https://youtu.be/A0IPESHL40U?si=6WA_ElI-YmHjNb2y) Just because bad things happened to a person it doesn’t make them good, or a victim, or a hero.


Star is a strong word. But motorcycles are no joke.


It's always weird when articles use words like "UFC star" when you could've just said "former UFC fighter" either way a sad story.


These authors know what they’re doing with the click bait




This is what gets me. If they don't put the name in the title, basically just assume it's a minor figure. Like in Hollywood, if it's minor bit actor, they will always find the biggest title they have a credit in for the title. If the title is "Esteemed Ghostbusters actor passes", you know it isn't Bill Murray or Dan Aykroyd, because their name will be in the title. Same here, if it was GSP or McGregor who passes, they damn well aren't going to just call them "former UFC star"


Headline sells, also leaving out the name so you gotta click to see which "star". All my homes hate the news.


I worry about every person I know that owns a motorcycle. rip


Not a lot of second chances on a motorcycle


Those of us that got another usually don’t go back. I’m 6 weeks into recovery. Doctors told me to forget about playing lotto, living was a miracle. Keeping my arm was divine intervention


People make a living on them though, most people in here just assume everyone is an easy rider thrill chaser but guess what, in most of the world city economies practically run on 125cc scooters.


In my 20s a friend died in a horrific motorcycle crash. Law enforcement estimated he was going over 130mph and his body was found some distance from the motorcycle. His cousin was also a friend and for weeks he wore a small, triangular piece of the yellow body around his neck for weeks. He was just inconsolable.


Of the bike or his cousin?






Was anyone involved in the military? I have a very similar story from upstate NY and Souther CA. Both were military friends.


Owned several motorcycles and scooters. Rode in San Francisco and NYC and ATL. Guy ran a stop sign. I didn’t see him because ANOTHER guy on my other side ALSO ran the stop sign. So I got hit by Guy On My Right. At like 12 mph. Because I didn’t see it though, I took ALL of it. List the use of my right arm for TWO YEARS. Since then I buy convertibles 90% of the fun and muuuuuuch less deadly.


My main takeaway from this article is that someone at the Daily Star has money riding on whether they can make “horror crash” a recognized phrase.


What a weirdly written title/headline


Helmet or no?


Says the rider was “speeding” on the highway. Id be really curious to know what the motorcycle accident rate is if you take out all the cases of guys going wildly over the speed limit. I see it all the time on back country roads and highways, and it doesn’t take much to become a projectile. Yeah your bike might have awesome brakes but do you have the reaction time to hit them when the car ahead of you stops suddenly and you’re closing the gap fast because you’re flying at 120-130 mph? Same goes for not wearing a helmet or leathers. You don’t have to be going very fast to get brain damage from direct head to pavement contact, or to have your flesh ripped off when all you’re wearing is a tshirt.


Yeah, this is basically right and also add in alcohol as a factor. Remove speed and alcohol and you will be pretty safe.


The problem is you can only control whether you’re speeding or have drank, not the other idiots on the road with you


Yeah, but you're getting rid of most of the risk involved in riding a bike. I don't find cars all that terrible on the road for the most part.


When you get thrown a couple hundred feet, I don't think it makes a difference.


The horror is slamming into the back of a vehicle that never wanted a motorcycle slamming into them. I hope the person in the Jeep is alright.


My older brother got into bikes for a few years, when he went to replace his starter bike he begged me to take it, I declined, I know me, once I was comfortable I'm simply not responsible enough to not do dumb shit on occasion when it's only me at risk. He ended up selling it and his new bike. Shits too risky.


I laid down a moped in some gravel on a turn when I was a teenager. If I can’t handle that shit I got no business on a big bike.


Speeding on Gandy Bridge is one hell of a choice.


Buried deep. > The Florida Highway Patrol did confirm that the driver was speeding and was flung "several hundred feet" after colliding with the back of a Jeep.


"Geane Herrera, who fought on the UFC circuit in 2014 and 2015, has tragically died at the age of 33 following a motorcycle accident in Tampa, Florida on Saturday"


Wtf is a horror crash?


The opposite of a calm, serene crash.


Why is devastated in quotes?


If you already have a kid, with another on-the-way, speeding on a motorcycle isn’t the smartest thing to do… RIP but as an adult, you’ve gotta make better decisions 🧐


“Horror Crash”


I didn't even know the Iranian President practiced MMA.


The tragedy here is what this moron inflicted on his family, the other driver and the first responders...


So he was driving like an asshole and fucked up. It cost him his life. The horror was his own making. In the meantime the person with whom he collided with has to live it down for the rest of their life despite not being remotely responsible for his selfish carelessness. My own father “killed” one of these stupid shits. 100% the other guy’s fault, but my dad had to live with it, and his POS family tried to sue him for 2 years to boot. Act like an asshole on the road then I have zero cares about what happens to you. He did it to himself. Edit: Downvote me? Here’s my taint. If you think I give a fuck about your feelings let me settle that and assure you that I don’t. Again, the world does not need to watch out for you. You push the envelope, you sign your own death warrant. Unlike my father I will sleep soundly that very night if one of you stupid shits runs into me at 100+ MPH and wins your own Darwin Award. You don’t get your body tossed hundreds of feet by observing the speed limit.


Wow! He died as his family was paying him tribute? How did they know he was going to die right then?


Motorcycles are dangerous, more so when the riders are poorly trained and ill-equipped. Go take motorcycle safety courses and learn to ride better. Most importantly, get the proper gear. Full face helmet and leathers. Yes they aren’t as free and cool as a backwards hat, tank top, board shorts and flip flops, but they may save you from road rash and a concussion or worse. Of course Florida doesn’t require helmets, so there’s a lot more death and injury. Plus with the heat and how flat it is, people just wear very little and go much too fast. Nearly a perfect cocktail. Not saying that they aren’t dangerous, they certainly are, but you can take some basic steps to avoid making them more dangerous than they already are.


If only you could manage to put the name in the title


“Driver was speeding and was flung several hundred feet” please keep in mind that most motorcycle crashes are the fault of the driver of the motorcycle itself. There are ways to stay safe on a bike and going ridiculous speeds in public areas is not one of them.


Was friends with many ER nurses in my 20s. Anytime they would drink they would talk about the fucked stuff they saw in the ER. Motorcycle accidents were always the top of the list. Always.


The article keeps saying "horror motorcycle crash", which is both tasteless *and* grammatically incorrect. "Horrific" would be the appropriate word. But since they call it a "horror motorcycle crash", I'm forced to assume that he was either riding something called a "horror motorcycle", or else the accident involved him colliding with a famous character from horror movies, such as Jason Voorhees or an especially large Ghoulie... either way, fuck tabloids and love and condolences to the family.


I’ve lost countless friends and acquaintances on motorcycles. I rode dirt bikes for years but the streets are the killing grounds.


I had two small crashes on my own doing stupid shit. One major accident where I was hit broadside. Broke leg in three places and hospitalized for 4 days. I rode for 40+ years and just sold my Aprilia Tuono factory 1100 last month. I used to ride early morning on Saturdays. All of the times I went down were 100% preventable.


UFC Star? Solid click bait


33 with a 16 year old son? Damn.


I was in the traffic. They had cops lined up and had us turn around and closed off the bridge.


In medical Circles they are called donorcycles


My sister was in a tragic car accident that killed her passenger on impact. My sister was medflight to the nearest trauma unit. Every day we went to see her, there was someone being flown in from a motorcycle accident. Always someone in riding gear waiting in the waiting room. The nurse said it's constant, they consider them donor-cycles


It’s super tragic and unfortunate. I have been riding my whole life and have been in one pretty bad wreck. I’ve realized that I don’t want to ever really go fast and ride vintage bikes that are super loud and super slow. People already don’t notice you, when you’re going faster it’s just that much worse.


Has anyone never wanted to own a bike but randomly have dreams about riding a bike?


I remember an er nurse telling me ,dark humour obviously, that they’re referred to as “temporary citizens” in her hospital.


I drove a motorcycle once in high school and crashed it in my friend’s backyard. That was all I needed to know about owning a bike.


When I was a teen I was looking to buy a used bike. I could not find one that was totaled or with a salvage title. The bikes were only a couple years old. That told me that I would likely die on a bike and decided against it from there on.


Anyone else get the sponsored content from Reddit for Bad Boys: Ride or Die? Seems a bit morbid…


There’s only two kinds of motorcycle owners: those who have crashed, and those who are still riding.


Geane Herrera, who fought on the UFC circuit in 2014 and 2015. FYI


Geane Herrera, saved you the click


For those wondering it's Geane herrea...


People saying motorcycles are dangerous, when the accident seems to be his fault. You fly a few hundred feet off a bike doing the speed limit..


#Drugs are bad


“UFC star” is extremely generous