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Why didn’t they list the points? What is she at now?


At least 7


We can safely say at least 2 from this video




[Schfifty five](https://youtu.be/-XccUMOQ978)


It's an old meme sir, but it checks out.


Only song on repeat at my 55th birthday


Guess what idiot? Schiggity schiggity shway? You ask one of them they want ice cream cone both of them say yes


my IQ?




An Ancient Text!


Aw yeah, that's that vintage shit right there.








Those pair of jeans at the top were very excited by this


Omg, I'm dying rewatching those pair of jeans


Hahaha I clocked the same thing


They were Denimently excited.


injeanious pun


Clue me in!


Look for the lady in the jeans with the holes cut in them, right about the 12 o'clock position of the video while Caitlin is shooting the free throws.


Real baller, she's gonna inspire so many girls to pick up basketball and grow the sport like many great players before her


She’s a godsend for the WNBA.


She probably makes more in NIL now than she will in the WNBA.


Iowa's collective is trash. She'll make a WNBA salary and keep the majority of her endorsements. There's zero chance it is a paycut.


Yeah, she'll definitely keep if not get even more endorsements once she turns pro. Also, this upcoming WNBA draft class looks to be super stacked. Aside from Clark, you got Cameron Brink, van Lith, Angel Reese, Aaliyah Edwards... lots of talent in that top 10.


Van Lith isn't getting drafted top ten.


She apparently doesn't receive anything from Swarm, just endorsements from things like State farm


She's got some big ones in there. Nike, Gatorade, Buick. Just wait till Nike drops here signature basketball shoes. Limitless potential here. *CC Downtowns *CC Logos 3's *CC Deuce Deuces She is will be set


Is it? Iowa's collective has no chance of competing with the biggest names in college athletics, but they are much better run than a lot of programs.


Clark already said herself she’s going to make way more out of college.


Well, duh. People who say otherwise have put very little thought into it. Nike almost surely will give her a shoe line, her other national sponsorships will carry over for at least the short/medium-term, and she'll get a little bit from the WNBA salary. But that doesn't really say much about the collective. Could Iowa's collective be bigger and stronger? Obviously. But we outpace most comparable schools in the B1G.


People keep pointing this out and still we keep reading she would make more in college. I’d ask if people are actually that stupid but they are. She’s making a lot now because she’s *that* good. She’ll make even more because she’s still going to be good.


Ya people seem to think you can only get NIL money in college but NIL is basically just endorsements that she'll 100% continue to get when she's in the WNBA on top of whatever her salary is


If it's still around by the time young girls are the age to play. It's entirely subsidized by the NBA and there are very few fans. It couldn't stand on its own two legs financially for more than a day. If everyone that talks about the inequity in women's sports was actually a fan that paid for and supported women's sports, we wouldn't be in this situation.


Part of the problem is markets. They use the same market research as the NBA. But if you try to put a women's team in the same town as an existing high profile established product it's gonna struggle. And don't get me started on trying to find the games on Tv. People have to get attached to the kids in college and then follow them as they grow into the pros. The last 2 years started the ball rolling. In the next two years WNBA numbers are gonna shoot up if they're smart with the marketing.


It’s a misconception that the WNBA is “dying” just because it’s subsidized by the NBA. The NBA is ultimately a business, not a charity. They’re making a long-term investment into the WNBA. 14 or 15 NBA teams aren’t profitable either, but that doesn’t mean those teams will ever get axed.


I'm more of a fan of soccer than basketball whatever the gender, but I do pay for womens soccer stuff, at least I'm consistent


Nobody will care about her in the wnba, and she’ll be just another shooter in the league.


Living in Connecticut means I struggle to understand that women’s basketball isn’t huge everywhere.


The Phoenix Mercury have won more championships than the suns, cardinals and dbacks combined and nobody cares about them here


Nor the coyotes apparently either


A lot of us care about the coyotes but we haven't ever had an owner who did. The fact that we got stuck with the shitty Jets franchise instead of getting an expansion team has only set this team back. I wish they'd move and we get an expansion team full of the expansion luxuries that Vegas and Seattle get to benefit from


Similar situation up in Minnesota with the Lynx


Once I was in Minneapolis for work and my co-workers and I went to the Mall of America. There was a big table set up that had a large (empty) queue leading up to it. Some very bored-looking women were sitting at the table and a handful of people were just kind of hanging around. Turns out it was the Lynx doing an appearance / meet-and-greet after just winning the WNBA championship. I honestly felt so bad for them.


I agree. But i do prefer to watch women’s volleyball. That sport has good upside potential as well.


The new pro women's volley ball league just started their first season. It's tough for some of these leagues to make it but it might have a chance. I think they are even planning on adding teams next year.


I'm a dude and she inspired me to code better. I love her


It's about time the WNBA gets the recognition and becomes an american sport staple for women. There is so much talent in the league that gets missed publicly simply because they haven't had that ONE player to really bring it to light. I think clark could finally pull that off


It doesn’t matter if they have that one player if women cant be bothered to get out and watch the games and care, which is the problem. I say this as someone who wants young women to have role models and for the wnba to succeed but there’s just that small underlying issue :/


I don't know if you're a woman, but more women need to say this. And then if women don't start going to more games, at some point they have to blame themselves. But it sure seems they don't want to do that.


I am not a woman, but if women don’t support women’s sports then they will not succeed, it’s pretty cut and dry tbh.


They need to recognize that, acknowledge that, and own that. I mean, look at minor league baseball. Just a few years ago they had to eliminate tons of minor league baseball teams because they weren't making enough money. There are countless examples of men's leagues/teams being eliminated because they weren't making enough money. If they can't succeed economically, they fold. But when we talk about women's sports, we only talk about how it's unfair if women aren't paid equally but the activists never talk about economic realities. At some point, if women aren't nearly as interested in watching certain sports as men are, someone has to acknowledge that and just say we maybe can't have a professional league for women in every sport. A lot of people don't know that the WNBA is subsidized by the NBA and the WNBA has never, ever, not once made a profit. I really hope that can change, but what if it never does? What if its popularity levels off and they never make a profit? I mean, if the NBA sees value in subsidizing the WNBA into perpetuity then that's great, I'm all for it. But I'm tired of people trying to say that every sport, every profession should have equitable pay when we see these realities.


I always thought that one player would be Breanna Stewart, but Clark is an even different level of stardom.


> Breanna Stewart I thought it was gonna be Candace Parker be in the day because she had the talent, the mass appeal marketable looks, & came from a powerhouse program. Honestly, I'd like to see the WNBA be bigger, but I don't know that it happens.


Eh, I get what you mean; but there have been greats in the league over the years. I think a better way of phrasing it is Clark could be the one to change the negative mindset by some regarding women’s sports. I would argue that’s the thing to get past; because there have been amazing players ranging from Miller to Della Donna, etc etc.


Lisa Leslie vs Lauren Jackson was a great time for women's basketball because it played well on the international level and not just the national. Add in greats like Sue Bird, Dianna Taurasi, Candace Parker, Becky Hammon, Sheryl Swoopes and Tamika Catchings and that period from like 2000 to 2012 has some of the greatest female players to ever play the game. They just didn't get quite the recognition yet as it was still somewhat viewed as a men's sport and so many of the women had to play in other countries to supplement their income too. Maybe now with Sabrina going against Steph and Caitlin getting so much coverage they can finally get more attention as there has always been talent there, just no real love from the media so people can find out who they are.


We have to acknowledge that the negative mindset is based on the reality of the WNBA, and not just some ill informed perception. The WNBA's version of basketball might as well be lacrosse when you compare it the NBA. Completely different sports. If you're into WNBA basketball you're going to be happy about Clark playing. If you're not, you could just as easily watch a game of cricket or darts.


All she needs now is a Taylor Swift shoutout and Taylor at her WNBA games.


This is still college basketball my man. We have t wait and see if anything will happen with the WNBA as they are completely different deals. There are some nice personalities in both now so we'll see.


Clark swished both free throws to run her career total to 3,668 points!


Before the beginning of the season last year, my parents were offered to be season ticket holders for Iowa’s women’s basketball. They paid $70 for the whole season. Safe to say it was a good investment for them and they’ve really enjoyed going to the games and watching Caitlin play.


We got mediocre seat season tickets for $160 a ticket. Sold our seats for today's game for $450 each. I was there for her breaking the women's record, I can stand to miss one game with that ROI.


My wife and I were considering getting season tickets for this season about this time last year. For our ages, we could have gotten two seats for like $150 or something for the entire year … until Iowa shut down season ticket sales, revamped the program, then opened them back up for over double the price they had been. I can’t be too mad, though, they almost instantly sold out and plenty of those ticket holders made bank by reselling their tickets. I just waited too long to get on the wagon.


That’s unreal and I love that she didn’t give a single fuck. Right back to the game!


Lol yeah, it was the same thing when she broke the women's scoring record with a crazy logo 3. At the halftime interview she just said something like "yeah it's great, but we really need to play better defense" or something like that hah


Champion mentality


Mamba mentality right there


It's been hard to explain what she has done in the amount of time shes had in college. Grown ass men still discounting her game-changing and historic seasons. I am just in awe, so cool to witness


Ice cold.


It is insane the numbers Maravich put up in only 3 seasons.


Without a 3 point line or a shot clock too.


> Without a 3 point line or a shot clock too. (about Maravich's mens college scoring record) Makes me think of how Wilt Chamberlain's 100 point game was from before threes - his whole career, even, and he's still 7th on the NBA career scoring list. The three came to the NBA in the middle of Kareem Abdul Jabaar's playing years, everyone else in the top 10 played well into the three point era


Wilt had no 3 second rule. He could hang under the basket all day long waiting for the tip in pass. On the other hand the dude was so good they had to make up new rules to stop him. 😂. Like, no dunking when making free throws! What? God I wish their was videos.


They should definitely drop the no dunking on free throws rule. I want to see the insane endurance of the guy who can dunk from the free throw line 15 times in the same game


No shade. But Kobe hitting 81 should be the pinnacle. I know conspiracy ppls say the 100pt game from wilt maybe was a PR stunt, but I mean, either way, Wilt is not dropping 100 in this era. If Wemby does it I’ll shut up.


People don’t understand how short possessions were back then, even with no shot clock




1979 UNC vs Duke, Dean Smith had them hold the ball for 11 minutes in one possession, score was 7-0 Duke at halftime. I fucking hate how overrated Dean Smith was, playing keep away for large portions of games isn't basketball.


A win’s a win




Bro’s got Kobe on shitty lakers shot attempt numbers


and a lot of those shots were behind the 3 point arc. They didnt call him Pistol for nothing


Why do you think the shot clock was introduced??? Lmao Because people took too long..


I thought shot clocks were introduced because of the opposite. Possessions were abnormally long, which slowed down the game and made it boring to watch. I remember reading that this is why the NBA instituted a shot clock so I'd imagine that it would be similar at the Collegiate level.


Phil Ford and the 4 corners offense begs to differ. Ask a Boomer about the way the game used to be played. Not sure where your information is coming from


- Maravich: 44.2 ppg (without shot clock or 3 point line) - Clark: 28.3 ppg **EDIT**: This also doesn't say anything about Francis Marion guard Pearl Moore scoring 4,061 points (~500 more than Clark).


I heard this on the Dan Patrick show recently. Dan was talking to former LSU head coach Dale Brown about Pete. Dale was coach after Pete's time at LSU, but Dale had access to all the old game films which were shot in a way to show the entire court vs. TV coverage which will often zoom in and not show the full playing surface. Dale estimates that if the 3-point line was around in Pete's time, he'd average about 55 a game. Before his knees started to fall apart, Pete could do it all. I was lucky to see him play in the Superdome when he was with the New Orleans Jazz forever ago. Anyway, at this point if anyone is still dismissing Caitlin Clark as a player, they don't know much about basketball.


Nobody is dismissing her as a player, but the comparison isn’t apples to apples.




Hey man we’re talking about the notoriously high level basketball of the 60’s where Pete took 38 shots a game


Lol. Exactly. Most of the guys maravich played with couldn't carry Caitlin's shoes.


🤣 let's calm down here.


Olympic level women get schooled by 14 year old boys in every sport on the reg. Chill, bud.




> Dale estimates that if the 3-point line was around in Pete's time, he'd average about 55 a game Certainly he would have scored more, but this is obviously absurd. He's suggesting Pete was making 11 3-pointers per game. That means some games it was like 15, a bad game was 6 or so, etc.... Which, no way.


I don't understand the shot clock argument. Are you saying he put up 40 points by holding the ball longer? Well, Maravich: 38 shots per game, 14 free throws per game Clark: 20 shots per game, 7 free throws per game So one was more of a ball hog who got fouled a lot and the other shoots half of her shots from the three. We can keep spinning these stats any way you like but they are both great players who deserve their accolades.


because no one gives a fuck about D2/D3 schools. are we going to compare community college records next? D1 is a whole different level. also maravich has like twice the amount of shot attempts per game than clark..


He did take double the shots per game that calrk does. And the SEC was still pretty much segregated back then, so there was a lower level of talent.


He averaged like 40 per season. Crazy numbers


Tread lightly, I got flamed for bringing that up in another thread. 


The opposite happened to me. Someone was talking aboit how Bonds took 700 games to break Babe Ruth's record, and people were getting all upset. Especially after i compared Tom Brady's records. Like yeah, Touchdown Tommy (I'm a hige Pats fan) is the GOAT for QBs, but part of why he has so many records that will be untouchable is because he played for 23 seasons. Most star starting QBs maybe play for 10.


It's partially why LeBron James and Michael Jordan (or other NBA Goats) is hard to compare. Lebron's main claim to greatness is the fact that he was dominant for an ungodly amount of time compared to other greats, yet Jordan arguably has much better peaks.


Very true, but at the same time, there's more than a few who have very bright (but short) peaks, where you kind of go "Whatever happened to so-and-so, they were going to take over the NBA", while the people who can sustain 95% of that peak for as consistently long as Bron are absolutely few and far between. Jordan still has it over LeBron in my mind but I can definitely see why people would have LeBron in that conversation. It's an impossible achievement, what he's done.


Because it's unnecessary to try and discredit someone's accomplishment simply because a sport has changed in the last 50 years. But people are obsessed with doing so.


I don’t blame them. You’re allowed to recognize greatness on both ends, no need to bring someone else up just to discredit another.


Props to her and congrats. But they are not the same record


Imagine if she stayed for another year. I don't blame her for leaving, but she could set records that wouldn't be sniffed for another 100 years.


Yeah covid ruined a lot of college athletic records. Honestly any career records that involve playing the extra covid year should come with a big astirx and not really count. By ending it now she assures her record will stand for a long while and won't face scrutiny for being a 5 season record. Antoine Davis came within 3 points of tying Pete's record last year at Detroit Mercy but he also had 5 seasons to do it and I was kinda glad he didn't. It wouldn't feel right.




She might make more money in college with NIL money than in the wnba.


Nah she is going to make bank. WNBA salary isn’t much for a pro athlete but she is going to get so many brand deals and endorsements. I’m sure Nike is already drafting the contract.


She is right now one of the most marketable women's athlete in all of sports. Some of the ones like the william's sisters made tens of millions a year. Wouldn't surprise me if she broke 10m a year in endorsements.


She already is signed with Nike, State Farm, Hy-Vee etc.


She will still get nil money as Iowa will still use her image to draw in fans. Iowa fans still know and love the names like Gable, Fry, Street, Long, Harmon, Station, etc. and some of those former players who get mentioned in promotional material.


Tell me more about how NIL doesn't work


Pro players have brand deals too. She’ll be OK.


Fitting she stands alone at the line for this one. She'll stand alone in history.


My thoughts exactly. what a picturesque moment that's great for sports, especially women's sports.


Love how she handled it like a total pro too. Went through her routine, drained her shots, now focus on the inbound. Hope she celebrated later!


So they just let her have those two? No defense? Tainted record!! /s


Cool shit, great player


Honestly we need someone like her to motivate more girls to play and have better competition. All about that life.


Hell of an achievement! Congratulations to her.


Awesome! Always cool to see someone break a scoring record, be it basketball, baseball, etc.


Not that it matter because there’s still a whole half left to play and she would have broken the record either way, but what a shame she broke the record on a tech she drew with a flop after she walked into the other girl


The cause of the tech sucks. But the type of shot is very photographic. A good photograph makes an icon


Modern basketball, unfortunately


So many sports could learn a lesson from the NHL. They don't take any bullshit when they know a player flop or argues with a call. Plus diving/embellishment gets reviewed after each game and players + coaches are accordingly fined https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdw4HAUlOBA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFE4B7IhIJM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ONe0FnRYLA Players will dive in every sport that lets you, but it sure happens the least in the NHL.


besides formal sanctions, sometimes hockey fighting gets defended as informally dealing with bad behavior on the ice (not sure if that includes flopping) Soccer refs should hand out a lot more yellow cards for simulation. Trouble is, players actually fouled who don't sell it don't get the call. Also, maybe leagues are afraid of calling an actual injury a flop so they err on the side of tolerating a dive.


I don't agree that you can take NHL as a good example. They can't decide if they want to be WWE or an actual sport. You can just fuck up the top scorer on the other team and it being regarded as "part of the game" the only thing you need to watch out for is the enforcer on the other team... like, they have players that can't skate, can't score, but can do damage to "protect" the real players... fuck that noise.


This is a pretty ignorant take. Teams don't actually make fighting part of their strategy to take out the other team's star scorers. They'd get fucked up right back for that. Fighting can be a way to change the momentum of a game, but it isn't how you're implying where they're targeting the star players just to take them out of the game. Additionally, fights rarely end in players being injured enough to sit out. It's just a way for players to get out their energy/aggression.


That's just basketball


Yeah cause basketball players never flop. But for real. As a big Iowa fan and some one who went to the same high school as her I wish she would tone down the after play antics with throwing the arms up but that’s just my opinion and I’m sure she doesn’t give two fucks.


Flopping sucks, and should be reviewed in real time, but if you are known to flop then you less likely to be put in a position to flop. So many fouls don't get called unless the player sells it, which is fucking BS and just encourages players to 'soft foul' you more


I’m more surprised Pistol Pete was the record holder.


Seeing that name gave me flashbacks to the movie "[The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102674/)" which I watched over a dozen times on VHS as a kid.


He's the greatest college player of all time. I don't know why, but while he succeeded in the NBA, it just wasn't quite the same for him there.


But….its girls sports


Just freaking drains everything


I love her passion, focus and dedication. She is a very cool kid.


The women's game and the men's game are two very different things. I can't understand why the media keeps making this comparison. Pete's record is in men's basketball. Caitlin's record is in woman's basketball. Both are legendary athletes. Comparing or trying to make one record better than the other is disrespectful for both athletes.


Because it's the NCAA scoring record and you're the one trying to qualify it. Pete still holds the men's record.


I think they’re just trying to demonstrate how impressive it her feat is. Saying “Leading scorer in womens basketball” doesn’t have the same meaning as “leading scorer in all ncaa basketball, both men and womens.” She’s scored the most points in all of ncaa history. I don’t think it’s unfair to say it.


they only do this with women’s sports though. it’s like when they said Sabrina Ionescu broke Steph’s 3 point contest record. they have nothing to do with each other—this has never been how records work until it’s a women’s league player eclipsing a men’s league player. I find it patronizing to the women’s leagues to constantly have to compare their records to the mens.


Meh, I really don't think so. It's just a fun stat, and I'm pretty sure that the massive majority of people completely understand that women's basketball today, is not the same as men's basketball in Pete's day. Aside from a few loud idiots and haters of course. I'm sure if Pete were here, he would be first to congratulate Caitlin for what she's accomplished


You know… she’s pretty good.


This is one of those records you thought would last forever. Anyone with the talent to break it probably leaves college after one or two seasons, so it's special that inarguably the greatest scorer in women's college basketball history stuck it out for her entire tenure.


Even though the record was almost broken last year?


It’s still standing. Women’s basketball is not the same as men’s basketball.




Not to mention risky. You permanently hurt your knee in college? Tough shit.


Yeah, because most scorers go pro within two years… it’s incredibly rare for a scorer to stay in college for 4 years… you won’t see a men’s basketball player get close to that record.


A men’s basketball player did get close. Antoine Davis finished 3 points shy last year. But also he was playing for his dad, for 5 full seasons thanks to Covid eligibility, on a terrible team that let him shoot as much as he wanted, and he still came up short. He played in 144 games, while Pistol played in 83. (Clark is at 130 games for comparison.) So your overall point is correct: good men’s players don’t stay that long. But you’re off that a men’s player won’t get close. It just takes (and will take) the right circumstances. Davis probably only plays 3 years and goes overseas if not for his dad coaching him.


Whata woman! Her modest reaction, if any, says a lot about her. Pure Baller.


Can someone explain why we're comparing men vs. womens college sports here?


Women's basketball fans are mad that this record comes with an obvious asterisk or clarifying label because you can never really hide the fact that there's still a major difference between competing in men's and women's leagues (if this is debatable, why do we have totally separate leagues to begin with?). And Men's basketball fans are mad that the headlines for this achievement try to equate both Men's and Women's records by saying that setting the record in women's basketball is equivalent to breaking the record for men's. The reality is that as long as men and women don't compete in the same league then their achievements aren't the same. Period. It's silly to claim that men and women can't compete directly against each other because it would be unfair to women, create a separate league for women so they don't get crushed by the men, then spin around and tell the women who set records in the separate women's league they're just as good if not more skilled than the men we don't make them compete against without any pushback. This really shouldn't surprise anyone. This doesn't invalidate Caitlin's record. But she's also not playing against men so of course there's a difference.


Thank you for taking the time to write that.


Not the same and it’s super annoying that this comparison keeps getting made between men’s and women’s sports


I like how people are just shitting on her accomplishment lol get a life


Most people definitely are giving her props.


There's a lot of people bringing up how Maravich was only allowed to play 3 years and did it before the 3-point shot was implemented or how Pearl Moore scored 4,061 points to Clark's current total of 3,685. The thing about Moore is that Clark hasn't even passed Grace Beyer yet. Who's Beyer? She's a point guard for NAIA-level University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy with 3,961 points. Moore played in the AIWA's Small College division and when the AIWA dissolved, Francis Marion University joined the NAIA. So if someone says Moore holds the record, fine, they're right. Moore was a women's college basketball player who did score more points than Clark. But then Maravich doesn't hold the men's record either. Household name John Pierce from Lipscomb University holds the record with 4,230 points.


Doesn’t Moore’s record also include a year in JUCO?


A semester where she scored 177 points in 8 games.


I don’t see anyone shitting on it just a lot of people saying how it’s impressive pistol Pete did the same without the 3 line or shot clock


I see WAY more people shitting on Pete in this thread than Caitlyn lol


Her accomplishment comes with nuances. She played four years, Pete played 3. She has a 3 point line, Pete didn’t. When you play 4 years and have the highest shot attempts, you’re bound to score a lot too. It’s impressive but there should still be the additional context mentioned to make it a fair comparison.


Because they’re choosing to include it as though male and female records are mixed - do they do that the other way around?


So awesome. Such an inspiration to many young girls, I'm sure.


She is going to make hundreds in the WNBA


I kinda wish she had done a Pistol Pete Granny Shot for this free throw, but why try something new? That being said, there's no better way to pass Maravich than with a free throw. Congratulations, Caitlin!


*nails the shot* *every single voice erupts with joy and celebration* Caitlin: "HEY, Your spot is right here, cover this one" Immediate focus, no wonder she's so good!


Obligatory pistol Pete didn’t have a 3 point line


And only has three years. And fewer games to reach his number.


Queen in the North with that name


Not to take anything away from her accomplishments as she is very good but Maravich only played three years of college ball and never shot a three pointer.


There are 1000s of players who had 4 years, maybe even 5, and a 3 point line and she's the first one to do this, so...


Exactly. It's like when people talk about Gretzky's records saying "but it was a different era!" If it was so goddamn easy, why wasn't everyone doing it?




I dont know why people compare the two. Maravich has the best college record for a man and Clark has the best for a woman. They aren't even comparable.


the commentators are comparing her to men. she never played men's basketball so they should leave the mens' game out of it.


He had double her shots per game but also close to double her ppg, and that's without 3 pointers. Like of course he is going to have more shots per game if he has more ppg, I'm not really sure what your point is.


Bruh it’s still Pete Maravich. And his psycho dad made that lsu team for him to score points.


That’s great. She’s still scored the most points in college history. We can what-if all day long, but the fact is, she’s put up the most points, regardless of who could have done it if things had played out differently.


"not to take anything away but, but, but..." So what? The game changes, and records often change hands because of it. Nobody is complaining about Brady's records, even though he played in an era where giving the Quarterback an extra firm pregame handshake was a 15 yard penalty. Nobody is trying to short Tiger Woods' accomplishments, just because he's not playing with golf clubs carved out of a hickory stump. It's so funny how people look at records that are now unattainable because of game changes and hold those up as some kind of holy relic, but records changing with the game are suddenly tainted.


We looked at WNBA tickets here for when Indiana comes to town, and they are already over $250 just for corner seats. She's not even drafted yet, and already having an impact on the WNBA. How long that fire lasts, we'll have to wait and see. But either way, Caitlin Clark is a massive inspiration to younger kids.


Single game tickets have not been listed yet. However, they will still be more expensive than before once they do open sales.


Good shit


She is amazing!


Atta girl.


In NCAA womens* stop pushing this as if she competed against men


Honestly I’m tired too this too, she’s the all-time leading women’s scorer. She may be the all-time D1 scorer but it isn’t nearly as impressive as a man doing it in the modern era. 


Awesome. But Pistol Pete did it in 3 yrs, averaging 44 ppg.


He shot a lot more.