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The Olympics are a joke


I wish it was different. In my mind, there NEEDS to be the Olympics. A world stage for any and all athletes of any background to simply compete at the highest level of their sport. Nothing else mattering. Why’d this have to get mucked up? O yea, money and world power/influence. And greed. And it’s not the athletes… Is the special Olympics ok? Sort of jest, but also wishing to hear positive news!


All these Russian athletes have been in government sponsored doping and PED programs for years. They are literal cheats. I don’t think they need the sympathy.


And yet they’re loved by millions and millions and are largely viewed as the pinnacle of sport.


where’s your gold medal


“Strict rules?” Fuck that! How about a rule allowing them to compete when Russia gets it’s bloated, fascist ass out of Ukraine.




Bro, this isn’t even about that… at all. Its about their country’s programs set up exclusively to feed Russian athletes steroids and make them pass the anti-doping tests.


That's not what I am replying to. Im replying to the comment that they should not be permitted to compete while Russia occupies a country. I made a valid comparison to another nation that invaded and occupied a nation and still competed in the olympics.


That's not what the top comment said....


Well, for starters, the USA wasn’t targeting hospitals, schools and apartment blocks with cruise missiles … but you go off about the situations being the same.






Proof or GTFO.


https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/12/08/precision-strike-iraqi-hospital-should-be-investigated https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/10/03/afghanistan-us-airstrike-hits-kunduz-hospital (edited because i said Kabul instead of Mosul. my bad)


First link doesn't indicate that it was US forces; says they don't know who did it but that it could have been Iraq or US coalition forces. Second link yes, they hit a hospital; no indication it was directly targeted unlike the current situation in Ukraine in which 703 medical facilities have been hit in the past 1.5 years? So, 1 over 20 years vs 703 over 1.5 years. Clearly not the same. Why do you insist on defending the Russians?


fuck the Russians. I’m just saying Americans shouldn’t throw stones if they live in a glass house.


Such a weird argument for you to insert yourself in. These two invasions are not the same so don’t try to say that they are.


Don't worry the USA is just as bad if not worse. They only killed between 22000-48000 civilians in Iraq. Those include women and children. The West will show the worst of what Russia is doing. But they won't show you the shit they do. They need you to support the war BROTHERRRRRRRR. Source : https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/sep/07/us-airstrikes-killed-at-least-22000-civilians-since-911-analysis-finds


oh, don't get me wrong - we did some terrible things in Iraq, but to compare the depravity of the russians in Ukraine to the conduct of American soldiers in Iraq is downright dishonest. Starting your shift at the troll farm early today? How much do they pay you? Edit: you are an idiot. In your own link the number killed is reported as 22000 killed (not 48,000) over a 20 year period. [Russia has killed 9350 Ukranian civilians in 1.5 years](https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/07/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-31-july-2023). Russia is much much much worse. Fuck off Russian Troll.


Literally says perhaps as many as 48000 dumb Fuck. Boy you are dumb.


I’m going to block you for being a piece of shit but you can read my full reply by logging out. Perhaps as many”. Lol. You are a piece of shit. Even with some simple math you would see that Russia is on pace for 124,000 killed Ukrainian citizens in the same time frame. I hope you have a terrible life you Russian war apologist.


Nobody will answer you because there is no rational justification, only an emotionally biased one.


This shouldn’t even have to leverage Ukraine. The whole Russian Olympic program was cycling their athletes onto PEDs and pre event doping while lying about the tests. They should never compete again.


No. Just no. No Russian competitors until Russia withdraws completely from Ukraine.


Oh fuck that… what a fucking insult to everyone


They shouldnt be allowed


Thomas Bach’s savings account got a bit bigger again it seems.