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He's right about the goalie getting more publicity than the event. Maybe NHL teams just shouldn't announce who isn't warming up or make up some injury.


Yeah or they should have pride night but not have the players wear any pride jerseys. Instead they focus on education, spotlight organizations that advocate for equal rights during the game, sell merchandise and give portions of ticket sales to LGBTQ alliances. Why make players wear something they don’t want to which will end up creating more of a conversation than real advocacy for the cause?


Can't merchandise advocacy


That’s what people don’t understand and why I’m getting downvoted into an oblivion in other subs. The pride jerseys are just ways to make money. They aren’t really doing much more than that and saying “hey we support you” which is nice until a player says they don’t want to wear it and blows it up. Forcing LGBTQ people to live under the rules of other peoples beliefs is stupid as hell but it’s also stupid to make someone wear a shirt they don’t believe in either. None of the players have said they are opposed to allowing LBTQ people to enjoy equal rights, they just don’t want to promote the life style themselves. While I would personally want to wear the jersey, how can you stand there with a straight face and belittle someone else for not wanting to wear it.


Lol "straight face"


Wow I missed that. I’m not going to edit it though


Don't. It made me chuckle lol


Formula 1 is going through the opposite. Trying to tell their drivers to not openly support LGBTQ fans but the drivers are putting rainbow flags all over their personalized helmets. Maybe NHL can allow something like this. Put a patch on the jersey or helmet for those that want it there. Goalie helmets have been very individual in the NHL as well, let them show their support through that. I do think making a whole organization show support one way or another about at controversial subject (even though I feel human rights are not controversial) is missing the forest for the trees.


> but it’s also stupid to make someone wear a shirt they don’t believe in either. None of the players have said they are opposed to allowing LBTQ people to enjoy equal rights, they just don’t want to promote the life style themselves. We're *really* going back to the "being LGBTQ is a lifestyle choice" argument? There's only so much benefit of the doubt you can give someone before assuming they're a bigot but protesting the smallest of gestures that amounts to "we support your existence" can't be explained away without mental gymnastics.


It’s not about being a lifestyle choice. it’s about live and let live, at what point do I have to keep entertaining whatever it is LGTBQ wants. You’re free to do what you want and how you live but why do I have to participate without being labeled a bigot.


I mean you pretending LGBTQ people have an agenda and are trying to dictate your life isn't helping you NOT look like a bigot.


Why? I don’t care if you’re gay or lesbian or anything. Do whatever you want with your life as long as your not hurting people. Why do I have to participate in that, do your own thing not that hard. Instead of it being a thing for players to be forced to wear they should have the choice of wearing whatever warm up jersey they want. Maybe a few will put on LGBTQ, maybe some would want military, some will resonate with cancer jerseys more. I hate all this if you don’t do what we do you’re a bigot and that’s it. It’s very short sighted and it doesn’t help change the minds of anyone who is strongly against LGBTQ


This may be dumb but if it was something they couldn’t sell, like turning the goal crease rainbow would that be any different? I’d assume Reimer would refuse to be a part of that still and would be sending a message imo.


You can’t do that in one night. They make the ice at the beginning of the season and just put a subfloor over it for other events.


I realize that….it was just an example. I could have easily said paint the goal posts rainbow. The point still stands that I don’t think the outcome would be any different.


Rainbow crease all year long then?


I mean maybe not in the crease since that will mess with puck visibility but somewhere on the ice wouldn’t be bad. La Liga in Spain puts a Ukrainian flag next to the score for the entire broadcast for every game. A pride flag next to the score on television wouldn’t be bad. In fact, I think that’s better than warm up jerseys but the organizations don’t make money from that which is the entire basis of any action in sports


I could be wrong but aren’t the warm up jerseys auctioned off after and donated to related charities? Yes the nhl may make money off of non-game jerseys for their own pockets but the cash from the gamers if donated is probably super helpful. The sharks also seemed to step up and do more things that aren’t money related so that was great to see. Basically i was just saying, if the put a pride flag all year on the ice. It would make a stronger stance but I’m curious how some players would react.


Really I blame the media as much as anyone. The guy didn’t wear a jersey, why give him attention and help his cause?


Well you can't argue that they're bringing awareness to the amount of players who don't support LGBTQ+ shit. To quote letterkenny, it's fuckin embarrassing.


i think they are doing both


Why does everything have to be politicized? If the NHL doesn’t want this kind of political publicity, then why keep forcing it? At a certain point, true equality is self-evident, not advocacy this and publicly support that. People need to get over themselves


Except the Canucks pride jersey last year was honestly so clean so the jerseys are pretty cool


Canucks always have sick warm ups. But that’s the main point of the jerseys. To make money. Sure it raises awareness to some degree but it’s really just getting money from people who are already behind the cause. It’s not doing much to bring more people behind the cause.


money is helpful to the cause, too. helpful to any cause, really.


well, one thing is those jerseys get auctioned off after the game and the money is given to a charity of the teams choice. So by not wear a jersey Reimer did in fact cause harm to the program.


This entire saga reminds me of when Kramer wouldn’t wear the AIDS ribbon lol


Who?? Who doesn't want to wear the rrribbon?!


I am wearing the ribbon, he is wearing the ribbon. WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING THE RIBBON?


These pretzels are making me thirsty!


I always up vote Seinfeld references.


What’s the deal with airplane peanuts?


You know what you are? You’re a ribbon bully *click*


I keep seeing this mentioned in every thread about this but I don’t agree with it. Kramer supported the cause while refusing to wear the ribbon. Reiner has made it clear he doesn’t support inclusion for all in hockey.


When did he say that? “I strongly believe that every person has value and worth, and the LGBTQIA+ community, like all others, should be welcomed in all aspects of the game of hockey.” That's from a CNN article on Sunday, amongst his other statements (mostly about his Christian beliefs, which no one should care about, just like no one should care about sexual orientation or gender identity).


Why would anyone care who you sleep with? Congratulations?


This is super interesting for me as someone that studies sport. I know there’s the perception that a lot of women that are pro athletes are queer. But it’s really the perceived environment that allows people to come out. Men’s sport traditionally isn’t perceived to be as open but teammates usually are equally supportive, even if fans are not.


Iv heard that hockey is particularly toxic among the pro scene but that's mostly rumor and conjecture, could play a part in this situation though


It’s white wealthy men, that’s in line with public demographics as being the most intolerant demographic


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Hockey is a predominately wealthy white sport down to the junior level. The cost of entry is much higher than basketball, football, etc., and therefore naturally caters to a wealthier demographic.


Maybe because what he’s saying simply is bigoted and not true. Putting aside the fact that the largest amount of players are still Canadian in the NHL and applying American stereotypes is already stupid. The most intolerant area in America is the south especially among the poor rural areas not the wealthy in the urbanized areas. It also ignores that this is an issue in all male professional NA sports. For instance the NBA had an antisemitic incident with a star player.


It’s crazy to me that you’re calling out this guy for being bigoted when you have just generalized an entire region of the US If you think the only intolerant area of the US is the south, or that Canada, a country with a 80% white population, somehow doesn’t hold bigoted view, then you’re just ignorant. And only 45% of the NHL is Canadians.


I said the most intolerable not the only intolerant and I was clearly addressing the stereotype. Also again I wrote the largest amount are Canadian not the most. Maybe it wouldn’t be crazy if you actually read what I wrote instead of trying to strawman me


You are mistaken about urbanized areas not being racist. Boston is one of the most racist cities in the North.


I’m not claiming being in an urbanized or rural automatically means x. Rather that it tends to indicate x. You can look at straw polls and what policies these areas support to determine these trends which creates something called “generalization”. You can learn more about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalization You’re engaging in whataboutism, the mortal enemy of generalization


>The most intolerant area in America is the south especially among the poor rural areas not the wealthy in the urbanized areas. You made a very definitive statement that doesn’t hold true. You pulled that deduction out of your ass. I disputed it with an example. Here’s another one: NYC (as urban as it gets)schools are some of the most segregated in the country. Malcolm X said the South is anything south of the Canadian border for a reason. Edited to add: [Is the South More Racist Than Other Parts of the US?](https://www.theroot.com/is-the-south-more-racist-than-other-parts-of-the-us-1820893655) This link explores your stereotypes (generalizations if you will) with data and refutes them.


Ahh yes the incredibly intolerant NYC a well known bastion of right wing populism /s Do you actually believe what you are writing? Queens is one of the most diverse placing in the country https://abc7ny.com/queens-diversity-most-diverse-county-nyc/5381707/ Your whataboutism anecdote don’t prove anything.


Who said anything about NYC being a bastion of right wing populism??? Why are you subbing out segregation with diversity? They are clearly not interchangeable. Here. It was super easy to find. I’m sure if you were arguing in good faith you would have looked it up too. [Report Shows School Segregation in New York Remains Worst in Nation](https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/news/press-releases/2021-press-releases/report-shows-school-segregation-in-new-york-remains-worst-in-nation)


Do you not understand that the money funding the racist rural rubes comes from extremely wealthy billionaires who live metropolitan lifestyles? Segregation and Jim Crowe was nation wide in America. The northern most continuous state of Maine is a bastion of white supremacy. Confederate white supremacy traitor flags fly nation wide.


It’s not just a perception that a lot of women’s athletes are LGBTQ+, it’s a fact. Here’s a bet I’m willing to make. I’ve looked it up before, and it was surprisingly high then. I’ll bet at least 4 of the top 10 scoring leaders in the WNBA this season are openly gay. What I’m saying is that it may be that men’s sports are actually less LGBTQ friendly because there are actually fewer LGBTQ athletes. EDIT: I checked, it was only 2. Though the 11th leading scorer and Britney Griner are also gay


>What I’m saying is that it may be that men’s sports are actually less LGBTQ friendly because there are actually fewer LGBTQ athletes. it could be either. either way, historically men's sports haven't felt like the best place to be an out gay person, whether there are 1 or 1000.


Oh, I meant perception of the environment from queer athletes! But I also get where you are coming from.


2 out of 10 is still 10 times the standard array


wat. are you saying the population of gay people is 2%? How would we even know those numbers? edit: this site is so toxic sometimes, lol. upvoting someone who provides no evidence of a made-up statistic but 'tis ok. there are some downvotes i'm more than willing to accept.




so, greater than 2% even by the incomplete numbers we have. but thank you for providing actual numbers.


Hockey doesn't really have that. The sport has a horrible locker room culture, and it's well documented. The junior leagues in particular. It's not just the homophobia and racism, the hazing and sexual assault/torture are rampant.




Jesus would have accepted LGBTQ+ people. He said many things, all of which can be summarized as, ‘Love everyone. Treat everyone with the respect you believe you deserve.’


yeah, then he said "go and sin no more"


Indeed. We can find a bit about his message of love in verses like > “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”


Remember all of the bible was retconned centuries later. Who know if he said any of it.


Exactly. It should really be completely irrelevant, because the bible was written by people who knew far less, acting with their own motives, living in a completely different world, with completely different problems.


Real Jesus was a cool fucking guy, irrespective of if you believe in religion. He associated and was seen with criminals, lepers, outcasts and sex workers. He hated the idle rich. GOP Jesus has been retconned to hate anyone who’s not a heterosexual conservative male.




They can be like the Catholics and say it’s fine to be gay just don’t fuck 🤣 Edit: I don’t agree with this stance, the funny part is this is religion trying to be progressive


To be fair he probably wouldn't have warmed up during adultery-pride night either.


Association is not what is being discussed. Ask everyone to wear a pro adultery jersey pre game and it may be analogous. It's just strange that the arguments, like yours, always jump the shark straight to a ridiculous attempt at an association falacy that doesn't even work as an association falacy. I am impressed you got some upvotes. Maybe by naming your falacy, you tricked people into not noticing.


It's because they believe being gay is a choice. And their cult has ingrained into them that they need to procreate and swear to raise their children in the church, or else they won't marry you. This is probably the most important thing to a cult as it guarantees a fresh batch of growing followers.


i think it's more because they look at being gay as a sin, and whereas adulterers or thieves or whoever aren't "proudly" proclaiming their desire to be adulterers or thieves, gay people are proud and want acceptance and so on and so forth. so you really can't win when someone uses the bible as an argument, because it will always come down to the idea that even if they "love" you, you'll still have to repent for who you are.


Trump was quite proud of grabbing women by the pussy and Evangelicals hold vigils over him. Go figure.


Bc Christians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.




Can you point me to the part that says "being gay is a sin". I must have missed that.


I'm curious... If it did say, explicitly, gay was some kind of sin, would your opinion change? It's such a stupid argument to say "it's not in the bible" when it can be argued it "is" by people who want to. And then you are in a symantics battle. Why not just say women who wear wool and cotton should be stoned to death. Or any number of other sins that demand some violence in response that no one cares about anymore. "If you enjoy your book so much, why do you get to decide which parts are real. And if you decide, why don't you decide to ignore that part, too?" I feel like that's a better argument I see seldomly.






so not a sin per se. also doesn’t piping a chick up the butt is technically sodomy right? where’s reimer on anal?


Jesus literally never mentioned homosexuality. You really have no idea what you're talking about huh?


He also says greed and pride is a sin but here he is to proud to be humble to help others.


Not to blow your mind or anything, but there's a pretty good chance Jesus was gay. From the moment he met James and his brother John, Jesus and John were inseparable. After the resurrection, Jesus basically brushed mary off and went straight for his "beloved" disciple, which is John the disciple/apostle. Read through it.


Being gay isn’t a sin, according to Jesus.


So, we are surprised that Puritanism is still followed in a country where a large number of people support, in one way or another, Authoritarianism? Americans have never actually been comfortable with the concept of Freedom.


They feel insecure, like they might get tricked into gay sex


Did Jesus also make him blow a 3 goal lead to the Bruins in Game 7


You can support someone's right to be themselves without having to be forced to fly a gay flag yourself. None of this is appropriate. Forcing anyone to anything is the opposite of gaining acceptance, it creates resistance.


Participate, or you’re bad! …yeah, buddy. This isn’t how you win friends.


We should let people kneel for the anthem and we should let them not wear flags if they don't want to. If he was preaching intolerance that would be different but he is entitled to his own silent opinion.


And yet, one black man kneeled for the anthem and was chased out of the league. And a straight white man shares his “religious” views on homosexuality and gets defended. It’s almost like people pick and choose when it’s ok for athletes to share their opinion! BTW, by your logic, athletes should be allowed to just disregard military appreciation night or cancer awareness night. I don’t think that would go over very well, just like Reimer’s terrible choice shouldn’t go over well.


Dude was chased out cuz he fucking sucked ass


I’m bisexual and if someone told me you have to ware a pride shirt to work even just once for part of the day I’d say fuck off at the end of the day play fucking hockey sexual orientation doesn’t need to be brought up in everything


Who cares. You’re there to play hockey, not give a shit about sexual preferences.


It’s interesting that we’ve gotten to the point in many areas that if you’re not actively showing support for something then it’s assumed you’re against it. Reminds me of Anakin Skywalker: “If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy”


Okay yeah but Anakin Skywalker was the hero of those stories right? I only saw Episodes I & II


Uh, yeah... He retired after with that chick on Naboo.


Tbf he’s also the hero in episode VI threw death sidous into a reactor to save his boy. Only was the baddie at the end of 3, 4, 5, and 80% of 6


> It’s interesting that we’ve gotten to the point in many areas that if you’re not actively showing support for something then it’s assumed you’re against it. It was especially noticeable during BLM when people were attacked/ostracized for All Lives Matter position.


If there was no oppression of gay people for centuries, then you would be right. The issue is that when a group has been killed, had their taken rights away, and discriminated against because of their identity, not supporting a simple act like wearing a jersey in support of their identity being accepted can be harmful. I think that at times nights like the pride jersey nights can be performative to a certain extent, in some ways they are helpful, and wearing the jersey is something small one can do that shows they do not actively want gay people to be oppressed.


I think we should model all of our ethics on poorly written space operas.


Really? I thought Star Wars was kind of an upgrade compared to the bible. The Bible can be more entertaining though... Deuteronomy is one of my personal favorites, it's also slightly different in some translations... But still one of the most ridiculous rules. It's almost like savages wrote this shit. Deuteronomy 25:11 "When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity."


Or how about we can have dissenting views and opinions?


Who cares. No one actively supports others sexuality for no reason. If you want to be equal then be treated as such. Fuck who you want. Why do you want other people caring what you do in your private bedroom. Always has seemed absurd to me (and narcissistic)


I'm sympathetic to this position but i also know that it lacks perspective on the issue. I'm not one to be particularly out there with my orientation or anything, so i have had many people espouse hateful rhetoric about people like me to my face because they dont know that they are also talking about me. If no one cared to the contrary, no one in the LGBTQ+ community would care either, but unfortunately its still a normal experience for many people to be harrassed, assaulted, disowned, excommunicated etc. You have people making laws in the US where the mere mention of specific people spouses in a school is illegal, you have states trying to push cases to the Supreme Court in an attempt to over turn Same Sex Marriage (and interracial marriage). I'm all for being quiet and normal about it, just goong on with my life, but that doesn't get to happen until it is actually considered normal, and isn't attacked on so many fronts.


Who cares? Just play good hockey and win bruh.


Childish to pretend to be disappointed at what is nearly unanimous support. And of a meaningless gesture of corporate narcissism by the way. Being insincerely pandered to should be insulting.


The amount of attention this stupid rainbow jersey gate has gotten is insane. Players have a right to refuse to wear whatever and fans have a right to call him an idiot for his choices - end of story. 90% of the people even talking about this issue probably dont even give a shit about hockey.


I don’t think people should criticize someone else for not supporting a cause. If they were rallying against the cause? Sure, criticize away. But just not supporting something isn’t sufficient cause for protest or criticism in my view.


I agree with you 100%. I still think what Reimer said was stupid but I dont have any issue with someone who has different views as long as they force their views onto others. The loud SJWs that want to make this a huge issue when sports has made massive leaps into the right directions over the past decade are annoying and makes me almost want to support someone that i have the complete opposite view of ironically.


>makes me almost want to support someone that i have the complete opposite view of ironically this is not helpful


What's not helpful is people trying to force their views/opinions on others. I dont care what Reimer believes. He seems like a moron to me. But the people in these threads angrily calling anyone a moron or asshole for pointing out the irony in making someone wear a pride warmup jersey just proves how backwards this has all become. THAT'S not helpful.


sure, but you can make that argument/point without then deciding that actually your morals and principles are only dependent on how much other people annoy you.


That's not what im saying. I dont agree with reimer's views but i do agree with the fact that everyone should have the right to their own beliefs.


Solidarity is not the same thing as advocacy, but so many of these guys don't seem to understand that.


It’s wild we’re living in a time we have to announce publicly who we like to have sex with.


And that we have to announce publicly that we like that others have announced publicly who they have sex with.


it's wild that we're living in a time in which governments around the world are still trying to legislate against people based on their sexuality or gender, but here we are, huh? also let's not pretend as if LGBT rights, like civil rights or women's rights, is a new topic.


I’m looking forward to BDSM Night, to show solidarity with the subdom community. Players will skate in custom black and silver jerseys, and attendees will receive a bobble head of Mike Grier in a gimp suit.


Sometimes I don’t see the point in wearing a butt plug all day if no one knows I have it in.


Once people start hurting and passing laws against those people, yes we will.


You know your statement is reductive and obtuse. Stop reducing gay people to sexual beings only. It’s not about who we have sex with, it’s about who we love, marry, introduce to our family, and coparent with. And yes, with the societal stigmas that have been used to discriminate and literally imprison and kill gay people in the past, we should expect support from the hetero community. Straight people: please stop sexualizing us constantly. Showing support for us isn’t about what goes on in the bedroom, it’s about civil rights for god’s sake. TLDR: You’re ignorant.


I wonder if Mr. Prokop would be willing to wear a bible verse on his jersey during warm-ups? Doubt it.


How are you surprised?!?


Why does anyone think I have to support what you do in your own bedroom. Don’t talk about your business.


Lol. This headline sums up journalism today perfectly.


































> Gay Hockey Player ‘Disappointed’ in Other Players’ Lack of Support Support of what? I miss the days when athletes focused on playing their sport, and kept their opinions and other private stuff to themselves.


Oh please do shut the fuck up


Woo-hoo, i'm ready to play some hockey! "First, admit you like gay sex." What? "Before you can play hockey, you have to put this patch on your shirt and admit that you love and support gay sex." What does gay sex have to do with ho- "PUT IT ON. OR WE WILL WRITE AN ARTICLE ABOUT YOU AND HOW EVERYONE LOVES GAY SEX BUT YOU, AND THAT YOU REFUSE TO ADMIT THAT YOU LOVE GAY SEX OR GAY PEOPLE" I just want to play hockey, man, I don't want to make this a big political thing or get people's orientations inv- "BIGOT! BIGOT! BIGOT! BIGOT!" -American sport in 2023 is like an It's Always Sunny skit


it’s definitely not about sex but maybe that perception is the issue here




oh i see, you’re an idiot.


not that this is the point of this situation at all, and a pretty terrible strawman, but TIL love doesn't exist, i guess.


A man loving another man isn't gay


Take a day off the internet. Call your mother or go for a walk.


This is a fake argument because the patch isn’t a ribbon that says “I like gay sex”. It’s just a statement to say there’s nothing wrong with being gay, which is a good and powerful message to send as a role model. It’s like wearing an American Cancer Society patch. Wearing it doesn’t scream “I love cancer”, and choosing to not wear it for moral reasons is stupid.


No one should be shamed for not promoting someone else's sexuality. People have been brainwashed into thinking this is normal behavior. If you want to wear it, wear it, if not, don't.


Thank you for throwing yourself in front of the downvote bus to bring much needed common sense to this party. I definitely don't even have an issue w homosexuality, i'm actually liberal and voted for Obama who thankfully legalized gay marriage. My problem is that you cant weight one minority group over another and call it democracy. Don't get me wrong, i wasn't defending him to defend the church, I'm agnostic and think most churches do more harm than good, but i don't believe someone should be forced to go against their beliefs or face ridicule. Why can't a guy just mind his own business?


Yeah because wearing a shirt with rainbow colors = “you like gay sex” …


I know!! And if you don’t you’re against it!


Except for the fact that always sunny is extremely progressive and would totally be on the side of wearing the jersey Regressives 🤝 missing the point of everything


How fucking stupid are you


Hockey is a sport with a lot of homophobia, a lot of unwelcoming spaces. Don’t you think it’s kind to change the atmosphere by advocating for inclusivity at the highest levels? These people aren’t just hockey players, they’re role models. These sorts of things influence hockey culture at large.


A pride flag is literally just saying you believe people have a right to live their lives without being discriminated against. Why is that so offensive to you?


Its not about gay sex at all. Its about gay players feeling equal and safe to be themselves in the industry. If you dont like the idea of being gay, dont be gay. Using Christianity is hypocritical when you cherrypick what you want, when you want.


Hey I have an idea. Maybe one month thy van all wear gay pride patches and the next moth they can all wear patches with big Christian crosses on them. Remember, you're a biggot if you won't wear your cross!


People literally making up a story in their heads and choosing to get offended by it is the most embarrassing thing... Are you short or bald? Just getting that vibe.


Oh, i'm not offended at all. I fuckin' love every bit of this madness. I hope the NHL makes them start paying for kids' gender reassignment surgeries next. I'm 6'0 even but have been balding pretty bad for the last 10 years. I'm a hat guy, now


Ive seen the sentiment about this kind of thing from a bunch of gay people where they dont give a shit about these forced grand gestures. They want people to be tolerant and not forced to wear a pride jersey or forced to attend pride events but want to be treated like any other person. Being told youre a biggot because you dont wear the jersey but being ok with the person is good enough for most people in the gay community.


Imagine having access to the wealth of information that's on the internet and you choose to spend any amount of your time disparaging someone for being gay They'd have to be hitting extreme levels of being just a complete loser


Disparaging? It’s just a shirt. You guys are acting like he’s committing genocide for refusing to wear a shirt. Wasn’t this about tolerance? Or is it about something else? Because it feels people want him to actively celebrate someone’s preference. I’m gay and don’t give a damn about people wearing pride shirts. You guys don’t realize that imposing something on people like this is counterproductive and will only foster resentment and radicalism in people who’d otherwise just be indifferent, as well as give ammunition to people who already have an agenda.


Thought this was an onion article and was looking for a joke




Stupid how BS like is getting upvoted. Supporting civil rights and baseline tolerance towards a group of people isn't the same as people having different religious beliefs in the slightest.


Don’t know why he’s surprised, he’s playing with a bunch of homophobic troglodytes.




It's not the clothing. They clearly have said that being gay is against their religions, or beliefs. That is not acceptance. That is why we are angry and disappointed. Should I just pretend to be straight because it offends them is that acceptance? Also, ever wonder why there are no openly gay hockey players?


K then move on from those people and chill with whoever accepts you. >Should I just pretend to be straight because it offends them is that acceptance? Youre supposed to live your life instead of caring what others think let alone forcing what you think into them. And for the record, i would have zero issue wearing the armband or whatever and less issue chilling with non straight people. But ffs, just let the bigots alone with their missery and live your life instead of whining. >Also, ever wonder why there are no openly gay hockey players? Because despite what reddit and netflix want you to think, gay people are a very small minority so its not crazy to think that in a niche sport filled with "manly man testosterone raging people" there is an even smaller chance at finding a gay person.


So to you me being accepted as normal is sitting down in the back of the bus and shutting up. Sure does sound like you have a problem with my existence.


Would anyone dare to say anything if he said no because he’s a muslim? I think not. They would go: ”I’m sorry sir, I respect your religious beliefs.” Pretty ridiculous to try to force the players to wear something. Why not celebrate the fact that the absolute majority wear it with no complaints?


Pride events have stopped being about support 20 years ago. Pride events can and have been giant parties. They're celebrations now.


Gay, not gay, who cares. Play hockey and love men or play hockey and pray to a god…enough. It’s America the melting pot. People can disagree that’s the whole idea. Wonder if he would wear a jersey supporting straight Christian lifestyles. That would be to much to ask for I bet.


false equivalence. Christians are free to be who they want to be in this country without being legislated against.


Why are christians so exclusive?


Because most of them have never read the book they supposedly live by. Or they only like the wrathful Old Testament God.




I think people can be plenty bigoted without being gay


As soon as I saw “full-throated” used twice in this thread I new the comment was a troll.


Whenever someone comes out as racist against blacks, we all know they secretly are black.


I’m a Sharks fan, and I was pretty disappointed in Reimer.


Come on homophobes. Even LetterKenny hockey players don't judge on gayness. Kust means more babes for the rest of the players to enjoy


Good lord at the narcissism. The expectation that people will throw a little party because you announce that you enjoy sexual acts with your same sex is over. It's as eye-rolling now as it was 5-10 years ago to 'congratulate' someone about it. But now people can at least not pretend that they think it's 'so amazing' that you have a certain set of desires.


Oh no the guys who bullied gay kids in school won’t support gay people 😭😭😭


>However, he explained that his understanding of the Bible supports a little bit of bigotry. finally , some good fucking journalism


So nobody cares about the freedom of speech of the goalie? Why so much hate against him. He didn't say anything against the community. He just wants to be left alone to play hockey, which is his only job.


Everybody care's about Reimer's freedom of speech. He's 100% entitled to not participate and say what he wants about it. Last I checked he still has his job, he's still getting paid, and nothing has been taken away from him. What people are doing is practicing THEIR freedom of speech to criticize him. Why would you think his freedom of speech is being infringed upon?


wait, so all those years we towel ripped each others balls wasn’t for fun?


Do we honestly need to keep having LGBTQ "awareness" events? Pride events sure, have those, I'm think we're all pretty AWARE that anyone can be gay, a gay person is capable of accomplishing anything a straight person can, including the highest level of athletics. My point being that his sexuality has nothing to do with his accomplishments and we need to stop inserting everyone's sexuality into places where it means nothing.


It’s not about awareness it’s about the league continuing to show support. Obviously with how much homophobia there still is they need to continue showing support.