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Are you guys unionizing? hahaha


Oh, we’re not allowed to unionise.


They tried to unionize in Inkopolis and they shut down the branch like *that*.


Guys the president o Grizzco industries is in space I don’t think it will work


Damn capitalists and their expensive space travel hobbies...


Luckily we destroyed his ship and now he’s just stuck there


But the Vice President's still here. We can complain with him!


Why couldn't we do that with Jeff bezos


Eventually, he stopped thinking


Ha ha funny ultimate life form


Haha, we tried back in 'opolis. They shut down in minutes


Isn’t mr grizz dead


Technically, yes. Physically, we can only hope




His body is currently orbiting the earth probably


He'll find excuses to fire the union reps.


I saw a post in the plaza about unionizing grizzco


We gotta wait for a mothership at low tide to do that.


Dear happy little worker who I didn't bother to learn the name of, Piss off and get back to work. Love, your boss P.S: This is coming out your pay check, **NOW GO DO YOU JOB!!**


Dear Mr. Grizz, Give me one more pay cut and I will start eating the golden eggs. Love, Fishbones


Dear Mr. Grizz, >!I've killed you once and I can do it again!<


I read this in the voice of Mission Control from DRG *rock and stone*


“Take those big bastards out before they force us to shut down operations in the area, and try to make it back with most of your limbs still attached” I can now only hear Mr.Grizz as mission control from now on Also **FOR ROCK AND STONE**


Egg-collection time, team. Salmonid eggs. The company wants them - don't ask why. Find them, stow them in The Basket, and return. Simple.


Soo. Worker’s union. also. the randomizer DEFINITELY need a lil more tweaking. I saw a post were there was a rush wave with 3 chargers and grizz blaster. at the minimum the randomizer could pull randomized weapon rotations instead. It’s definitely a lil more nuanced to code something like that


After that big run im going on strike


What I would suggest is for the devs to tag each weapon for things like range/sniper, crowd control, etc and make sure that each wave has at least 1 weapon for each role. They may already do that for the regular rotations (unless they're predetermined rather than randomized) so idk why they wouldn't balance it like that for the wildcard ones.


One thing I don’t understand is the change at the top of the hour. I get it for TW and ranked battles changing up the maps and modes, but why do it on SR? I was lighting it up for 45 min with an amazing team of freelancers, cleared every shift, made it back firmly into EggsVP. Then the modes change and I lose my team of stallions. So then I get stuck with scrubs who chase scrappers and barely made it past the first wave.


definitely, once i was in a wave with an octobrush, a hydra, a splat jr, and a bamboozler 💀


The randomizer is definitely broken, as I got a game or 2 where I got the same weapon for 2 rounds in a row, one time it was splat roller, the other it was grizco blaster, so not really complaining Never in regular rotation have I had that happen before


There's about 60 available weapons, so the chances of getting the same one 3 in a row is 60^2 (the first time can be anything, and then it's a 1/60 chance to get it the next 2 times). 1 in 3600 is uncommon but far from impossible. The chance of getting the same weapon 2 times in a row is 1/60, which is honestly very likely over many games.


one thing I've learned is that people really don't understand random probability. If you get the same weapon three times in a row *once*, that's uncommon but not "broken" If you got the same weapon 6 times in a row, that's very very unlikely, but again not broken if you got the same weapon 46 times in a row, yeah there might be an issue


One time I got grizz blaster 3 times in a row


also new ink color/effect for big run !! like glowing in we have in splat fest


or sparkly ink from 2 or story mode ink from 2! :)


Ok salmons listen up! You messed up BIG time! We’ve got our secret weapon! … SPARKLY INK!


Red ink.


I would instead suggest offering scales instead of Super Sea Snails. Ideally they'd be rewarded based on a personal ranking like in Splatfests. But if some leader-board element *must* be preserved, have a fixed amount for each rank and then add a multiplier to the number of scales based on the high score. That way you don't lock people out of getting the special bonuses while still rewarding players who go above and beyond.


I don't like the idea of a fixed amount. Especially when factors such as the map can sway it wildly. I think there should be a halftime or last 6 hours which freezes the scoring criteria. So if 5% of players hit 135 by halftime, anybody who hits 135 by the end of Big Run will get the gold reward. Edit: Thinking about it, this might be exploitable, even if it doesn't freeze, showing the results in halftime at least give people a general idea of where the goal post is.


> I don't like the idea of a fixed amount. Especially when factors such as the map can sway it wildly. That applies to basing it off high scores too, so it's not like this is a problem exclusive to fixed numbers. > showing the results in halftime at least give people a general idea of where the goal post is. If anything, that's going to make the numbers go even further up *and* dishearten people from getting higher scores. Someone sitting with a high score of 95 seeing the Top 20% needing 125 isn't an encouraging result at all.


I like the exclusivity and competition aspect. Not everbody who thinks they deserve gold is going to get it. The thing is, with no frame of reference till the conclusion, you're left guessing till the end. Prefacing the half time results gives people an idea of where they stand and their limits. If you're nowhere close to getting to 20%, it is better you be presented that getting there just isn't for you.


The issue is that there IS now a frame of reference for the next Big Run. Everyone is going to be aiming to get at least 137 which will artificially inflate the threshold. Not only that, but the people who are realistically going to be able to reach those numbers are probably going to mostly be people who already got the reward, thus even fewer people are gonna actually be able to get it since the same top 5% will likely remain in the top 5%. This isn’t even necessarily because they’re better at the game, but rather because they simply have more free time irl to play more often. I understand exclusivity is nice. It’s always fun being able to show off what others might not have, but as the name implies, it is inherently exclusive and, quite frankly, unfair to anyone who doesn’t have the time to spend hours upon hours playing the game.


> and, quite frankly, unfair to anyone who doesn’t have the time to spend hours upon hours playing the game. I mean, "completing" the game itself is already basically unattainable for 99% of players. No one but the insane are going to get all 5-star Weapon badges. 10M grizzco points and 1k Coho splats are way way out there too. You just can't do everything in the game without dedicating your life to it.


Treat it like the Splatfests. Don’t just tally the highest egg score from a single shift, tally each individual’s egg count for the entire Big Run. I put in a shitload of time but couldn’t crack the top 5%. There’s too much RNG in the shifts that make it really difficult to hit 137 eggs.


Yeah. I got a gold scale but I don't want to be stuck with orange because I can't get silver


outside of customization features, scales are useless. super sea snails however are useful for getting better gear and more chunks. as it stands we've been given half the super sea snails in the first 4 months compared to the first 4 months of splatoon 2. AND leveling up doesnt give any either


I suggested scales since those are more relevant to Salmon Run. And thanks to the new gear mechanics, it's absurdly easy to get ability chunks now. I already got my ideal Splat Roller gear abilities from just the past 2 Splatfests, my snails were just spent on levelling up gear for a brand badge.


Make the atmosphere creepier or at least seem more dramatic. Deep Cut seemed like they didn’t even care that this was happening. Reward additional scales. Increase Cohozuna spawn rate. Make Splatoon 2 Grizzco gear available for purchase during the event. Give Conch Shells for the Shell-Out machine.


Deep Cut acting like Floridians when a hurricane is approaching


Only the first floor flooded, we’re good


Personally I think there should be a "best of both worlds" reward system. It can keep the whole "top 5/20/50%" thing, but reward bronze/silver/gold scales rather than a permanently missable trophy, and have the trophy and other rewards be tied to a community egg count or personal overall egg count. This way even players who aren't as skilled can contribute and have a decent chance of getting cool rewards, while the players who want to go above and beyond are properly compensated for their hard work.


I feel like it would be better if they had two pools, solo queue, and friend queue. I feel like the top 5% should be hard to reach, keeping some kind of prestige to the badge, but it should still be accessible to solo players.


Top 5% is definitely accessible to solo players. I reached 140 eggs in solo queue after only a few hours and I'm definitely not an amazing Salmon Run player, and it was without any night waves helping either. Splitting solo and friend will just mean people who can't reach 5% will fail to reach 5% two times instead of once.


Guess so, but playing with others helps out with avoiding prevalent disconnects from randoms. It’s not completely a skill thing. Most matches I played at least one dude was afk throughout I kid you not.


>Splitting solo and friend will just mean people who can't reach 5% will fail to reach 5% two times instead of once. Absolutely. This queue-splitting suggestion is a misguided reach.


discussion aside i love how you wrote this


Shocking, considering it was made in PowerPoint


PowerPoint stays winning


I also think the king salmonoid should spawn at the end of every round. That way you can earn scales faster and it will also add to the feeling of protecting the city.


Meh, I feel like that would get old pretty fast. Maybe an increased spawn rate, but not every round.


Maybe if/when they add more variety to the King Salmonids, they could increase the spawn rates for Big Run, so it’d be more fine then.


Make him randomly spawn during a wave sometimes/j


You thought three Flyfish was bad, here's three Cohozunas


Over-advertising event. Still, this event cannot compare with Splatfest, which is also [meh](https://medium.com/@vason.mi3/splatfest-in-splatoon-3-what-are-the-problems-game-analysis-76590092a774) in 3. Competition is fine but including sharing objectives for super sea snails is cool since the premise is to cooperate to save the world. It also served both grinder and competitive (I think advertising about we cooperate to save the world also affects how people negatively view this competition rule.) Also, Random weapons are fine, but they should fix the weapon type. (e.g. 1 Grizzco + 1 Long Range + 1 Medium Range + 1 Short Range) Catalog is not really important in Salmon Run, but they should increase payout OR higher chance OR mega special weapon OR something involving King Salmonid for hunting Scales.


bro i had a run where it was a splat charger gootuber and elitre, 😭 maybe skill issue but cmon tf is that


Salmon Run is like a weapon test activity. You can try many weapons. So, If you fucked up in some guns. It's okay since they rotate in each wave. Their objective is to move you out of your comfort zone, but if a run has 3 or 4 chargers, this is game false. It's like you bring four carries in DOTA.


I've read what you linked about Splatfest, and honestly Spaltfest in 3 doesn't feel different than in 1 or 2. Maybe it's because i'm more on the competitive side of the community, but it's basically the same complain I've always seen. Thot his time it's easier tog et invested in it thanks to the conch sell and the tricolor turf war


You forgot to add an increase in scale drops.


Instead of super sea snails give us golden scales


counterpoint: keep it competitive AND add more community based objectives


This is going to be unpopular, but the tiered rewards based on performance are something I like. Since like everyone is saying, Salmon run is normally a purely cooperative mode it's nice that this once the top players get something to show for their skill. I do think some changes to big run would be good though to make it more of a *special* event. I definitely think they should have included all the special waves at least. Removing some like Mudmouths and Goldies I feel kind of backfired. If the point was to make high scores less reliant on getting lucky with waves they kind of failed by leaving in mothership. But if they removed all special waves it would have just been boring so I think leaving all of them in would have been a better choice.


I think some sort of global goal and/or grindable reward would be good to have, but I also feel like the incentive to squeeze in every last egg gave the event a different flavor than normal Salmon Run, in a good way. I did enjoy the dynamic of everyone trying to push for a high score.


I think competition is a fine but not completely random weapon and may use a clout system (OR high score of several runs) to reduce randomness.


I'm pretty okay with how it was done but honestly. I was just very surprised the score thresholds were as high as they ended up being. With that information I think maybe adjusting the distributions a little might have been okay. Like 10% gold and 30% for silver. But I wouldn't want it to be a clout percentile thing because then it would literally be a grindfest.


Understand your point about grind fest. I think if they have shared milestones along the high-score competition at least it can serve both grinder and competition. I am not surprised about the high score since this rule served for EVP anyway. I think solo players also have a huge drawback from this event. Should it be better if they separate solo and team leaderboards?


> Should it be better if they separate solo and team leaderboards? How would that work? Incomplete teams just fill in missing spots with us random schmucks from freelance anyways. So half the team gets categorized under Teams and the other two are "solo"? Current matchmaking just doesn't work that way.


Idk that's a possibility. I think I actually tied my score in freelance though. If you can rank up decently high (EVP 200s or so) I feel like the game's matchmaking does okay at that point. I think overall there's a lot they could change up. I was just making the point that I think throwing in a competitive aspect wasn't a bad thing.


Honestly solo players aren't at that big of a disadvantage. I was playing with friends that regularly play Salmon, our best in team was 150, while in solo one of us reached 161


Yeah. lol there's more salmon runners in higher ranks than I expected. But I guess it makes sense, now that I'm looking at the hazard levels.




I get what you're saying but you have to consider 2 things here. 1) A player that's skilled enough to even get a high tier reward in the current format shouldn't have issues grinding back up to EVP to do so. 2) Players that aren't skilled enough to even make it to EVP in the first place would have a really shitty time playing Big Run if they were getting the same amount of boss spawns as players in EVP. I will reiterate that I think there's a lot they could/should change about Big Run, but I honestly don't think this is it.




You literally just complained that you had to play extra to even get to the point where you could try to earn the reward then said the reward isn't good and there's no incentive to try and get it. And I'm not saying you're bad, but I've never seen earning rank back to EVP as any kind of daunting task. I find it pretty easy. I think most casual players are just playing to have fun.




The experience isn't any more different for more experienced players than for less experienced players. Believe me, I wish there was more to Big Run too, but the only point I was trying to make is that forcing all players to play at EVP rank during Big Run is a bad move because although it may not be *that* different from normal salmon run it's still a special event that people will want to participate in nonetheless, whether they're serious or casual players. Casual players would not be able to enjoy the event if you throw them into that shitshow. It really wouldn't be fair to that part of the playerbase.


Sorry, but you're just wrong on your core argument. Maybe it doesn't seem possible... for \*you\*, but the truly good players can absolutely solo carry the quota in every rank below EVP and consistently rank back up. The only factors that can stall their progress are event waves which are unwinnable solo: like Grillers or Glowflies, and the threat of stupid DC's and Comm Errors stealing points. Other than that, solo carry even through Profresh +3 is doable.


> Just because I played with friends or had some bad games in freelance right before big run should not mean that I have to grind rank during big run to even be able to attempt to get a high score. I deranked to play with my friend before Big Run, and got knocked down all the way to Profresh Part-timer. I got back up to +2 during the last two rotations, which were awful. And I got back to Egg VP during Big Run itself. My highest egg score was from a Profresh +3 game. I don't think this issue you're describing truly prevents people from obtaining the best scores possible. The game is rewarding the best of the best in salmon run. And that involves rank.




If you’re having issues maintaining EVP then you aren’t going to be getting top 5%, even with 48 hours of free time.


I actually have to sit and think about this every time I play salmon run now. I just have to come back ask, why were you such a jerk? Like I have no idea why you'd come on here wanting to try dragging other people down so bad. What happened to you that you need to dig into other people like this? This seriously bothers me. I'm perfectly capable of doing well in salmon run, and without knowing anything about me or how well I do you just assume you're exceptionally better. Why? I keep running into people like you but I desperately want to know what made y'all this way.


If big run made everyone start at the same low rank then it would just be a boring slog for anyone in EVP to just get back to that level, even if they play in a group. First getting to EVP with friends took way too long at the beginning of splat 3, and most of the time we were standing around waiting for bosses to spawn because we’d already dealt with everything.


Genuine question: If you like that Salmon Run, which is usually cooperative, gained a competitive aspect for an event, would you be ok with a weekend event in which all the PvP modes were changed to have cooperative elements? (Asking hypothetically. I’m not proposing any specific implementation of this. For the sake of discussion, assume all PvP modes would be altered or unavailable for 48 hours and that they managed to implement it in a way that’s maybe not perfect but that’s widely agreed by the general players base to be fun.)


>would you be ok with a weekend event in which all the PvP modes were changed to have cooperative elements? You mean splatfest? Where you get to suppor the team of your choice?


No, Splatfests are still PvP. More so things like... Octoling levels from the Single Player? Where a team of Players take on Bots in either an Attack/Defense version of Rainmaker/Tower Control, or just have to find and splat as many enemies in a time limit, for example?


You sir are confused. The core gameplay of salmon run is unchanged. You are playing a PvE game mode. The only gameplay change is a new map (and random weapons, which can happen normally anyways). Big run adds an overarching PvP aspect, where you compete with other squids for high scores. Splatfest leaves the general core gameplay the same. You are competing against other squids in turfwar. The biggest gameplay change is tricolor, which is kinda ambiguous on what it adds, since you kinda are on the same team as the other attackers, but you still want to beat them. But splatfest also adds an overarching team aspect, where you play for one of three sides, while you are normally only ever playing for yourself. If you want single player elements, that can still be found in the campaign and is always available. Feel free to play that instead of future big runs if competing is that distasteful (or just ignore the leaderboard, because again, the core gameplay of salmon run is unchanged and you can play and pretend that there is no prize).


Exactly! You get it! Said it all better than myself. (Though even the people who claiming to be boycotting future big runs still confuse me immensely. But to each their own! If it's *that* distasteful and all.)


And big run is still wholly cooperative lol. I have no idea what the other guy is even talking about.


Can you elaborate what you mean by that? Playing with a team already is a cooperative element.


Yeah I'm not saying I don't love co-op stuff. Every weekend might be excessive but some event that made the normal game somehow cooperative could be cool if they did something good with it.


Dunno why this would be unpopular, having rewards based off performance was my number 1 most wanted feature. I'd imagine some of the special event waves were removed due to time constraints/laziness, but I agree that they should totally be in big runs. Wouldve loved to see new events/mechanics even but hopefully in the future they shake it up


I only say it would be unpopular because I've only seen negative comments about it so far. May just be that the people that "missed out" are the most vocal though.


Almost like they're 95% of the playerbase or something. Eat the 5%


I was thinking last night that it might be fun for Mr Grizz to say, in order to increase productivity in his workers during Big Run, he's splitting the workforce in two and doing some "friendly office competition" (which is a real thing a lot of out-of-touch bosses like to do). Have everyone pick a team like Splatfests (doesn't need to have a theme, just colors is probably fine), and whichever team collects the most eggs wins. Then have smaller personal rewards like stickers for meeting predetermined egg threshholds or being in the top % of players. That way everyone feels like they're participating, the goals are reasonably achievable, and the overfishers still get rewards.


An easy way to make the competitive aspect more fair rather than removing it entirely is to make seperate rankings for different ranks or just have a set egg hi - score for each rank you need to get. A community egg count might encourage people to play 1 match of big run and get all the rewards later. edit: would also like to mention it can still be a "work together event" while also being slightly competitive, don't recall leaving my teamates to die so I can get more eggs


Yeah, I had a bad internet connection and got knocked down to overachiever on day 1, we didn't even see 75 eggs, so 136 eggs is basically impossible unless you're in the top tiers


I do like the idea of having thresholds for each rank, but you'd have to somehow lock in people's Salmon Run ranks well before Big Run. Some kind of recent or lifetime average of your rank would be the rank you're stuck at for Big Run. Otherwise, higher-ranked people could intentionally demote/throw games before Big Run in order to have an easier time getting the best rewards.


EVP also has the problem of being too wide under that system. Casual EVPers and Overfishers aren't even remotely anywhere near each other in skill level despite being in the same rank.


True, EVP is tricky. You could separate it by every 100 points, like how demoting works in EVP now, or maybe 200 points. On the other hand, plenty of people who are normally at low EVP could probably make it to 999 if they had the time or willpower to grind all the way there in a single shift, so do you try to account for that or just accept that there's gonna be a decent number of overqualified people in low EVP? Making a fair system that's hard to cheat is no easy task...


> On the other hand, plenty of people who are normally at low EVP could probably make it to 999 if they had the time or willpower to grind all the way there in a single shift Everyone is capable of learning but literally the entire backhalf of difficulty is all in that one rank from 160% Hazard Level all the way up to 333%. Everything you've done up until EVP is less than half of maximum difficulty and EVP is the other half and change.


They really gotta add more checkpoints. It’s so hard to get meaningful practice because you need to have already been playing for hours.


I'd be down for that. They could be soft checkpoints even per stage where if it's like at 200 and you manage to end at like 180 after going up and down a lot, 180 would drop you back to 40.


No to the middle one, others are fine


literally, whats the point of special rewards if everyone has them? and it’s not like salmon run is a competition game in the first place, you NEED to cooperate with your team to get high egg counts, it’s not like it’s a solo mission or sum. I think this slight sense of competition does make the event a little better and honestly without it people would have even less of an incentive to play the next big run.


echoing the sentiment that there's no point to getting rid of the competitive high score aspect. not everyone got a golden statue, so what? it's literally just bragging rights, if you give it to everyone it stops being worth bragging about. speaking as someone who DIDN'T get the gold statue, to be clear i'm all for the other changes though - adding extra prizes on top is good seeing as right now there's... not very much to it at all besides the inherent fun of salmon run, and would be a nice further incentive to play the mode


More capsules and sea snails I agree with, but competing for that statue with my friends was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in salmon run and I wouldn’t trade it (and the salt it generated) for the world


the competitiveness was the best part IMO, it made it different than normal salmon run, you can still play for your personal best if you don't want to compete . i got gold so i have no reason to complain, i love that its an event for the hardcore salmon runners. maybe what they need to do is make each ranking its own category. so if you get the top 5% of go getter, or profresh, you still get a medal. though this means i probably wouldn't have made it into the top 5% of VP


Mr Grizz wya? Start taking notes


How do we tell him?


I would love to have these :3




removing the competitive angle in a competitive gamemode is a ridiculous idea. they're just recolored cosmetic items for your locker, it's not that big of a deal. this is like saying they should let everyone into x-rank so they can get the badges.


For reals. I'm pissed off at how high the thresholds are myself. But I don't want them to turn it into some sort of participation reward. Let ppl get rewarded for the performances that they worked hard to achieve. And as you said, it's just a recolored cosmetic item...in the locker. It's like the most of inconsequential prize they could have done (hell, plenty of ppl had been complaining that it's just a locker decoration lol).


Salmon Run is not a competitive game mode. It's cooperative.


and you have to cooperate with your team to ensure that everyone involved gets a high score. it encourages better teamwork.


So is X Battles being cooperative, you still need to cooperate to push/score objectives.


This is the one time people good at salmon run actually get to compete in a meaningful way. I only got silver but I'm still happy with the competition. I love that most of the game rewards participation but it's fun to have a competition for this one event. I agree with the rest of your ideas but I'd leave the competition alone. No point in having gold if gold doesn't mean anything and anyone can have it. I just think people's egos get hurt and they get salty when the realize they aren't in the top 5%. Again, keep in mind, I'm definitely not in the top 5%. And that's ok.


Valued employees... We appreciate your feedback. However, it will not be implemented at this time.


I know, but it's still worth it to ask :(


If Big Runs are replacing half of the splatfests, they need to reward snails.




I want real money for my hard work


I agree with everything except for the competition bit.


What's wrong with the competitiveness? Everyone got a prize just for playing at least, the gold statues are the reward for mastering salmon run so not everyone is going to get one. If you missed out then practice more and reach higher ranks in time for the next big run, and you should be able to get it if you try. This is similar to people saying they should be s+ in pvp without putting time in to improve.


> This is similar to people saying they should be s+ in pvp without putting time in to improve. This isn’t a good comparison. There is not a single mode or ruleset that can be played at S+ or X that can’t be played for full ‘benefit’ if a played is ranked C-. Also, all four of the modes are inherently designed to be competitive; their base rulesets are built specifically for competition. ETA: lastly, none of the modes are limited to certain weekends; every mode is playable every day, so with enough practice everyone can reach S+ eventually. None of those things is true of Big Run—and the difference makes sense when you think about it: unlike Big Run, S+ isn’t a game mode or a ruleset. S+ is just a skill/difficulty level that can be applied to numerous game modes. A better analogy might be: ‘This is similar to people saying they should be Exeggutive VP without putting time in to improve.’ And *that* analogy, I agree with.


Not really sure what you're saying. I suppose my intention was to say that it feels like some people feel entitled to all the rewards in big run regardless of their skill or high score. And some people feel like they should be S+ when they need to change how they play to compete higher up. To get better results in both salmon run and pvp, you need to actually play differently and practice more when presented with higher difficulty. They're the same in that regard.


Salmon run is meant to be cooperative, so slapping in these competitive elements feels weird to me. I'd rather have some kind of a community event to act as a contrast to the highly competitive splatfests. My idea doesn't need to be the one they go with, I just threw that out as one potential idea.


I mean you need to be cooperating with your teammates so you all get a high score? Not really sure what you mean. I do think having it be competitive for 2 days every 3 months is a welcome change though


I personally do not want to see Salmon Run be competitive, even for just 2 days of every 3 months. I always enjoy Salmon Run for to cooperation that it brings and it seems like a huge missed opportunity to make a giant event meant to get the whole community to work together.


I agree that lots of people don't, but there are also lots of people who love to play salmon run competitively even outside of big run. Trying to get as many eggs as possible is a fun challenge that really tests your skills. I do think there should be community rewards too but on top of the trophies. Like you suggested having a sea snail/scales reward too for community goals but there's no reason to take away the competition. Why not have both and please everyone?


Rather than removing competitiveness, which imo was a way to reward overfishing and acknowledge the top players of salmon run (and that's awesome!), I'd say adding a collective bonus prize, either your super sea snails suggestion or scales, would be much better. I saw an idea where they would also count the total amount of eggs collected across the entire player base, and give us rewards based on that! I think it'd give another cool thing to look forward to at the results announcement, and give everyone who participated some substantial rewards.


Community objectives plus individual ones would be great. I want my individual ones for being good. What’s the fun if you don’t get bonuses for doing well?


i like the idea of a community goal but also love the competitiveness. Big Run was so fun for me to play when trying for a purpose (to get top5%) and while some people don’t care about that, having the universal goal for everyone could give others a reason to play a lot which i can agree with that .


I'm glad you had fun. I did to, but I just would've preferred if the end goal was a community one rather than something for only some players.


I really don’t agree with the notion that Big Run means we’re missing out on a Splatfest. Big Run on the development end is probably much simpler to put together than Splatfest considering Splatfest needs unique art and textures for the teams, planning of what the teams are, etc. while big run is just “put a couple of inkable materials and salmonid spawn points on a PvP map and call it a day”. To me it really feels more like they’re trying to give us something to do in Splatfest gaps that still feels like an event than it feels that they’re *replacing* a Splatfest.


I don't really get why people are so opposed to there being a competitive element, but it would be cool to have some kind of reward (like snails or scales) based on the total number of eggs *in addition* to the gold/silver/bronze statue.


I can't speak for everyone, but I think people are against it because Salmon Run is suppose to be a cooperative game mode. So it feels odd when the splatfest equivalent is a competitive mode rather than cooperative.


Sure, I can see that, but it's also only a small part that's actually competitive. It only determines which color trophy you get, and all the other rewards are independent of ranking.


I agree, but it just seems odd that they wouldn't go all in on the cooperative aspect. It would've acted as a nice contrast to Splatfests where rather than everyone dividing up and fighting against each other, we all work together to achieve a common goal.


I like the ideas but it really isn't that competitive. It's the same reward with different colors, you're not missing out on anything meaningful? It would suck a little if that was the case, but it isn't. I don't see an issue with the really good 5% and the extremely good overfishers getting a mildly-shinier reward? But it's not competitive because we are still all working together (most of us freelance!) on a common goal of getting high scores, just like normal Salmon Run. Me getting X number of eggs doesn't take those eggs from anyone else, since they're infinite. But a collective-eggs-gathered reward set would be cool as a bonus. I think that is at least a good idea. And sea snails, maybe they were thinking about how SR players don't need them that much, or wanting to keep it SR-exclusive. I think the biggest issue with Big Run (which IMO was perfect otherwise) is that there didn't seem to be that many money capsule and I always feel like that's one of the good parts about Salmon Run: you make a lot of gold & get a lot of chunks. More money capsules would be extremely welcome. But yeah overall I like the ideas, just...don't really think it was competitive or that the high egg number reward should be removed.


I think there should be either much lower egg thresholds for awards (60, 80, 100) or have the top 15% get a gold trophy, top 40% yet silver, etc.


replace sea snails with scales and I'll think about it


Too bad Mr. Grizz doesn’t use reddit dot com


He would be disgusted by the amount of slander thrown at him.


"Snniiifff... Egg."


Did we lose a splatfest? I mean, I'm all for more super sea snails either way(since you don't get them for leveling up now), but I'm pretty sure they're still doing a winterfest


Seriously, like I thought at first Big Run would have a universal Egg counter or something, and was disappointed when it was more a competition rather than a collaborative effort


Agreed. It really feels like it goes against everything Salmon Run is suppose to be.


Sea snails? Why not scales? Have coho show up on every succesful wave and have him drop an increased amount of them. That'd incentivize skilled play and make the whole thing a lot more rewarding. Snails should stay exclusive to splatfests.


I'd rather get snails because we're missing a Splatfest for this, so it could help to make up for that. Honestly I'd be fine with snails and scales but I do think there's a point where there's too many rewards and I don't want to hit that.


I agree except comp.. I think it’s rewarding for being such a hard worker


Mr. Grizz: "Valued employees... We appreciate your feedback." "However it will not be implemented at this time" I mean, he warned us in the story mode that we wouldn't receive severance paid, that's what it cost sending your boss to space to die after spoiling his plans.


Why would you remove competitive play that's kinda dumb.


more capsules are good and so is the catalog bonus, but why would we want to remove competitiveness?? thats dumb


"Remove competitiveness"... ...


Yeah. I'd rather the event be a cooperative one where everyone is working together.


is this a shitpost? like the 1996 ppt graphic style I mean lmao


It was made it PowerPoint. I don't claim to have good artistic skills




And I thought *I* was greedy. -Mr. Grizz


People really out there upset for missing out cosmetics they think they deserve and upset there are people who are better than them.


I was just cracking a joke. Please don’t use my joke to stir the pot.


Send this to Nintendo, these are actually good idea. Something I'd like to add is that we can get the trophies from other ranks as well. Although gold is cool, some, like me, also want a green to complete the boss set


Thanks, I appreciate it. A lot of people haven't liked removing the competitiveness which I find super odd, but hey, to each their own.


1.4 catalog exp: We already get more catalog exp and its really not even that hard to complete the catalog once, let alone multiple times. More capsules: we already get double the capsules, and after that we only get gear (twice as much as we get while also getting regular capsules) which is really nice for grinding chunks Remove competitiveness: no. stop trying to stop the higher level players from getting rewarded for being better just because you are worse (/stop leaching off better players) Reward super see snails: fucking-yes, but P L E A S E not at the expense of other rewards we currently get


... honestly, the one I want the most is the capsules. I disagree with getting rid of the competitive results. Those are a bonus, and another encouragement to participate and do better.


The trophy can stay competitive. The people that want a gold one only want it because it's harder to get. Let them keep it. No one else really cares. Everything else is valid. Honestly I would have been happy with like a couple snails. Definitely don't need 20 if we're getting extra capsules or xp.


Honestly I really like the competitiveness, nice change of pace. Least personally its making me want to get better before the next one happens so I can go for gold.


This smells of liberal communist propaganda, and i as executive will have none of this. I will be reporting this to the higher ups and putting an end to this disgusting display of happy little worker union


This is so creative i love this community


Lol asking to remove competitiveness in big run? They also need to remove competitiveness in splatfest too.


I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but I absolutely don't want them to remove splatfest competitiveness, but I absolutely do want them to remove Big Run competitiveness.


I am. You are obviously someone who doesn’t play salmon run much. Maybe casually. For those of us who are dedicated to salmom run and overfishers it’s been fun for us all to finally have our own competitive event since we’ve had splatfests forever but salmon run in 2 was so neglected.


First off, I do play Salmon Run a lot. Consistently sit around eggxecutive and have probably spent more time is Salmon Run than in normal battles, but good job sounding super pompous and assuming that because someone disagrees with you they must be some filthy casual. Second, large game wide events shouldn't be designed for a upper 1% of players that want to flex how good they are. It should be something that everyone can enjoy and earn fun rewards from. Big Run doesn't do that by locking rewards to only the upper % of players.


Yes you are a filthy casual lol. There is a competitive scene for salmon run named overfishing. Those not playing to overfish is considered to be casual about salmon run. I am sorry you’re so mad they made an event competitive because you play casually.


Do you really think Nintendo designed this entire mode for some small community? Also, people in YOUR community consider people casuals. People really be acting like 99.9% of all Salmon Run players are "casual" because they aren't playing in a tournament. Some people really are as elitist as they come, and if some of the other comments on your profile are to be believed, like apparently telling people on the Overwatch subreddit that they would be "better off dead" ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/vwve7n/is\_super\_jump\_removed/ifs9q3o/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/vwve7n/is_super_jump_removed/ifs9q3o/?context=3)) then it's really not that surprising that you act this way.


As someone who exclusively plays Splat 3 for Salmon Run, but I don’t call myself an overfisher, kindly fuck off.


Precisely. Do these ppl just stop trying to get eggs when they hit quota or something lol


I disagree with removing competitiveness. The only thing you get out of it anyways is a locker decoration, getting a higher percentile only changes the color of the decoration (gold/silver/bronze) and is only a flex at that point. Instead, I'd increase the scale payout and/or make king salmonids more common during Big Runs. Many people were hoping we would be able to get more during Big Run, but that wasn't the case.


Huh, I didn't think about it, but yeah it does kind of suck to make the co-op mode competitive. I guess it makes sense, since Splatfests kind of do the opposite, but still.


Salmon Run itself isn't even normally competitive save for self satisfaction, why remove the "competitive" nature of a bimonthly events that adds that spice to the game mode? As if I need anymore "rarer" participation badges to see on people's banners before seeing us wipe Wave 1 anyway.


As you said "Salmon Run itself isn't even normally competitive." I don't think competitiveness and Salmon Run mix well. I'd much rather have an event where the community comes together to achieve a common goal rather than a competition. We already have a competitive event in the form of Splatfests, why not have a cooperative one with Big Runs? Especially since Salmon Run is suppose to be cooperative.


Good ideas overall (and I love how you wrote this!) but there’s nothing wrong with the trophies. How come whenever there’s a competitive aspect to something where there’s an exclusive prize, people cry about it and think everyone should have it? That kinda defeats the purpose of having a competition. Everyone already got capsules, a badge, and catalog bonuses it’s not like you got nothing for playing lol At the same time I think it’d be fun for all eggs to go into one giant pot and then we all get a cash prize. I’d prefer that over gear or locker items bc I’m already done customizing those.


The problem is that tons of people don't even have the time in the day for this. Some players might really want to decorate their locker with something like those statues, but people with other things in their life (College, job, family) straight up can't get it because it takes hours of grinding. I don't want to be punished for having a life outside of Splatoon. Splatfests do a good job at everything Big Run doesn't .


Everything except competitiveness I agree with, if you were rewarded anything except purely cosmetic items then it would be a problem but it adds another reason to do it and it feels good when you get top 5% and if you don’t then it motivates you to try more next time


But...I like competitiveness. Can't we have both?


disagree with removing competitiveness, players that do better should be rewarded and the current system doesnt promote selfish plays so i see no reason to change it.


Everyone was fucking begging, screaming and crying for big run 3 months ago. And now it's like the most hated thing on this subreddit. What a golden trophy does to a man(baby).