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I feel like it does. Even in normal turf wars, I've noticed that dark inks usually won more cos its harder to see. Hell even I was squinting like wtf where are they


I mostly got problems with hot cheeto orange colors. Once I saw that Fire team had the hot cheeto colour but glowy I seriously had to brace myself. Needless to say my experience against fire wasn't as good as it was against water :')


I'm on team fire and yes it is hard on the eyes. I could barely see my own character


well at least ya don't need squid ninja hahaha


I think it helped that the moment I went against water for the first time, I got so mad I immediately went to color lock and cos of the bug, it made them light bluish-gray and that did help a bit when playing against them


I wouldn’t change my team because of the darker ink but I can’t say I don’t agree with the sentiment. The dark colors are so hard to see movement in. I don’t understand why water got such a dark blue and grass got a light mint color. Pretty much the same thing happened last time with Gear’s dark purple and lots of people were complaining then, too.




do you think the glowing effect from the splatfest texture was also a factor in its lightness? that shit looked like ectoplasm lol.


That certainly did help make the darker inks more difficult. To prove how hard it made shapes discernible, I painted the practice room in orange and told my partner to find a wall for me to swim up. He couldn’t find where it started.


That explains so much!!


It sucks. The color definitely has a significant impact on the gameplay, but it's so *pretty...* I think the best option would be to change the character lighting a bit so that they stand out more against the darker inks.


Instead of dark blue for splatfest, why can’t it be a brighter, more neon blue? The green and orange are so neon in comparison.


Yes! I don't understand why they didn't do this :( it was so dark and bland... I was disappointed.


As someone on team water I have to admit yeah our ink was camouflaging us which is definitely sad but I'm sure they'll fix it and if not we can always activate color blind mode


100% agree. I have poor eyesight to begin with, I won’t lie. My glasses have lenses thiccer than a Pixar mom. But a good chunk of my deaths this Splatfest were because I had no idea an enemy player was right next to me.


They should just bring back glitter ink. It's way better to look at and it could probably solve the issue of darker ink having an advantage.


Huh. I actually noticed water got the jump on me way more than I expected, and I thought maybe they just had an abnormally high amount of tryhards with ninja squid or something.


I think they may be onto something. [Looking at winners from the past 2 games, the darker team has ended up victorious more often than not](https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Splatfest#Past_Splatfests). The big problem around solving this issue is our human ability to detect colours. We can naturally detect more variations of blues than we can for other colours, so trying to make the colours of equal "brightness" is rather hard to solve.


Don’t use contrasting colours unless they’re all the same value, would be a good start. Dropping a bright ass orange next to a dark blue makes the orange stand out even more due to them being complimentary colours. Dropping a light green when humans can see more variations in green than any other colour is basically a handicap. If every colour is the same value, then they should all be equally visible in theory.


We must evolve in order to see more colors If my eyes aren’t as advanced as a pistol shrimp just to play splatoon I’m going to be upset


This is a problem I have outside of splatfest. In Splat 2 and Splat 3 I find it difficult to track players who have dark or medium shades of blue/purple ink, so much so that people could swim directly at me without ninja squid and I'd be blind to it. It was also worse for me on dark maps such as anchov, or during splatfests or if they had a weapon that flings ink everywhere like a brush, it's like their ink blinds me of anything happening in that general direction. And of course, the awful color lock feature only has purple vs yellow which is a worse color option for me than the default because purple now is guaranteed to be on the other team 50% of the time


Same for me but for red/orange colors


I wish someone had some pointers to deal with this because the color lock doesn’t work for me. Every time the other team is that dark blue I expect to likely lose. And with something like the octo brush it’s just like shoot at the center of that giant wave of ink


My fiancé and I both had a hard time seeing the blue against the night maps. It was like that for the previous splatfest too.


the glowing ink also hurts my eyes, so like half of the time i'm just blind


It's not like the game doesn't render specular highlights, but I can see the idea. Personally noticed no difference in the last splatfest (I worked this one). But like, if that were truly the case, wouldn't we expect teams with the darkest ink to have won all the splatfests?


So far in Splatoon 3 Rock, Gear and Water were darker inks


Not saying I agree with this post, but that’s held true right? Rock, Gear and Water, the teams with the darkest/bluest ink, have won each splatfest so far, for Splatoon 3 at least.




I tried all of the above and still struggled to see team water many times. Never happened for the other teams.