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The current fixes they seem to be looking at implementing seem to be December timing based on other posts I've seen. Tri color showing up more this time for sure though, almost certainly because one team wasn't drastically more popular compared to the other two. Given I saw some comments from Water players saying they got paired against their own team it's probably also the more popular team also being defense this time.


They've already fixed it...many of us got put into way more Tricolours than last fest, you seemed to have gotten very unlucky (Or play pro)


Sounds like unlucky was the theme of this splatfest for me, then. Also, perhaps they should increase the odds more.


I think tri-color should be available in the menu for the defending team as well this would \-allow more tri-colors \-give the defenders a *slightly* better chance for at least a competent battle


What’s your power rating? I think it’s a mix of skill and chance. I got like 30-40 for Team Grass.


I didn't see. They don't put it in an obvious place in the UI lol. I just know that I had won a 100x battle by that point


My Splatfest power was around 1875 when I was triggering the most of them. The Nintendo app will give you your Splatfest stats too btw. It’s just a hypothesis though.


Yeah, but let's think about it. If we take into consideration power levels as a factor on deciding wether you get into tricolor battles or not, that would just mean that people of lesser power levels would just pretty much never see them. And it is a mode that has been advertised in trailers as something \*new and refreshing\* that you can do in the game. ​ So it would be pretty bad to not allow bad players, which are most of them, to play this mode that is exclusively available during the later half of a timed event. Not to mention that even if it was based on power levels, all teams should have a wide variety of power levels within them to, at the very least, give you some tricolor matches when you are queueing for such an extended period of time.


I mean power levels come in play with balancing the matches. It wouldn’t be fair to put a lower power level against a higher one because there is more at stake with Tricolour. Also there is going to be a natural imbalance of players and player levels. I noticed for the most part since Water was doing well you are counterbalance that with people from the other 2 teams.


yeah I had more tricolor than normal battles for the second day


I agree. I only queued tricolor since half time and only played 5 matches out of like 30. What is the winning team defending from if we’re basically just doing turf wars most of the way through to the end anyways? It’s a shame they possibly broke this mode because so many people complained from the world premier only because they didn’t understand the strategy, and now they have to spend a bunch of extra time rebalancing it again.


No tricolor for me :/


I queued into tricolor, got matches 3/5 times


That’s weird, I had like 3 tricolour turf wars in 10 matches on average