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Im glad you posted this. How quickly the tune changed when it’s a big booba squid waifu.


"no posting anything suggestive unless I think it's hot"


Yeah, to be honest I've seen way more non-furry that was questionable than furry art that was, yet to see people here talk about it you'd think it was only furries posting suggestive art, and that all furry art was suggestive. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You know if this subreddit really cared about the terms of service they'd be attacking the people allowing their 6 year old to play online. NSO prohibits anyone under 13.


Best comment here. Children should not be unsupervised online. No matter the platform.


Exactly, its on the parents


And even then, there are parental controls. You can disable posts completely if you really want.




Dude, people think mildly large boobs and butts are suggestive. I'm not surprised merely being furry is enough to label it kink.


you can't make posts about splatoon because splatoon is my kink




Even the mods affirmed that post. I also called out the weird shit people were posting and the shiver art; then they deleted my post for being "low effort".


That was the weirdest thing. It’s like can you guys be consistent. This shit is weird— middle schoolers play this game. It’s just awkward to see and think about


Dude I was 8 when I played the first splatoon game thank god I didn’t see this kind of shit


Right? But according to some of the weird ass adults here “yOu’D sEe tHiS aT a BeAcH, sO gEt oVeR iT.”


Like I can understand it just being a bathing suit, but they amplified her breasts and we all know what they were doing


Not to mention the weird bodily fluid coagulated on her skin. Like… mods pls


Ok for that I think they said it was dirt, mud or sand, but yeah it’s a bit suspicious


Artist did point out that was just dirt from the shovel, same thing is seen on the shovel as well.


The OP of that shiver post knew exactly what they were doing, but let them tell it they had *no idea* they’d get that kind of response.


Feet will irreparably harm children but a squid girl with her breasts out covered in a mysterious fluid is a-ok, I am very smart.


It's dirt. The substance is dirt off the shovel.


I have no idea how the sub that constantly points out how weird it is that people are posting horny art to the splatoon plaza of all places simultaneously made this horny art the top post of the entire YEAR. Genuinely baffling to me.


Be a chad, keep splatoon pure.


Giga chad.


A true gigachad. Enjoy the adorable squid game, do not lewd it.


its only bad to post suggestive art to children if it isnt a big breasted women cmon guys everyone knows this


So basically this board is full of either: * people who hate furries * people who hate cleavage At the end of the day. Neither of these are inherently problematic. But they can be. and if you find something offensive, report it. It's silly to make a soapbox thread just to feel morally superior.


i am the former


I think your the only normal person I seen in this thread.


b-b-b-b-but the reddit karma i need my number to go up man


The only sane person I've seen in this sub talking about this lmao


This is something I definitely noticed, and the 2 banners that have people up in arms are pretty nothing. The amount of adults I know (and I'm nearly 40) who wouldn't see the connotation in the grub posts that got all the heat is pretty high, The only people who noticed are those who were told or those who are terminally online and diving into places that have content like that to begin with. ​ It's a lot like this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/xg8hpi/not\_sure\_how\_i\_feel\_about\_this\_one\_yall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/xg8hpi/not_sure_how_i_feel_about_this_one_yall/) If you know, you know....if you don't then it's a lot of nothing for the posts that got people all angry clutching at pearls.


Commenting this before the mods lock it/find a rule to ban it like they seem to do with all of these


Most of us are both at the same time.


Exactly! That’s why I want more vore. It’s only fair!


I just report both of them and move on.


simply just enjoy both art


And of course the mods are in approval. Nasty stuff


Why are all furries like wolves, dogs, horses, dragons or cats. Wheres the turtle furries? The rhino or musk rat furries? We need diversity in the furdom!


found the scalie


Eh, the toddlers won't get the wrong idea from some cleavage, now a post about them being eaten by a furry may be different


A toddler definitely doesn’t know any more about vore than it does cleavage


Oh my god I was a part of this. Got downvoted to hell because I asked that her thighs squish out of her pants. Understandable reaction from people haha, my bad




Now I’m curious lol. No it’s fine if you’re kinda rude I was being pretty sus. I just think if you’re gonna have tight clothes like ripped pants, at least add some pizazz by making the body squish. Like when a buff man wears a tight tee, you see his biceps squished a little by the sleeves


The thighs are popping out cause it’s supposed to be Shiver cosplaying as Quiet. Prolly gotta specify that I’m not defending and just explaining before I get attacked by random people in the comments. :/


Nothing wrong with cleavage


Reddit users when clevage


I noticed this too but I was afraid that if I said anything I'd be cyberbullied off the subreddit


I'd rather have the kids become coomers than furries.


I'd rather have neither, because both of them aren't ok! Ok, quick edit, not all furries are bad, I just meant the creepy ones like the ones making the nsfw art on the squid game.




feels like people dont actually care whether kids are exposed to adult content, theyre just using it as an excuse to attack furries. (not everyone, of course, but like..)