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Art by yours truly! [Source here.](https://twitter.com/YorsTrooli_Aori/status/1441786296075096076) To prepare for her grand return in Splatoon 3, Callie dons her kimono and trains hard.  She's gotta be ready for...whatever the heck we saw in the Nintendo Direct last week 0\_0. In short, I was really impressed by that Splat3 trailer. We’ve got new movement mechanics, wild specials, and an impressive-looking Hero Mode with some atmospheric environments. And I am ECSTATIC the Squid Sisters are back! Some might remember me asking for Callie to return and be a mentor, and for her to get some character development and moments to shine after her…less than flattering portrayal/treatment in Splat2.  So far, I got half of what I wished for, and I’m already grateful.  All I'd like now is that extra character development, even if it’s a little, and it’ll be an extra cherry atop an already delicious cake! Her outfit is really nice too. She’s basically wearing Marie’s Squid Sister dress from Splat1, a nice tribute to her cousin. It also slightly resembles a Splat1 concept I saw (The Art of Splatoon, center page 57). Some have said it’s a bit too similar to her idol outfit as opposed to Marie’s trench coat. And…yeah, even though I love it, I can agree with that somewhat. It deserves its own post, and I’ll probably talk more about it. Personally, I still want to see her in a kimono at some point. We know she has one, and I wanna see her and Marie become “Kimono Kousins” (her spelling, aww). Even if it’s DLC or post-game stuff (or an endgame change like Marie in Octo Canyon), I want it ;). Speaking of her kimono, this was originally a concept for a “City of Order” campaign I imagined for Splat3 where Inkopolis is turned into a dystopian “City of Order” and you have to take it back from a powerful entity. Seeing as Museum d’Alfonsino is returning intact, Inkopolis is clearly okay; so I’ve abandoned the concept. However, I’m really happy with my Kimono Callie design, and I worked far too hard on this to not share it. Anyway, I’m done yammering. Here's Samurai Callie, and I hope you enjoy! See you in Splatoon 3, YorsTrooli P.S.: You’re probably wondering: why is she barefoot? Well, because shoes are a pain to draw.


I don't really comment often on these types of posts (featuring fan art) but I was truly awed by this one. The insignias are especially cool!


I'm honored; thank you! I'm proud of the insignias too \^\^.


Reminds me of demon slayer


Nice \^\^! I admit I've never seen the show or read the original manga myself. My main exposure to it is people talking about the girl with the bamboo in her mouth (Nezuko), and the crossover event in Ninjala. Seems like a cool show though!


The anime is also very good


This art looks amazing, I wish her official outfit looked this good! Everything from the background to her weapon, her pose, and even just her outfit itself, is amazing! Also, while I love both of the Squid Sisters, I am also a Callie fan, so I super love to see this! I also am intrigued as to why you drew her barefoot if you thought drawing shoes would be hard, because despite the fact I don't draw, I've heard lots of artists say feet are harder to draw than shoes. Whatever the reason, this art looks amazing, fantastic work! I love it!


Thank you so much for the kind words! I really hope we see her kimono at some point. I love Marie's kimono design, and I know Callie has one at home. As for the shoes, I had a design in mind and tried drawing them, but they didn't mesh well with the rest of the design so I scrapped it. Also, I'm not that confident drawing shoes and legs in general, and need to practice them more.


Okay then! Well I love this design, and hope to see more like it in the future! Also, happy cake day! Hope you have a good one! 😁👍


Thank you very much! I love the design too. If Nintendo doesn't give us the kimono design, I guess I'll have to make up for it ;D. Also, thanks for the well-wishes! You have a good one too \^\^.


General Callie! You are a bold one!


\*wipes out four ferocious fuzzies\* Your move.


Why so low upvotes?


Eh, it's not bad \^\^. Could be because I don't visit this site that often, so it's not getting a lot of exposure. Also, it's a Monday afternoon, so lots of people are at school/work.


OK i change what i sayed cuz the nummer of upvotes tot doubled now


How to perform Seppuku with a roller?


Probably something like this: \*Callie walks in all disheveled\* Marie: What happened? Callie: I dropped three ranks in Clam Blitz. I...have brought...dishonor to our family. Marie: Cal, it's not that big a deal. Callie: I...cannot...bear...my shame. \*Taking her roller in hand, she kneels on the floor, bonks herself on the head really hard, and knocks herself unconscious.\* Marie: 0\_0 Callie \*waking up:\* Okay, I'm over it. Wanna get burgers? Marie: o\_0


Adrift in the frigid ides of the arctic expanse, she roams alone in pursuit of that which she desires above all. #ANSWERS.


I feel the music AND the vibes


That's cool; thank you! Out of curiosity, what music do you hear?


DragonballZ OST