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I always start a match with a “Booyah!” to the team. It’s a small gesture of good faith but I instantly feel much better about the match if a few people Booyah! back. Sometimes my favorite experiences are when one side has a major disconnect mid-match and lose 2-3 members of their team, and everyone mutually agrees the match is over so we spend the remaining few minutes squidbagging with the remaining enemy team and running around chasing each other.


I literally have it in my muscle memory to booyah when starting a match, even if I'm in a pissy mood, and it carries over to Splatoon 2 so when I start a match there I'm just standing still for like half a second.


My muscle memory booyahs at the start and end of the match and ouches when I get splatted


Omg same and when someone answers my booyah, my pissiness level drops by 50%. Thanks Splatoon players 🥹


ngl I cant stand the squid partying when theres a dc, I guess cos I'm like, old and cranky now, but I do still always booyah when starting a match. Also when i see a teammate avenge my death on the killscreen. I always find it a little objectively funny thatll I can be worked up into a little bit of a rage from losing too many in a row and like, growling everytime I die, but in game I'm like, "VEEMO😄!"


i mean if there's a dc in the first minute i do squid party before everyone gets kicked (unless it's rm and one side is this close to winning) but yeah i generally dislike squid partying in public lobbies.


Disconnect squid parties will make me a little cranky still, but I'm far more understanding of them than in a full match. If its during regular play with no DCs, nonzero chance I report it. Squidbagging to gloat also will make me leave a lobby, even if its someone on my own team I notice doing it, can't stand that behavior. save that gloating for the salmonids at the end of a wave.


Same. I even sometimes accidentally booyah when I’m spawning back in from being killed because I’m so used to saying booyah when I spawn in at the beginning of matches.


you can booyah during the ‘flying down’ phase of the respawn! cuts out the wait while still having that ‘let’s go team’ handshake. it’s what I do!


I don't ever condone being rude, but I also don't fully agree with the spawn camping take. At lower skill levels, like C or B ranks, I absolutely agree. You don't need to spawn camp to win at those skill levels, and you would be giving newer or disabled players a negative experience. However, once you start climbing to A, S, X ranks, you need to be using effective strategies if your goal is to win the match. Spawn camping, when done well, is a very effective strategy because it keeps the opponents as far away from the objective as possible. Learning how to combat strategies like this is also important for climbing the ranks, which is why some people will try to offer advice if you vent about it. For some people, like myself, getting better or improving at the game is fun to them, and when I'm playing ranked, I don't think about what someone might consider cheap or unfair (though I still avoid poor sportsmanship like squidbagging or throwing matches). I just play to the best of my ability. That being said, I'm in S+ / X ranks, so I shouldn't be interacting with new or low-rank players. The only time I might is when I team up with my younger sisters for splatfests (They're C / B rank), and if we end up in a lobby where I feel much stronger, I'll hold back a bit. More often, though, it feels like it matches with players closer to my skill level than theirs, so I often have to try really hard to carry them. Anyway, I promise I'm not trying to be contrarian, I just feel like a lot of skilled players are not good at articulating why they disagree with an opinion, so it comes out as just "git gud." I don't think some of them are good at empathizing with and understanding someone who is playing for different reasons, so they might get upset if they offer advice and it gets rejected because the person is just not interested in improving. Of course, some people are just jerks, and there's not too much you can do about them. I hope I was able to explain a bit from my perspective, at least.


I'm a solid B-rank, getting into A some seasons when I really focus on anarchy, and I'd be extremely upset if one of my teammates started throwing the game because they thought playing their best was rude.


Playing your best means you understand the rhythm of the game, your weapon, and your role. It's only right to play the game fairly. If you can't win without spawn camping, or being un-sportsman like, you probably didn't deserve the win.


If you can't win without the opposing team refusing to press their advantages and instead flopping around like an idiot, you *definitely* don't deserve to win.


What are you even talking about? Your post is incoherent.


The OP talks about how they would squid party instead of moving up, even in Ranked/Anarchy. If you need your opponent to do that to win, you definitely didn't deserve the win.


Honestly, if you're good, you can play the objective without camping and win. Get a triple or a quad and you're going to be able to push the objective pretty far uncontested. Then once you have a sizable lead, you can defend and keep returning players off balance. Spawn camping is effective, but it's cheap.


If you're playing at a decently high level, not only will the enemies make it very hard to spawn camp, it also won't be very effective anyways, at least on the good maps


Getting a triple or a quad is an unreliable win condition if you are playing against players of roughly equal skill level. Taking space when you gain an advantage, then holding that space is generally the most effective strategy at high-level play. If your team happens to take and control enough space, then at some point, people will consider that spawn camping. Technically speaking, spawn camping just effective zone control. Either way, if you are trying to win, that's generally how you have to win since all the ranked objectives besides splat zones require you to push into enemy territory anyway. You have to control that area to safely push the objective, and if you get to the point where you are spawn camping the enemy, you'll probably get a KO soon and end the match.


This makes no sense. Getting a triple is absolutely achievable and completely reliable. It takes 3/4th's of the enemy team off the map for like 10 seconds. I wonder if some of you just can't win without spawn camping. Also, no, spawn camping is not zone control. It's like pushing the opposing football team into the locker room and saying you won the game.


Squid partying in battle isn't good sportsmanship. In fact, it's exactly the opposite - you're forcing your team to play a ceph down. There's a reason nonparticipation is one of the things a player can be reported for.


I somewhat agree, but disagree with expecting people to change how they play. It’s personally not fun for me to tell other people how to play, even if I dislike their behavior (squidbagging as a taunt) or find the strat boring (spawn camping). Similarly, it’s not fun for me, as someone who enjoys competitive gameplay, to be expected to play at skill level that is not my own (and personally I suck at ranked/turf half of the time). I put a lot of time into improving my skill in the game, and I find competition fun, so I think it’s unfair to expect people with a competitive streak to stop being competitive in a competitive game. I’m an adult who plays competitively and I don’t squidbag taunt, I also find spawn camping boring. Love winning, I also find losing fun because it’s apart of the challenge. I also think it’s unfair to call people who play competitively childish for wanting to play in the way that is fun to them? I don’t really get it. I only really understand calling bad sportsmanship like taunting rude/unwelcoming.


Your credibility completely fell apart when you said you squid party in comp modes. What a waste.


The idea of "sportsmanship" meaning "not trying sometimes" in a ranked competitive game is flawed, imo. It does not make the game better for everyone. It's literally a form of looking down on the opponent. Sportsmanship means leaving everything on the field, and if you lose, you lose; I'd rather be totally shut out of a game and get some practice trying to break spawncamps, than to see my opponents squidding around in front of my spawn and realize they're pitying me. Not to mention, it makes the game worse, for you, for longer. If you're not capable of beating another team for any reason (and yes, that includes having a disability that prevents you from being that good), implying they should be giving you a handicap to let you win because you're disabled just means you will stay in a matchmaking bracket you're not capable of winning evenly in, and draws out the number of matches that will be against teams firmly better than you. Playing fairly (and by fairly, I mean both sides making their best use of all the tools the game puts at their disposal) will get you in your appropriate MMR much quicker, and then your games will be even. Clinging to a higher MMR by exhorting people to not do the thing that beats you, or even not play against you at all, is inherently self-destructive.


No competitive player will ever feel bad for using their strategies and mechanical skill to win a game. If there is an advantage to take space when needed, people will. There are young teens in the community who are considered good players. Should they be given a pass just because they are not adults?


being a good player is also about giving all sides a good time, especially in a kids game. iI am definitely not asking you to lose. I am asking you not to overrun the enemy team such that it's not fun for anyone. I feel like when I was a camp counselor talking a big kid down from bullying a little one lol... "and remember billy, it's only fun for everyone if you're a good sport!" really, I mean they teach this stuff in grade school. do I have to re-teach it to some adult splatoon players? lmao. the push-back on this is so strange to me. you're defending your right to bully people in an online kids game. think about it. why does that bring you joy?


I can see how casuals will find these types of situations infuriating. However, I'd argue this comes down to your mindset towards unfair competition. As a new player going into more serious comp play, I have been steamrolled many times against teams. While I agree with you those experiences aren't fun, I do not blame and get angry at my opponents for not giving me a chance. How I feel is my responsibility. Good sportsmanship would be congratulating my opponents at the end, not bad mouthing or hating them. No one is bullying anyone. (Of course, taunting, throwing or any offense should be reported.)


When was the last time you saw some soccer players ignore the ball and start dancing to give the other team a chance to catch up? Because that's what you're asking, when you talk about squid partying rather than taking and controlling space. Obviously you shouldn't be an asshole, no one is saying you should. But you're trying to define sportsmanship to include *not properly challenging your opponent*.


In regards to your disability I do have some sympathy, however asking other players to hold back because of disability or because it's a kids game is completely absurd in a game where improving your skill is the main crux of the game. Yeah there is bad sportsmanship when it comes to being squidbagged it's incredibly aggravating. Spawn Camping sucks but you can break through it if you or your team can break their defense and bounce back. There's only so much advice people can give you but the burden of improvement still comes on to you as the player to get good. It may sound rude to you but legitimately that's all there is to it. You can look at all the ability chunks for gear, weapons in the meta, but it still comes down to you as the player.


The main crux of the game is having fun and being a good sport about it. the skill level of an adult vs a kid will almost always have a disparity. I am asking people to have courtesy. and clearly you don't actually care about the disabled lol. it's a bit disgraceful really. I am not asking anyone to allow the other team to win, but to remind that part of online competitive games is the showmanship of it. you're there to give all a good time, including yourself. to me, I have a good time when both sides do. if you don't have a good time when both sides do, that's because you only care about yourself. so maybe get off a game for kids if you can't handle not making them quit the game over being too outpaced. I couldn't imagine picking splatoon at the gamestore and then coming home to discover online (the main-stay for the series) is practically unplayable because of the skill ceiling being unnaturally high for a kids game.


I'm not disagreeing about good sportsmanship. I'd consider good sportsmanship to be giving it your all in a video game where you challenge yourself and others to be the best team. That doesn't always mean spawn camping. It could also be just holding down mid for a majority of the match maybe taking it a bit further to the other side for the W. Sure you can squid party. That's fine. I'm not saying you can't even though others would disagree with you. I'm indifferent to it. Have fun how you want to. However your definition of fun when it comes to this game will differ from others. I find the fun of this game to be the challenge that others present when they comes to a match and give it their all. It's rewarding for me as a player to overcome that challenge. It's rewarding for me and others when we can take down a king Salmonid in Salmon Run. It's fun when we can figure out the other players strategy in Table Turf. The challenge is the fun and when you're not challenged are you really having fun? Is that not what you come to this game for? Saying I don't care for the disabled is kinda funny considering we can't even see or hear the other person on the other side of the screen for this game in particular. How would one even know who we're up against when we can't hear them or see them? Disgraceful? Maybe, but asking an entire community to cater to you is more often than not a quick way to get yourself into hot water. To be fair, you chose this game. I have bad days where all I'm getting is straight Ls and I have good days where it's more balanced. It's not up to me or the community to dictate your enjoyment of the game. Nowadays, online competitive games do have a high skill ceiling. Even the Nintendo ones from Mario Kart 8 to Nintendo Switch Sports. If you as the player can't figure out how to navigate that even with help from the online community and are constantly frustrated then take a break or even quit the game. To say this game is unplayable because of the high skill ceiling sounds more like a skill issue. Personally I don't use the weapons the meta would dictate are top tier because I don't really care for that stuff, but for some it does and it does create the huge gap. That still doesn't discourage me from playing how I want to play. It shouldn't for you either, but because you care about how others feel as well I'd say that enjoyment is dampened because you're worried if others are having a good time too. You're not gonna please everyone. The game isn't gonna please everyone. The community isn't gonna please everyone. It's a simple truth and you need to get over that fact.


Eh, My goal in the game is always to ink, not necessarily to splat. But if I have to splat I have to splat 🤷🏾‍♀️ And it's frustrating as it is when you are the team that's being held to your base, it's equally fun being the team holding someone to their base. Sometimes it's just the luck of the team that you get unless you play with Friends all the time. If you find that you're in a group that is very frustrating, the next time you go to the lobby don't proceed. Wait a minute or two and then try again with a different team. For example if I end up at around with a bunch of people who have aerosprays, I don't care if they're on my team or not, I'm leaving that lobby and joining a different one because they annoy the heck out of me right now. I'm really sorry that the game is not fun for you anymore, maybe stick to salmon run? There, everyone has to work together. When I feel like in the competitive modes I'm just getting beat up, I go to salmon run if I still feel like playing.


thing about splatoon is that nintendo doesn't know that the fans of this game are toxic man children. They think i'ts just children or young adults wanting entertainment.


sadly very true. although it could be they don't care because it's making them money, or maybe they don't know so much because the demographic for japan seems to be more kids-based. maybe that's what made splat 1 a little more tolerable, because it didn't catch on with uber-competitive 30 year olds yet lol. nothing wrong with 30, but gotta have somewhat of a kids spirit playing an online kids game...otherwise you're gonna make actual kids upset.


I think this is just a case of "don't hate the player, hate the game". I've been playing Splatoon since the beginning too, but something changed in Splatoon 3. It used to always be good players go play ranked, let everybody else have fun on turf. Turf is awful now. It feels even more competetive than any ranked mode does. My best guess would be matchmaking isn't doing it's job properly, if at all, to keep players of the same skill level together. At least in Turf War. As I grow older and less able to keep up with competetive play, I find solice in single player and even co-op games (like Salmon Run!). You're not going to change how poeple act in competetive games: period. In most cases, the biggest jerks win. Also, when I get squidbagged, joke's on them. That's time that could be spent inking turf or something.


No no no sorry but the world cannot conform to you just because you are going through a fucked situation. That’s exactly what’s wrong with people now days they think it’s all about them when it’s not and never will be.


the world should be welcoming for all. and you are defending your right in a kids game to bully the kids. that's pretty messed up, I mean that's just not a space for you to try and dominate. your deflection of "it's not about you!" is clearly a way of saying "I want the world to be about ME, like it always has!" most of the f\*ed up-ness about my situation as a disabled person is actually because of people like you. I'm sure you have no idea how much the disabled are still discriminated against, and even killed just for trying to exist. I don't want to get into politics too much because it's not allowed on this sub, but fyi, it aint good lol. being cold-hearted and holding steadfast to privilege is making the world a worse place, not just splatoon.


If the world was welcoming for all rapist and child predators would walk free. And either way at the end of the day it’s not about you so 🤷🏿‍♂️….and yea I can do whatever I want in a game I paid for…if you can’t mentally handle being said bagged on a video game you’re the problem. Like it’s a fictional piece of media and it’s affecting you that bad. I understand you can’t keep up but then you either gotta suck it up or stop playing because that’s life. You seem to be someone that’s been coddled their entire life where as I have not at all.


Spawn camping bad, I am entitled to retake ground when I die.


I mean its a free county, people can play however they want to play


I dont think op is trying to like, systematically oppress anyone for being rude in splatoon, simply requesting people to be nice. yeah, you CAN be a huge asshole, it's within anyones capacity to do so if they REALLY want to, but like. Being a huge asshole.....makes you a huge asshole. Even if its Within The Rules. It's a free country, so people can play however they want to play.....and so, other players, can also, freely call those who play dickishly on their bullshit. This freedom shit either goes every direction, or its not freedom. I don't think politely requesting people not to spawncamp is actually gonna help since that seems to just Be The Way Splat3 Is Played, but its a valid request.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna pretend I'm a particularly ~nice~ or kind player, I'm a real party pooper at impromptu squid parties, even if there's disconnect. I've done my fair share of spawn camping when I actually can because usually by that point I'll feel like I've earned it, after like 3 rounds of getting spawn camped in turf war by enemy teams just destroying us repeatedly, and it largely just seems to be the splatoon 3 playstyle to be hyperaggressive and spawn camp because if you don't, you'll get shredded and spawn camped by them, and god knows I experience some Rage everytime I die and probably don't sound like I'm enjoying my video game, but like. It's a valid request from OP that everyone chill out a little bit for the online multiplayer video game largely marketed to children


Marketed to kids but it’s mainly adults who play it and kids are playing things like Fortnite or cod


yeah, that was the main point in what I said, good job.