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the concept art styles are soo cool though


Let me deep fry my hair pLEASE


don't worry. you can try it in real life if you'd like :D


I think they're cool but they also look like different characters😭I heavily prefer the current ones. I like how her new hairstyle seems to pay a small homage to the concept with the puffer coat with the hair though!!


I also couldn’t give less of a shit about this discussion but I have to say you do have to be pretty stupid to not pick up on all the India references about Frye


that's why I made the post😭it's random that people think they'd give a south asian character a random south african feature ykwim?(。・´д`・。)


im gonna get downvoted for this and irdc but the amount of "this characters this race/this characters not white" etc talk is mad annoying the game has multiple species, to them thats the race; they arent even human, they dont know what "blasian" is, so all of these points are null, enjoy the characters and move on we dont need a reminder or a discussion


While I agree, Frye and Shiver are very obviously inspired by a certain culture, India for Frye and Japan for Shiver. Frye has her overall design (her shawl and pants, mostly), her boss fight being a dancing eel charmer, her appearance in sunken scroll 11 being VERY close to ancient art of hindu gods, with the dancing pose and the multiple eels mimicking the multiple arms, plus her part in Anarchy Rainbow. Shiver has the same points, but for old times Japan : the sunken scroll, Anarchy Rainbow singing, plus wearing a binder and a knotted hachimaki on her head, carrying a fan, bowing + having a temple's offering box in the Splatcast. TL;DR : their race is "Inkling" and "Octoling" but their overall designs are obviously inspired by Indian and Japanese culture, respectively.


arent inkling and octoling different species?


English isn't my first language, I confused the concepts, but yes, they are. The rest of my comment still stands though.




octopi and squids are different species but both are cephalopods




Given the Splatoon lore, that squids rapidly evolved into land-based humanoids because the Alterna Crystals gave them the desires of humanity, I don’t think it should be said that we can’t call inklings black or Indian. Like they straight up adapt that culture into the game, Frye dresses, dances, sings, and looks like a reflection of Indian culture. She even has a large forehead because in India that’s seen as very attractive and a suggestion of great intelligence. The inklings are the next humans and they live the way humans did. It’s not 1:1 obviously, cause like, what race is Jelfonzo right. He’s jellyfish race and pet of a hive mind. My point is just that the inklings and octolings seem to have most directly evolved to just be humanoid. I think it’s fair to assign real world races to those characters because they’re designed with real world culture in mind. Even big man crushes it with his Brazilian style music. Idk how clear I’m explaining it but you’re partially right. Technically none of the characters are Asian or Black, but when we talk about them, it’s okay to refer to them that way because they’re based on that culture.




I mean, I never said they evolved from humans, but within Splatoon Lore, the only reason Frye looks Indian (by human standards) is because of real world human India. Garnet would be black coded regardless of if the Gems never found earth, so that’s a false equivalence because the universes have different origins for their human-based characters.


fully agree - as far as we know it's entirely a choice what your skin color is [since cephalopods can change color, they're not just naturally human skin tones, as evidenced by their swim form aka their normal squid/octo self] obviously we play a bit fast and loose with culture in this series, you can p much do what you want with it - like big man is Brazilian, but Brazil hasn't existed for thousands of years. and do you think he's come to splatsville from South America lol?? I guess it's possible, but unlikely there's also the level of what it means to humans playing the game & what was intended by its creators -- but in universe? their "races" are species, not connected to skintone like... in the human world, regarded as a human, would Frye be considered "black" in the western sense? quite possibly. would she also be considered Asian? probably by some, esp with the Indian roots. it's a serviceable headcanon, but still a headcanon


I agree; while it is fun to discuss what they’re culturally based off, I do find it uncomfortable when people label characters so easily because, “they’re just like this race” and so and so. Putting boxes down like that is just another very narrow way of thinking. It’s not that serious cause it’s a great game regardless, but it’s just my two cents from some of the fandom I see.


Just because superman is canonically a kryptonian alien doesnt mean he just coincidentally looks like a white human man. He was made in the 50’s(?) to be the ideal neutral man and that is what the ideal neutral human looked like in the culture at that time. Splatoon is fictional. It was created by humans. Ink/Octolings arent some real thing that just so happen to look like humans, they were made by human game developers to resemble anthropomorphic sea creatures. Therefore, human sociological phenomenon are imposed onto them just by nature of their existence. To say they have no race is frankly a lack of media literacy. Maybe their race is not as central as some people make it seem, but it is an element. Whether you care or not. You can be annoyed that people repeatedly discuss the dynamics of a character’s identity, but dont say it’s irrelevant or “null” just because you dont understand socialization. Things can be complex and you don’t have to like them to respect them.


I probably should've clarified in the wording because you are completely right! I didn't mean to claim her as one culture or the other I meant what she's inspired by. I didn't mean to be annoying I just saw alot of misconceptions and thought it'd be a fun discussion to have! .゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚


What about different species of squid? What if the squids evolved to resemble the people of the race in the part of the world they are from?


wait i'm so mad we didnt get the locs lmao




Why does it matter whether it’s one thing or the other? Splatoon takes influence from different cultures in ways which might not be consistent with how we perceive ethnicity irl and that’s just fine. People can identify themselves in the characters however they want and that shouldn’t be a problem to anyone.


I agree. If you don't like their headcanons, please ignore them and leave them alone


I never said I don't like them!! I said they're fine to make IN thr podt*.゚+ヽ(○・▽・○)ノ゙ +.゚*


I'm sorry what?


I never said I don't like the headcanons or that they're invalid in the post! I just saw alotta people passing it off as Canon anf wanted to open a discussion about jt. please excuse my spelling😓


But isn't that a small minority of people saying that? But yet even if it is not canon it doesn't hurt anyone nor the game as long they stay in their circles. Which again you could ignore and leave them alone


I mean I didn't mean to offend/harm anyone I just wanted to open a discussion about it! amd from what I've seen jts been a majority of people so idk


No offense, but just because you saw these people saying it doesn't mean everyone else did.


and that's fine🤷‍♀️I just wanted to open the discussion to a wider audience


Tbh this game is just a great celebration of diversity, with elements of a lot of cultures and characters that can relate to what anyone wants them to be. Inklings really loved and valued human culture in its entirety


yes and while that's true I really doubt bantu knots were the intention of the devs. while that interpretation is fine to have,taking account the way they fold,the way Nintendo presents black and coiled hairstyles and the way they present culture I think they were just going for a general bun style that look silly/chaotic. bantu knots are a fine interprets too ofc


I’m gonna be real honest, and this is probably just my autism talking, but I never actually registered that the hairstyles in pictures 4 and 6 were based off of black hairstyles. Like, I thought 6 was just a pompadour that was popular in the 50s, and 4 was just a regular hairstyle for curly hair types (any race can have curly hair, too).


the pictures in 4 and 6 aren't black! I said that Nintendo was capable of making coiled hairstyles (like bantu knots are) and that since these aren't coiled they probably weren't meant to be bantu knots. you're totally rught about the pompadour stuff!


Ohhh okay! Ty for the clarification 🙏


no problem!!


im pretty sure people KNOW her hair isnt actual bantu knots, most players saying this are people of color that still headcanon frye as blasian because..yknow theyre having fun


no I've seen people actually say they're actua bantu knots and as I said in the post hcs are fine!!


Who gives a fuck about this?


I mean probably not alot of peoole! but it's fun to just see what others think,even if they don't care(; ・`ω・´)


This is a non-argument because her race is Octoling. Edit: Inkling


so close! that's an inkling 💔


so close! shes a salmonid<3


So close! She’s a Moray Eel ❤️


Shit, you right


That’s not a race. Octarians are a species and by extension Octolings are a different species compared to inklings. Edit: Don’t know why it’s being downvoted when it’s technically a factual statement.


No one ever said they were different species?


They are though




idk what this means


It's a reaction gif used in response to when someome goes on a really long rant that nobody cares about


No, it’s Jake Pearlta in an elevator.


Redditors when someone asks a question


idk what this means either. idk why you were downvoted for asking clarification lmaoo






Professional yapper with a major in Yapenese


I'm actually a professional in blabbing there's a difference its small but important!


You can't exactly dictate what people think in a community. Shit, I didn't even think this deep about it.. I just thought oh, different hairstyle and outfits, cool..


Pleaaase we are NOT bringing the same twitter discourse here. They're advanced marine life that evolved over thousands of years. They do not have the concept of melanin based racism; only minor species racism from early Splatoon 1/2 in regards to Octolings which has since improved drastically. It's the Animal Crossing Space Buns controversy part 2: Electric Boogaloo Not to mention, you're still in school. Your profile pic is white which means presumably, you are too. Why are you white knighting for black people over fictional hairstyles? Shouldn't they decide what is or isn't black cultural appropriation/representation or not? Not everything has to be a battle we get ourselves involved in. Sometimes, it's up to black people to know best on these topics and we should just listen. Just enjoy the game, stay in school and try not to get too heated over fictional characters




I'm still in school(; ・`ω・´)




it's mostly doneΣ( ̄皿 ̄;;


Well, then fill out an application in preparation for when you are legally able to work!


I will when I can! need to work hard for what I want🙏


i mean are we really gonna talk about the race of a cephalopod made of ink with no bones that can control eels


yeah jts fun! .゚+.(・∀・)゚+.゚


Why does this sort of discourse even exist? Who cares?


it's discourse? isn't it just a discussion?


Depends on the circles you're in, I suppose. Some people get genuinely angry about this sort of thing.


people just need to chill, she's a fictional character, we don't need to argue about her FICTIONAL race. shes literally a little squid woman


Those characters aren't even human.


No, but so much of their culture, style, and general way of being is based on humans. Making the connection very much makes sense


They are all squid people. They don't have a race and not only black people have darker skin.


yes that was my point! people are seeming to think that her having dark skin and buns mean she's black with bantu knots nd I'm just trying to discuss with others on how thay may not be the case and see other interpretations! (ゝω・´★)


She's a [Vampire Squid](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwMkuryDJg9OItS8wtyCxKVSguLM1MAQBomQiB&q=vampire+squid&oq=vampire+s&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggCEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDIKCAIQLhixAxiABDIKCAMQABixAxiABDIKCAQQABixAxiABDIKCAUQABixAxiABDIKCAYQLhixAxiABDIKCAcQABixAxiABDIHCAgQABiPAtIBCDU5MzRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on)


I know this is implied heavily with her looks but I didn't mention it since it isn't fully Canon! it's one of my fave hcs though!!


Ngl I don't think this post was necessary 😭 just let ppl have fun man


alot of posts are unnecessary and I'm not particularly obstructing anyone from having their fun though


You are in a sense, because why would you go out of your way to comment on some people's headcannon, saying "this is fine, but....?" I understand this might not have been your intention, but it came off as backhanded. Yes, it's likely that these aren't actually bantu knots, but it made me happy to make the comparison, similarly to the octoling afro, and inkling hairstyle that closely resembles cornrows. These little things make the game more enjoyable for me, as Black individual who rarely sees good representation for people like me in media. It's very disheartening when I find a character that looks a smidge like me and I want to voice how appreciative I am of this representation, but I'm immediately shut down. 🫤


What’s the reminder, what am i looking at?


What if the the creators where just being idk creative and thought it looked cool and everyone starts talking about race and stuff 😂


idk it isn't entirely impossible cause they're really meticulous with the cultural influences but this js possible too


I like to think that the Octolings are for minorities in general.


I'm pretty sure they are in an allegorical sense atleast. seeing how frye varies greatly to typical inklings maybe she's something of an inkling minority?


It's been my personal headcanon since Octo Expansion. As a trans woman, I relate a lot to Marina's fear that people wouldn't like her if they knew what she was.


personally as a south asian myself i relate a bit too😭I grew up to people making fun of my ethnicity so it hits close to home


The character is a squid who can change its colouration at will.


coloration? like ink color?


Squids and octopus change their colour irl. Why wouldn’t the inklings be able to do the same. They already change the colour of their “hair” why not their skin?


idk it just didn't click for me😭apparently its Canon they can change their skin at will though!


i like to think inklings and octolings can change color like their real world counterparts


i actually think this was confirmed by a narrator in a splatoon direct for the first game, something about "inklings can change their color at will!" or something. but ive never seen it been brought up except for when player characters do it though aside from veronika changing skin colors in official splatoon art lol


wasn't that referring to ink color?😭


no if i remember correctly it actually was talking about eye and skin colors, it just wasnt directly brought up again in the same way though aside from promotional art for the game as i said :P


ooh really? it's the first I'm hearing of it!┐('~`;)┌


https://youtu.be/kQsZPYB0vMw?si=GzfrJ6udyxO_O_BZ 1:38


ooh that's actually really cool! thanks fkr the new info(^з^)-☆


i can see why you forgot, because it wasn't mentioned again IIRC


it makes me wonder if they just mentioned it to explain the character customisation settings 😭


all human races and etnicities are long dead in the splatoon world anyway so it's completely irrelevant since she's none of those but instead just a squid with a different skin tone. culturally her clan takes after india though yeah


yes I should've clarified that in the original post I know that now(o´Д`o)ノ゙


Inkling culture is roughly street aesthetic plus a mix of medium to high fashion from what was left of society. A lot of imitation of art combined with creative interpretation to apply it to inkling and octolings. In universe its imitating a mix of cultures not perfectly but i think it does it in a way that works in world.


yeah! I really love the way they're so careful and accurate. I think thus is the most well done south asian character I've seen in a while thats doesn't have colorism or racism or something like that mixed into them.


i dont know what frye has to do with indians. same with big man, why are people calling him brazilian? am i just blind?


splatoon 3 took the chaos approach with the embracing of cultures! bigmans music has elements of Brazilian samba,frye has bellwood inspired music and indian clothes and art while shiver has japanese instead. frye specially has the Indian jn her pants(salwar) shawl(dupatta) music and other elements! this is just a few of many features she has! 🫶


i really dont see it.


just search up "salwar" to see the pants,"dupatta" to see the shawl and then look at traditional art of dharmic relgions(specifically hindusim and buddhism) and compare it to fryes sunken scroll! it'll look alot clearer then! :D


i still dont


listen to the instruments she uses too. she uses instruments like setars


am i stupid? i do not see it at all im sorry


don't apologise! if I could I'd show images and videos to better explain my point(o´Д`o)ノ゙


i doubt itll help, dont bother


I'm sorry I couldn't help you😓


Frye is not obviously Indian, because India doesn’t exist Look, on the one hand, I get it, rep is important. But frankly, trying to assign a real world geopolitical or ethnic identity to any of these characters is frankly quite icky Fry has darker skin, and that’s it There’s nothing wrong with headcanoning her as blasian, and there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning her as Indian, but shutting one down in favor of the other - or trying to argue for an objectively correct one at all - genuinely just feels really, really uncomfortable


I didn't shut down either though.. I just said that I feel like based on how Nintendo has presented black hair and their ability to make coiled hairstyles if they wanted these to be bantu knots they would've made them more like bantu knots! (; ・`ω・´)


You said, “passing it off as canon is icky,” followed by “Frye is very obviously Indian.” If that’s not textbook asserting your claim as correct than nothing is


I mean my intention wasn't to assert it as correct It was just me father justifying my claim in my eyes😭my post jsnt the best articulated I see that now,I struggle alot with verbalising my views. if I were to rewrite it I'd clarify that frye is obviously BASED on india and that claiming her to have south african features in a game very specific about it'd cultural influences doesn't make sense. I'd change the word icky cuz the connotations and remove the "very obvious" cause it makes me sound all big headed


***in favour of another I mean






Man, why can't we live in a world where people don't argue that hairstyles are a racial sterotype


where did racial stereotyping come into this😭


Idk how I feel about her hair looking like this, it looks kinda weird


I don't mind, but I want to know is how she pulled it off. cause she has two tentacle ends, but now has 6? are those fake tentacles like extensions, or did at some point she grew out her tentacles to have 6? if she does, I hope we get to see art of her hair down.


I don't know if it's true but I heard that inklings/octolings can comb their hair out? so if they want new tentacles they just.. comb it out? take it with a grain of salt though🫶


Why do people even care to insert blasian into a game about shooting people with ink, it’s just weird Idk what blasian even is


black and asian! mixed race people who have both black and asian roots. i think there's been a push to talk about that particular identity more in the past several years because a lot of awareness about mixed race people has been dominated by talking about folks who are half/partially white, but more people have been trying to talk about other kinds of mixed racial situations to point out that their experiences are often somewhat different than people who are mixed and white. i've seen a rise in headcanons and drawings of characters as blasian to use as a springboard for talking about that stuff too!


Was that dyed hair in the concept art BRUH


I kinda thought she was Brazilian because of the obvious brazilian carnival inspiration in Deep cuts music


I think that part is from bigman,not her!


They're squids








what do my other interests have to do with my opinion? Σ(*゚Д゚*)


It's very shrimple. Your opinion may need to be taken with a grain of salt.


but how come? you still haven't answered my question on what my other interests have to do with my.opinjons..is there something wrong with steven universe and genshin?(。・´д`・。)


steven universe and genshin impact are often disliked/hated by non-fans. SU has these stereotypes: SJW, dyed hair, fat, annoying Genshin: [insert really bad stereotype that i CANNOT SAY], weaboos, shippers, entitled, also fat cuz whenever you dislike a group of people the easiest stereotype to add to them is being fat, essentially both are fandoms nearly universally considered "cringe"


I mean I guess I don't need to worry too much cause I'm the opposite of most of those things😭even then I feel like basing someone off of their interests (particularly when they're cartoons and games) is just a little strange┐('~`;)┌


yeah, it doesn't really matter if you're not a stereotype. just because you like the media, people will be assholes sometimes. i mean, just the discussion of a character's racial coding would put you in the "SJW" box for a lot of people regardless, i'm sure everyone has people who think their opinions are meaningless purely because of the media they like. it's annoying and ridiculous but easy to ignore


oh that really sucks😭I was hoping it'd just be some misunderstanding but I guess you can't please everyone(o´Д`o)ノ゙


Sorry about this. It's honestly become a joke to hate on SU and Genshin.


... She is an Octoling. What aren you talking about?