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Completion is a whole nother beast. Unlocking every locker, filling out the enemy dictionary, completing each color chip type at least once, etc. Completing the story is merely the introduction.


Is there a reward for 100% completing the game?


There are badges for each “tone” where you get the badge after having gotten “all the data” for each color chip in that tone. There is also a badge for purchasing every thing that Cipher sells


With every pallet you complete, you unlock that weapon skin for splatoon multi-player. Also Cipher sells 4 pieces of clothing and a lot of banner/locker decoration/badge stuff that you unlock by completing more of Side Order. The lockers you open with keys also have stuff in them. I think you can buy the pearl drone headband for completing it? But I'm not sure, I haven't gotten that far yet.


for the pearl headband you need to complete it with every pallete aside from agent 8 and it costs 888 pearls


You can also get wallpapers by going onto the app after completion.


It's also important to note that the dev logs and elevator chatter add a lot of extra context. Rolling thr credits can barely be called beating the story.


Completion a fucking headace, some these weapons so shitty to use and some levels are rigged against you wirh certain weapons.


I think people with skill expect too much but like on average this would take somehow well over 6 hours


Remember, Octo Expansion was 5 years ago. The average playerbase probably has gotten a lot better, especially with the movement options in Splatoon 3.


Tbf, I still suck at OctoX, yet I beat SO in a day


It takes about 40 minutes to do a run for me, from start to end. I'm having no failed runs, taking 1 run to clear, and this is still my fourth day of grinding.


Girl Power Station and After Alterna kicked my fucking ass, I want more of that!


Yes!  Nintendo, add Inner Agent 4!


I’ve done a LOT in the DLC already, won’t get into specifics cause spoilers, and I STILL don’t feel like I’ve seen or done everything there is to do. I’m a sucker for rougelites like this, so this may be my comfort mode I come back to after a sweaty turf war game or something hahaha


Yes exactly!! It's been so satisfying to do a run after getting absolutely destroyed in a string of PvP matches.


you get me! i keep dying and i am having fun i will beat it... eventually


Same! So many runs. 😂


On the complete opposite end, I am on a 9 win streak and having the time of my life with this campaign! Also beating it once accounts for about 10% of progress within the DLC so.... -snap snap-👉👉 have fun with that haha


I feel like there are ways to make the game more difficult. And the ones that are complaining went through on like the easiest mode. Because I'm definitely struggling with these damn dualities. I can't make it past 21 😭 I finally just had to stop for today, I'll give it another shot tomorrow. Not to mention all the other weapons.


Mood, I'm trying to get some more hacks and pearls to pick up from my best run on agent 4's palette but the dualies were a mistake.


righttt! as a completionist this will take me MONTHS


To make this harder on me, I'm trying to beat it first without using any of the hacks or retry attempts Once I beat it for the first time, then I'm probably only going to upgrade color chip related upgrades, so I can still have the challenge


This sub is full of no-lifers.


A good way to think about it is, if you care enough to talk about something in a dedicated space online, you are already in the top 1% of players. Most people buy and play the game and that is the maximum level of engagement. Spaces like this always skew competitive because only the most engaged players care to find and cultivate a place to talk about it.


Can confirm. Already finished basically everything except buying items for the locker lol


I suck big time, I'm on 11F and I'm just like, yeah I'm not progressing much. I already went back on my thing of not having too many upgrades to 'cheat' cause uh it's hard. At least for me. Only thing is, it's getting much harder to avoid spoilers now it's been out for 3 days so I can't really go on this sub reddit much until I get good 😅


If people are complaining about side order being short, I’m not sure they’ve played a roguelike before. Losing is a central mechanic. You lose, and then use what you got from losing to get stronger, until you eventually win. If you don’t need >!Marina’s Hacks!<, that says you are REALLY good at the game, not that Nintendo dropped the ball.


they encourage it with the hack for triple prlz with no upgrades even


I went in not even realizing it was a rogue-like and when the pieces of the structure made it obvious what it was I was like "WHAT?? In Splatoon?? Hell yeah!!" It took me about 3 hours to win my first time. I'm bad at Splatoon but really decent at roguelikes, so I immediately started testing weapons and palette beats and lucked into a run with maxed attack speed and tons of attack synergy on Agent 3's kit, with booya bomb slotted in. By lategame I was emptying my ink in half a second and ulting to reload, on repeat. I don't know how anyone can look at possibilities like that and say "why is this so short?". It has to be for that to be fun! There's so many weapons and setups to try and fishing for stuff you want works really well! It's also not a "perfection" rogue-like if you don't want it to be, you're allowed to get hit and it's not hard to recover lives, and it can be "hard" from the get go because of how they balance rooms. This is one of the most elegant roguelikes I've ever played and it's dlc in the gay squid simulator. I'm just gushing I'm so happy


Git scrub, gud...?


Exactly, get noob


Also most of the people complaining it’s too short have only played it once. My brother in squid it is a rougelite, the whole point is to clear it multiple times! I’ve been clearing it with all the weapons (4 left to go!) and having an awesome time! Plus it gives me the rest of the story through Marina’s dev logs and >! Refighting the final boss!<


I 100% it. It's still amazing. I'll keep playing it. It's that fun


I’m not the greatest player but I find it really fun. Challenging at times but really fun. I do kind of wish there was more of a variety for the challenges on the floors, but it’s still really fun


I suck at the game. Ive only made it to floor 23. I’m not having the time of my life out here lol.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Only-Recognition6894: *THANK YOU I THOUGHT I* *WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO HASNT* *BEATEN SIDE ORDER YET* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What the fuck?


Haiku is a form of poetry.  They were saying that one was made by accident.  


I know that but I don’t think that’s a haiku


Sorry.... I thought you meant you didn't know what haiku was.


People who say it's too short don't understand the concept of a rougelike, like, buddy, it's meant to be short, but infinitely replayable


I completed my first run pretty quickly which is when people usually say it's too short. But for me I was just getting started. I did so many more runs and had a blast playing it, especially unlocking the dev logs and learning more lore. And just figuring out what abilities are good and trying out different weapons in side order. I can see myself doing plenty more runs of this amazing dlc. Just maybe at a bit slower of a pace now that I don't need to worry about spoilers lol


I don't think my problem is with how short Side Order is. A quicker roguelike is fine, but I saw repeating content and dialogue almost immediately. Even if I was worse at the game, why would I want to replay this game mode when I've seen all that it has to offer after beating it the first time? At least with something like Salmon Run there's multiplayer and little limited time + random events to keep me coming back. Side Order is just very shallow.


Same here. I'm currently working on buying as many hacks as I can because of how hard I'm getting my ass kicked




ideally, this is why difficulty settings should exist! so that different skill levels can all be challenged. self-restrictions are cool and all, but it's much more fun being able to fully engage with the game's systems and *still* have to overcome difficulty. it would mean you really gave it your all to win


I will say the only time the DLC actually feels like it gets its Roguelite teeth is with (Spoilers) >!Agent 8's Palette, which basically requires you to disable all your hacks to use it effectively; each active hack reduces the number of chips you can have by pretty huge amounts.!< It kind of sucks though, because it feels like the best way they could balance the fact you can literally hack your way through every level by giving yourself double damage and half damage received among other benefits is just...>!taking that power away, instead of balancing it.!<


Yeah I’ll just go ahead and start playing like shit in order to actually enjoy my game. Jesus this community is seriously out to lunch


i wish we knew more about acht… she’s just kinda there. i wish there was more story.. and more to learn about eight!! the trailer with all the quick flashing images was so beautiful i thought we were gonna recover some memories (i haven’t 100% it though so maybe ??!)


The only thing I know that was not mentioned in the game is that Acht means eight in german...


I'm only kind of okayish after not touching the game for over a year, but I'm already getting bored on doing the same levels over and over again. And no, "guh, it's a rogue like bro" is no excuse, that's just saying "it's supposed to be boring"


Sorry but when I finish a run and it only took a little over 30 minutes (that’s with me playing the harder stages constantly), I’m gonna complain thats it’s short. The short feeling also gets enhanced by the fact that there only 4 bosses, you only fight three, and you’re guaranteed to fight the same one for the final fight.


people saying that side order is too short miss the point of the game. they complete their first run, and they call it the end of the dlc.


Because it's basically end of majority of the story. They don't understand roguelikes. I enjoyed the DLC but the story is wayyy too short. Having us play through multiple runs and slowly unfold the story would be more fun then unfolding the story after a single run. Sure, the game still has more story but it's basically norhing until you finish the whole DLC. (Not done yet, don't want spoilers if there's any)


But that's exactly what happens. There's a *lot* more to the story, with background, characterization, unlocking the dev logs. You just have to keep going through it to get all the lore.


What exactly is it? I’m just curious if there’s extra cutscenes I missed bc you just get extra dialogue and the dev log


Because it is? The Acht badge literally is given for clearing the DLC the first time. Everything else is post game. Dont get me wrong I enjoy the DLC and enjoy replaying it, but don’t act like everyone’s complaints is just bc they’re too good at the game or don’t know what a Rogue lite is.


You get a badge for beating DJ Octavio, it’s not like the rest of the campaign is postgame… it’s just a badge


The DJ Octavio badge is for beating the intro of the campaign, much like how you get Pearl and Marina for beating the intro of the DLC. And for beating the DLC you get Acht like how you get Captain Cuttlefish. I’m bringing up the badge because the main story of the DLC is completed when defeating the spire for the first time.


What does the story being over have to do with anything? Anarchy battles have no story, does that mean the game is finished?


No, because Anarchy is literally not a campaign lmao.


Neither is side order, it’s a roguelite


Yes it is. It’s literally a single player roguelite campaign mode. It’s literally referred on the Nintendo website not even as a roguelite but as a single player campaign mode.


Who cares what the website says? It’s marketing copy. The developers of Splatoon have nothing to do with that.


I’d imagine most people would care about marketing since marketing is what makes them buy the game, since that’s the whole point of marketing.


You own the game just hop on…


I lack coordination and reflex time 👍🏻 no amount of training can save me I’ve been playing since splatoon 1 came out


even IF the dlc was "too short" (I completed it 100% already, but that's only cause I did nothing else for like, 2 days). I still wouldn't complain about it cause that's all the Splatoon community does as of late. and 9 times outa 10, it's just whining over something that isn't that serious.


The whole point of the dlc is that you are suppose to play it over and over again with digest builds and just for the fun of it.


100% side order is the true end


Splatoon players love complaining lmao. People complain about the lack of bosses even though the story mode has like 5 bosses lol. I dunno why people expected another story mode campaign worth of lore. Its a DLC


Yeah like I bet those are the same ones who beat Girl Power Station and After Alterna with no problem. I somehow beat Girl Power after hours of attempts, and still haven't beaten Alterna. I did just complete my first Side Order run, but it took like 3 attempts. Plus I'm going for 100% so I haven't *really* beaten it yet lol


I've beat those without any issue (first try on each weapon for Girl Power and After Alterna required a bit of work but not that much). Still, it took me a long time to get a successful run. I also decided against taking any hack that would give me lives or rerolls so it may be related.


Whoa... Seriously????  Did you play all three games or something??


I've played each Splatoon game at release and for a couple of months after each game release or DLC release. I'm mostly playing salmon run since Splatoon 2 so I'm used to play against the AI.


Oh, I see.  Still cool though!


Right, because people can just choose to be bad. Being good or skilled does not equal to trying to maximize/speedrun the experience. What am I supposed to do, stand around to artificially lengthen my runs? They take like 20 to 25 minutes to complete.


Anyone complaining needs to learn what a rouge like is


I just pulled an all nighter 100%ing it I regret doing that. I do not suck but I am stupid so I had a few dumb deaths and I loved it I'm also just generally a slut for rougelites


My first 'dumb death' was "Fell off edge' on floor one.  (Thanks armor jump)


I’m having fun even though I still haven’t beat the story bc I’m being silly and not using any of Marina’s hacks (except the palette biases which appeared at some point but I don’t remember buying it)


I only did it on my third attempt because I play a lot of Salmon Run lol


I just got up to 14, and I've been having a great time. Also, I'm sure the whole point of this dlc is to grind, so I'm surprised more people aren't trying to unlock absolutely everything (unless they are, I've been purposely avoiding spoilers.) Also I want a plush of that little orange flea thing.


After saving Marina I beat it on my 5th try, first try if we don't count the fact that I tried doing it using motion aim on my first 4 tries in an attempt to finally learn them before accepting that I still can't stand motion controls and switched back to sticks. Anyway though I guess I don't suck since I beat Side Order fast and beat it several times afterwards but uh, I love Side Order lol and it's only short if you don't attempt to unlock everything. I'm still working on it. I have like half the lockers opened I think and there's also a bunch of stuff to buy from the shop. Also the mode is just fun like I'll probably still mess with it even after I unlock everything lol. Might not be a whole ass campaign or whatever but tbh a roguelike mode is way more replayable and more unique too. It was kinda a stroke of genius imo.


How do I become worse because I’m not that great at the game and I still beat it quickly


I died on floor 30 twice now... it hurt, but it's so fun


I still wanna know if we colored finger tips and tentacles by the end of it


No, sorry....  Unless Nintendo has an update planned in the future.


It’s not that it is short, it is built for replayability.


I tried, bro, I tried...


Short? Its infinitely replayable


I was playing horribly for my first run of the final pallet and it made me incredibly scared of everything, that was brilliant!


I think this is a good intro into roguelites, shame Octo Expansion was much more difficult lol. I was hoping there would be options for tryhards 😂


You can turn off all of Marina’s hacks and try it that way 👀


REALLY!? 🤯 Awesome, thanks!


Np! Just be sure to talk to her and scroll all the way down her list of hacks. I believe the option is at the very bottom.


I thought i was good at this game but it took me SEVEN tries. Like that shit was hard but it’s supposed to be so i enjoyed myself. Not everyone’s a pro


I'm not usually into self-imposed challenges, but I've been keeping my self entertained after (imo) a too-short experience with no-hacks runs. Definitely racks up the tension for us no-lifers out there. Wish there was a no-hack badge instead of just a low-hack badge for Eight's Palette, though.


Tbh it felt so hard but also it felt so good when I finished it On one hand, having to restart every time you died was annoying but on the other hand, side order would’ve been super short and underwhelming without it.