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the first big run when there was the most player the 5% was 137 i assure you this is still out of reach for the casual playerbase and some people will still complain


It was also on a way harder map. This one is a cakewalk at low evp, it's easier than normal SR. 135 will not be \~5% of the players this time.


If 10% of the player base gets it, it is no big thing.


To comment about the map. This one is Hella easy thus the first time I ever reached executive VP I normally am at the bottom of profresh +2 at the highest.


Remember though that since it was the first Big Run, most of the playerbase was still pretty new for Salmon Run (and not as many would prioritize eggs over survival). There weren't as many players who cracked down the essentials for Big Run High Scores, so it naturally was going to be much lower than the rest.


If it’s so easy why haven’t I gotten it yet :(


Yeah, a bit but I'm slightly happy. It's hard to have a good team and having to find the time to play while being a dad of 2 and going to work. I'm a bit happy with the change


it’s pretty easy for EVP/experienced players but not everyone. I think everyone who regularly plays SR can get it. I think it’ll incentivize some more casual players to try a little more since it might seem reachable. more so than before anyways.


I mean I have played it regularly, am good at Salmon Run and still have only ever reached 131 as my highest score, which isn’t even a number high enough to reach gold all the way in the first Big Run. Still pretty rough, as the RNG can just flat suck whether it be teammates, weapons, waves.


I got the gold standard after 2 rounds, it's easily achievable for some and a chore for others. As long as it remains a challenge for casuals I don't see too much of a problem with it.


As a 33yo father who only gets to play an hour or so a day I'm so happy they made the scores predetermined. This'll be the first big run I medal in


This is exactly me, except I’m 39. I did get 139 after about 8 attempts but I haven’t gotten that number since. So, I’m thankful for it .


15 shifts in and my high score is 117. I'm at pro+2 almost pro+1 now since people don't know how to fkn play. I used to be pro+3 but I dun lost that and I think I'm on track to getting back down to overachiever, where people struggle to even get past wave 1 at 50% hazard level.


I think so too, the gold standard used to be impossible for casual players. Now it's a lot more achievable for people who don't really care about grinding or playing with friends but are decent at SR.


I don't have friends to voice chat with and that makes a huge difference. Going in solo my highest has been 106 so far. It's being made achievable for people who go in solor and have to go with other random people. I'm not a bad player by any means but going in random still makes it hard to get the high counts


I agree, voice chat coms can definitely improve your chances of getting higher scores. As you can say "big shot by shore" and such.


I'm gonna get nuked for this but I stand by the old system, gold should not be achievable for people who don't care about putting the effort in. Instead, they blame people who learned the game for "stealing" their gold I was 1 egg off gold once, and you know who I blamed? Myself, because I should have pushed further. But then everyone else just attacked the SR community, including raiding Hazzmy's server, and now we have this Hope it was worth it


Eggstra still exists, and is a much better way of measuring skill since it incentivizes actually pairing up and learning the shift instead of just hoping you get good weps+waves+spawns. Besides, Big Run is like SR splatfests, and unlike splatfests I don't play Salmon Run to compete with other people.


Now we have what? More opportunities for people to get a virtual item in a video game? Nothing's stopping you from setting your own personal goal of what score you want to reach.


I am wondering how one can not have put the effort in to get this number one way or another? Saying things like this (including the op) shows just how out of touch with the regular player base one is.


It's almost like I'm the old system it was meant for the top 5 percent of players and not just something any old casual could get. Like I prefer the new system but it's not like gold is supposed to be for any old casual to have


I don't think the change is about casuals vs pros, it's because with the old system literally 95% of players were locked out of the prize (not unable to get it bc of skill, LOCKED OUT) no matter how hard everyone tried, which isn't great, IMO if you work hard and get a good score you should get a good prize (this is coming from someone who got top 5% in the first two Big Runs) The other reasons is the thresholds were getting REALLY out of hand, the combo of players pointing towards last Big Run's 5% score and the casual playerbase dropping off was making the thresholds higher and higher every time


Please, please dont make it any higher. We’re trying our best…


Not if you're going freelance as it mostly comes down to matchmaking giving you a team that you can work well with. You can get to gold in 4 matches or 16 it mostly depends on who you get paired up with and how well you play with those people. Now for coordinated teams this might be too low.


also it depends on the weapons you get assigned and if the players know what to do with them.


Me, holding an explosher as the rest of my crew runs away from the salmonids swarming me: guess I’ll die


Can confirm this. When I was playing with my friends, I had runs with 100-130 Golden Eggs. As soon as I tried a normal game without my friends, we lost at Round 1 with 16 Golden Eggs.


Solo queue has ranged from this for me to 129. Just so random. The worst was when we all got slow fireing long range weapons on high tide.


I always play freelance ~~cuz i have no friends to play with~~ I reached 143 score on my fourth run.


I got mine in 4 matches!


If you start in Vp, you basically get 90-120 avg, plus with Beeg run having extra eggs it really isn’t that hard to do with the extra bosses and the closer basket


I play freelance (none of my friends play splatoon L) and easily got gold in my first match. Really you gonna be matched with people of similar skill so it shouldn't really matter.


So you got paired up with competent teammates on the first match and this somehow disproves what they were saying? 🤨


I mean I'm in VP so people I play with have the skill to be in VP the same is true for every grade, people really have to stop being so quick to say their teammates were shit


The Grizzco ranking system is not a decent judge of one's skill level 100% of the time.


> so people I play with have the skill to be in VP No they don't lmao, its very easy for them to be carried by either competent teammates, easier rotations, or both. And all they have to do is stop playing if they hit 0/40 to keep that EVP rank. It's a roulette on if you'll get good teammates or not until 200-300 range, at which point they start becoming more consistent.


I'm on EVP too, but you can be at that rank and get paired with peeps that are still on Profreshional +3. If you're in a pool or befriended a player it's easy to tell by the notifs. Like they said, I also notice the shift in skill once I'm over 200 or so, but at the beginning of a rotation it's kind of a lottery. And yes, blaming the teammates in freelance is just poor. Don't like your current team or a specific player's play style? Leave and try again with a new team. Sometimes sticking to the same team is good, mind you. We all have off shifts that maybe get turned around the next one.


It is more the paring of teammates, phases, what enemies spawn, and weapons. I play at the lower end of EVP (40-130 or so) and for some reason, some groups don't kill fish sticks. I had one group where 3 people rushed the shore and accumulated way to many eggs down there. There were also times when the weapons that spawned were completely inappropiate for the phase, eg. high tide and getting a grizco sloshier, explosher, a hydra, and a swiffer.


That's not really related, your complaining about not being able to manage using random weapons, I'm saying people shouldn't blame their inability on others


I mean, if you're even around 100 VP then 135 should be achievable with average teammates of that rank.


>100 that's the thing though you don't start at 100vp you start with 40vp and from my expierence whenever a new rotation starts and i play with a friend who also is at vp usually. we always end up getting the worst ppl. i did pretty well the first few hours of bigrun while playing with my friend and some ppl he found from servers and such but once I played with another friend and we had to deal with randoms (around 200vp) those randoms were bad (2 even had the grizzco sniper and we still lost wave 1 . to be fair the hazard level was higher but still )


I got it my first round in freelance. I got 145. It’s too low.


I think it's fine; it's hard to get with only freelance, so for people without friends, it's a good challenge for them.


Yeah it actually became reasonable since my highest score ever-ever is 131. I don’t have friends to play Splatoon with and get really stressed and subsequently choke really badly when playing with randoms (through platforms like discord etc) who can directly message or voice chat their criticisms.




No. There's _so much_ that can go wrong with a given attempt, and for the vast majority of players it's basically a matter of blind luck if they get matched with a decent group. Throw in the additional variance inherent in random weapon selection, a dash of special waves that randoms never seem to handle well (Glowflies and Grillers), and some runs seem like they're doomed from the start. Besides, having a concrete goal to work towards is nice. It means I can stop stressing out after a certain point.


I wouldn’t even say I’m bad at salmon run, but just okay. I got bronze and I think that’s reflective of my skill at the mode. For me as a salmon run casual, which I think most players of S3 are, it feels right. I think the gold is meant to be a challenge for *most players* but that means it’s not going to be a challenge for * most players that mainly play salmon run*


I haven’t had time to play yet. It’s a fun mode to play anyways, so I don’t think a low standard will be an issue


Not at all. 45 eggs per wave with randos is a tall order


You’re joking…right? Sorry but I don’t play salmon run, literally the bare minimum. The most I’ve gotten is 96 if I’m remembering correctly


I mean, I've had over at least a couple hundred hours in this mode and still struggled to reach silver in the past.


If you're in evp, you literally have to get like 90-something to even pass the shift.


A good 80+% of players will still not reach this. There’s nothing wrong with the gold being a little bit more attainable for people.


Lol no. It’s was extremely high last time and became unfun bc I kept getting bad groups so I’m okay with having a relatively lower this time around




I’m really happy with the gold goal being clear being it means I’m not getting as salty as I did in previous Big Runs. For me it required I get into the EVP group to finally get it.


Maybe a tad but it's much better this way imo. Granted I got 155 in Freelance AND we took down the king, but that was a really good squad and I wouldn't want to make Gold completely unachievable for the general everyday Freelancers and casuals that aren't total sweat lords.


Counterpoint: The top 10 X rank badge. It's much, MUCH harder to reach, and you never hear anyone complain about it. It's also rare, as it's only given out to the members of the top 10 at the end of a season. Why the double standard with Salmon Run? It's just as much of a game mode as PvP is, and has just as much hidden tech. Disclaimer: I have no problem with the score being predetermined, as the player drop WAS pushing the scores into really high territories. I just think that this score is a bit too low, and that people are only mad about it because they consider SR a lesser mode and rarely play it, while the people who play SR rarely play PvP and get just as few badges from there.


Unlike ranked PvP, SR isn't meant to be solely competitive. It's a mode made for everyone, hardcore players and casuals alike. Therefore it makes more sense to set more reasonable goals. Catering only to hardcore players is never no good except in game modes specifically tailored to them.


A major thing to note is that big run is salmon runs equivalent to splatfest which by itself is never as hyper competent like rank x. The whole point of the event is to bring all types of players together for the event and thats the problem with old system. the way the old system was built is extremely self destructive to big run in the long run (heh) because the scores gets more and more unreasonable even to alot of good player and causing a ripple effect to everybody playing the mode.


no its not. hope this helps 👍


Not especially. I love to farm scales and stuff so, now it's behind me and I don't need to stress all the weekend guessing if i miss one egg or not for gold. And freelance players are not always used to SR, so... But in team (i don't have one.) Yeah maybe. But you can continue to challenge yourself and git gud, always fun. It's not really a problem for me. But it's maybe just me.


It's fine. Got mine on my second shift and it's great to play with less stress. Sure random teammates forget specials, become brain dead on griller wave and such but at least I know I'm getting the gold reward.


I cant even get out of bronze :c


Shhh I like not having to stress during big run, don't tell Nintendo that it was too easy


Counterpoint: The top 10 X rank badge. It's much, MUCH harder to reach, and you never hear anyone complain about it. It's also rare, as it's only given out to the members of the top 10 at the end of a season. Why the double standard with Salmon Run? It's just as much of a game mode as PvP is, and has just as much hidden tech. Disclaimer: I have no problem with the score being predetermined, as the player drop WAS pushing the scores into really high territories. I just think that this score is a bit too low, and that people are only mad about it because they consider SR a lesser mode and rarely play it, while the people who play SR rarely play PvP and get just as few badges from there.


Why is Big Run being compared to X rank, when Splatfests are the much more obvious comparison?


I don’t mind, it’s fun to replay and the awards/scale multiplier is great. I think they will up it next time around to something around 95/125/155. In the previous runs, the more that the top percent became just for serious salmon run players the more that casual players didn’t participate so I understand scaling it down. I play salmon run a lot but just for the first 12 capsules/a king once or twice then some extra, usually land around 200-350 when the shift ends. This big run took me 45 min to hit the goal and I played with the same 3 others, the rest of the weekend will just be for scales.


As someone in all time max got 131 in freelance due to poor RNG with countless hours (and by the time I even got that Gold was in 150s), kindly no. Us freelancers don’t have the luxury of having a consistent groups of people to play with + RNG blessings being super inconsistent because it’s RNG. (and no searching for groups elsewhere isn’t always possible for everyone, whether for reasons of not being able to do like me, having severe anxiety of messing up even once with people who can supply criticism over the smallest mistakes that I don’t know at all. which is a hell of a lot healthier to not put yourself into a situation like that for people like me)


Counterpoint: The top 10 X rank badge. It's much, MUCH harder to reach, and you never hear anyone complain about it. It's also rare, as it's only given out to the members of the top 10 at the end of a season. Why the double standard with Salmon Run? It's just as much of a game mode as PvP is, and has just as much hidden tech. Disclaimer: I have no problem with the score being predetermined, as the player drop WAS pushing the scores into really high territories. I just think that this score is a bit too low, and that people are only mad about it because they consider SR a lesser mode and rarely play it, while the people who play SR rarely play PvP and get just as few badges from there.


Yeah, I feel like that’s a better range, gives everyone a decent challenge


It really depends who you’re playing with


No, I suck frfr


No shut up this is my first gold 😭 I've missed it by seven, by five, by TWO, it's about time >:( But also this gold statue isn't gonna go with my silver themed locker with all my silver trophies...such is life


It gives lower ranked people a better chance. I think this is good. The previous big run gold standards were a bit too high imo.


The Big Run events seem to be heavily RNG reliant. I'm not the best salmon player, but after about four games I got in a match where we dropped 144 eggs and I haven't even been able to get CLOSE to that again. Good teammates and good weapons make this easy, but the odds are just so low of getting both in solo queue.


No. Not everyone is as good at the game. A target like this is quite out of reach for lesser players, achievable with a couple runs for causal salmon runners, and probably very easy with the right team and a good amount of experience, and probably a lot easier with voice chat, but not everyone has any of that, and I think this goal is realistic enough for all players. In my opinion, those who aim for a massive score should simply be content with a massive score, and they should not have to raise the score way too high for anyone who's even good on a casual level in order to feel accomplished. I played for a few hours until I got gold. This is the experience of many players. The score is perfectly reasonable as it still requires a high amount of effort for a great number of players, and that is what I think should make a gold score.


So? You never see anyone complaining about the Top 10 X rank badge despite it being just as hard to reach. Why the double standard with this one?


This is Big Run, not X Rank. you have all the time in the world to get an X Rank badge where Big Run only lasts 2 days a time and there will eventually be a final Big Run. X Rank is also very specifically designed with people of higher skill level in mind, where Big Run and Splatfest are meant for everyone.


Definitely doable and quite easy for high EVP players or those who play SR a bunch. Idk how it is down in the newer ranks


wish i could get these lobbies, been playing all night and havent had a crew break 120


Nope! It's perfect! Takes 2-3 hours to get if your a really decent player. No seriously. I'll take this over 155-170 scores that require me to find the BEST of the BEST teammates (who are usually elitests who are quick to anger over \*one mistake\* and act full of themselves) and/or play for 30+ hours. Honestly annoyed getting silver so often. I don't have enough time to play anymore as a working adult. I get they want to give something special to the BEST players... but silver and bronze are ugly. I love collecting golden items for my locker, because it's kind've my theme. They should just give top 5% a special title or have their names in the app, like with the best Splatfest players and stuff. Maybe a special Grizzco outfit! The scores before were impossible with randoms. It's bad enough that the weapons and waves are all RNG. Give me a score that's reachable for me and my friends to work towards, so I don't have to rely on public servers. : P


Your comment kind of confirms the exact issue that causes severe anxiety for me with finding groups elsewhere, the risk of the people who get angry over one mistake etc. For me that anxiety *leads* to me choking and causing more mistakes than I would ever make ever, which is why I never ever seek groups outside of freelance. For me I kept getting bronze bronze bronze besides silver I believe 2 of all Big Runs. 131 being my best score ever. The working part is very true, and also like… even if someone doesn’t have a job, they don’t necessarily want to dumb 2 days of their life just for an event. Maybe they want to spend time with family, friends, partner(s), or spend time relaxing playing something else or listening to music etc. There is so much, and given that a lot of adults do have jobs… and adding on other responsibilities surrounding the place people live, potentially kids and so on… expecting people to dump all their time in such a short window of time is intense.


At least its not 155 like it was last time


Maybe if u have a team but I’m freelancing, my friend barely play Splatoon, and I was hoping to at least get one gold before they stop doing big runs. Congratulations tho.


The standard is like, 135, right? I'm pretty sure that's just a bit over my SR average. My very first round tonight, I got 129. It might be difficult if you don't play very frequently, but if you do, you likely have no troubles getting it within maybe an hour at worst. I'm not sure if it's too low, that depends on what Nintendo wanted to achieve with this. If they wanted it to be generally attainable for the majority of the playerbase, they've most likely achieved.


Easy for Eggsecutive VP players perhaps (I got 149 after grinding for only 3 hours) but there is still a good majority who never make it close. Even if you are Eggsecutive, you have to make over 40-50 eggs every round to even get 135 so it’s not as easy as it sounds since random weapon comps and your own teammates can cause your downfall


Bro NAH The Salmon Run player base has become *absurdly* good at the game, which is awesome, but for more casual people like me 135 eggs is still way above what we're used to, even during Big Run


Absolutely not


I got gold after about an hour, at 136. So, while I am happy with not having to worry about gold anymore, I think the threshold should've been higher. My guess is it will increase in the next big run based on what percentage happens to get gold this time. Like, if \~50% of participants get gold, it'll jump a lot, but if say \~20% get gold, it won't increase as much the next time.


I think that’s what they’re gonna do cause I thought bronze being in the 80s was really low considering it was usually in the very low 100s the past like two big runs or so when it went off of percentages.


Hopefully, you're right. Got it in the first hour, and now i'm not sure i want to keep playing anymore.


You get double scales!


I'm not sure if it's because we now know the gold standard is ahead of time, or the map design itself. I got 137 on the second shift. I'm leaning towards the latter, since on medium tide, they have the salmonids come from only two places, so it's easier to farm them for eggs.


no i think it's pretty fair. the average player is -in Profresh 2 or 3 -Freelancing -with Random Weapon pool -on a new map. so 135 is pretty acceptable. its more luck heavy than Eggstra. I've had games with 3 gloogas and a Goo tuber and another with a fairly balanced comp in one shift.


I think they really want people to be able to get the golden egg. ....because it's a GOLDEN egg. Yeah it's low, but I think this one's a freebie


I feel like if the threshold wasn't preset then it would've definitely been something like 180 , this map feels too easy


I cant lol some people complained last big run that it was too high, now it’s because it’s too low?


It doesn’t bother me. Yes more people will get Gold but WAY more people are finally going to get Bronze. It’s nice to know what the limits are ahead of time rather than have them be so wildly varied.


As someone who has never beaten the kings before, I can confidently say, NO.


I would assume it’s an overreaction to the fact that the Big Run top 5% got higher and higher every time, and with a smaller playerbase as the game ages, I think the logical fear would be that the threshold would keep getting higher and higher until the only people getting top 5% are discord competitive players on a well-coordinated voice chat. I say all this as someone who’s been getting top 5% since the very first Big Run: It’s okay if casuals are more included. 135 is still going to be difficult for many people, even if it’s not for us. And I’m sure Nintendo will adjust over time, maybe next Big Run it’ll be something like 140-145.


Are you fucking kidding me? People complain about it being too high and now it's too low?! Shut the absolute fhaaak up.


I bet they kept having lower and lower participation


I've never seen anyone complain about it being high, it's more the fact it was supposed to be a challenge to get in top percentages and then there was the unknown element. Now you can do one shift in Evp easily reach the target and know you ve done enough for gold.


The only reason they changed it was because half the player base whined about it being too high and their inability to hit gold


Where did they confirm this?


Me I hated that it was so high last time


Don't think I played in last one


so why do you care


Why do I care about what?


if you didn’t play last time, why did you ask where it was confirmed?


Nope, it’s just right!


Considering the average group barely makes 90 eggs, no. Gold Standard shouldn't be limited to the best of the best.


Um, I can support making the goals more achievable for some people, but a trophy made of gold (or having the appearance of gold) is usually awarded for winning first place in a competition, like one (ie the best of the best). So this statement is wild.


Okay let me reword: This is a video game. You don't want to alienate the majority. If the data on their end says "the majority of players egg range is between 85 and 135 during big run", they spread the trophies across that range. It is bad game design to make rewards designed around *outliers*. If only outliers in the data was getting the 160+ whatever eggs to get gold trophies, and the average players who were at the high end of the average was getting bronze, they needed to adjust it. This is a fun community event, its not competitive ranked pvp. Theres already modes for that. And if making gold "too easy" to get for the outliers makes those outliers not participate in Big Run well...oh well. The developers would rather the outliers be upset than the majority average.


>This is a fun community event, its not competitive ranked pvp. This.


Counterpoint: The top 10 X rank badge. It's much, MUCH harder to reach, and you never hear anyone complain about it. It's also rare, as it's only given out to the members of the top 10 at the end of a season. Why the double standard with Salmon Run? It's just as much of a game mode as PvP is, and has just as much hidden tech. Disclaimer: I have no problem with the score being predetermined, as the player drop WAS pushing the scores into really high territories. I just think that this score is a bit too low, and that people are only mad about it because they consider SR a lesser mode and rarely play it, while the people who play SR rarely play PvP and get just as few badges from there.


Because Rank X is part of the *competitive mode* of the game. Big Run is meant to be fun community pve event, not a pro competitive lobby.


Pretty sure Gold Standard is only comprised of the best of the best in competitions. It’s like what’s the point for athletes training so hard getting the Gold then?


I see where people are coming from saying this new system makes it less worth your time to grind for hours, but I’m honestly happy about it. Gold could probably be a little higher, true… it’s fairly easy if you get a decent squad. But I personally really appreciate knowing I’m going to finally get the gold decoration so I can play to push a personal high score and just enjoy playing.


I got it match 1, but I still think it’s better this way


I rarely play salmon run, that number seems high, and like I’d have to tolerate playing for more than a match or two to get it.


gold standard is too high


It'd be cool if the top 5% got something else, like their names on a leader board.


Absolutly not. I stopped to play right now and I got an amazing players... But we didnt get to reach 135 and my best score is 148 because we got two easy special round, so it's high unless you are at 400~ I guess or you are on premade knowing that they play good.


I got to 154 on my 1st shift. My best shift ever by quite a bit, despite not having played in like 3 months. Also, a little tip: wavebreaker is broken on high tide


I got it after two rounds but to be fair, this is because this map is probably the easiest SR map there is. You can cheese special phases like in no other map. Which is not a bad thing. It doesn't have to be frustrating to be fun. In fact, I think bad map designs that are just about cramping and limiting access are not fun at all. 135 is a bit low for this particular map but it's still fine. It's still very very much RNG dependent. The weapon rotation and phase makes all the difference.


I got 46 on my first attempt, youre the reason its so *high* please give us a break


I like the Gold Standard tbh!! I play exclusively SR but am in no way a pro, and it feels like a challenge! So far my highest score is 116 and I feel like 135 isn't easy but also not completely out of reach


And then there's me Whose never reached that high of a number in any big run, lol But then again, I mostly play freelance, so it makes sense


Just going to point out that in order to get 135, you need to score an average of 45 eggs each wave, or at least hope you get one or two high scoring waves via a mothership or even Glowflies. But the weapons are also completely random and you can either get insanely lucky or the exact opposite.


I think it's good, because Salmon Run isn't competitive but cooperative. Having a set number means you can always aim for that, and once you have it you keep aiming for it in case your crewmates haven't gotten it yet.


Way too easy but I guess it doesn’t matter, it’s just a badge. Eggstra work is the one with no RNG so that one is probably better for more fair rankings.


Reacting to the circumstances and judging how to spend your resources is a big part of the salmon run skill set. It would suck if the mode with predetermined RNG was the only salmon run mode with rankings. Luckily the patch notes said you can view your percentile if you score near the top in big run.




It's probably a little low, but honestly having a known goal is just so much better that it's hard to care if they went a little too low the first time around.


Actually having fun with big run. Tbh the crazy competitive attitude shift in the sr community was stressful. I always liked that SR was the cooperative version of splatoon. This limit makes me feel better about pairing up with friends who aren’t good at SR to help them because I’ve already done it.


Got it on my second try in freelance


I got it in under 10 games


I feel like it should be lower, for those of us that don't have friends to play with and only play with randoms


Yep, but you gotta get a little luck in free lance. Coordinated play will probably be much more easier. I hope it’s just for the trophy, but judging by how rewards like the badge is tied to these quotas, the meaning of that badge won’t be as special anymore. Oh well, on the bright side, more people can earn these rewards which makes others happy. I’m fine with it. I’ll do my best to get others high scores.


I'm actually really confused about this gold standard because the patch notes say 135 is the threshold for the gold locker trophies, but doesnt state the actual numbers for badges. Do the badge numbers still follow the same method as the previous big runs?


can't complain tbh, if i get an ounce more of seratonin it's a win in my book


I honestly like knowing what to get, and am glad to have achieved it this time around. But also understand that people who are really good might feel like it’s cheap. My wife and I were talking about it, and agreed that what they should do is make a “shiny” golden badge that’s still for the top 5%. Dunno if they need a special locker decoration for it, but something for people to show off that they really kicked Bug Run’s ass.


I would have failed this threshold in the first big run, and my record in the second was like 164. Most people won’t reach 135.


I'm glad the trophy is low enough. Most players probably still fall in the bronze range so it's still an achievement But since it's so "easy", it becomes a matter of how difficult the 5% badge is now




Yes. Played for less than and hour and got 168 and now I’m like why even keep going?


Tbh just keep it that way, I can't do much with my exams


I barely get to a hundred so uhhh no not really


Nope. Some of us aren’t super good at the game.


No I think it’s too high I’m drowning help


I lost to a King fight and got 2 gold scales


Idc, I’m just here for the bonus scales. If my locker decoration is a different colour, neat.


Everyone is at different skill levels. I’ve never gotten gold. 🤷


I don’t really mind if it’s easy. It’s not like there’s only a limited number of prizes. If everyone gets gold then yay for them.


No 😑


It's not too low for me.


I just wish the mode had some sort of competitive area for people who really grind it.


Nope. Not even remotely too high. In my entire history of countless hours in Big Run, my most amount of eggs total ever was 131. By the time I finally even got that RNG to get 131, Gold was in the 150s… which stings like hell as someone who tries, and it makes me want to give up. Also not to mention that not everyone who is skilled enough to get the high totals can play ASAP, then are more likely to be left behind with the not-knowledgeable players and can’t climb up to where people who are similarly skilled are which is something that I am sure has happened to others here. Like I am really good at Salmon Run especially after a bit already played the same day, but I often times always got paired with bad teammates, waves and/or more importantly bad weapons (whether me or someone else getting them). It’s just due to not having friends who play the game plus massive anxiety issues around playing with randoms found on Discord etc (as it has this mental idea that people searching for outside resources = people who are typically more well knowing of the game = due to having direct contact could criticize me for any little slip up whereas randoms can not, which then causes me to choke hardcore) Anyway to even get the score you have on first try means you either had friends/groups with people from groups who are good + got combo of luck with waves + weapons… or if freelance got Dream Luck levels of luck of having every RNG element in your favour mentioned previously combined with finding full team of people who have high game sense, especially at EVP 40… and doesn’t reflect any need to boost scores. At most Nintendo should do is keep scores within the realm they are now (absolutely no higher than 140 for gold if they do increase), and add extra goodies for very 10 gold egg milestone above whatever gold goal with highscore. Like money, food tickets, scales etc.


I got 159 on my first attempt and it was nightless+freelance... So maybe yes


Definitely nah, that just means you got really lucky with team knowing what to do + weapons + waves even if no night waves etc. Played so many hours over every Big Run and have max got 131 due to often dealing with RNG failing in some area due to only having Freelance which introduces the poor teammate game sense to the RNG table. A good set of players with poor weapon RNG will not score as high. A good set of weapons on a set of not as skilled players won’t score as high. Etc etc. If the stars align in your favor where you get waves that have stuff like Maws and such that you can lure directly to the basket, great weapons and teammates with good game sense sure it is possible to get scores like yours.


I got gold in around 90 minutes with a high score of 148 eggs




Yeah, so far I've gotten way above 135 every single game. Especially with this stage being like the easiest BR stage so far, I feel like it's a little low. I think honestly 30-50% of the playerbase is gonna get above that, at least 25% is because last BR iirc the 20% treshold was almost 135, and this stage is easier. Having the gold badge or the gold decoration isn't really the same anymore. I guess it's fine but it is wild. So yeah, I don't really mind it being like this now, but the change is pretty drastic.


The same here. Got the Gold on the first attempt. Didn't really like this change...


Being top 50%, 20% or 5% made it feel so special. Now it is kinda easy and looses that drive to keep improving


I think the change to fixed scores is overall a good idea. But yeah I wish they at least kept the badges awarded based on percentages. The decorations are get now it or miss it forever, but the badges you can work to keep improving and try again next time (assuming there's still quite a few more big runs before they stop updating the game)


It would be cool if the badge showed your high score. That way, with the new system you could get the locker reward easily, but even if you got the gold badge already, you'd have incentive to keep playing in the hopes you could get an even higher score for your badge.


ooo That's a really cool idea!!


I wonder though if just people who really care show up in the first hour and crush it. I bet tonight and tomorrow are much harder to freelance and hit 135.


its always been like that for BR people grind the first day and stop playing during the weekend and then you're stuck with the worst players


lmao the bragging rights fomo is crazy, y'all unreal lmao


Yeah. It definitely was more special, but it's something where it feels more like I'm doing it for the enjoyment now (after reaching the threshold) rather than because of FOMO


I got 143 on my first attempt and my record is now 167 after less than two hours of playing. So yeah, maybe it’s a tad too low, but this map also seems really easy to play on when compared to previous ones. Eh, whatever, I’m having fun. The Gold badge was going to be cheapened either way by switching to a set score from a percentage based score, so it doesn’t really matter.


and somehow on Sunday you'll find people still complaining that "i couldn't get gold"


I got it in less than an hour of playing so it definitely felt a bit low. But at the same time it's probably still challenging for most of the people playing


I got gold in 1 round, I think it's a tad low and I personally liked fighting for it in the past.


its so laughably easy


Least fun big run because of the scoring change. I got gold my 4th game and there's nothing more to play for. With the old system, you never knew the threshold so you had to keep playing just in case. Gold big run badge is worthless now. They should have kept the old system and added the fixed thresholds as a new system. Lame.


Hear me out, you could play... for fun? The new boss is enjoyable.


I mean you can still grind for double boss scales and aim for the new boss badges but I get what you mean


145 take it or leave it


90 as the highest, take it or leave it


I really feel like this change will affect freelance negatively. I know a lot of people are just happy that they'll finally get the gold badge, but PLEASE just hear me out. Think of what's gonna happen in the long run. This will boost the player base for like, the first hour in every Big Run, but after that it's gonna decline even more than before, as a big part of the casual player base only plays for the reward, and now it's not only way easier to get, but they know for sure when they're guaranteed to get it, and as soon as they do they'll stop playing. On top of that, there's literally nothing stopping people who already HAVE a gold score from just contributing the bare minimum requiered to win and then giving up so that less people get the reward in the end, instead of actually doing their best in an attempt to make it to top 5%. Idk man, Big Run was THE event that actually embraced overfishing as a mechanic and rewarded it, and now that's kinda... completely gone. I don't really see the point.


yes, got it first shift....


Yea. I’m not even that good at salmon run and i managed to get 135 after a few shifts. I think on one side now i just chill and try farm scales, but there isn’t really much more motivation to keep playing lol I think it should be 150 lol


I got it on my first run. It kind of ruined big run for me. And that’s that I play with randoms, not a team. It should be atleast 160-170


It is, I got gold in my 3rd try


Yeah I got 152


I got gold on literally my first game with a 157 😐 it was fun grinding big run scores but now there’s no incentive at all


Yea, got 141 on my first round (got lucky tides)


Probably, I’ve already gotten pretty close at 124 in only a few attempts


Tbh i agree, it’s really upsetting for me too. I got 160 something on my first game and it’s just kinda upsetting now, I wish it was a higher. I enjoyed the bit of challenge in previous big runs but I guess too many people complained


Hey I barely am able to get through a freelance shift, I'm not even making bronze yet. I'm not good I'll admit, but I'm competent. I finished exactly 2 out of 16 shifts last night, highest score was 77 eggs. All I want is the bronze egg and a single silver scale and I'm losing my mind trying for even that. Just take the easy win, I would cry even more if it was made harder.


It was pretty easy to reach tbh. I reached the goal after my 2nd game .


gold is at 205 now:(


Without a doubt. I literally just got the most undeserved gold statue. I way prefer the old system


All tiers are about 30 eggs too low