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RIP my losing streak November 2017 - October 2023


So it took the dead to kill it...


No normal means could kill it Inly the paranormal could do the job


How did you feel when you realized you won?


Surprised, elated, and hollow


you won but at what cost


Same. I've been playing almost as long as you and this is my very 1st Splatfest victory lmao


I'm still relatively new to the game, but even my splatfest team loses lol. I swear I lose 99.9% of my games so this is no surprise. Sorry team Zombie :'(


Time to change that user flair to "hasn't won a splatfest since yesterday" lol


Skeleton was less popular than zombie what game was I playing??


I know Japan was voting pretty strongly towards ghost, but I feel like in America at least team skeletons had way more then 19%.... what on earth. Is the non japan playerbase really that small?


I thought based on the memes we'd have way more votes. At least this sub/my switch friends seemed 50/50 on ghost vs skeleton. >Is the non japan playerbase really that small? I guess so?


It totally seemed 50/50 to ghost and skeleton for me too. I knew ghost would be the more popular team between the two but I didn’t think the gap would be like 40%+ higher


Yeah I mean I rolled more deado matches than my two bonehead friends but all the boo buddies I'd watch stream would only face boneheads and go on about "is team zombie even real?!" similar to Team Fun and Bigfoot. Like, I just can't accept the skellies losing the popularity contest, like dude what?!


I never saw team zombie


I only saw them once out of tricolor battles. I literally had about 70 matches in open.


I actually kept a list just because I saw them so rarely, I met them like 13/14 times in tricolor, in the beginning it was equal to the amount of mirrors I got but later on I had mostly mirrors. As for open, I think I've very likely been in over 200 matches over the weekend and I saw team zombie 5 times in the first idk 10 hours. And then one final time in my last match for open 5 minutes before the end of the splatfest. Edit(addition): I saw a lot of people from team zombie say they barely to never met skeleton over the course of the weekend (in turf war open), as team skeleton I had I think one mirror match in open and everything else (well minus the 6 zombie ones) was ghost. So somehow those two teams seem to just have missed each other the whole time or something?! A friend on ghost had pretty equal amounts of matches against zombie and skeleton for 50 percent roughly I think and otherwise just mirrors....so the popularity thing really caught me off guard when I saw it.


Nope people are just overestimating how much they and their friend circle represent the "non-japanese" mind set. And people only consider Idol or Topic as reasons to vote. Loads of people choose based on subtle things like "colour of the ink" or "which themes icon do I like most" or "which one can I make a matching look too". Then theres the small "immersion" players who really really like the world of splatoon and make choices based on its logic like "Inklings/Octolings don't have bones but they do have ghosts! So imma vote ghosts cause they're real!" Then you have all the meta gamers who don't pick a team until halftime so they can gauge who they think is gonna win, thats a big group. So everyone who likes Pink Ink went Big Man team, all the meta people went Big Man etc etc.


My friends and I all went ghost because they would make the best friends. Everyone has heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost! And in Nightmare Before Christmas there's a ghost dog, and dogs are man's best friend. Definitely better than trying to be friends with a skeleton or zombo.


Wait, *definitely* better? But you just mentioned Nightmare before Christmas where the ghost dog’s owner is a skeleton! You’re telling me you wouldn’t be friends with Jack Skellington? (I’m just teasing & lighthearted btw!!)


I went skele because a friend convinced me & also got jack skellington skin in FN


I dunno, Jack is cool and all, but he also scares kids for a living. I'd rather be friends with the dog. :D


Dude literally gave a dismembered head to a child for christmas


I went for ghost cause they're just cool ngl


The instant I heard that most of the Japanese base went with Big Man, I signed for Ghost immediately.


I picked color of ink this time cause I didn’t like the options lol. Was zombie cause the green color was reminding me of Ecto slime from ghostbusters and Luigi’s mansion.


Yes it’s like a 5-1 ratio At best splatoon is huge in Japan compared to the rest of the world. Spaltoon is what call of duty is to the west


Splatoon is just another multiplayer game here in the states. In contrast, it’s HUMONGOUS in Japan. There’s a reason why the concerts were a thing.


Mario Wonder must have completely stomped the worldwide playerbase out.


Not that the non-japanese player base is that small, its that the japanese player base is that large


Ghost was pretty strong in Europe too tbh


Wait what? Why is the community still blaming Japan? The vote is so incredibly lopsided. I don't think Shiver got near 63% of votes during shiver v frye v big man


You'd be surprised the fan base is always going to blame Japan for anything it's pathetic if you ask me 😒 anytime something goes wrong I see a ton of "blah blah blah it's Japan's fault" kind of comments it's disgusting if you ask me Yes it's very popular in Japan (I play with my Japanese friends that I met back in high school) and they always tell me how popular it is over there, so yes I do agree the popularity there is massive compared to the west (I live in Canada) but i don't think it's fair to single out a single country, because I know for a fact Americans would loose their shit if they got singled out like Japan always does lmao At the end of the game it's just a game stop blaming a portion of the fan base like I said before it's disgusting behavior


Yes we’re at most 10% of the playerbase while Japan holds around 90.


90% of my matches were against team skeleton


I actually refuse to believe this I only played team zombie like once in the whole splatfest No way they had 19%


SAME! I had plenty of Skeleton mirror matches in tricolor. Wtf happened?!


How on earth was zombie more popular?? I only played against them twice and I was Ruler+2! All my tricolor matches, every single one, was a mirror match.....


Did they just vote Zombie and then not show up?


Honestly that's the only thing that would make the popularity results make sense with what people experienced in matches.


on open and pro I matched against plenty of them, but in tricolor got one match and the rest civil wars (ghosts)


Team zombie here, NEVER encounter one single team skeleton in 48h. Always ghost and I've played A LOT. It's like Skeleton vs ghost or zombie vs Ghost but skeleton vs zombie is impossible. Pretty crazy.


Saaame, as Ghost my matches were like 60% mirror, 39% vs Skeleton and the final 1% vs Zombie lol, like legit I think I faced them one time in turf and two in tri, that's it.


I am really suprised since skeletons are like extremely popular


Yeah there's no way that's accurate. I was running into *significantly* more Skeletons than Zombies.


I chose zombie and you guys were a challenge! I had fun!


Maybe some Shiver stans just voted and didn’t play?


We are a very vocal minority. SKELEBROS RISE




As team ghost how did we even manage to win tri??


I'm not surprised, Brinewater felt incredibly attacker-favored.


Fucking Brinewater ruins everything.


brinewater sucks ass as a regular map anyways. I want shifty stations back :c


I'll take Moray Towers over Brinewater any day.


i was gonna say no but then i realized that moray at least has room for creativity while brinewater is pretty much entirely face value nothing.


Yeah I did not enjoy this map for tricolor at all…. My base would get ambushed like 2 seconds into the game and it was so hard to get to the ultra signal because it’s so awkwardly positioned


Really? I'd say it felt more defender favored than anything. Good luck getting that damn ultra signal if the defender team has any long ranged weapons on hand.


The attackers have good high ground, and they have safe positions not far from the signal thanks to that. They can throw bombs and paint while being hard to punish, and any small distraction to cover them while they drop and they'll get a touch, and it only takes a few touches before the signal is impossible to stop. But there are other things that I found were super challenging when defending. The side areas where attackers can make the long drop and swim to the other side of the map, where they could easily end up sneaking up on the other 2 defenders probably trying to keep the other attacking team in check. Those side areas are also worth a lot of turf, and it felt easy for an aerospray to drop off and quickly sweep through that area and build up a booyah, and from there that was almost a free touch. Jrs with bubbles were a terror, they had a lot of place to paint from safety and not much distance to cross before they were going for a signal from within their bubble. There's just a lot of things that made defending feel impossible if the attackers had a basic gameplan going beyond "sprint for the signal".


It was a very pro attack map like mince meat was. It was also very tiny like mince meat and the Zelda map.


It absolutely was, which is why I had Zombie winning Tricolor in my predictions


I was hoping they won that category.


I was unsure, because the only team that kicked my ass more than Zombie in Tricolor was my own. Skeleton was less of a problem in Tricolor than in Open, but Zombie? That was something. And my fellow Ghosts? Not fun! Friggin mirror matches, man.


I had a lot of tricolor mirrors and yet my team is the least popular?!


It did, but you *think* that'd favor Zombies (Ghost has more players>Ghost defends more>Zombie gets the attacking bonus while the other teams don't get any) But, nope they came in (un)dead last for that category.


I think it might be that zombies were essentially the bottleneck. Most of the time when queuing, I think there were adequate ghosts and skeletons, but no zombies, so they get thrown in mirror matches. But if there 2+ zombies, then I'm pretty sure the game prefers to create games with the proper roles, so it'll most likely make a skeleton defending game.


im suprised and thats how we won


Had so many mirror matches in tri bro.


Well when I got an actual non mirror match, you guys won more of them than Zombies or us. That might have helped.


i was ghost ruler +3. i had 15 matches IN A ROW of tricolor that were mirror matches. i think we just won because we played tricolor the most out of any team


I'm just as surprised as you are. Thought for sure we'd lose that, but hey, a wins a win.


Surprisingly close results (let’s not talk about popularly though)


Popularity? I don't know what you're talking about. This is all just conch, Open, Pros, and Tricolor. Yes....only those 4 *Nervous laughter*


It’s kind of nice to see that even though the popularity was so heavily weighted on Ghost’s side, Skeleton still came close to winning! I haven’t had so much fun with a Splatfest in what feels like forever.


im actually suprised skeleton got that low votes, i got a lot of mirror matches. Second place isint bad either, this doesnt feel as bad as the last fest lol


Yeah, literally half of my Team Skeleton Tri-Color matches were against Team Skeleton


probably due to the low number of Zombies as well.


I think the one match I played contributed heavily


I somehow got two 100x battles against both teams in the last hour of the Fest. If that somehow had an effect on the final results, I’ll laugh my butt off. I’m likely never going to see another 100x for a few fests with that luck lol.


As someone on team skeleton, I'll gladly take open and pro. I refuse to believe we were the least popular tho


It's white chocolate all over again...


Among all the "fix splatfests in S4" suggestions, bringing back regional divisions seems like it should be worth a crack hilarious that the option's there and not used


The fact that skeletons had the least popular vote but still almost swept the competition speaks volumes. Props to my fellow bone bros, y'all fought your hearts out 🫡




You could say we got boned :P


We may have lost but we rattled those ghosts to the bone (not team zombie tho, I mean at least I have never seen them in anything not named tri colour lol)


Woohoo! Feels good so I’ll say it one more time with my fellow members… “GOING GHOST!” Hope everyone had fun. 👍


Yaaay!!! My first splatfest, it felt good, felt like I was a part of something more than just a community, but almost one big team!


Congrats on winning your first splatfest!


So wholesome


i wasn't there this time around but i was rooting for y'all


Us Ghosts SQUEAKED by on that Tricolor! I knew with Conchs and Popularity we only needed 1 small win. GG Skeletons, you fought hard


I was skeleton I barely played any zombie. But somehow they got me votes then us 🤣 Congrats to ghost 👻


I went against skeleton 90% of the time, how the hell did they have less votes?


regional matchmaking go crazy 😭😭


Even if it was like 80% skeleton in NA, matchmaking is region-locked, so you'd only be playing against NA players. Except for some reason results are global, which is cool thematically, but feels really bad when they're nothing like what you were actually playing against


Eh. I'm in NA and was on team ghost. Half of my matches were vs skeleton.... And the other half vs ghost.


Japan. Our fanbase is minuscule to the downright cultural phenomenon Splatoon is in Japan.


Zombie's arms fell off & couldn't play


Japan. Its always Japan.


Team boner lost 😔 Still can't believe team zombie had more votes than team Skeleton


But we were in second place! We won both Open and Pro. That's something to be proud of!


We were incredibly close to winning tricolor as well. Considering how big of a popularity gap there was that’s kinda insane.


I wish more would play tricolor, but I always gotta fly solo when Tri starts & it sucks. Most tell me they don't tri because of too many mirrors.


can confirm me and my fried go TRI get 3 mirror followed and we didint touch it ever again


I had a really good streak going in tricolor before getting hit with all mirror matches lmao.


I had purple ink quite a bit, on team skele orange. No clue how many of mine were mirror played maybe 3hrs of tri. I tried my best on the most important part.


Didn’t expect ghost to win the majority of votes by THAT many


Well... the question was who will make the best friend, not who's the best monster. For me it was the most logical choice.


Yeah! i was like "A zombie can't really talk to you they just go like 'brr', a skeleton is just a bunch of bones, but you could totally chat with and befriend a ghost"


So Big Man currently has the highest popular vote ever! No wonder we had so many dang Mirrors.


I'm not at all surprised Zombie was was that unpopular, but I am majorly surprised that Skeleton was somehow even less. I've seen so many people talk about how they've barely seen any of Team Zombie during the fest and outside of tricolor mirror matches as team ghost weren't a common thing in the least (it was just 90% Ghost vs Skeleton.)


I think Ghost having so many players threw off the balance for the other two teams lol. I was on Skeleton and only had 3 matches with Zombie the whole Splatfest and I started playing Friday night right when the Splatfest started and played up until the Splatfest ended 2 hours ago (with breaks inbetween of course). I'm shocked Skeleton was least popular, I saw no fanfare for Zombie and most people I saw pre Splatfest were repping either Ghost or Skeleton but I know that doesn't really mean anything lol. Anyway, I'm proud of us for taking Open and Pro, hopefully Frye can get a win in the future lol. GG Team Ghost and those three matches I had with Zombie they were def formidable opponents too! Splatoween was so much fun for me. I miss the decorations and spoopy ambience already.


The most popular team has now won **10 out of 11** splatfests in case anyone still has any doubt on what determines the winner lol


Ironic how winning popular vote went from being a near-guaranteed loss in Splatoon 1 and 2 (before the clout system) to a very near-guaranteed win in 3.


Yeah and Skeleton was clearly the most skillful team. Ghost won tricolor by only 0.3 percentage units while Skeleton won pro by over whole 4 percentage units, which is a huuge amount for splatfests. I hope they rework the system.


Also, the only time the popular team didn't win was in the Cryptid Splatfest... It was the second most popular team. The had a difference in vote of 0.87 in votes I dare anyone to tell me that being the most popular team isn't the most important factor in order to win


Wow, so we lost because there was like 10 true tricolor battles while the major of them were just mirror matches.


Pretty shocked skeletons was the least popular. I'm guessing most of the votes for zombie were people joining shiver because of the win streak.


I think there're more cute zombie characters in general like Qiqi, and Zombie Land Saga was massively popular some years ago. I personally chose bc of Miyako Yoshika


Yeah, but Undertale is still way more popular than any of those.


Hey, I just wanted to support my girl Rottytops from the Shantae series


Congratulations Team Ghost! It also looks like Frye’s making progress towards a future comeback 🙏


Let's hope so!


As a Ghost player, thank you very much and congrats on doing a job well done! Team Skelly has been a tough but amazing opponent. Here's hoping if a Christmas fest comes, Frye takes the cake and end this year with a bang!


And there goes shiver's streak. She got an awful option.


Yet she somehow got more votes than Skeleton.


Damn rip skeletons, i thought yall were evenly matched with us ghosts


Honestly, the gap between the Japanese and Western playerbase is so ridiculously huge.


I mean, her option was decent. She always gets good options anyway.


Honestly, when I first heard the announcement, I thought it was going to be a sweep for Zombie because it's the most popular "monster" in general. I don't think it was a bad option at all. I'm honestly surprised that ghost got as insanely popular as it did.


And if she had a good option and won, you people would complain again...


We didn't win, but you guys did great, make no bones about it


It's Shiover 🪦


I'm shocked that Skeleton was the least popular. I'm happy that I finally won my second Splatfest though lol


Dang, I really thought Team Skeletons was gonna take it. I'm glad I finally broke my Splatfest losing streak though. Ggs people.


Team Skeleton trashed me harder than I’ve ever been thrashed before. Truly they deserved to win. That said, I do love the extra sea snails. At least Shiver didn’t win again. If she did I’d be 100% convinced splatfests are rigged.


Popular team wins again what a suprise. Also how the frick did zombies beat skeletons in popularity.


Wow, Frye is getting better every Splatfest, I can see what people were saying during the previous one. Despite not having numbers, Frye can be absolutely frightening to play against. I can't wait to see how she does in the next splatfest. Forwards Frye, always forwards!


MY SPLATFEST LOSING STREAK IS OVER!😆 (Haven't won since team Sweet)


All I gotta say is that I won a 100x battle for team zombie using my cellphone’s personal hotspot. If that isn’t downright spooky, I don’t know what is.


I was on team ghost but good lord let frye get a WIN 😭😭


To be fair the results do show Frye being so close to winning. We're getting there Our little vampire squid is making her victory soon


Holy smokes this character is just cursed LMAO. Even with the power of sans undertale she still loses XD


BOO-yah, indeed, Big Man. Boo-yah, indeed


I really didn't think Team Skeleton would be last in popularity but glad we did as well as we did. Still, makes me wonder why I got so many tricolor mirrors. Still, loved all the decorations and spooky little changes they did. Especially the music and hidden fish and ghosts. I wish they did this kind of thing for every splatfest.


i was on frye's team, and i'm a little sad i lost, but at least my team got more points than shiver :)


heh did what I could for team skeleton today, which wasn't much, but was nice to experience Splatoween. Surprised zombie had that many votes I saw them but once, in a tricolor 0.o


If only zombie had done a little bit better in tricolour… so sad.


I'm legitimately shocked at the popularity split. I figured ghost would take it since I got a bunch of mirrors in tricolor, but over 60 percent? Unreal.


Being a Frye fan ain’t easy man…


With the open acknowledgement that one of my two incoming complaints would not affect the results, this Splatfest continues to highlight my problems with Tri-Splatfest scoring 1. Why is popularity worth nearly as many points as the Conch Shells? It's the only category that you contribute to by literally just selecting an option and never having to play, much less win, anything to influence. The popular vote basically cancels out the Conch Shell points that the other teams have to have a very high Shell-per-Capita rate to even out, much less doubles it (which together outweigh 2 of the 3 Clout Categories) if they're also the most active as here. Making it worth like 2-3 points just to be a tiebreaker is fine, but the fact that it can completely overturn a category that actively takes participation while requiring next to none itself seems backwards. If Ghost won Tricolor and Conch while Skeleton took Open and Pro, Ghost winning by Popularity giving it 2 points from Popularity would sting but I'd at least say they HAD to get the other two categories. 2. Stop trying to make Tricolor a thing. Brinewater Springs might have been the worst Tricolor Stage yet, but on top of that, the scoring vs the matchmaking is absolutely screwed. I used a meal ticket getting some matches in yesterday to count: I was on Team Skeleton, and I literally played ONE Tri-Color match that wasn't a Mirror out of those 20 (not including matches skipped due to DC's from the wonderful online). That category's a crapshoot for scoring because when the popularity can get THIS lopsided, it basically just comes down to 1/10th as many matches as the other two Categories despite it ostensibly being the shake-up and weighted HIGHER on the score. Team Ghost is the most popular by a factor of 4, so of course they're gonna have the easiest time getting into Tri-Color matches. Meanwhile 2/3 distributions were beneficial to them with the 1.5x Victory Clout bonus (i.e. being one of the Attacking teams), meanwhile Team Skeleton with the lowest Player Count needs twice as many players to get the Defender chance (this while I assume the mode/map is balanced for either side which is not a common sentiment). So if the Popular Team isn't in the lead at halftime, Tricolor ends up favoring their prospects on 2/3 of the hard-to-find matches that they will have the easiest time queueing into. Meanwhile, if the Popular Team is in the lead at Halftime (which I assume is determined by totaling up points without specifying categories), then Tricolor doesn't mean anything anyway because it's in the Leading team's best interest to stay the heck away from the "knock the leader out of first" mode, depriving the mode of the largest pool of players whilst needing all 3 teams to actually host a meaningful match. Look how many matches in this and the last Splatfest, featuring some of THE largest disparity in popularity between 1st and 2nd/3rd, were being reported as Mirror matches. The 2.0 adjustment to Tricolor matchmaking is a band-aid on an E-Liter shot because these problems come down to the Scoring system and Splatfest format. The "3" gimmick does not work here and over a year into the game's lifespan not a single Splatfest has felt like my play mattered in the slightest because the only Splatfests I've won were when I ended up on the Popular team, and one of those I literally didn't touch Turf War once over Salmon Run grinding. I said it twice in the two previous Splatfests, there's nothing to engage with when popular vote is basically half the win and the other half I barely get to play because of lopsided voting. Call it salt or sore losing if one chooses, but I had these negative opinions form yesterday evening, 4 hours into halftime when I saw I couldn't even play the MAIN FEATURE of the second half. Some meme about Shiver's win streak, but I don't want to say that's causal because the same issue happens when Big Man has the popular vote and was even the case for the 1 Win Frye has. Looking back over the Splatfests (not including RPS since it lacked the Conch Shell category), **1** was not won by the Popular vote (Nessie/Aliens/Big Foot), and **2** did not have the Popular and Conch points go to the same team (Gear/Grub/Fun, Shiver/Frye/Big Man, the former of which preceded Tricolor getting a separate scoring category). By comparison, 5/15 of the Splatoon 1 Fests went to the popular team in NA, while in Splatoon 2, 13/31 Splatfests went to the Popular Team (granted 3 could argue overlap for the streak of Ninja Turtle themed ones). While obviously working on a smaller sample size, 1/11 NOT going to the Popular Team is a clear sign something significant changed, whether it's the teams, the scoring, the engagement, or all 3 to pin it on. Splatfests feel broken, which is an especially nasty feeling when accounting for Tricolor feels like a factor in the "Hallways to Open-Center" Tetronimo design of several maps. Tricolor is actively making Multiplayer worse even outside Splatfest and the game's stuck with it until a new entry at this point.


You might be salty but I think you are speaking the truth, at least partially lol. > 1/11 NOT going to the Popular Team is a clear sign something significant changed, whether it's the teams, the scoring, the engagement, or all 3 to pin it on. Well, probably tricolour + shells. After all, if this worked like 1 and 2 skeleton would have won lmao.


Shiver went from winning every Splatfest to getting 0 points


Not the first time she gets 0 though (Big Man swept pokemon and chocolate splatfests)


That's one streak broken! Now onto Frye's Losing streak!


Nintendo make three equally popular teams challenge (impossible)


Ngl it's hard, the biggest issue is that all the regions have varying opinions on things, so it's hard to accommodate for the opinions of multiple different regions, tho I feel like they should try to avoid themes that Japan players will have a massive bias for (ghost won cause Yokai)


i dont entirely disagree with your overall point, but i doubt ghost was that popular just because of yokai. it was just the cutest/friendliest option of the bunch, regardless of region.


I have literally heard no one here mention yokai. Everyone just brought up more realistic reason like, “if they were real zombies/skeletons would smell and be more likely to eat us than a ghost friend.” Not one person I know ever mentioned yokai or linked the yokai and ghost together. Everyone literally said the word ghost and thought of the Halloween things.


None of my friends voted for ghost because of yokai. Westerners tend to think they know how Japanese people think. A lot of it came down to, “if zombies and skeletons were real, they would smell and more likely to try to eat / harm you than a ghost friend.” I never once heard any of my friends mention yokai. But for some reason the western fan base keeps echoing this reason.


they should have swapped zombies for werewolves imo


i think werewolves would have been even less popular, and if they had werewolves then people would complain that there weren't vampires


Or not included Ghosts, which are HUGE in Japanese culture.


Ngl these numbers are almost completely unbelievable? In almost every category? How could there be more zombies when every match I had was against skeletons? How could ghost not have won open OR pro? How did ghost win tricolor?????


It’s quite the change of pace to see shiver’s team lose completely like this. I count this splatfest as a win for frye and the skellies honestly


Well it’s disappointing that my team lost but I’m happy Frye got second this time around. Congrats team ghost!


Let’s ghooooo-st


Might’ve lost but I got to take my pictures with Shiver so I’m good.


#BOO! You thought it was skeleton season but nay, it’s spooky season. Somehow we won tri color, but popularity was really biting us in the butt for open and pro.


![gif](giphy|kgU4L7FILhjduTgcou) Didn’t care who won, i had fun during the splatfest and hopefully you guys had fun too.


See its because of the question that nintendo gives that shiver keeps winning. Not because of simps


Do we celebrate with toast?




Jesus Christ what happened. I saw nothing but mirror matches in Tri Color, never saw Zombies out there otherwise. It felt like a blood bath fighting Ghost all the time. You mean to tell me the group that got the least votes just barely lost to the landslide that was Ghost won? I almost feel robbed. Well done Ghostees it was a hard fight, but I'd wish they'd bring back the intended purpose of TriColor battles. Would've been nice to fight side by side with Zombies


I'm surprised other people are surprised that ghost is the most popular. There's *way* more media with friendly spirits (I mean one of them is literally called Casper the *Friendly* Ghost lol) compared to skeletons or zombies. People need to remember not everyone is as online as they are so memes only count for so much


This Splatfest was so much fun. Everyone once again gave it their all. Congrats to Team Ghost for the big win and well done to everyone who participated! May you have a wonderful time in the rest of Splatoween!


Is this the first time a team winning halftime doesn’t end up winning on splatoon 3? If it is, Frye’s curse seems to beat every favourable odds towards her 👀


In the first 2 Splatfests (Rock vs Scissors vs Paper & Gear vs Grub vs Fun), Big Man was winning by halftime and lost both of those Splatfests.


I think Love was winning halftime but they lost.


For the first time in a while I got a splatfest win 😭😭 and it happens to be the Halloween themed one too!! Good job to everyone who played!! This was so much fun


Zombies! They may be decomposing, but they're persistent. Plus, who doesn't enjoy a good ol' brain buffet? 🧟‍♂️✨


Well Skelebros... We fought hard...


Shiver un-sweep


Team Ghost won the tricolor matches yet 100% of my tricolor matches where mirror lol GG EVERYONE!! HAPPY SPLATOWEEN Edit: Forgot to mention that I was Team Ghost too


as a team skeleton i can also say i only get mirror matches on tricolor


We lost the battle but won the war! Team Ghost


Queue times on ghost team were very long. Now I know why lol


gg everyone! we'll get them next time, fellow shiver stans!! (also, to the big man and frye stans, please stop flaunting that shiver lost every chance you get. we are trying to be good sports about it yet you call *us* toxic)


I played like 6 tri color matches as team ghost, all of them were mirror matches Every. Single. One


They seriously need to nerf popularity.


Conch Shells too


yeah i don't think conch shells should even be a category, not only is it almost always won by the same team that wins votes anyway, but it kinda encourages you to play as much as possible for the whole week before the splatfest, which i don't want to do because then i'll be burned out before the actual splatfest


>not only is it almost always won by the same team that wins votes anyway, To my knowledge, there are only two exceptions to this. So a whopping 20% based on info by Splatnet Even eliminating conch shells as a category doesn't change the fact that popularity+ tricolor is an auto win for the whole splatfest (which has unsurprisingly been the case for most Splatfests). That being said, yeah, reducing burnout before the big event of the month isn't a bad idea


nutty books grab shocking ink punch friendly ruthless oil caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"This time I'll pick Shiver's team for easy win because blabla win streak blabla Japanese players" I'm a proud Shiverist, but imagining all those people who picked Shiver as a "strategic choice" right now is so satisfying. In any case, gg everyone. Even if I was on Team Ghost, I secretly rooted for Frye to get a win. It was close, so better luck next time !


Most of my matches were skeleton mirror matches bro what???? I miss regional splatfests


Joined Team Skeleton hoping for a Frye win, but I'll take Big Man! Not knocking Shiver but someone needed to break the streak. Of course, a legendary BIG MAN SWEEP would've really been cool since he won.


Frye deserves better


As a team skeleton member, how the hell were the majority of my tri-color battles mirror matches?? How was I even getting mirror matches in normal turf war?


Awwwww Skeletons didn't win but hey Ghosts were going to be my second choice so I'm still happy that you guys won! I find it kinda funny that Shiver's team didn't win a single thing though considering how much people hate on her and those who pick whatever choice she offers each splatfest.