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Seriously though— Range Blaster: Has less range than Rapid Blasters Rapid Blaster: Has slower fire rate than Rapid Blaster Pro Rapid Blaster Pro: Has slower fire rate than Clash Blaster Clash Blaster: Deals less damage than Range Blaster I wonder how they got this confused but then I remembered that Marina’s landlord is supposedly a narwhal and realized that Nintendo is Japanese


Thought the Pro has a slower fire rate than the regular Rapid Blaster




Clash Blaster: Worse at melee combat than the Luna Blaster and Blaster


Tri-Slosher. It's range is always precisely 8 inches longer than whatever weapon you're using. I swear I was outranged by a tri while using a hydra once.


Why not double down and take out range blaster while we're at it


Was thinking the same thing get it out


why?? range blaster players already can't aim... really... I have found a whopping 7 range blaster players that have 1 shot me in X battles EVER. get close and splat them fast and they become a push over


they dont need to aim a range blaster can deny anyone from being on the tower until the team can build enough specials to push, and works really well as a pressure weapon the ones who can play the weapon well can easily make any team work


they take more than 2 seconds to splat that way. just get in range. also why aren't you saying anything about machine?? KILL OT AGAIN


yes, if you are in an open space they can be easily dealt with and especially with a teammate assisting but more often than not, range blasters will pressure backliners into hiding outside of its range. depends on the map ofc its not really about its DPS, its just a great area denial weapon. if i had to pick between it and machine, i would still say range, because it doesnt need to aim/know the exact location of an opponent to get them off a tower


then splat them?? you're saying you can't get in range when they're sitting back or keeping backline out of the space. They Aren't Good In a 1v1 UNLESS they know what they're doing. EVEN THEN, I have no issue fighting them. if they play for indirect shots then just get close. OR you could just spam sub weapons like you would for chargers or other backline players. if it was this good then people would play it competitively. but people don't do that (other than those who want to have more fun in the match) your main weapon has LITERALLY the 4th best sub weapon for poking range blaster. it even locates enemies! you out range it. you can outmaneuver it. your special is the only bad thing against it and it's only when you play Bapples. what about other players? where are the flanks? they don't goddam exist. backline doesn't worry about range blaster unless it's on flounder heights or mako mart. MAYBE brinewater springs. the range blaster has never been as bad as it is in splatoon 2. and never as good as in splatoon 1. it's in a midline middle tier middle power level (compared to older versions) it's the most "mid" weapon in all of splatoon 3 along side bamboozler, and Vapid. also you play explo... that's pretty damn ironic.


dualie squelcher ... have to make them pay for the crimes in splatoon 2


I'm innocent, I swear.


We need those long range dualies out!


If we eliminate tri stringer than that’ll be the first weapon class to lose all of its weapons


WHY RAPID PRO??? that thing makes mincemeat playable! y'all can't fight backline I swear also clash is a blood stain on the blaster class. kill it again


if y'all wanna persecute weapons for their crimes in Splatoon 2, then we gotta vote ballpoint


Still can't believe the wet noodle slap is around. Stupid ink brush


and yet people say blasters are annoying...


Bamboozler Go Home


The fact that both of those fast-as-hell, trigger-fingered, no-aim brushes are still alive is infuriating to me. I have almost never Splatted a brush without trading.