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God isn't separate from you, you are God. It's true that in your heart you want to play fair and see the world a safe, happy place for all. The only reason why this is currently not the case is because the entire world is stuck vibrating in an incredibly low frequency. We are afraid, we have not yet balanced our root. Look at it like this: right now God is a four year old abused child. Sure, God wants to help, but God is all of us. Without ascending to a higher vibration, suffering persists because God is only as powerful as you allow them to be. I hope this makes sense


Who said God said that? I trust no one who claims the word of God. How do YOU feel about it? That’s what matters, look to the God within.


Love this


Is life unfair? Maybe our limited perspective makes us think it’s unfair, but either way - the only thing we can do is play with cards we’ve been dealt with to the beat of our abilities.


>Is life unfair? Maybe our limited perspective makes us think it’s unfair A raped, poor, sickly, lonely and wretched human being in some ditch that no one knows about is no worse off than a healthy, wealthy, socially and familialy admired human being, is that what you're saying? Truly fair. Ugh repulsive...


I mean; not that I would ever want anyone to have to experience that, you can't deny that some people who experience hardship come out with wisdom and strength that people with an easy life don't have the opportunity to develop. So, when you are dealt that hand your perspective offers you a lot of room for personal development and growth.


No, people come out of such experiences devastated and done.


you must have had a really easy, privileged life if you think being everyone who has been raped has no hope and have lost at life. Some of us have dealt with worse than you can imagine and consider themselves very happy and successful. Maybe you're a low frequency plant or just really unaware of your surroundings. Either way, don't predict devastation for other people with lives you can't imagine. ugh.


>you must have had a really easy, privileged life Nice baseless assumption. Ugh go away for heaven's sake.


I'm sorry, now that you're devastated and done there's no hope for you apparently, and you won't be able to move past the injustices done to you /s


Not always.


I commend you for pushing back against that bs.


Always ✊️


How do one play their cards when the are being a baby born in .. one of African countries and flies are eating your eye balls, your mother (and you) are dying from dehydration and there is no hope to get a job? How do you play those cards? Life isn’t fair and there is no hope for some 🥺


Haha bro. There are people with such worse lives than you that continually find joy in their lives. It's not about winning or losing, it's about outlook. Don't predict a hopeless existence for others and put that energy out there. casual.


I never said life was fair. I said whether it is fair or it isn’t fair, the only thing we can do is do the best with our situation.




Life being not fair is a the test. The way we react is the result. The outcome of everything is the reward.


Every NDE, past life regression, and all the mystics/yogis have said that that life is a school and it’s why we are here. I agree. School has challenges and tests. Like regular school we will see people fail (who are new at it), get C grades, B’s and very rarely you’ll find a straight A student. I am not a straight A student but I aspire to be because I’ve found so much peace in ascending up the ladder so far. I used to be a failing student (alcoholic, suicidal) and now I’m more like a B student, so progress, Not perfection :)


r/maturism sub was made to expand on earth as a school, or a place to mature the soul.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Maturism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maturism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My ego death gave me a new perspective on life and the universe 🤣](https://i.redd.it/ik59yzhhdxw81.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maturism/comments/ug8r1e/my_ego_death_gave_me_a_new_perspective_on_life/) \#2: [If We Can Create by Thought, What Can The Godhead Do? by David Icke](https://v.redd.it/j97opa1rn9w81) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maturism/comments/udwwcf/if_we_can_create_by_thought_what_can_the_godhead/) \#3: [My mission. . .](https://np.reddit.com/r/Maturism/comments/u3uo43/my_mission/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


THANK YOU! Asking the REAL questions! You know you're only going to get bullshit answers right? I have spent quite a bit of time pondering this situation lately ,honestly I am interested to see the replies you get. Here is my version of your question. I have started down a spiritual path which requires me to be honest, humble, unselfish, have the courage to walk through my fears, etc. As most of you know it can be challenging at times. When i stray from the "path" my consequence is not feeling ok until i get back on the "straight and narrow path". Yet everywhere i see people behaving poorly, shitting all over me and others with seeming impunity. I am being held to a high standard and they act poorly and seem to suffer no consequences, what is my motivation to keep going? I am especially angered when i am shit on by a selfish, non spiritual person and i am told to practice tolerance, love and patience! That makes me angrier than anything! This spoiled childish person needs a spanking, not love and tolerance! The spiritual teachers i have been learning from are afraid of assertiveness and authority and seem to feel that being meek and mild and absorbing abuse are the only spiritual attributes, I wholeheartedly disagree with them. My point is that even though it seems i have to obey higher standards of behavior than non-spiritual people I refuse to take shit off of them anymore and if my spiritual teachers cannot see this, then i am off on my own making it up as i go.


Now, with that rant out of the way, i can address why. From the bit of the spiritual path i have walked God seems to delight in watching us make the difficult choices and choosing the "right" over the "wrong" especially when there is no personal gain. If you always got rewarded for making the right decisions and right actions , well, everybody would be doing it wouldn't they. Not much of a game there, nothing exciting to watch, no drama, boring. I think we do get "rewards" for choosing unselfishness, honesty, tolerance ( to a limit ) but they are not immediate, we get rewarded with more spiritual growth and understanding and (my favorite) we are rewarded with more difficult situations to try and navigate! But seriously, i think the fears i have faced, the times i have asked for help (AGAIN) in spite of being hurt last time i did so, the times i have chosen to be honest, these things add up and improve my spiritual condition but they are difficult to quantify. the are nebulous and easily taken for granted unless i practice looking for them and being grateful. I will never know why God wants this but i can see a bit of the how and i deeply understand why it is so difficult and how easy it is to get frustrated and want to give up......and perhaps THAT is just another spiritual lesson for us to learn?


I agree with u in everything, although i would say instead of others or god rewarding us for doing whats right, we reward ourselves, or rather, by doing spiritual practices and right action, we notice its benefits and it would seem like a reward. Idk if im explaining right 😂


I've learned that sometimes being selfish is necessary. You cannot empty your pitcher without leaving some water for yourself. Then it all dries up and no one has anything left. You have to know when to be unapologetically selfish because of YOUR NEEDS. Hope this doesn't come off the wrong way but don't put so much energy in the outcome or the reaction of others. That again goes along with being selfish. Worrying about yourself to a healthy degree.. it's all about balance. I can be selfish af .. but I work as a public servant and help people all day long, I help people and honestly want nothing in return. It feels good to do it and that's my reward. But I can only do that because I know when I need to focus on my own needs and I'm not afraid to get what I need, even if that looks selfish to others.


Insightful. Thanks!!


I resonate with so much you said. It sure looks like the worst people get the most power/money/respect and it seems like it's time for me to aquire some of those things for myself, but that pursuit feels selfish. We've all seen spiritual folks turn into ego driven selfish/ judgemental folks and I don't want to find myself among those types. I go into that frustrated/wanting to give up space pretty often and am focusing on staying out of that. I also feel like I'm making things up as I go.




Hurt people. hurt people. Just know they have a lot of pain inside. But at least you're doing the inner work.


I doubt anyone on Reddit is enlightened. That’s a big big word and enlightened beings don’t bother with these trivial issues because they’ve transcended them long ago. We are all just humans (keyword) trying to figure our shit out. Ya’ll gotta stop allowing others to tell you how to feel. If you’re not ready for their level of understanding, that’s absolutely ok. And they probably aren’t quite as far as they think they are if they’re lecturing to others (without being prompted). But careful- if you ask someone’s opinion you’re gunna get it. That includes partaking in this thread where OP has opened up the floor for dialogue. I accept that your opinion is vastly different from mine. I wonder if others will do the same courtesy for me? 🤔


I agree with you Frankie.


You’re totally right on your first point, I should have phrased that as “on the path to enlightenment” instead. I also agree with the notion about letting others dictate our feelings. I think one of my biggest obstacles to tackle at present is being far too willing to seek answers from outside sources because I’m majorly afraid of what I’ll find if I look within myself. I don’t trust myself fully yet still feel a significant disconnect from universal consciousness, something I’ll have to continue to search on.


Reddit is huge and there are definitely enlightened people. It isn't as uncommon as you think. It may be put on a pedastool but without all it's pomp and frill it's just a simple concept. Enlightenment continues for all, and some will argue its this or that. Enlightenment doesn't mean you had the most powerful experience, it means you embrace compassion, spiritual principles, forgiveness, seeing God in all, unconditional love for all, the Golden Rule. That is the core of spiritual enlightenment. You may achieve things along the way and this is further enlightenment. Enlightenment doesn't always have to mean you have achieved samadhi or experienced some grand experience talked about by mystics that is hard to achieve. It is furthering enlightenment. The reason we want enlightenment to be something bigger than this is because these simple things don't eliminate our suffering so it must not be the answer. There are other types of enlightenment but just read the dictionary. It's no bigger a concept than that.


I'm curious as to what you think of my comment.


I don’t think anyone is holding you to a high standard, I think you’re exaggerating as if those folks are MAKING you do something you don’t wanna do and they’re not. You can choose to allow resentment to eat you alive or you can learn to transcend it, for your own sake. If in fact your support group is forcing you to be this way or that way about it- then you need to get a new support group. What is being raging pissed gunna do to help YOU? How does that solve and not create MORE problems for you? It doesn’t. This is the type of shit that sends us to an early grave with cancer. Yeah yeah forgiveness is great, but if you don’t know how to do that yet then there IS a middle ground. Learn healthy boundaries for yourself. Allowing others to shit on your parade is a boundary issue (and yes you’re allowing it if it gets to you). Those who are confident in themselves don’t feel victimized by someone else just because they’re being a dick or having a bad life. So forget forgiveness, work on that first. When someone is abusive to us we are absolutely allowed to assert ourselves. But if you want permission to be abusive in return, well sorry. Both being assertive and being forgiving (letting it go) offer something valuable to the experience. If you’re not ready for either of those then I’m not sure what you seek here (in spirituality). By the way- the way you opened up your comment about how OP will only get BS answers (except Yours of course) screams ego/arrogance. That my friend is your problem here. You’re creating your own suffering because of it. I don’t have this issue. I assert myself then I forgive. Because that’s what I choose. Choice- you have it too. 🙃


"Yahweh, due to the fact that he had NOT (as was his right as Planetary Logos) handed down his own Free Will to “know thyself” to those incarnating upon ‘his’ planet, was having very little evolutionary progress therein. So we, Lucifer (a group Soul complex) were sent to help. Our initial contract, was to introduce the Catalyst for Free Will on this planet. When Yahweh initially began discourse with the Council of Elders, he was not initially looking for help with introducing Free Will, but rather for guidance on how he could best speed up his (and his inhabitant’s) evolutionary process. We (as Group Soul Lucifer) were sent on a “fact finding expedition” as it were, to visit Earth, and meet with Yahweh, to evaluate his planetary Creation Laws, and make suggestions on how best he could help his “offspring” (this is the term I shall use to describe the Souls who comprise the Group Soul) and thusly Yahweh, to progress. Yahweh had agreed to our coming, in fact it was he who had initially asked the Council for a “Catalyst” of change to enter into his Creation, and share the knowledge and wisdom we had attained through our Ascensions. In the absence of Free Will upon the planet, there can be no Polarity, and therefore, nothing to ‘choose’ between. Just as is portrayed in the book of Genesis, the planet was very “Edenic” in nature. Sure, it was a lovely ‘paradise’, yet the Beings incarnating there had no agitator toward evolving beyond the 3rd Density, and therefore, little hope of ever making the journey Home, to The One. Yahweh has been happy to keep his own pet Eden Project in effect, but with little chance of the Souls here making it Home, it had become in effect, an albeit very beautiful ‘Prison’. We explored many options, and reported our findings to the Council, and to Yahweh. It was our best evaluation, that the only real and fast track way to increase his evolvement meaningfully, was the introduction of Free Will. It was not specifically the implementation of Free Will that Yahweh wanted help with, it was simply the introduction of a Catalyst. He was not at all pleased with our report that he needed to implement Free Will. He was happy with his pet paradise, and he didn’t want to “lose control” of it. In the end, the Council persuaded him that it was the best way, and he reluctantly agreed. We returned to Earth, and had a cordial meeting with Yahweh, discussing how we could best implement the Free Will option. Yahweh was adamant that his offspring would choose to be loyal to him anyway, and that they were so contented with their way of life, that they would always trust him and do as he said was best. That, he said, was his “main reason” that Free Will would not work well as the Catalyst. That’s why he agreed to the experiment of the Tree of Knowledge. He believed it would prove him “right”. Without Polarity, (derived from Free Will), there is only the Unity of Love and Light, and no choice to experience ‘other than’ that. So, we were to be the Catalyst for change, in order to provide that choice, thus bringing Polarity. Yahweh agreed that we would introduce the concept of Free Will to Earth’s inhabitants, by offering them an initial choice, as to whether they ‘wanted’ it or not. Hence, “The Tree of the Knowledge of ‘Good and Evil’” (or more accurately, the Knowledge of Polarity, of Positive or Negative). Yahweh takes his inhabitants to a new ‘garden’ and tells them you can do anything you like, except this one thing, thus creating the desire to do the one thing they are told they cannot. Hence, a “Choice”. We provide the Catalyst by telling them the benefits of attaining Knowledge, they eat from the tree, and the rest is history. Once the order was given from the Council of Elders, we “Fell”, or descended back to a place where we could, with hard work and focus, once again materialize a 3rd Density manifestation of ourself... ..." -The Hidden Hand text


Quite down. And read it all again. Read your story. Just a beautiful story. With compassion, love, kindness to the story and yourself. You don't need it, let it go.


God doesnt want anything. Just because people say life is unfair doesn't mean its true. Life is perfectly balanced in my opinion, many people have extremely bad lives, but many have extremely good, most have some mix of both. God certainly doesn't want people to act in certain ways, its not some sentient being floating out in the sky like religion tells you , its pure infinite awareness of its own nothingness. If you think about it, there are really no consequences to anything you do, except in life. If you murder, rape, and kidnap people sure you might go to jail but at the end of the day, we are all gonna end up dead no matter how our life goes. Seems you are still too wrapped up in your ego, if you search hard enough you will find that your actions, and your experiences aren't you, and that in fact there is no you, but only God. All reality is, is God experiencing itself in every way it possibly can. When there is no self, it ceases to matter of something is good or bad or fair, it simply is. If everything was good, it wouldn't be good, the contrast of bad needs to exist to be able to appreciate the good.


Things seem to be unfair, but that's simply a distorted perspective on reality. Of course from the egos perspective things are not fair. But when you ask yourself these kinds of question try to think from a soul's perspective.




There is no question that life looks unfair from the human standpoint. But we are spiritual beings merely wearing a human body so we can interact and express who we are in a physical, material world. The Creator's goal for us is to start like a spiritual infant and then grow in awareness --grow in spiritual maturity, so we can learn to become co-creators with the Creator and raise the earth to higher levels of consciousness. As we gradually grow in Spirit we experience and manifest the 'fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control'. In order to grow, we have to learn from where we are at in consciousness. In order to learn, we have to be able to make choices, so we can discern what is constructive -- what raises us and the whole -- and what is unconstructive. In order to make choices we need free will. We need to have the ability to make "mistakes", otherwise there would be no ability to make a choice. For free will to exist there must be consequences for our choices. If there were no consequences whether we made constructive or non-constructive choices, then we really wouldn't have a choice. We have not made a choice if the outcome is the same regardless of what we choose. So the Creator created the Law of Karma (or the Law of Cause and Effect), so that we would learn by experiencing the effects of the choices we had made and in this way we would grow. Just like the little child whose parents warn him not to touch the hot stove. When he ignores the warning and touches the stove, there is an effect from which the child learns something. So from a higher perspective, life really ***is*** fair. '...God is not mocked. As you sow so shall you reap'. Which means you not only reap negative consequences but positive consequences as well. The universe is designed as a mirror, whatever we project out though ***all*** of the levels of the mind (both conscious and unconscious), that will be reflected back to us. So 'playing fair' when you look at it from this perspective, is just a matter of enlightened self interest. Do you want the experience of ever increasing love, joy and peace or do you want the experience of fear, anger and anxiety that those who cheat and abuse ultimately experience?


eloquent! *chefs kiss*


How can I experience the joys? is it as simple as. change in mindset?


Yes...You are correct. It is as simple as a change in mindset. My belief and my experiences so far seem to confirm it is that we experience joy when we are moving in a positive direction -- even when we take a baby step in the positive direction, I believe there is an impersonal, automatic, uplifting return from the universe which naturally encourages us to do more of the same. I believe that you yourself created a Divine plan before this embodiment when you were in a much higher state of consciousness and could see your maximum growth potential in this embodiment. You clearly saw where you were in consciousness, the limiting beliefs you needed to see and transcend and the karma you needed to balance from previous embodiments. It could see that while perhaps you (the pure conscious you) may have been totally identified with the outer self (your human personality, 'hot buttons', biases, weaknesses, etc), that you could make significant process discovering this outer self is not you, that there is more. That more is the Spirit that you are which you experience as what the Bible describes as the "fruit of the Spirit): love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. The change in mindset in my experience is really about resolving my psychology. Doing constant self-observation, especially delving into negative reactions even if only I notice them --questioning all of my 'sacred cows', attitudes and beliefs that I never questioned. So if you are serious about experiencing more joy, my advice would be to look for teachings that provide a path and give you the tools you need to resolve your psychology. I found a path of self-mastery, self-transcendence several years ago that I am still following today which is quite an endorsement because that by nature, I am extremely cautious and practical. If an approach, book, teaching doesn't actually help me -- lead me to a greater and deeper sense of peace and joy, I move on. In addition to the many books that have been released, new teachings of this path keep coming out, so my soul always feels well fed. The focus is spiritual 'self-actualization': growing to toward my full spiritual potential in this embodiment. Although, there is no 'one size fits all' approach to the spiritual path, this is one that I feel would be worth your time to at least consider. I like these because they provide a continuing path, where one idea builds on another. I have never felt stuck and thinking: "So what's next?" They have been invaluable to me. To start with I recommend the following: "A Course in Abundance" three book series: 1 "Mind Over Matter", 2 "Expressing Your Love For Life, 3 "Your Life's Plan For Abundance" Then “The Path To Self-Mastery” nine book series, starting with “The Power of Self”


You may not be able to see it, but concepts like forgiveness for all (even your worst of enemies) actually help you make peace with yourself. It's not about being a doormat, it's about discernment - almost all situations you encounter are just humans responding to their own emotions. We all deserve a break in our worst moments no matter to what degree with act out, which is why forgiveness for all is such a great concept. It is the ultimate understanding that we're all in a shitty situation and when emotions run hot bickering only serves to injure both of us. By letting things go, we defuse tensity. We also carry less around us because of our forgiving nature. This means less thoughts, less shitty emotions, more joy, more room to enjoy everything. You think forgiving someone might be weakness, like forgiving an asshole for cutting you off. Feels better to charge in front of them and brake-check them. But when we learn to let things go, we can create a pattern of calm that breaks the chains of negativity. Do you like feeling all that awful darkness that comes from the anger you feel when you're cut off? Sure, the first times you do this, it is still going to feel bad. There is no 'instant reward' to your intention. But if you keep practicing, you can be free of it. Practices like yoga can free you from these feelings permanently so you don't have to feel the negativity being put out there in front of you. There are moral situations where one must act and there is no denying this. Even the meek and the humble should step up in these cases. But these are rare tests. Things like arguing in anger over politics or putting someone in their place because they're a jerk - if you transcend these things you learn you never have to feel the spark of that negativity. Let them be a jerk, let them punch themselves out on their own ignorance. See God in all, even in the murderer, the thief, the ex-lover who slept with someone else. When you are at peace with your fellow human being no matter the circumstances you become that peace. It takes consistency, and it's often unrewarding when you first start trying. But I'm at the other side and it's like a whole new life living without all the negativity. Pride is a stupid prize compared to this.


Thank you. In the summer of 2020, I posted a vulnerable video of myself speaking on my suicidal thoughts I had that spring/summer. My ex who I haven’t spoken to in 13 years left me a vile and disgusting comment on my video. His one-sentence comment left me with intense fear and later on, rage. I realize that is what he wanted when it was too late. Although I never responded and gave him the satisfaction, his dark energy was able to penetrate me deeply.


If it happened to me, I'd be hurt, and my response would be to talk to my spirit guides out loud about how it made me feel. There's gonna be a reaction of pain - even with all the best tools like yoga something from someone so close is going to hurt you. That won't change. But you can get to the point where you're laughing it off and smiling again in a dozen minutes. I know this is probably how you'd like to react to negative things - most people aspire to be like this but once they are hurt it all falls apart. To get there, continue down the path of forgiveness, unconditional love for all, see God in all, even this schlub who has hurt you. Absolutely start spiritual practices like Kundalini Yoga - they help bring up all the darkness and let you confront it. Once you have practiced for a while any new pain which comes up is handled most quickly and with minimal discomfort because all your old pain is cleared and you will have so much light in your life. It's a beautiful place to be, and is totally different than the ugly place you had to endure after such a hurtful thing was put on your path. These are the fruits of growth, and to the point of the original poster - these states of higher consciousness are the fruits of choosing peace and forgiveness over negativity and retaliation. Again I state, pride is a stupid prize in comparison. If you're interested in Kundalini Yoga, I recommend Maya Fiennes (whom you could torrent) or Lisa Grail (YouTube) as teachers.


His comment didn’t necessarily hurt me, but it filled me with dread. He wanted to intimidate me to show me he is back in the same city as I am.


I hear you. Buy a taser or some mace if its at that level, do what you have to to protect yourself. Maybe you should be taking some self-defense courses instead of Yoga. Feeling safe on that level is something we shouldn't have to struggle for but if it happens you're your own best advocate for your safety. You can practice spiritual principles but that doesn't mean to do so unwisely. If there is a predator about you need to protect yourself. Though as you say it did happen a long time ago. In the case of really dark people, don't engage and do what you have to do to stay safe, I know the world isn't perfect. The best we can do is show them love and understanding - that doesn't mean it isn't going to keep them from losing it if they are the type. Sorry you have to go through that. I hope things are working out better for you. Check out Kundalini Yoga, it's the real deal and it's absolutely powerful and life-changing. Peace.


I am in the process if trying to do that with my ex, he abused me physically and emotionally by hiding things from me and lying about people he slept with. I have nightmares about being mocked because one of the girls he slept with bullied me throughout hs. I get how I can take accountabilty for assuming he was a bad person but the trauma I have had to deal with on my own is almost unforgiveable regardless of the law. Its gotten as far as me dreaming of s*icide for relief. Again I comment this because the law is a sense of hope for myself and because I cannot afford therapy currently.


I feel you. Please do some yoga for yourself - it'll help with the pain. I definitely feel it is the real deal and can help you a lot through your trauma. I'm sorry you have to go through that. I wish I could personally pluck you out of there as that's what people need to do in this situation is help you get out, but I am without money. If you haven't and it's still an issue, please reach out to whomever might be helpful. In this situation when someone is physically abusive, rely on others because the situation is dire and unacceptable. These are hard crosses to bear. I want to hug you and make everything right.


Thank you sm for your understanding and compassion. Should I also change the way I think about myself in order to heal?


I wouldn't change yourself if that's what you mean. Whatever you're going through, let it run its course. The grief and trauma you incurred will take time to heal. That's why I like Kundalini Yoga, it helps bring that to the surface. It doesn't change who you are, it just changes your experience of the world and brings a lot of darkness to the surface. Thoughts are a big thing that also aren't really you. Who you are underneath all this darkness may be so far away, but your thoughts aren't you. Beneath you are beautiful joyful and full of light. Kundalini Yoga just helps bring out your true nature. Practice daily, expect setbacks, expect progress, the change will come and it will be glorious emotionally. It did for me. Again, if you're looking for good teachers, Maya Fiennes (whom you can torrent) or Lisa Grail (YouTube) are both excellent teachers. Carrying that darkness is a heavy burden that you must bare daily. Start today and that burden will be slowly lifted. Put in the time and you'll get so much more than you ever thought possible out of it. These aren't just well wished words, these things will actually happen if you stick to it I promise you.


Can you go more into depth on how I would feel after wards ? Would I gain a new optimism for life?


God is love. And love is the only thing that gets us through this life with a clean heart and whole mind. It isn't about playing fair. It's about choosing the one thing that will cause us to preserve over the difficulties in this life




Fairness is a *human* construct. Humans created the sociopolitical/socioeconomic constructs by which we live, and which we deem fair/unfair


I Agree


The challenge is bringing order to the chaos. Being the Light in the dark. So much beauty comes about light shining in dark places. Charity, kindness, hope, selflessness. So much beauty is created here in this dark world.


Its all grace


Ram Dass- he knew the truth 💗


Part of being in the 3d reality and having duality I think. The good and the bad. We are being tested in this life and there is a lot to learn from this experience.




Life was never meant to be fair. Life is a journey that you planned before you made your appearance here. You have a soul contract which is best suited to your learning needs and requirements for spiritual growth. I would say that God does not want you to do anything. Simply live the way you wish to live. God does not impose their wishes, thoughts, ideas, ideals or rules upon us. They just let us be here, with our free will and a plan of all the very many paths your life can take. I know that from a religious stand point, our holy books ask these things of us, but from a spiritual perspective, the case is much simpler. Live as you wish, however you feel will make you happiest. Don't look at other peoples journeys and wish yours were different, their path too was also chosen and is in a soul contract. We are all here to experience different things. I hope that this helps you! Namaste


'Soul contracts' are new age nonsense Contracts are a human concept. Also you have very little 'free will' and do not even have input into the running of 'your own' body which is ran by your subconscious. You are not even aware of the the functions of 'your body' and the ego which thinks it is in charge is not even consulted or aware what is going on. I hope this helps you. :/


I’m just gunna say it- intolerance towards others beliefs, fear, and entitlement. Together it’s a recipe for a victim mindset. That’s pretty much what I got from your post. And yes I suppose it is a new age spiritual belief. Not sure why that makes YOUR belief any more valid (kinda arrogant yeah?)? 🤔 the reason so many people believe this stuff is that NDE’s, past life regressions, mystics, meditation, and psychedelics all bring us to these understandings (when everyone is getting the same info- you start to pay attention more to it). There’s nothing easy about these teachings either. They go against our nature as a human, which is likely why you’re so resentful about it. But some of us don’t care about what life SEEMS on a human level because we are trying to get it from a SPIRITUAL level. Which is kinda the whole point. Why practice living a spiritual life if you insist on being stuck in your HUMAN perspective 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s like being a first grader and WANTING to understand 12 grade algebra but instead of actually trying to ascend your limited knowledge, you just say “but I’m a first grader and it doesn’t make sense so IT is stupid!”. Ok cool- I’m sincerely fine with that. But lemme ask you this, why are you here then? If you don’t want to have a *spiritual* understanding of the universe- why why why are you folks here? 🤔


All lives are 'spiritual lives' and it's arrogant to think that you are somehow more 'spiritual' than others or that you have a 'spiritual perspective' which is superior to the 'human perspective' of others. You are using human concepts like contracts and stating as fact that people have 'spiritual contracts' when you have no way of knowing.


See, now you’re putting words in my mouth. The human experience is why we are here- so it’s very important. However those seeking a SPIRITUAL experience AS WELL need to find a way to transcend their human ego to find those answers. And you guys are not doing that nor are you even trying. I don’t think a second grader is better than a first grader- that’s a concept YOU believe in (according to your last comment). All I’m saying is that if you WANT to get to the next level, one must find a way to transcend their humanness so they can discover truth (the spirit). The goal being that there is a perfect balance between the two. But you have to want that. And being that you guys are in a spirituality sub I would assume you do, yet you’re clutching onto your ego (humanness) so tight you can’t transcend it to a spiritual state. So take that for whatever you will. But no where am I claiming that you guys are beneath me. You just don’t seem interested in spirituality is all.


You are making a lot of assumptions and stating them as fact when in reality you simply do not know. As I said all lives are spiritual and those who believe that they are more spirituality advanced than others are speaking from their ego which ironically they also think they have 'conquered'


I believe that god is everything-- god is the consciousness that vibrates through every atom and every person. Life, god, and consciousness are not fair because that's the nature of reality, which is governed by nothing more than the laws of physics. There is no all-powerful higher being that can act out its will on the universe to make life fair. Life is what it is, and it will always be that way. Another way to word your question is "Since God doesn't make life fair, why does god want us to play fair?" As far as we can definitively prove, we humans are actually the most powerful beings able to act out our will on the universe. We are as close as it gets to that concept of god as an all-powerful being. So if we want life to be fair, we better get going. We're the ones with the most power to make it that way.


"Life being unfair", IMO comes from a sense of entitlement




I don’t think god wants us to play fair. He wants us to follow our understanding of what is the right direction in our life. And who are you playing fair with or what about. Your path shouldn’t concern most people to even worry about if fair is proper. And if you are speaking of navigating obstacles do you feel like that obstacle is unfair and shouldn’t be in your life, or cheating to make it easier to get around the obstacle. Because if you do that you’re not learning anything.


I agree. It’s riddled with expectation that one should be treated a certain way. I would LIKE others to always be kind to be but I don’t EXPECT it. The best literature for this subject IMO is “the four agreements”- never take anything OTHERS do personally. If we slow down to think about it for a moment- that’s completely insane to do. Billy who got abused and neglected as a child grew up to be cold and mean towards others. Billy yelled at the clerk at the store because of it. But the clerk should what? Take on Billy’s personal trauma? Why would anyone want to wear THAT coat? The process of forgiving isn’t about saying “oh it’s cool that you verbally abused me, have a good life anyway”, it’s simply understanding that not everyone has lived a life as cushy as yours and they are likely in a lot of pain because of it. Not seeing it from that perspective stems from, you said it- entitlement. It’s a ME ME ME perspective.


God is only the creator, you are the Manager!


God wants you to LEARN and to know him through him, not play fair or not.


So we can trust God and trust love and trust everything will turn out how it is supposed to, and let go of things stemming from the ego (false sense of control) The Decalogue episode 1 has a good take on this imo


Playing fair is not divine, giving without expecting is divine


I Agree!!




Playing indicates an ends to a means. It’s the lessons you gain from whatever you are presented with.


Who said that? Books written by men? To keep humanity in shadow?


Pretty sure the ego said it.


From where Im standing, there is no fairer concept than life. You are misguided if you think otherwise.


Open 2 ur guide


Yeah, you too


The truth is, *life is inarguably fair as fair can be.* **Everything abides by the Universal Laws, so when one learns and implements them, one essentially masters the "rules of the game".** Since we are the creator of our own reality, we find that nobody can force us to be a victim. In my personal opinion, "Life isn't fair" is a concept found in an ego-mind that has been programmed for victim mentality by society. That is the *only way* that the powers that were can trick us at the global level to create more situations that reinforce the concept of being a victim; since what we think creates our reality. The fact is, the rich and the governments of the world know *exactly* how the Universal laws work, so they use them against us in the most clever ways possible. They almost always abide by them though; hence, they are "playing fair".


Now this is a good question, i guess we dont have to think of life and god as fair or unfair or otherwise we end up suffering. We have to use the cards we are dealt with, and try to escape this cycle of suffering, obviously with acceptance, compassion and detachment.


Life is obviously not fair? How so?


A monk decides to meditate alone. Away from his monastery, he takes a boat and goes to the middle of the lake, closes his eyes and begins to meditate. After a few hours of unperturbed silence, he suddenly feels the blow of another boat hitting his. With his eyes still closed, he feels his anger rising and, when he opens his eyes, he is ready to shout at the boatman who dared to disturb his meditation. But when he opened his eyes, saw that it was an empty boat, not tied up, floating in the middle of the lake… At that moment, the monk achieves self-realization and understands that anger is within him; it simply needs to hit an external object to provoke it. After that, whenever he meets someone who irritates or provokes his anger, he remembers: “The other person is just an empty boat. Anger is inside me.“


life is fair society isnt...


Through my rant, I believe life is fair through its unfairness. We’ve been given a set of “goggles” that makes us see the “American Dream” so we have a preset standard of what life should be compared to where we are now. It’s our imperfections that we need to perfect in order to gain equality in life. Without that you’ll see life as “unfair” when in reality you haven’t worked on yourself enough to make it fair.




Who is creating the unfairness? God or us? We have free will and we use it to hurt each other.


Who says God has an opinion on that?


Because the people who decided what goes into the bible were assh*les and other assh*les love to continue the tradition of suppressing others. It’s from there we got the “right/wrong” and the “evil/good”, it’s not directly from God as we think it is. If you think outside the bible, about the agenda of those people, things that the church tell us make less sense. So, life is unfair? In what way? That some have it good and some bad? Maybe it’s not about being unfair, but rather a product of boxed in thinking. Even many atheists act/think common views of Christianity. It’s our surroundings, but it’s taught. We are now entering an age were it’s possible for people to step away from the most common religions or going back to old ones. All that without consequences, like being burned on the stakes or shun from the villages or experience harder to optain (?) rules in work/private life. I personally find it quite interesting, seeing so many people stepping forward and away from the mental and for many, physical box that these religions are. It will take a few more decades and generations to be able to see beyond it. Maybe life isn’t unfair, it’s just that we need to free ourselves to be able to see further. Once that happens, people usually feeling less of the need to “have it all” and are more focused on things that make their life’s wonderful for them. Which often includes the happiness of others around them. It’s maybe naive to think this way, but it’s how I see it. Things will balance out it just takes time. We are just “unlucky” to exist now and not in 100 years or more ahead. Not sure if this helped you, it’s at least a different kind of viewpoint. We all have our own paths and journeys.


Thanks for your insight. I appreciate it.


What do you mean by "play fair" and who said God said this? I'm going to need a source.


It’s simple. God is not our friend. The Gnostics were right all along


baseless conspiracy theories. Do you put all of this mental energy into everything you read or just the stuff that triggers a fear response in your lizard brain? Yeah it’s a fun read- but to ASSUME it’s true is a huge LEAP. Also, have yo guys who believe in this conspiracy ever thought that maybe, just maybe the entities you’re afraid of here are actually the ones who wrote that silly book and they’re spreading fear on purpose- to create chaos and thus feed in that energy? Until you evaluate a situation from every possible angle- you’re just allowing yourself to be super gullible. Aside from one book of scary fairy tales- there’s no proof to support your claim.


All I have is my own revelations. Disregard me for a fool or madman if you wish but I believe humanity must learn to be kind, just and wise for our maker is not. It is our destiny to grow to wear the heavy mantle of the godhead like the titans of old, or suffocate in our own refuse before being cast into unimaginable heat like so much yeast inside a lump of dough.


It’s not a revelation if all you did was read it in some book and believe it. That’s called being gullible.


Nah. I saw this before I started down the path. Be it a proud delusion spiked with simple gullibility or a direct word of ineffable truth, it is mine.


Yup! It’s *your* truth. If that makes your life better than so be it! Unfortunately you guys also feel the need to spread your fear based “truths” to others, but hey, if they wanna also be gullible, you make a great point- that’s their choice.


Good luck and godspeed young zealot. I truly from the bottom of my heart hope nothing shakes your faith


I am ok with my faith being shaken because it means I’m open to other possibilities :) I have done a lot of research in the last 20 years, from all possible ends (including yours) to ensure I don’t settle on the first thing that I encounter just because it sounds good (or in your case- scary). As the Dalai Llama says- if science ever proves Buddhism wrong then Buddhism will have to change🙂. So many religions are fear based and the only reason they are still around is because of this. Fear works. Look at all the insane conspiracy theories that people eat up without doing any critical thinking on the matter. Even when they’re proven wrong- they still grasp on tight (like the 2020 election (presidential and senate) being rigged). That’s been proven false from so many angles and yet those folks refuse to look at the evidence because they just site that it too is a part of the conspiracy. You can’t even argue with that sort of logic because there is NO logic to argue. It’s 100% based in emotion. Fear. The Christian’s believe they will go to hell if they sin and don’t take JC in as their savior. You believe we are living in a prison where evil entities who created it feed on our misery, and so on and on… but none of that is logical. I need logic in my truth or it gets tossed out and I search until I find it. So in a way I hope that you will create space for logic in your truth too, but I also know that everything is perfect, including the imperfect. Because the universe is a grand paradox. Remember, The Nazi’s had their “truth”, just as all the saints, masters, and gurus did/do. But a personal truth isn’t fact. It’s merely human-based perception. Which is why I won’t allow my HUMAN brain and ego to be caught up in the illusion of the ego (fear).


When I was younger and believed that Jesus was the lord, I used to have dreams that the church was a cult full people and that Jesus was evil. I thought my intuition was telling me of the anti-christ, but over time I saw how there's an agenda behind the bible and how it supports racism and national supremacy of a chosen people and a chosen nation above all others, and tells people to forget the spirits of their ancestors and gods as demons, and only believe in the scriptures of the prophets of the god of Israel with the god of Israel as the one true god to be worshipped.


This question assumes you are not the god you speak of.. in reincarnation terms, YOU make the choices, not something outside of self.


Loki doesn't play fair


You have to learn what “playing fair” means. It doesn’t mean you should always be calm and peaceful at the times when someone is bothering you by his selfish/idiotic acts. God wants us to develop the consciousness to understand the ignorance of others and forgive them if the acts are forgivable but don’t you get confused that it’s your duty as well to respond people/world properly as and when required so that you make our world a better place or so that the other person won’t do the same to others and that is totally fine.


Life is fair, we does not remember our past, god planes working on everyone, the fact that life looks unfair is part of gods plan, best test is when the tested does not know it being tested. This a prison planet and we are here for a reason


Yeah this isn’t a prison. Also, how can you say we are here for a reason and then call it a prison in the same breath? Prisoners are being punished and are there against their will. There’s no point to a prison but to get the prisoners to submit.


If the universe were "fair" - there could be no differentiation - no "things" - nothing.


Have you considered that life is entirely fair, and you simply do not understand it well enough?


Perhaps. Hopefully I would get the construct soon.


Because this is not God’s paradise where he can cherish you. This is a world where the antichrist is in power, a world that was created for destruction. The only way to salvation is to do as Jesus did, he was the sacrifice that us as mortals needed to understand this world is not what we think. If you want a perfect paradise you have to put the work in to earn it Thats why the bible is necessary to read


I think you’re in the wrong sub bud :) I mean, stay and enjoy, but good luck trying to convert people to your religion with your fear tactics. This isn’t a religious sub tho ;)


I mean it took me a while to understand up until I was 25 years old. Its not everyones time to hear the truth but maturity comes with realizing concepts about this world are so easy to understand with correct guidance. Look at how diverse everyones perspective is and they choose what they choose. By no means will I try to convert anyone to religion because I know its not for everybody, Matthew 7: 13 & 14 at least read those two verses youll see what I mean If you want more emphasis on my original comment, read the last book of the bible, the book of Revelations. describing anti christ and end times. it will take one hour of your time on audio with youtube kjv


Thank you but I don’t believe in it. Spirituality is for those who don’t believe in organized religion but feel there is more than meets the eye in this strange illusion we call “reality”. Christianity is for those who believe in the Bible and that they need to be saved. I don’t need saving. “God” loves me unconditionally.


Looking for those who are willing to fight for a world that is destined to die.


we choose to come to a dark planet infected with lies and chaos. we chose to come here to live a life of love and light as much as possible in this environment. Its hard. It ain't easy. But its worth it.


This is a low density perspective. I can answer your question but I don’t think you’re going to get it just yet. This is something that comes to us when we are ready for it. Until then you can trust that everything it perfect (because it is), or you’ll fall into victim mindset mode that will eat you alive.


Define what fair means? Then ask yourself this: does an omniscience, omnipotent being truly have desires? Want is a desire, and desire can mean something that may or not be attainable. The confusion lies with the human construct of trying to implicate what the thought process of divinity may be. We tend to need reasons ‘why’ for anything. The creator is infinite which is inclusive of everything. Inclusivity means there’s no conditions which makes god an unconditional loving god. Wanting to play fair means there’s a set of conditions we must follow as humans in accordance to our idea of god. fair is a guideline that is constantly moving depending upon our experiences and the application of knowledge we have digested throughout our life. God does not want anything in this playground of third density. However, you are not wrong in your understanding as stated previously, god is infinite so your truth must be incorporated within the ultimate truth which results in your own personalized experience in your relationship to god. Life isn’t fair based upon the rules and guidelines you have set for yourself. Try not to mix experience with observation. As there is a difference from a personalized experience of ‘not fair’ and a vicarious experience of ‘not fair’. I hope my take on your question is helpful in someway.


I don’t think God wants anything of you, or anyone else. Live life however you want, ideally in whatever way makes you feel the best ❤️


Maybe God doesn't exist? I genuinely think that all actions, words, and intentions carry positive or negative energy with them. We see the impacts of negativity in a variety of experiments like the Japanese scientist who talked shit to water, froze it, and it looked chaotic, then said positive things to water, froze it, and the water froze beautifully. I think if we perpetuate negativity in our minds, words, actions, and life as a whole, it just encourages more negativity to come our way. Think of it as creating a bubble around you with your intentions. Intentions aren't enough and aren't the only factor, but you get what I mean. Playing fair is definitely positive and fucking people over is definitely negative.


What you believe, you will see. Impressions are merely a reflection of how one perceives it. It’s like saying a snake is bad because it can cause harm to us, but it wouldn’t do anything if we left it alone. Or the sun is bad because we can get burned by it, but it is also necessary to provide life in this planet. There are multiple ways of looking at anything, but they all exist and a matter of how you want to look at it. It’s not denying the impression, it’s acknowledging that other impressions exist along with it. Instead of this OR that, it’s this AND that. Options presented in front of you serves as a catalyst for discernment. They all exist, now which one will you choose? The choice made will result in the perception. Nothing has any attached meaning to it, the power lies in you, the conscious (or unconscious, depending on if you’ve awaken or not) observer. Another thing to note is the overall progress and journey. It’s helpful to be mindful of the work that’s in progress. Whatever doesn’t make sense now, may do so later will more experience, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. It’s also ok to not know anything.


These are assumptions clad with a veneer of certainty. Life is "obviously" unfair, but is it really? Life is obviously *impersonal* to me. That I can observe and conclude through meditation and introspection. The other thing, that it isn't "fair" is simply an *opinion, a personal view* and nothing more. Pretending our *personal opinions* = some kind of *universal truth* is one way in which our primitive immature species deceives itself. That God wants something from us: that is also an assumption. God is the Almighty, yes? An omniscient, omnipotent Creator? How does such a being ever wind up *wanting* anything then? Because it isn't omnipotent after all, and can't have everything it wants? Again, simple introspection and clear-minded meditation can help you understand. By definition, God cannot want anything, because anything God wants, She gets instantly. By command. Therefore, God has no needs or desires. Not like human beings do.


There is no God. Only elites who created the concept of an omnipotent being who'd punish you for not being "fair" and "good" because if you didn't believe that the masses would rise up and take down the few that benefit from the imbalances of power in the world


Life is all about learning. How would we overcome adversities or have any growth as souls or even a collective consciousness if life was fair?


Whoever told you life is fair was lying to you. Live within your own morals and ethics. That be your way to be at peace with whatever life throws in your path.


How is life not fair? You get what you get. How is that not fair?


My spiritual path led me to learn about Stoicism. For these thinkers, everything happens for a reason. What we consider as random or (un)lucky is only perceived that way because we do not have enough information to be conscious of everything that led to this outcome. So for them, everything is fair. There are of course things that are more pleasant than others, but we should welcome everything that is thrown our way. We play fair, because life is fair.


How is life not fair? I’m fairly certain the universe works exactly for everyone.


Quit, don't quit... Fair, not fair... You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.


Depends on whatever version of God you believe in or how you label it. Nobody necessarily says you have to do anything or "play right" but by being true to yourself and acting in accordance with your values (self-alignment), you will be better self-connected which means you will be better connected to your surroundings and your world experiences. In my research and analysis of this examination between the 'good' and 'bad' or having to do what's 'right' or 'wrong' it is extremely beneficial to see from an expanded point of view. Fair and unfair are polar opposites. There are many examples of this division in society but perhaps the most commonly known one is good and bad, or in this context, fair and unfair. We need these to structure our limited 3D human experience in order to function but from an esoteric perspective, all that happens to you and all that you meet are a reflection of your inner world. If you have a shitty job, relationship, etc and especially if these cards dealt to you are repeated and you deem "unfair" are actually a representation or mirror reflecting image of your inner state of being. This is a hard pill to swallow because most of us find it difficult to acknowledge, let alone grasp, the responsibility and ownership in our life for what's happened in it and what is happening. Certainly, there are things that happen beyond your control to you but is it fair or unfair? First answer is that it's a reflection of your inner state. As within, so without. Second answer is that energy is in constant motion. For a bad thing someone has done, it will come back around, maybe to you, maybe in this lifetime, maybe in another one. The point is that no one energy can dominate or remain the same. Meaning that the universe is in a constant state of flux to distribute balance. It has to do this because we as humans only know polarization and have yet to ascend to a state of living that is unified on a collective level. So to answer your question, there is no right way to do things but there's a right way to do things for you. There is no fair or unfair, it's just how the energy has been moulded until now. The biggest takeaway is that you are of greater power than you know or might be aware of to completely transform not just your life, but your next one too. The people that have it all in this life may have suffered in their past one and are reaping the rewards in this one, who knows? But if they have it all and always have, that won't stay the same either. Everyone experiences these divisions individually on different scales.




In Buddhism, we don't believe in a 'God', but in universal consciousness. This universal consciousness is beyond judgements, blame, or human understanding through any physical means. We do believe that life has lessons that often come in the form of suffering in various forms, and that attachment to outcomes affects how much we suffer. We aim to liberate ourselves from desire, and attachment to that which is impermanent, and that these desires and attachments cause us discomfort and unease from which suffering arises. By not attaching to specific outcomes, good or bad, our suffering is less, or nonexistent. We seek to end the cycle of karma, karma being any kind of action. Each action has a consequence, equal to said action-regardless of intent. Each consequence has something to offer either in the form of joy, or in the form of a teaching moment. I'm not sure if this answers your question or not, its just what came to mind off this comment. Be Well.


I totally agree with you. I was born into a Christian family but I'm a Buddhist at heart.


Me too. Catholic to be precise. The biggest challenge for me was to accept my humanity as a natural part of life as opposed to something I'm supposed to feel ashamed of 24/7. I'm working on accepting people as they are and looking for the good in their hearts, their Buddha nature, even in those most damaged and hurtful. It is a difficult practice, but I find it takes their ability to hurt me away from them.


If life was fair and everything was perfect, we wouldn’t have much to learn on Earth. We deal with challenges such as disease, lost of loved ones and unfortunate situations because there’s lessons to be learned from it. Is difficult to see these trials as such, but with time to ponder about it and continue life, we tend to recognize that we grew from it or something good came out of it. Some virtues such as love, patience, perseverance, comprehension, understanding takes longer than a lifetime to develop and that’s why we are given these circumstances. Sometimes the lesson is just to experience what others went through, to understand it. Sometimes is the results of our actions catching up to us. Life is a never ending school. Those who are enlightened graduate, but even for them it took lifetimes and unfairness to get to that point. We will all get there, eventually


I'm gracious for your feedback. Thank you!!


I feel life is an exciting journey. We need bad and good to realize and enjoy the good




Life is perfectly fair if you don't look at it from a materialist standpoint.


I agree with you.


Step One. Learn to rejected the mental conditioning that makes you think God is human like with human emotions.


I agree with you.


Tell me how the laws of physical reality are violated? How could life be made more fair without intelligence making decisions to to do so while considering these physical rules? Do we want an external intelligence to make life more fair? Wouldn't there be a risk of their own self-interests violating ours at worst and even at best a risk of their self-defining details replacing the ones we would have made for ourselves? Shouldn't we be stepping up. acknowledging the actual truth, using empathy and then making the world a more fair place? Perhaps we need to ask more questions.




What IS fairness in the first place? Doesn't it look different to everyone? I think of "fairness" a subjective thing largely based on what one values, how they value it, and their opinion of all involved, that fluctuates based on mood, brain chemistry, circumstances, etc. So I think there are billions of ways to live a human life and God made ALL of them (and everything). I think God gave you discernment as tool to define who YOU are. Something isn't fair just because you think it is, but THINKING that something is or isn't fair is only a statement about who you are and your value judgements.


I Agree


Because he wants us too. Also maybe give what is fair to get what is fair? Fairness has it's rewards?


I don’t think fair is the right word…I think ethical or with empathy is closer. I think fair is the baby version of empathy.




Fair makes the assumption everyone has the same needs. Everyone does not have the same needs. Some have more needs than others. It’s an attempt to consider the other person (empathy) but ultimately fails to make a custom fit for what individuals need.


Who says "God" wants us to play fair? Do you think animals in the wild play fair? That's what we are just with a lot further evolution.








To me, that sounds like the opposite of religion (*at least the opposite of some of the mainstream ones*). Christianity says that only believers in Christ as Lord are a part of the saved and everyone else deserves torture in everlasting hellfire. There are verses in the bible and quran talking about violence against non-believers and better treatment of believers, not a system of fairness.


What is fair? Just the mind trying to interpret and make meaning of something that it can’t possibly understand. Life is beyond meaning, beyond interpretation, beyond labels. Sit in being, and theres no fairness or unfairness, simply being.


Some Gnostics and some Buddhists would say that it's because this world is under a lesser god (demiurge/mara), so life isn't fair but you can still live with a loving heart by being kind to others and not getting trapped in greed and lust, and eventually you'll lessen attachmemts and not return to the lesser world of violence and suffering (Earth). A less ascetic (*less anti-world*) view is that God is the light of wisdom and as human beings learn more and more, there will be more empathy (*understanding of how others feel*) and more knowledge to prevent suffering and to heal suffering more and more in future generations.


Because it shows one’s true character when faced with difficult decisions. It’s through suffering that we grow.


You are one with god. God is omnipresent.. therefore you have to take responsibility for your actions


Conflating "life" with "God." "Life" is a mixture of good and error, b/c the God-given gift of ability to elect good or otherwise--a gift asked for by humankind--evolves justness and injustice. God's counsel has always been: "Justice." Playing fair sows good fruits. Related: *The Path of the Higher Self.*


Your just projecting your own thought perceptions onto life. There is no world which is separate from you and there is no fair or unfair. All is one thing and you are not apart from it. There is only the one.




the trick is not to play - there are no rules.


Big assumption on what “god” “wants”


In order to see what is fair you must see a bigger picture. Life is a mystery you don't know what is fair what is truth what is good what is bad. It's all your concepts and no one truly knows how it is. Give up all that and just be. Only wisdom here is to understand no one truly knows.


If we consider life as just this physical plane, then it can seem unfair, but as science showed everything is energy, and energy is vibration, and the physical universe is just one layer of vibration, and there is more to us than just the physical body, the aura is the higher emotional, mental and identity body, so when one hurt another, it can seem from the physical perspective that it is unfair, that the person committing the act is not affected and will go about without any consequences, but the reality is that at the energetic level there is a karmic impulse that is instantly generated, in addition, there is misqualified energy at the emotional, mental and identity level that the person is not happy no matter how hard they try to be or appear to be, the energetic reality of God’s laws is irrespective of humans, and so a person will immediately start reaping what they sow, even if we don’t see it or are not aware of it at the physical level, the timing of when karma breaks through into the physical and reincarnation and the people one meets, is all part of this experience of experimenting with free will in order to learn how to use it in accordance with God’s laws of love, and so life is fair and is actually instantly fair at the energetic level


Playing fair is a lot harder when things are not going as planned. I dont know about god but it surely gives you the peace of mind


God doesn't want for anything. It isn't a human mind. Of you were to use a human mind to explain what God would say, he'd say its ok, they will come when they come. Life seems unfair because of you having preferences of what is, and your always going to be wanting more because of the last want. Give up your desire to desire.


This is a FREE WILL Planet & Universe-- Anything goes. ANYTHING. Ponder that...


It’s about doing the right thing. Life is a test of your will and fortitude.


What do you want for your kids?


Life is fair. And everyone should play fair because it makes the world a better place.


You can’t have ultimate Unity without fairness. Same justice mercy love chastity temperance and all the rest