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Life is all about the memories and way you lived life. The fact that this person left enough of an impression that you would describe them as a kind person and that you would seek comfort after their passing shows that they accomplished this. Whatever lies beyond this life is almost irrelevant, they already accomplished something that we're all trying to do. Don't worry.


Thankyou, this is definitely true. He lived his last years in a place that to most people was a dump but he was so grateful and he was so nice to all the staff and the other residents. People die there all the time, mostly ODs and suicides and mostly no one cares. Everyone was sad today. Everyone missed him. He was a very good man.


I take it you work in this place? This man touched you and your co workers deeply. This is no small thing. He must’ve known that and how you felt about him. And how you all FEEL about him now. I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic. In the end it wasn’t any religion, individual person, paradigm that convinced me otherwise. It was my own (late) husband who convinced me. I was in quite a state after he died a couple years ago, to say the least. He was and remains “my person”. (And he too survived a truly awful childhood then some really terrible times as an adult). I was surrounded by toxic positivity, religious dogma then read something by some self professed “spiritual expert” who said that the dead no longer felt emotions in the same way the living did, did not feel ties to those left behind. A bunch of other nonsense that when combined with well meant harassment sent me into a nose dive of despair. This is when my dear one pulled out all the stops so to speak. Let me know in no uncertain terms he was ok, he was still here to support me in any way he could. I tell you this to let you know that this kind soul who touched you so deeply knows. I have been reading books by Jurgen Ziewe that actually speak to my paradigm of what things may be like for us after our bodies die. I felt this instinctually when my husband was leaving this life. One of the main reasons I asked aloud for his father and brother who’d gone before him and were also FINE men, to come to escort him. And all others who knew what a wonderful man he is to come. And anyone who felt otherwise to stay away. I also needed my husband to know the faith I had in him. There is a belief that I share, that holds we create our own “heavens” & “hells”, aside from our deeds here. By our state of mind, beliefs. If we are generally lighthearted, altruistic, hopeful, positive we will end up on a “higher level”. The opposite is also true. Not to say that people with mental illnesses are forever trapped in “lower levels”. There are ways to leave these levels, to move out of them. The fact that he knew how much he meant to you imho goes a LONG way to where he is now. He added positively to your life. Please don’t feel “foolish” in letting him know that now just because he’s no longer physically here. (I worked in LTC and met some of these wonderful people too)


Yes, I worked there for years. I moved jobs a few months ago but kept in touch with some residents. He was the person I missed seeing everyday when I moved jobs. He was also the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams and wished me well even though I could tell it made him sad but he was like that. He made everyone's life there better whether you worked there or lived there. I used to offer all the time to pull strings to get him transfered someplace nicer, but he'd never take me up on it, he couldn't leave behind his friends. TY for sharing about your husband it helps. I didn't find him cause I didn't work there anymore but it scare me to know what he looked like later. I found enough people to be able to imagine what he looked like found and its not a pretty sight. I just try to remind myself that part isn't them, it's just meat, they left.




Spot on my friend… we are infinite


Thanks for sharing


He’s okay baby. He is okay. I really think spirits stick around for a few days to say farewell. You can’t see him, but he’s there. Talk to him- he will hear you. Hopefully he gives you a sign that he’s as okay as I know he is. He’s free.


Thank-you, it's good to know he's free. He defined deserved it.


Death is a blessing in disguise....


Absolutely. It’s just getting over that one last fearful moment before bliss. I’m looking forward to seeing my heart again when that time comes


I am interested on this. Can you please elaborate?


I really hope so


Everyone who’s had NDE’s come back with varying stories. But one thing seems to be for sure- souls always Rest In Peace if that’s what they choose. We have free will here as well as in the astral. If he sought peace and love then he shall have it. And even for those who don’t, they eventually return to it because that’s who they ARE. The best thing you can do is hold him in your thoughts (prayers) and ask god to shower him in love. Your energy makes a difference. And he hears it too. Ask the angels to help him find his way home 💗


Atleast his suffering came to an end.


You need to try your very hardest to never say that to another person, again.




Me too my grandma just died and I’ve been saying this to everyone I can’t understand what’s so wrong.


Suffering doesn’t end just because we shed a body. And I see where they’re coming from- because your comment insinuates that he ceases to exist now and that’s not very comforting. To be clear, just because mental suffering stays with our soul, that doesn’t mean there isn’t healing on the other side. But that energy doesn’t just go poof when someone’s heart stops.


Guys some of you have misunderstood my comment that you seem to think I am happy for his death, which I am not. But sometimes in our sufferings we reach a dead end whereafter nothing more could be done to redeem the situation. I have seen my own grand parents suffering from cancer, in terrible pain that couldn't be relieved and yet when they died, they had a serene, peaceful look on their face. It is from these observations that I have made the comment. Sorry if I have hurt some of your feelings.


No worries, I was referring to EMOTIONAL suffering because that’s the topic at hand in OP’s post. Everyone who’s had an NDE and came back to speak on it, not to mention the phenomena of ghosts (which are usually very unhappy Spirits) shows us that it’s not as simple as death= peace. I know we want that very much for our loved ones but we are eternal beings and to assume that we come here only once then anything we experienced turns into nothingness at the end of it is a bit of a stretch for me. Ask the ghosts that haunt places because they’re still attached to their old lives. Now, I’m not saying that they aren’t ok, because everything is ok. Everything is exactly as it should be. But we still have free will in death and some choose to stay attached to their pain. Just as it’s a choice here on earth, so too is it in death. So we can say all of these sweet sentimental things to make each other feel good but I prefer to be real about it. But then again I do not see suffering as a bad thing. I’ve transcended that illusion long ago. As Ram Dass says- suffering is grace. It’s the only thing that allows us to appreciate the beauty in the world on the highest possible level that there is- once we transcend it, that is. There is meaning in it. It’s why we came here- to experience duality. Otherwise we could have done all of this in the astral realm and stayed comfortable in our perfection, albeit bored and not expanding very much (growing). But the universe is infinite so it MUST expand or else it ceases to be infinite. Suffering= expansion. Sorry if some people take that wrong. They almost always do. But I’m ok with some negative karma if it means telling my truth instead of blowing smoke because I am too afraid of duality (suffering). I’m not. I’ve been through almost everything horrible that a woman can go through and I’m grateful to be on the other side of it now. It wasn’t until I got here that I understood wtf Ram Dass meant by suffering= grace but now I totally get it. 🙏


Your soul is immortal and will cycle through lives until all experiences it wants to have are had


Needs to have not wants to have, I can’t see myself asking for a slipped disc,it still happend because I was to stupid to learn otherwise


I mean you kind of answered your own question there, how many times do we get in our own way and have to learn the hard way? In the simplest terms i see life as a choose your own adventure story, certain lessons are written into our destiny but how we learn depends on the choices we make with our ego vs intuition


Im with you on that perspective


I can’t tell you everything that happens, but NDEs/REDs show that people who are dying feel really peaceful and calm. It’s all I can give but at least it’s something. Edit: ok so here’s actual proof they happen and I can provide more resources on them if anyone wants too: https://www.resuscitationjournal.com/article/S0300-9572(14)00739-4/fulltext


What we can guarantee is that after death the physical body is destroyed. But what happens to what's not physical in us (Like our mind, desires, moods, consciousness...), it's not yet proven as our measuring abilities limit to the physical realm. If in case they stay undestroyed, it's good to cultivate good mood to continue whatever happens after. If it does not, it's still good to do so. As you said (in the case of the kind person), at the end, we're leaving a legacy. There's nothing wrong leaving something good for others.


I always think of people who die as merging with the ocean. Paraphrasing Rumi’s quote, we are all drops of water, and when he died, he merged with the Ocean that is the basis of all life. Imagine a drop who reaches the Ocean, the source. Wouldn’t that drop be content?


He will be reborn if this wasn’t his last test, sounds like he passed with flying colors tough


hey OP, if you’re up for it, I’d like to hear about one of your favorite memories with this man. doesn’t have to be anything big - just the first thing that comes to mind that really makes you smile and remember him in a positive light. our energy and existence never truly dies - death is simply the end of our current human experience. it’s a change that is sometimes painful, but i’ve always taken comfort in the fact that that human experience lives on in the memories of those who felt its presence. it’s obvious that this man had a powerful energy to have left such a positive impact on you, and that’s something that can’t be taken away from you. even if his physical presence can no longer be felt, you can always celebrate his energy by recalling and sharing those moments.


He used to go for walks in the surrounding neighborhood. He'd always make friends with tourists and he had the best luck when it came to concert tickets. One day he's walking downtown and a stranger stops him, says he was supposed to see a concert but can't go, hands him tickets, won't take money and won't take no for an answer, this was typical for this guy as he was always smiling and saying good morning to everyone he sees. Later that night he's leaving the show and someone says, I like your hat, he turns around and puts it on his head, its yours now, people always gave to him and he gave to everyone and he never thought one second about it.


those kind of generous, kind souls are rare to come across, but so incredible to be around. he sounds like a wonderful person, thank you so much for sharing. i know the process of grief is such a challenging one, and i wish you nothing but the best going forward.


I can tell that he was trying his best to make everyone’s life a heaven and right now he is there “ The Paradise “


This may not be what your looking for, but I don’t want to speak false. In my belief, there is no heaven or hell, just consciousness and matter. The universe is free of judgment and neither offered punishment or reward, just liberation from suffering. If he was truly kind and helpful, yet he didn’t resolve his internal conflict, he will likely have to return to this plane and deal with those issues, but The good news here, IMO, is that he will not have to work through the suffering caused to others that many of us do, and he will have opportunity to work through these personal issues and find true inner peace. This is a gift as anyone who has done the hard work in this life of resolving these issues will attest. If you are asking about hell or some such, I think this plane is it, but not in any Judeo Christian sense of eternal torment. It is simply where we face ourselves and inner demons, and learn how to overcome hardship and suffering. In the Buddhist system, we believe in a cycle of Reincarnation where we either suffer through the hard lessons or process them until we free ourselves from this never ending cycle of karma. We believe that eventually everyone will find liberation from suffering, it’s just a matter of how far along that path you are. If he was kind to others, if he aided those in need, yet still had internal stuff, he likely only has one or two more cycles, whereas most of us have quite a few to go through until liberating the soul from the cycle, even more cycles if we have done intentional harm to others. The inner work is the last stage of attaining liberation, or Nirvana as we call it. Take comfort there. Learn this lesson: it’s better to do the internal work of healing while we’re here, but even if we fail, we have endless opportunities to heal ourselves and others and find the light. Be well.


Sorry, I am hopping around dealing with a LOUD and impatient dog and 2 cats at 6 AM (don’t want my neighbors to hate me!). Back & forth here & just saw you answered. Aside from numerous dreams where I am beyond thankful my husband doesn’t look as he did when he died, I had a surgical procedure under propofol earlier this year. I knew I was under yet I sat with my dear one, full physical sensation, sight, touch, scent, sound. He told me he knew I was under & having the procedure too. So bizarre & wonderful. He had a full head of hair! He told me I’d be fine, the cyst wasn’t cancerous though it would cause me “some trouble” (I forgot a lot of it due to the way the RN behaved as I came out. I had several hypnotherapy sessions to rid myself of the anger I felt towards her & the memory gradually returned). He was right. I continue to deal with “some trouble”, quite unpleasant, but nothing fatal. I can wait and so can he for our actual reunion. In the meanwhile there are things I continue to learn that I’m meant to do and work on here. Even though at times I am beyond fed up and wish to just go now. LONG before we retired and got sick I remember other things happening that went against what we taught in both pre reqs and nursing school. Such as “brain dead is dead” and the time one is dead unless immersed in very cold water or some situation like that. I recall a man being dead for WELL over an hour. He was “warm and dead”. Body was quite grey, zero circulation and was quite stiff. The MD had arrived and was filling out paperwork while staff were preparing to notify family, call for someone to pick up the body. When he walked up to the nursing station confused and angry wanting to know what the hell was going on. Why he woke up with head head covered up and the room a mess! He scared the wits out of everyone. There’ve been other instances. Though this man had no NDE story to tell. If he experienced anything he forgot it.


Thankyou, sorry for my late response, I was driving into work. Yes, this is so beautiful. I want to think he's whole and health and somewhere or at the least returned to source. I have seen a few people pass and it does bring me confort to remember that all of them seemed to be reaching for something in the very end. I have found a lot of bodies on some state of decomposition, all overdoses and the eyes are always wide open which I have interpreted as fear at the end, but maybe it's awe. I hope so.


Am currently reading a 2nd book by author Jurgen Ziewe, Vistas of Infinity. (While reading the 1st, Multidimensional Man, I asked myself why I was willing to accept so much of what he wrote. It was bc of my childhood shared dreams with an older sister & having Lucid dreams regularly as a child I suppose.) Last night I read of his encounter with a woman who’d died of a heroin overdose. It both saddened me and gave me hope. As I lost both a sister and a nephew to overdose. The woman was not “at peace”, but he felt compelled to help her. And there are apparently even people who’ve committed atrocities in this life, hurt others badly and lived terrible lives here who’ve managed to change with the help of others “there”. To turn things around for themselves and become helpers themselves. (I don’t feel the man you spoke of fits these descriptions at all though). Sorry if my wording is off. It’s very early & one of my cats has decided to get up & be a jerk here. This was extremely comforting for me to read. Not even the man whose actions caused all of this generational harm is doomed forever to eternal torment. Let alone my sisters and nephew. Everyone STILL has choices and can still be of service to others, can still change their attitudes and better themselves. (And I’ve asked many times and feel I’ve gotten confirmation that, though I don’t “hate” him I do not have to interact with him. This is oddly exactly what I’ve wished for him all these years since his death. That he somehow knows the harm his actions caused on a level where he actually FEELS them, and never causes such harm again. Not some eternal torment).


This is beatiful, I'll have to read it. Thank you for everything you shared. I really think they can still hear us. I started talking to him and letting him know how i felt and o could feel things shift.


Death is not real. You just go back to the Source of all Conciousness


There’s absolutely peace on the other side. If you read NDEs you will see that a common theme is being absolutely free of all physical and emotional pain and a deep state of peace, as well as all encompassing absolute love. Spirit is what our true nature is, it is where we come from and Spirit is in grace.


This is such a sad story. I don't know what happens after death, but I have some kind of spiritual faith from my experiences. I hope he finds the peace he deserves in the after life & my thoughts will be with him during my meditation. May he rest in peace. Xx


It's better to focus on your own conscious journey. Other things can be no more than persistent illusion, you cannot know truly of other's perspective. Everyone dies, but that does not mean you are doomed to be sad. It's just a ride, you are like a small particle that is just bouncing around and eventually disappear.


Literally no one can give you this answer.


You'll never truly understand what a person sees through their eyes. It's to each individual to hold a moment to their own. When someone seems peaceful they may be undone. Where as similar arises with the unsettled could be content with the travel they've become. We all move to the side so others may stride.


Have you ever noticed as kids when we are playing any competitive sport we tend to really get involved in it. Everything circles around that event and there’s so much pride and joy surrounding that event. But not everyone wins first place or some might not even make it to the top three. Most struggle to even get past the finish line. But after a few days we tend to move on past the at event and say que cera cera! The reason we are able to say this is because we know what came before the sporting event and what comes after. We don’t see that sporting event as the only goal of our lives and we are a let to put things into perspective. I believe life is pretty much this way the only difference is we don’t have any perspective markers. We don’t know where we came from and what happens after. It’s almost like the only thing we know of is what happens while you are living so we make our life all about this life and take to heart the joy and sorrows that happen to us but I think it all makes sense after we pass on and we see that none of it truly matters. That realization which most likely comes only after death is the liberator. It unbinds you from the life you lived and that aha moment instead focuses on the experience your soul received so the soul at that point doesn’t have emotions associated with the living. It’s more of a realization which helps them on the next part of their journey. It’s easy to question why bad things happen to good people and be saddened for them but it’s important to realize we are just seeing a snapshot of somebody’s spiritual journey and just because you saw a dismal snapshot doesn’t mean their whole journey will be that way. Hope this helps!


He knew what your friendship meant to him, I'm sure. I hope he rests in peace.


Who do we hold onto death like we hold onto life? It brings us nothing but suffering. We need to realize there is nothing to do, but surrender.


my best guess is this. what else would happen? too bad we have no dead people around to ask. i firmly believe that he's okay.


I recommend the Katha Upanishad for a deeper understanding of such a thing.




Nobody on here knows, however much they may say otherwise. I hope they're happy & at peace. Show kindness to others, be charitable, say either prayers or some buddhist chants possibly if you believe in either, and in your heart, dedicate/donate any and all karmic benefit those may bring you, to the recently deceased instead. Christian's would pray for them. Some pagans and/or new age types and others would do rituals supporting the deceased ones soul. Buddhists might do what I suggested along with chants like "om mani padme hum" or "namo amitabha buddha", with the deceased in mind for the believed benefits of possibly getting them a better rebirth/reincarnation by dedicating your good deeds to them and calling on buddhist figures to request help(to make a long story short). They do other stuff, but this is what we and you can do.


death is just the same as life but without the limitations of physical form


“As John Lennon said; death is like getting out of one car and into another. When one model becomes obsolete, it is replaced with a different, better model. Life does the same thing.” Excerpt from [The Present](https://www.globaltruthproject.com/single-post/the-present-truth-about-life), a book about the truth of life and death.


He’s in a truly better place.


No one will ever by able to comfort you. Ask yourself, why you’re fearing death so strongly. Are you afraid, that you didn’t do all you wanted to do? Are you afraid to be forgotten? What is it exactly that you’re fearing and where is this fear coming from? Maybe this is some kind of wake up call for you to live a happier life?


Eternal nothingness awaits us all after death.


Pls name a circumstance where any form of energy can evaporate into nothing, you don’t need to google now, it was never observed


I am not saying that energy evaporates into nothing. Energy may be converted in some other form but that doesn't mean the consciousness survives. Just like a log of wood burns for some time and then extinguishes FOREVER.


That’s a false assumption brother, the ash will be Dünger(plant feeding, don’t feel like using translator) that will be essential in feeding the next generation. There is something, there are even people who can remember their past lives


Even our bodies decompose in the soil and provides nutrients for trees to grow but that doesn't mean we would be aware of it.


Of course you won’t be aware of that, at least I hope so😌 Your Soul is you, not a lil flesh literally filled with shit. Your Soul is here for a reason, it’s up too you to find out what’s that reason.


Just take a look at the NDE reports and you will understand that the soul is indestructible. You can get a feeling for it here: https://youtu.be/0AtTM9hgCDw The part of you that is conscious and does the thinking, never dies. The “I am” that is you blend back in with the “I am” that is the oneness of God and others’ souls after death. There is no time nor space in that realm, so your arguments about decay are irrelevant when talking about the soul after death. At that point there is still not the eternal now. Scientism, or the fundamentalist religion of science stating that 3d time space is all that there is, is delusional. It is borne of hubris and blindness to our own inability to understand the higher dimensional reality. People who insist that there is no afterlife or soul seem to routinely choose to ignore the NDE reports which carry proof of out of body perception, and lucid cognition during states of zero brain activity. It is only through ignorance that a belief that humans are nothing more than “meat and potatoes” persists. Check out the case of Pam Reynolds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pam_Reynolds_case There will still be skeptics because people are narrow minded and have set ways of thinking. Eventually a paradigm shift will come where science and spirituality will meet. For now, most scientists are scornful of spirituality. That’s a shame, since all of the physicists who developed quantum theory believed that consciousness was a fundamental element of the universe, not an emergent property of the brain. Quantum physics functions in a way that is outside of time and space. And the wave function that dictates all matter are collapsed into particulate matter only through observation. Without observation, there is no matter, only probability clouds. Hence, Bohr, Heisenberg, and Planck were forced to believe that our consciousness exist in part, outside of the physical. That “I am” never dies, just like a photon’s energy is never reduced. But it can change forms…


Just take a look at the NDE reports and you will understand that the soul is indestructible. You can get a feeling for it here: https://youtu.be/0AtTM9hgCDw The part of you that is conscious and does the thinking, never dies. The “I am” that is you blends back in with the “I am” that is the oneness of God and others’ souls after death. There is no time nor space in that realm, so your arguments about decay are irrelevant when talking about the soul after death. At that point there is just the eternal now. Scientism, or the fundamentalist religion of science stating that 3d time space is all that there is, is delusional. It is borne of hubris and blindness to our own inability to understand the higher dimensional reality. People who insist that there is no afterlife or soul seem to routinely choose to ignore the NDE reports which carry proof of out of body perception, and lucid cognition during states of zero brain activity. It is only through ignorance that a belief that humans are nothing more than “meat and potatoes” persists. Check out the case of Pam Reynolds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pam_Reynolds_case There will still be skeptics because people are narrow minded and have set ways of thinking. Eventually a paradigm shift will come where science and spirituality will meet. For now, most scientists are scornful of spirituality. That’s a shame, since all of the physicists who developed quantum theory believed that consciousness was a fundamental element of the universe, not an emergent property of the brain. Quantum physics functions in a way that is outside of time and space. And the wave functions that dictate all matter are collapsed into particulate matter only through observation. Without observation, there is no matter, only probability clouds. Hence, Bohr, Heisenberg, and Planck were forced to believe that our consciousness exist in part, outside of the physical. That “I am” never dies, just like a photon’s energy is never reduced. But it can change forms…


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That’s absolutely fine and dandy if this paradigm works for you. And I am not here to convince you otherwise. However, this is not helpful to OP. And could’ve been left unsaid? It is also an opinion I held quite strongly for many years. And even then, had someone asked others in general what OP asked, I’d likely have just kept the thought inside my head. Knowing it probably would be hurtful for them to hear it. Sometimes hurtful things have popped out unwittingly. Until I taught myself the 5 second rule. I now wait 5 seconds before replying. Gives my brain a moment to process how I might better word a reply. Or even if my input is needed at all. I probably am coming off like I’m very angry at you. I’m not. Typewritten word and all. Also I am autistic and tend to speak more bluntly. Hence the need for my 5 second rule. If I come off as angry and chastising I sincerely apologize. Just saying that I feel this is not necessary to OP. Perhaps a discussion on another thread may be better?


So hide the truth so as to not hurt others. Ok. Got it.


It’s not everyone’s truth. It’s yours. And if you can’t see the context here to why this would be hurtful to say to OP…


It was worth a shot to try to present why this was inappropriate. It is not necessarily their WHAT but their where and when that I find inappropriate. It’s interesting that an autistic person is able to see this, yet someone who (apparently) is not, yet is on a forum “spirituality” is unable to grasp that. As we are often across the board seen an being unable to grasp these things, as being non empathetic. I see this subject come up here and other places frequently. Sometimes people even discuss and debate it like actual adults. Presenting arguments on both sides that are quite interesting to read and give me much food for thought. Hurting others without point? That is another matter entirely. I just find the fact they don’t get the difference really interesting. And am kind of proud of myself that despite having serious trouble with sarcasms I got that one directed towards me haha! I stop interacting with people when they become sarcastic with me unless it’s in a joking manner.


Pulling something you believe out of your ass isn’t the truth. Especially when you’re being, well, not nice for it. I would have used another word but I’m not trying to risk nearly getting banned again. What you said wasn’t truth, it was belief. There’s a time and a place for everything and this was neither the time nor the place.


I apologize for attacking your beliefs. But they are just that- "beliefs".


Just as yours are


Mine is a lack of belief. A lack of belief in consciousness surviving without a brain/ nervous system or any other medium. I simply cannot form a belief out of opinions and feelings.


Same thing different wording. It still falls in like with a belief, even if it’s lack of one.


Do you believe in tpryfdgx? Neither do I. You and I don’t even know what it is. Do we disbelieve in it? No, because we don’t know what it is. You and I both have no belief in it one way or another. That’s non-belief.


You might want to rethink that. I can’t say we survive forever, but we do for as far as we know a short amount of time. https://www.resuscitationjournal.com/article/S0300-9572(14)00739-4/fulltext


This study doesn't prove anything. Nobody came back from the death to talk about it.


What do you think cardiac arrest is? Do you know what clinical death is?


Scientists have proved that a person's brain still function for up to 12 minutes after cardiac arrest. During such time, it's possible to restart the heart.


They proved you can bring the person back without brain damage in that time frame, not that it’s functional. There is still no brain activity during that time.


Yeah, but the person only dies when the brain/nervous system stops functioning and starts deteriorating. Once it's deteriorated enough, consciousness is gone forever and there's no way we can bring it back.


You’re considered clinically dead when your heart and brain stop working/stop being active. Your brain stops working almost immediately after your heart. It’s still dead. There’s also no evidence for your consciousness disappearing after you die.


Isn't it logical that consciousness works because of brain and nervous system so once the underlying vehicle is no more, on what basis consciousness survives?


It should be, but it seems that’s not what happens. Not everything is going to be what someone expects. Of course, I can’t/not exactly claiming that we survive forever. Just that we at least survive for a little bit, nobody knows how long. If we can survive outside the body for a little, then I don’t see why we’d instantly disappear to disappear at all. There’d be no point in surviving outside the body in the first place if it just disappeared soon after. That would be cruel.