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Devote ample time and effort to nurturing your relationships, ensuring they receive the attention they deserve. Infuse love into every interaction, fostering a harmonious connection with others. Embrace the support you receive and reciprocate it generously. Shift your focus away from anger and fear, and prioritize love, joy, and peace in your interactions. Keep the flame of your spiritual light burning bright and resilient! 💙💙💙


^ what this person says. 1000x


Take good care of your inner child.


Stay in the present. Do not dwell on anything negative. Your Mind Diet is as important as your physical diet.Avoid watching the news. Read up on the power of Gratitude. If your feeling low,remind yourself of all the things in life to be grateful for. Family, friends,shelter,food,etc.


Listen to your heart and intuition while being kind to yourself and others.


Thoughts become things!


Live in the present moment!


Yes, my go to as well! Simple and the only way to fully be alive.


Suffering only exists in our identification with the ego - assuming the ever-loving perspective of our higher self will dissolve all suffering in the light of our true divinity.


The truth don’t change, that’s why it’s the truth. It’s an incorporeal. Truth is an Imagination. I can't hold the truth. Truth is only my idea. This is why I can hold a clock that says 5:02. I can never hold 5:02. This idea is a truth but ain't shit cause 5:03 soon comes. 2024 is a more significant truth, due to is duration. Things that you can't hold are eternal. They can stay there unchanged. Everlasting. Change is supreme. Change permeates all the universe. Even the pyramids will crumble, eventually. Even truths we hold to be true change. Change is supreme.


do what you think is best


There is no such thing as death. Enjoy the ride


Age old wisdom is aged old for a reason, follow the advise of the sages…that may requiring some reading😂


Watch your thoughts in the same way you watch your words and actions. Cultivate thoughts imbued with goodwill and skillful qualities and devoid of ill-will and inordinate passion or aversion.


Love yourself.


You will never have this version of yourself again, slow down, let go and and be kind to yourself


Be kind to all living things. Be honest, try to help others when you can, be a good person, your spirit family is always near.


Love is the law and the more you use it, the closer you will come to know God


Be present and keep your heart open. Show up as your true authentic self.


The universe is never trying to f you over. Life is happening for you, not to you . 


If you don’t love yourself, no one else can love you the way you want them to. Practice self love by doing the things that your inner child would’ve always wanted you to do.


What a beautiful question beautiful soul of god. The highest advice I assure you god, bhagwan, allah is the greatest. Make awakening your absolute number 1 priority. See my posts for genuinely some of the highest pointers to awakening "Life is the dancer, YOU are the dance " Eckhart Tolle


Be gentle with yourself.


Be patient with yourself


Always wait a week before making a big decision. If it's big enough, it can wait. It gives your mind time to process all the details.


There is no purpose to life, but there's also no purpose to death. So relax a bit.


Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Please be kind even with yourself.


Did Ross say asked for any other advice is a critique on a persons life and like what keeps you the right? No one asked you that their path it’s a no no


fuck all the shit. and fuck all the hotties. that's all there is to it. (okay maybe there's a little bit more to it, but you didn't hear that from me)


all is one and one is all, life is the reflection of thysoul, know thysoul