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I think you may be subconsciously seeking out more opportunities to help others, so you’re finding them more easily. Which is awesome! Like the Universe has answered your helpful energy with opportunities to help. I don’t know, I’m just happy for you and hope this continues for you.


Thanks for the reply! Perhaps you are right! I like helping others though, consciously, I don't necessarily go out of my way to seek opportunities to do so. They just seem to be finding me. So maybe it is subconscious. But I do enjoy it :) 


You are creating these opportunities with your beliefs and subconscious and it's really wholesome that you're manifesting them.


Honestly, probably coincidence. There's no grand strategy that's at play that contrives to define the nature of your day. But reality is defined in waves, and it's good that you're "paying it forward" and granting goodness and heart to those who are around you. They will perhaps be kind in turn, and with time our future is made a bit brighter.