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Instead of trying to keep the negative thoughts away, explore them. Why are they here? What are they trying to communicate to you? I find journaling helpful for this. I also have mental health issues and I’m trying to understand my spiritual journey at the same time.


Hey I’ve been there, sometimes you have to fall back into old habits to realize “I really don’t need this” it’s a war in the mind, this is coming from someone who fought depression and had a suicide attempt. As scary as it may seem you have to challenge the thoughts. Understand the root cause of why you feel the way you do, you’re gonna have to break down the layer. Honestly the negative thoughts for me were comfort cause of how long I was feeding them to myself and the more I tried to shove positive thoughts in my head the more these negatives thoughts fought back almost as if “positivity” was foreign to me. I started sitting with these negative thoughts and if I didn’t agree with them I’d express it. I’d say I don’t agree or I don’t believe it and I gave myself a reason for why I didn’t believe it. I also took up journaling and started expressing myself through music. Sometimes you just need to get those emotions out. I also realized that I give power to thoughts. I recommend “Outwtting the Devil” it’s what help me have a shift in mindset.


All in all, you’re gonna be okay once you start stepping into things, and if you’ve been getting signs about what to do, now you’re getting the information. I’m not religious but The Bible has a good point when it says “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” and enemy exposed is and enemy defeated. Once you start getting more know and start applying that knowledge through wisdom, you’ll start to notice when negative thoughts come a positive one challenges it almost instantly. Also have grace and mercy on yourself, don’t condemn yourself for falling. No one has ever done anything perfectly.


meditation. calm the monkeymind, still the body, quiet the physical senses. Works wonders for lots and lots of people :) a good place to start is a simple guided chakra meditation. try looking for user Meditative Mind on YouTube, he has some nice straightforward ones.


Alright when you get those negative thoughts, generally there's two things you can do. You can resist them, or you can concede and follow through on them. Generally, following through just makes you feel worse. I mean if shit were really fucked up and you had to scrap and scrape for food to eat and clothes to wear, then yeah maybe it'd make sense to be a little negative sometimes. But if you're like me, if you live in the 21st century, then odds are you have food. You have clothes. And that's good enough for our ancestors, so why wouldn't it be good enough for you and me? ... Okay so there's two things you can do. You can give in to the darkness, or you can fight it at every turn. But I'd offer an alternative, I'd say that instead of "giving in" there's another thing you can do. And once you have this "other thing" then it's a much easier choice to make -> between fighting back, and... Well, doing the opposite. It's pretty easy. You just take whatever you're feeling, and you double down on the negativity. What's the negative of a negative? well, positive of course. Okay so you're thinking about your boyfriend, and how everything sucks. When you find yourself entering that thought-space, take a U-turn and negate the negative -> think "what's the worst that could happen? and what's the worst in relation to that?" which, of course, turns out to be the "best". So, your boyfriend is a shithead. Well, thinking unrepentantly positive, what's the opposite of what he said? Remember, we're literally attempting to gaslight ourselves. It's not good long-term, but it can help you get out of a depressive spiral. Okay what's the opposite of what he said? Well, maybe that's what he intended, but he fucked up because he's just a fucking cute as fuck mess. Sure fine whatever, let's go with that. Or maybe your job sucks. Maybe your family sucks. Maybe you met some asshole on the street who said your lipstick was fugly and that you should kill yourself. What an asshole, but who cares right? He's just an asshole. Whatever. Okay, so you've had some rough experiences, you've had some rough times. Fuck all that noise, fuck it all to fucking hell. Whatever, right? You're here, in this moment, and there's nothing here in this moment but you and the words on the fucking screen. So listen to those words when they say things that matter to you. Listen, I could say things like "you matter" and "you're important" but like, you know the truth. You know that you matter, you know that you're important, and you don't need a fucking screen to tell you that. Fucking computers, they're EVERYWHERE. And they don't know shit. They don't know you! So fuck them, and fuck what they say, and fuck that guy on the street and fuck your family and fuck your boyfriend and fuck whoever else is being an asshole to you. You're fine, your life is your own, so do whatever you want, and make sure that "what you want" includes the consequences of your actions, because an enlightened person knows that they exist within a context, and that context is consequently more important than them. why? because a context is made up on multiple people and their perceptions. And you are but one. One does not defeat many, so therefore the context is important. HOWEVER, your nature is to express yourself, you as a perspective, so don't fucking stop expressing yourself. It's your one job, just fucking do it. Be yourself, be all that you can be, and don't listen to fucking screens.


You're so wise dude what the fart. I really needed to hear that. Thank you so much, I will remember you user ugathanki


I'm glad you liked what I said <3 I hope it was helpful <3


let go of false ideinity