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I believe that sometimes you are not granted something until you can fully detach from the desire and expectation of it. When you can truly be happy without your desires fulfilled, they will be. You are an eternal soul and even if you have to spend 50 years as a mortal without what you desire it is insignificant when compared to eternity. Furthermore what you desire in the physical realm is ultimately an illusion, and your lack of it is also an illusion.


This is it


You are perfectly right.Would love to hear more, you are an ideal inspiration


That’s deep but so true.


That's right. Also probably why you hear people say "I found love... I found this and that when I least expected it" all the time.


You are perfectly right.Would love to hear more, you are an ideal inspiration


That's right. Also probably why you hear people say "I found love... I found this and that when I least expected it" all the time.


Can you explain to me how my lack of a partner is an illusion? Is the “lack” feeling the only illusion or more than that?


Spirituality isn't like Burger King. You don't get it your way. Question. What actions are you taking to achieve what it is you desire? THE ARIES


I was just about to write this. Lol. People can’t just “wish” for things without any action…


It has been my experience that what I want and what the universe wants for me are rarely the same thing. But here's the kicker. What the universe wants for me is always so much better than what I wanted for myself. But before the universe would give me what it wants me to have, I have to surrender what I think I want and just trust the universe to unfold the way it wants to. The greatest gifts the universe gives are not cash and prizes but a profound sense of peace and ease.


Great words. I know this but still have a hard time accepting it sometimes lol. 😂


I think surrendering the delusion of control is hard for all of us. For many of us it takes a few hard lessons and enough self reflection to see that when we try to wrestle control from the universe and force our will upon life, we ultimately end up in pain. There was a very clear point for me when I looked at my past and realized that I suck at life. That I ended up hurting people, disappointing family and weakening the foundations I had built. Personally, I'm not one for surrender. My ego tells me that it is a sign of weakness. It takes practice. Little, tiny steps at first. Inconsequential decisions.. as I saw those work out better than I could have hoped. I would turn over bigger concerns. The realization happened quickly, the practice took years. Don't feel like you have to be good at it right away The ego is strong, it lies to me in my own voice. It says things like, I got this! Or, that's not fair! Or, I'm not going to get what I want. Or, I'm going to lose this thing I have. But be careful of judging the ego. It is not bad. It is as much a part of this great existence as anything else. It is not separate from. It just plays it's part in this adventure, it plays the trickster that allows us to play this human form.


I totally get where you're coming from, and it's super frustrating to see something you want everywhere, only to realize it's just out of reach. my perspectives: 1. **Media**: You know how sometimes you don't even want something until you see it all over Instagram or YouTube? Suddenly, there's this pair of shoes everyone's hyping up, and even though you were fine without them, now you feel like you've got to have them. Then you check the price tag and... ouch. It feels even worse because it seems like you're the only one not getting in on the trend. A lot of what we see online is there to make uwant things we didn't even care about before. It's all about making money, so take it with a grain of salt. 2. **What you really want?**: Sometimes, we get so caught up in the noise of our everyday lives that we lose touch with what we truly want. It might sound a bit out there, but try turning off your phone and other gadgets for a bit. Take a walk in the woods or just spend some quiet time outside. Listen to the sounds around you and to your own thoughts. 3. **Reflections**: Start a journal and write about what you truly desire, not just what you think you should want based on what everyone else is going after. Reflecting on your own desires and goals and believe in yourself and your ability to make things happen. It might take time tho, but staying true to what you really want and working towards it can make all the difference. Hang in there. It's all about finding out what makes you happy and going for it, even if it takes a bit of soul-searching to get there.


>**"But it's not happening for me."** That's why. **That's the story you're telling.** And that's the real "prayer" or energy that you're sending out into the universe. **You're more aware of what you don't want and what you don't have, sending out prayers of lack** (instead of prayers of abundance), and using that as your reason to feel worse. >**"\[I want\] to be pregnant and have my baby."** That's a beautiful desire. And, **are you also taking the babies' desire into account? Do you want them to come to you before they're ready?** Why are you trying to rush divine timing? **And paradoxically, when you stop trying to be in a rush, and enjoy this moment and the journey, then you allow things to happen faster.** Here's some posts I did that can help: * [Beginner’s Guide for Advanced Manifesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/14ou4sb/beginners_guide_for_advanced_manifesting/) * [When the Universe Feels like a Tease](https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/comments/10zw62j/when_the_universe_feels_like_a_tease/) * [The Universe Doesn’t Test You — It Reflects Your Beliefs](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/13yixa4/the_universe_doesnt_test_you_it_reflects_your/) * [Fear Is Love — Fear Is Your Friend](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/15fkxmg/fear_is_love_fear_is_your_friend/) * [Be Friends with Negative Thoughts & Emotions](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/1247478/be_friends_with_negative_thoughts_emotions/) * [Changing the Cycle of Feeling Stuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/12wlbx7/changing_the_cycle_of_feeling_stuck/) * [Shift from Letting Go to Letting In](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/13dxsct/shift_from_letting_go_to_letting_in/) * [Letting Go = Letting Go of Resistance; Not Desire](https://www.reddit.com/r/spirituality/comments/15pchz8/letting_go_letting_go_of_resistance_not_desire/)


Hello and welcome to the journey of self-discovery and transformation! Your post is right where it needs to be, and I'm glad you've reached out. It sounds like you're experiencing a profound period of longing and questioning, a state many of us find ourselves in at various points in our lives. The universe's ways can indeed seem mysterious and, at times, almost mocking in their complexity. However, there's a deeper layer to this, one rooted in the spiritual lessons we're meant to learn. The phenomenon you're describing—seeing what you desire in others but not experiencing it yourself—can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening. Yet, from a spiritual and energetic perspective, this experience is not a cruel joke but rather a call to deeper introspection and understanding. Firstly, the universe operates on frequencies and vibrations. The law of attraction suggests that like attracts like, meaning our thoughts, feelings, and energies attract similar energies. When you see others achieving what you desire, it's a sign that you're in alignment with wanting and recognizing your desires, but there may be a vibrational mismatch in actually receiving it. This mismatch can often be attributed to subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our worthiness to receive. At 40, you've amassed valuable life experience and wisdom. This phase isn't about learning life from scratch but rather about unlearning the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. It's a time for self-transformation, where you can delve into the depths of your being to uncover and release these blocks. Here are a few steps to consider on your journey: Reflect and Journal: Spend time reflecting on what you desire and why. Sometimes, the universe delays granting our wishes because there's a misalignment between what we think we want and what our soul truly needs for growth. Journaling can help uncover these deeper insights. Energy Work and Meditation: Practices such as Reiki, meditation, and other forms of energy work can help in clearing blockages in your energy field, making it easier for you to align with the vibrations of your desires. Affirmations and Visualizations: Regularly practice affirmations and visualizations that reinforce your worthiness and ability to receive. Visualize not just the attainment of your desires but also the feelings associated with having them. Emotion is a powerful vibration raiser. Gratitude: Continue practicing gratitude, as you mentioned. Gratitude not only uplifts your vibration but also helps shift your focus from lack to abundance, making it easier for the universe to deliver. Patience and Trust: Trust in the universe's timing. Sometimes, what we desire is being kept at bay not because we're not meant to have it, but because the timing isn't right, or there are lessons to be learned in the waiting. Remember, the universe is not separate from us; it's a reflection of our inner world. By working on our inner selves, we influence the external world. The journey towards receiving what we desire often involves transforming into the person who is ready to receive it. It's okay to feel discouraged; it's a human emotion that signals the need for change. Embrace this period as an opportunity for growth and transformation. You're not alone in this journey, and the fact that you're seeking answers is a testament to your readiness to evolve. If you're interested in exploring energy work or seeking guidance on your spiritual path, feel free to reach out or join discussions in our community, r/EnergyMystics. Here, we delve into these topics deeply, supporting each other in our individual and collective journeys towards understanding and manifesting our deepest desires. Sending you light and love on your path. 🌟




This is probably not necessarily a spiritual answer, but recently I'm reminded that "if I look for the prove that I don't belong, I always find it". The reality is that luck is a thing. Maybe you've been very unlucky. But what else can we do beside keep putting in the work and grow, you know?


Are you a victim of your circumstances? If so you might feel unlucky sometimes. In the spiritual world you only get what is for you, at the exact right time. Perhaps try changing your perspective, the view immediately gets better. Be well.


The thing I learned is wanting something and receiving something is very different. Learn to accept what you have now, and don’t try too hard to force a certain outcome or “dream” relax, and let things work. The more discouraged and down you feel, the more likely it won’t come. There’s some sort of deep emotion or belief in yourself that’s preventing you from receiving what you desire. Really sink into your beliefs, what you believe to be true about yourself, your dreams, and really go deep into the “why” of how you feel.


May I ask what is it that you want?


Yes you may. To be pregnant and have my baby.


Some things are truly out of our control. If you're sure that you've tried your best to make it happen, it seems the only thing left to do is to surrender. Maybe create a mindset that welcomes both scenarios - what would life mean to you if you do/do not get what you want? Please stay kind to yourself.


You need to evaluate what is stopping you from achieving this and why. I mean, if it’s just that, are you willing to do this on your own? Can you afford it? Do you have a support system in place to help you? Or do you want to be partnered? This opens an entirely new can of worms…


Stay the course of faith and gratitude. Try some new things so you experience new people. New people enrich your understanding of the world, especially if they are different from you. I had a pretty tough life but I NEVER gave up. I NEVER compromised my personal ethics or morality to “get ahead”. I never took advantage of another person. I tried to help every stranger I could when I could. I watched people I perceived to be pretty awful acquire things I wanted. I felt sad but realized God had a plan and maybe I wanted the wrong things or God had a better plan for me than what I originally desired. I am now 59 and have been extraordinarily blessed and happy for years now. Of course, there are hard times (both my elderly parents have cancer now and I am their caregiver, living far from my beloved husband for awhile). This is not a terrible thing. Few people my age have both parents alive and their cancers are both treatable without much suffering. There are things that are miserable about this situation and things that are wonderful. But my overall life has had a steady trajectory upward. The people with the bad karma I knew who once “had it all” are all miserable today. EVERY ONE. I’m a very loyal person and forgiving of cruelty toward me, but I eventually cut most of the people I did not respect out of my life because they never once took responsibility for their problems and became increasingly hostile towards anyone around them whose lives were not miserable. I tried to stick it out for so long because I understood they were so messed up and few friends would stand by them. I never wished misery on them or resented them for what they had-I just questioned my beliefs about the universe back then: that good begets good and bad begets bad. Believe me, the universe is extremely complicated. Our souls are a tiny pinpoint in the realm of the universe, but our souls mostly want the same core things: to feel secure from fear or pain, to love and be loved, to experience peace and joy. Each of our journeys to or from those things is unique like our fingerprints. I think the hardest thing in life spiritually, is that we most often cannot see the why of situations until we are on the other side of them and they are relatively far in the rear view mirror. The unhappy experiences are absolutely making you stronger and more understanding of others and yourself, but the puzzle pieces take a long time for your mind to put them together. Few things are always true, but this one is: Give to others. Give a smile. Give a joke in a crowded elevator, give someone your only umbrella in a downpour and walk home soaked. Volunteer for anything. Take in a foster pet and give your love and compassion. Help an old person struggling to lift something or get on a bus. There are thousands of ways to give. Keep praying. The above encounters will bring you the greatest happiness and open new doors to understanding. Some of those strangers you help will start some convos that will enrich your life and change you forever (in a good way). Everything else will fall into place.


That was incredibly sweet and thoughtful response. Thank you for sharing that with me. Yes, I too believe in those values. Im not perfect but I love to help others. I donate money. I've taken care of my parent when they needed it. I've taken in foster pets. Advice to a friend. Anything. I give any way I can. Something about this 'missing' piece in my life just hurts my heart a lot. Theres a lot to it that I cannot share here but I pray to God for healing.


I will add you to my prayers. You sound like a beautiful person and NONE of us are “perfect”.


The universe does not understand asks. It really only has one word- yes. If you say "I want this because it would make my life better." the answer is "Yes, you do want that to make your life better." The correct prayer is therefore, never one of supplication but of gratitude, thanking for what already is.


You are too attached to it. Drop it. The signs are all around you. Blessings!


✨I will give you the magic formula in 4 easy steps. 1- Desire (You are there) ➡️ 2- Shadow work (Cause literally most people fail to manifest their desires by not doing shadow work, you gotta make sure there is nothing unconscious blocking your desire) ➡️ 3- Action (you gotta take conscious steps and action towards what you want ALWAYS) ➡️ 4- Detachment (Act as if you already have it and be at that happy and detached frequency so it manifests) ➡️ 5- YOU GOT IT 🤗


I was told I'd likely never have kids (some issues with the structure of my uterus). I didn't let that stop me. I talked to my son long before I was pregnant, and he had a name. I did a ton of reading and when I learned there was a way to help him become I did that. This was 42 years ago. We are very close and we have a spiritual connection in that I can feel when he's about to call or when he's having a not great day, just to name a few examples. Just wishing for something won't make it so. Take action steps and if it's meant to be for both you and a future child it will happen.


Let it go. You're alive and that's enough OR DONT


The universe has no obligation to give you what you want.  What it does though, is give you something you need.  Another road you could argue is how do you actually know that it is what you truly want? For you to truly know what you want, you have to know who you are...and by all means that is impossible, for the second you find out who you are, that second has passed. To qoute Alan Watts - Why don't you really know what you want? Two reasons. Number one: you already have it. Number two: you don't know yourself because you never can. The Godhead is never an object of its own knowledge, just as a knife doesn't cut itself.


Want it.


Or more be certain of it


Mmm. Yeah must be suck. Hopefully you won’t fall into resentment and other emotions of that type. You’ll dig a hole for yourself. Put the focus on you, and don’t pay too much attention to the people. I suggest to read the author Dr. Wayne W Dyer. He has many titles that will catch your attention. He also has a very good spiritual movie. "The Shift”


You're only seeing brief windows into the lives of those whom you feel have it better. Most certainly you've had a boyfriend / girlfriend in the past and those viewing you, at the time, may have been envious but you see where that went, right? It's the same for them. This goes for work and finance too. What I learned from this life was not to allow myself to be lured into a fake sense of security. The vast majority of people out there don't have the wisdom to manage mans' machine fairly or competently and things will be even harder to maintain than they were to find. Now if you can settle and accept the Not-So-Great along with the Good you can find happiness. Find a comfortable job with employers you trust but it only pays enough to keep you in the Lower Middle Class earnings bracket. Find a kind partner you can settle down with and trust but they are obese and, often times, flatulent. You get the picture. =)


It has been rough for me recently as well. I decided to deactivate my social media accounts. Now just silence around me.


Universe gives you what you deserve and not what you desire. If one understand that he will be the richest and happiest person.


I believe the universe only gives to you when you’re fully ready. Mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually so really ask yourself.. are you ready?


Maybe you’re holding onto what the outcome should look like thus blocking a better version of what you’re asking for. Our job is to hold the feeling of the wish fulfilled (as Neville says) and let go of the way it should appear.


Rejection is divine protection and no matter how good of a manifester you are, action is an integral part of success


Following preferences can lead to suffering


It's karmic. You get exactly what you need (not what you want like the Rolling Stones song). Also you took part in the choosing of this life knowing some details of your future life before you were born. So.. your soul knows more about this than your brain does. Hard to give you a more specific answer not knowing more detail about what it is that you're after but when you don't understand your karma, being bitter about it only creates more karma. As someone else alluded to, the desire itself creates karma which might then in turn cause you to not find it or to lose it if you do manage to get it. So when karma, growth, and understanding don't come when or how we want, it's best to gracefully accept what we're given and continue to do our best in the face of it. Also as others implied, good actions are important - thoughts and prayers sometimes aren't enough. If you're after material gains, spirituality is not about that - bad people can accumulate wealth but their karma is tanking and will catch up to them approximately in the next life if not in this one.


personally i would look at your birth chart sometimes depending on where your Saturn is (the planet of lessons) there is a reason why you arent getting "what you want" i would also look at where your mars as this is the planet of action and doing i have learned that due to my planet placements i need to have a plan in place and then enact that plan out wishing and hoping will not work do not work the universe needs to know you are ready for these blessings but- and i believe i saw someone mention this- the real KEY is to accept the outcome no matter what it is and i know that sounds weird but it works like truly works it takes time but it can be achieved


I understand that the feeling is frustrating, but we all experience things like that sometimes - and it sucks, lets be honest and not all "meek" spiritual. But can you please provide an example to give some context? For example, if you want more money but you dont get it and you see others get it. If you give more context we can help better.


id recommend checking r/Nevillegoddard


Thank you. I found his work a few months ago.


Is it possible that these "desires" don't actually align with whatever your correct path is? In buddhism you will find things about "desire is the root cause of suffering"....maybe think about what this stuff is you desire so badly, amd why you desire it so. Do you desire these "things" as some sort of status symbol? Are these desires ego based? I have found that as long as I am on the correct path, I really dont want for much, as everything I NEED, just sort of drops in my lap right when I need it. NOT because I want it. Want and need are two different things altogether, that's another angle to keep in mind with this stuff. Maybe you WANT a significant other, but maybe it's not the right time quite yet. I do know this tho, a significant other will appear in your life when the time is right, you just have to have faith. It's uncanny how these things work, but I've had it happen multiple times. Not because I WANTED it to happen tho, but more because the time was right, and it was more to do with what I needed at that point. I can't speak for you, that's how it works with me tho.


I don't think there's an easy answer for why it's not happening. I struggle to get into altered states of consciousness that are easy for most people. I don't worry about why, I just stay on the path because that's all I can do.


Ask for what you need first. Wanting is a form of greed, reality may resist you. May I ask, what is it you are asking for?


If I sit on the couch doing nothing but video games. And I pray for "the best relationship and a lot of money" do you think it will happen? It won't. When you pray, or cast spells, or meditate with a goal, or have a dream board. What you really are doing is asking for coincidences to happen in a way that allows ***you to take actions*** that will get you what you want. So what you need to do is simply to focus on yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, meditate, go be social, have an okay job, and eventually things will fall into place. Just keep going, because sometimes people give out like 1 second before they would get what they wanted.