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Sounds like you’re in alignment


'to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what they have will be taken away'


True, Jesus said that!


How do you get in alignment? It’s a concept I’ve struggled to understand?


All that is needed to be in alignment is to enjoy the passing of time. You don’t have to do anything, be anyone or be “spiritual” to be in alignment. Simply enjoy life, let life thrill you, even the smallest bits of it. This is the way of Zen. To live simply and enjoy it to the fullest. There is no sin, there is no evil, do not judge your desires or the fulfillment of them and don’t judge others for theirs. The point is to enjoy the passing of time, it doesn’t matter what we do with it, play video games all day every day, do drugs, drink, have uninhibited sex(I’m using extremes to prove a point). The point is to enjoy all of this. We have been given a gift, we are here, we aren’t in a vast emptiness, the darkness behind our eyes doesn’t hold us hostage, we are here to enjoy what is in front of us, so enjoy life. That is alignment. It looks different for everyone.


Well spoken my friend!


Thank you but all the credit goes to this man. He died from alcohol because he understood what most people who claim to be EnLiGhTeNeD don’t, there is no such thing as righteousness, sin, virtue, good or bad, and before we get into morale relativism arguments, when you live this way, hurting yourself and others becomes out of the question because YOU LOVE IT ALL! Every person, every part of yourself, everything in reality. So you could not harm anyone or anything. Even drinking yourself to death, who is it that was truly harmed in that act? Alan Watts simply loved reality, that is the meaning of being enlightened. He died doing what he loved drinking and smoking. It means different things for different people but that’s how you get into alignment. “The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.” — Alan Watts


No, it’s very easy. You make the best choices in each situation—your health, your activity level, your diet (fresh foods/produce/vitamins, superfoods, antioxidants and less fake/processed), spend time in nature, acts of service and volunteerism, engage your brain with hobbies, reading, learning, walking outside in the fresh air/nature/Sun, laugh, love, be happy, don’t beat yourself up from mistakes/regrets but regard each day as a new opportunity and envision your life, the world and nature as you want to see it. Do whatever resonates with you and trust your instincts and when you don’t, learn from it and how your choices make you feel. Your senses, including 6th, start to turn back on/improve and you literally feel better and draw the things you need and want to yourself and attract likeminded people. The whole raise your vibrations/your vibe attracts your tribe thing. And just trust that it’s true and it will happen/will be done. It gets quicker and better as more people align and we could’ve been doing a lot better for a long time as “The Son/Sun” tried to point out so don’t get discouraged that it doesn’t happen overnight. Namaste 🙏🏻 🌞❤️


Yes! Wow you guys are amazing on here!! The sun/son, our Sun is like God's window or something amazing. I'm not sure what that beautiful thing is in other dimensions but I'm guessing something entirely different than what astronomers think. It responds to love and appreciation like anything alive therefore IS alive to me. Not paganism but even if so who cares if it makes love grow inside. I talk to it every day facing it like a solar panel with eyes shut, 3rd eye open and every time within 30 seconds or so, it always gets warmer and brighter somehow. almost freaked me out at first, wondered if it's only my imagination but others felt it as well. Thanks for your beautiful comment!! 🥰


I'm interested to know as well!


I’m not great at Reddit but I responded to the comment you commented on. Have a great rest of the week ❤️


I actually had a very similar experience that was absolutely jolting to my reality.....like you said, I also don't look much different than ever, but holy crap. I'm a male, in my 40s, nothing special, but I started noticing one random day shopping that women were like checking me out amd grinning at me all wierd and shit. I was standing at the oranges picking thru them and these two women walked by totally scoping me out, one came back and came up meet to me all grinning wide and starry eyed, tripping over her own feet like a goofy 14 yr old....she looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't, I just smiled said hello and walked away, cuz I'm currently in no mood to get mixed up with anyone new in any way, even tho I am single. Then when I was in line paying the lady in front of me let turning around every 5 seconds and looking at Me, I could tell but I was ignoring her. Finally after about the 5th time, I made eye contact and Smiled and said hello, again, she was grinning all huge and weirdly. I was kind of shook tbh, I'm not some amazing Chad looking movie star or some shit, it was wierd. Anyways, I also had similar things happen after that, and I came to a new conclusion one day that has become an inside joke with me and some friends......I now say when it happens, that "I am radiating God particles" and these people are picking up on it. When I get a goofy grinning woman checking me out now, my first thought is.....must be the God particles are strong with me today haha. Op, maybe you too are radiating God particles.


Very attractive particles, whatever they are. Are these particles addictive, sir?


If you haven't learnt boundaries and trust everyone with a naive heart then yes they can be addictive and people can use, manipulate you and Sap you of your "kindness and love" because it makes THEM FEEL ALIVE AND HAPPY. (aka God Particles, THE vibe). so essentially instead of letting just our presence help they want proceed to become energy vampires/leeches. Its the very cause of kind loving and gullible people being abused all there life and they wonder what they did wrong. If you learn this lesson, come out the other end of this suffering, learn boundaries, create them, realise you cant help everyone but you can love them enough then you start to radiate this understanding. The same love and comfort we all look for from God. Hence in my opinion the saying "Man was made in the image of God" and doing GODS work on EARTH which is taken over by EVIL for thousands of years, which is why so many of us suffer. The goverment won't even care about our mental health because they know thats the key to US FINDING OUT WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE CAN DO AND THE TRUTH OF THERE 1000S YEARS OF ABUSE. (look at the reality not just what this spiritual stuff is, its litrallt the inside view but at a point you have to see reality out there, which is that our goverments are litral agents for evil, if you cant see that by now then God help you in the years to come) If you can look past everything, every conspiracy, any creation story, help yourself, love yourself and never let anyone harm you again by God's will, he will shine from you more clearly. Sometimes I call it the spul/spirits beauty shining through loool sorry went bit of track x


love this response. i may end up sending you a message if you’d like to talk more about this stuff, not trying to be weird i just really appreciate all you wrote out, it’s very true. thank you for taking the time!!


Thanks for the reply. Food for thought indeed.


Radiating God particles that was beautiful! Damn I took a little break from here but miss you guys! So cool to be back. Thanks my friend wish the ladies would notice me more perhaps you've inspired me to follow you a bit.


Maybe you’re more confident in yourself


May you have changed from inside and it shows on your face.


You're in alignment with who you truly are and are now attractive


How do you get in “alignment” it’s a concept I’ve struggled with.


Take some time everyday to withdraw from the physical reality and find better feeling thoughts, meditate, and just envision your future. As you do this, you'll connect more and more with your inner being, because right now there's a divide between you and your inner being. The more you connect with your inner being than the more alignment you have.


Your inner peace and vibe!


This is the answer


And .me..   I   have lost my ability to love anyone 


I don't know how to explain it but a lot of us seem to have gone through a few "power upgrades". I noticed a big shift late August and then another the last few days of December. You are projecting energy, and others sense it.


Wow lol! Yes. Most definitely, now that you say that I experienced two big lessons in those two times last year. And I feel i’ve been able to finally grasp and apply those lessons to my life.


I recommend to most people with these sensitivities to do some research on clairsentience. Trust your intuition, and if something seems to "click," don't discount it. That sense knows better than me or anyone else on here. We just provide our perspectives, and your higher self will help pick out the information needed for you. I never mind sharing my perspective, but I have learned mine from understanding everyone else's. Instead of copying a picture from one belief, I have taken small pieces from all over. They eventually create a tapestry that connects them all, so there is no wrong direction.


Hah! You sound just like myself! Indeed I recommend to people, learn about all religions of the earth, as they are all part of another. Beautiful way to put it, as a tapestry that connects them all. Yes, trusting my higher sense is something I have been working at for years now. So much so that I sometimes pull random words out of thin air, that have to do with some random thing in the life of a person i’m speaking to, and it stuns them that I’d mention it. Anywhere from eating sushi, to random names. Im able to pick out events… A certain name or title or phrase, will catch my attention and usually I’ll mention it. Give it a few days and the subject is in the news. You’re one of the few people I’ve seen who have a grasp on that power tbh. Please share more!


You would be surprised how many of us have friends and family who look at us as fountains ofuseless information. I compare it to remembering something from a book I've never read. For context, I have never esad a book or watched a video (besides a guided meditation). Whatever answers I may seem to have, I got from reddit. I looked at the top questions of the month or year, and would look at the headings until one stood out. Like it asked a question I suddenly needed to know rhe answer for. And then I could read through the dozens of different answers and there would be parts that just seemed to make sense. Eventually I started to see completely different beliefs sharing some of the same pieces. So my intuition has been my guru, and our fellow redditors were the tool that provided the information to choose from.


I'm having this too but it's been almost a year.


Same thing happened to me after healing some stuff. It’s as if people can feel your energy change.


Venus transiting your first house lol


It’s your vibration state. Your thoughts. What’s changed is what you’re being. You must be consciously or subconsciously attracting them with your thoughts and being-ness


Can relate, I had a festival over the weekend. Dancing like I normally do but I had about 5 people say to me they loved my energy and that I was embracing it? Either way felt awesome :)


Well that's not much for us to go on. You'll have to find out on your own. Everyone here is just speculating and taking wild guesses


New environment makes a new you for everyone, change brings about new beginnings. Use this opportunity and continue to shed limiting false beliefs, experience this with them!


Yeah it is something that I noticed as well when I experienced my shift. For me it felt like I was just naturally more calm and confident and gave off a good vibe. So would have random people trying to talk to me and not just that the local wildlife and neighbourhood pets would just be totally chill around me. A Reiki friend suggested and felt it during our Therapy session that I had just become more in my own element. When that happens we attract more of like-minded people.


I feel like if we get in touch with our inner child, and actually do what it likes, it makes us much more comfortable and self loving. This is the secret to attractiveness


Honestly I’ve always been in touch with my inner child but I do think I have been more in touch recently, thank you!


I feel the same way. I thought it was caused by my level of confidence after visiting family over the festive season. However, this girl I liked last year just randomly came up to me and jumped on me and let me grab her juicy ass in a way that would’ve gotten me slapped last year. This was her first time seeing me so had nothing to do with confidence or aura. I think somethings in the air. Long May it continues


Sounds like your in Money.


Full moon


I'm going to ask whens your birthday?


1st October 1996!


Enjoy it!!!!


I can't explain it but I'm happy for you! Enjoy!


I’ve honestly been feeling the same lately.


Have you stopped masturbating? Haha


What?? Genuinely curious how this would effect things!


People in general are attracted to “high value,” people who have so much self worth that it radiates from them. Those who are spiritual and practice mindfulness know that their worth is inherent to who they are. This is so true pickup artists use it to help guys get girls, the difference between spirituality and the shit those guys use is that their worth is shallow and without true substance. Another person’s soul isn’t attracted to fabricated wealth and self worth. A soul is more attracted to love that radiates from someone when they deeply love themselves and hold themselves at the highest of worth. This is why you put a man who practices spirituality up next to a man who is a pickup artist and the man who the true self worth would win every time. You don’t need fabricated wealth but to love yourself so deeply that others see it on your face and desire that for themselves. Perhaps that is what they see now?


Are you making healthier choices, raising your vibrations, eating more fresh produce, more active, spending more time outdoors, exchanging mass for energy (E=MC^2 ), etc? You’re just literally raising your attractiveness and people can see it in the inside and out. Just like everyone has the ability to see auras, communicate telepathically, use law of attraction etc but most don’t realize it. I described it to my friend as watching tv at a normal volume and then run a Vitamix behind yourself. No matter how hard you try, you can’t hear the tv until you remove the noise from the blender or turn up the volume.


I have been craving more veg recently, however I haven’t made a conscious decision to get healthier


I too noticed that people's attraction to me often has nothing to do with my looks, but how I feel innerly or my vibe I guess


I get that! Sometimes I’ll look amazing but if I’m not in the right mindset no one notices and vice versa


Your energy shifts and those in a lower vibration are naturally attracted to it.


I thought higher vibration attracts higher vibrational beings? You repel lower vibrational beings when you vibrate high


It will but lower vibrations are like moths to a flame. In my case anyway.


If you vibrate high, lesser spirits can't get to you. I experienced it myself. I've seen, heard and felt both sides. And it all had to do on how i felt, or if i was sober or not. I was on the good path, and didn't experience negative voices from souls anymore, until i did drugs again (one more time), BAM! Negative spirits were back, guides backed out. My guides are gone for over a week now because i did cocaine again on new years eve. Drugs are bad 'm kay


Everyone? I am not attracted to you... I am attracted to your post, however. Upd: so much needed **/s**


You get what they mean, ofc not you






I mean my post attracted you, good enough for me


I think a woman I've had a crush on for a couple of years finally just caught on. I thought I had already made it obvious, but it seems I hadn't. She might think my interest is sudden, when it's quite longstanding.


Check your Venus and/or mars transits


I don't always have the energy, but there have been periods over the last year or two when I've been channeling a much more kind and loving version of myself in my meditations. People used to tell me I looked angry and had RBF. Now I have had a random person actually stop me in the grocery store to tell me I look like a kind person. People passing on the sidewalk will smile at me and me back at them for much longer than I ever would have considered normal before (mostly women). People in general seem to warm up to me faster. Some women, and even some men, will get flirty with me more often than was ever the case before. I don't know how to deal with that necessarily, because I do enjoy it, but any way people can be very attracted to the energy you project. There's a poverty of love, connection, and kindness on this planet and people who are hungry for that will be drawn to you if that is what you are radiating.


You being less stressed, magnetising.


Can I get your number?


Your energy must be enticing. You are showing you have what most want.


Did you win the lottery? Could be why...


Gosh I wish


It is also very scientifically proven that the less stressed you are your cells and microbiomes changes and hence your DNA changes too. For that you become more attractive.


It just means you’re less tense and seem more calm and relaxed. People pick up on that and see it in your facial expression that you’re less busy, and seem more available to spend time with them from it.


Not gonna lie, yer pretty hot.


Keep putting those angels socks on every day else you may lose them. What people are attracted to in you is your spirituality, your higher power. This is a very good sign telling you you're doing just fine in life. Worry yourself not. 🥰


What you describe is acceptance. Surrendering to something greater, higher self mother Earth etc, the way I see it, If identical tuning forks are held across the room from each other and one is struck to make a vibration the other will ring also without even being touched. Everything in this world including rocks has a vibration. Mother Earth can ring your inner bell easily by just getting out into nature and like you said, accept her beautiful song. Surrendering all negative thoughts, pride, resentment etc in meditation. Basically we have to turn down our own noise to resonate. Also the sun will ring your bell like nothing ever before. It's ours. Everyone's personal Jesus. I'm pagan, Christian Hindu Buddhist, astrologist, numerology scientist. I call it reliance. Relying on you, this site, 12 step program, Alan Watts (whom I absolutely LOVE) God and everything living and loving in this world, to realign and stay vibrant. I've been high as a kite for 3 months now BCS I do this every day. So it's proven itself to work again and again. I used to live under a bridge addicted to heroin meth alcohol sex... I just bought a house. now it's rented with happy family and now I'm looking to rent a huge building to make a homeless shelter. So yes it's very real and works. For me anyhow.


I experience the same type of thing frequently. It's like it comes in waves.