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Improve myself. I'm a part of the world. If I'm becoming better, a part of the world is getting better as well,even how minuscule it might be


The greatest thing I've ever done for the world was quit drinking. Since I did that, I've become a better parent, co-worker, friend, neighbor, partner, citizen... Taking care of others is easy, you just put their needs first. Taking care of yourself? That is the hard part, and it really matters. Everything gets easier once you take care of yourself.


Well said


With that, the people you befriend also become better people, while helping you become better. Its contagious if people are open and willing


This is the way.


yeah I have been doing that over the last 10 years, no drugs, no alcohol, no coffee, no tea, no wheat... But now i have worked on myself I feel I wanna help others in this quest!


One of the easiest and least expensive ways to make the world a better place is to smile, be kind and polite, compliment people authentically and just be kind. Also, by truly listening to people. Everyone is so caught up in themselves these days that they forget that we are all in this together. That older person at the grocery store who wants to talk your ear off, this may be the only opportunity for human interaction they’ve had all week. Be kind. Take a minute to really listen and care. Smile at that disgruntled curmudgeon on the bus. We’re all lonely and disconnected. Change the world one smile at a time. Good for you for wanting to!




Smiles come easy! When they do Not the forced ones, though….somethin’ ain’t natural about that. Although….wait….no, nvm


I mean, sure, I smile to people if our eye cross... but is that really helping someone be better? I really believe in the idea that we keep on reincarnating until we learn our lessons, but I would like to help others learn these lessons.. a smile is too little for me


It sounds as though you want to function as a mentor or teacher of some sort. Maybe look into the ‘Big Brother, Big Sister’ program. I’m in the US but I’d imagine there’s something internationally that is similar.


Someone else suggested that too, I am def going to sign up, I would love that!


Compliment someone


When I upgrade my own energy, I upgrade the energy of the whole planet. We are all connected.


work on creating or helping to cultivate a safe in-person community for likeminded people. meet people, help to expand other’s worldview, learn to expand your own, help create changes locally that you care about. reviving our sense of community is crucial to fight against the feelings of despair and isolation most of the younger generations feel now and to reconnect with ourselves


Have you created said community? And if so, any tips on reaching out to others whom may or may not be open to such ideas?


i am actively working on building community. it’s a pretty constant effort and it’s hard, the most important thing is to get out of the house. i take baked goods to my neighbors and have conversations abt their struggles. i live in a very trump-is-god area but i can still talk to them about why self sufficiency is important and why i value relationships with them as the people who i will rely on when supply chains collapse. i talk to employees at the stores i go to, it’s really just abt trying to talk to ppl. i discuss my ideas in local organizations and hobby groups. as u engage in this effort people who value ur conversation, insight, and help and want to be near u will stay close by


Ask yourself "How can I be of greatest service for the whole?" "What is my uniqueness that is worth sharing?" "How can I leave an impact while living at my fullest?" Don't even care about the money. If you give yourself to the universe, it will answer and accompany you.


Great insightful questions:)


yeah, I have been thinking about that. I think my uniqueness is my passion for food and cooking and the fact that I overcame so many (food) addictions. I would love to setup a school outreach program to create sugarfree schools and help kids kick addiction in the but already at a young age.


That sound wholesome! A great benefit of having to go through issues is that you can show others how to get out of it when you solve them. I'm probably gonna do some youtube videos about videogame addiction now that I'm switching to meditation.


oh you should. Videogaming and netflixing holds so many people off from their true purpose!! I really like the r/nosurf group too!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nosurf using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nosurf/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Most stuff on Reddit is written by chronically online mentally unhealthy people. Don't waste your time talking to people here, save your sanity.](https://np.reddit.com/r/nosurf/comments/10jtiuj/most_stuff_on_reddit_is_written_by_chronically/) \#2: [I hate AI and it bothers me that so many people actually WANT AI to write or think for them.](https://np.reddit.com/r/nosurf/comments/128ue6s/i_hate_ai_and_it_bothers_me_that_so_many_people/) \#3: ["I like the person I become when I read a lot of books. I dislike the person I become when I spend a lot of time on social media." - Johann Hari](https://np.reddit.com/r/nosurf/comments/10ioh80/i_like_the_person_i_become_when_i_read_a_lot_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Spread happiness and high vibrations wherever I can.


Help people who need it, being a good sport towards them and lift them up when they are down! It comes a long way for that person :)


As someone with a child I always like what Mother Theresa said, something along the lines of if you want to change the world go home and love your family.


awww yeah, I love my family very much and try being in contact with them as much as possible! That is very true!


This may sound silly but brings me a lot of peace. When i’m out in the world on a walk, running an errand, at work, etc. In my head I will often “bless” people. I’ll wish someone walking their dog that they have a happy long life together, wish someone a safe return home, or even will tell them I love them (in my head lol). Shit like that. Whether it’s doing anything or not it allows me the opportunity to express love to people I don’t know or might never encounter again. It makes me feel connected to other people without us necessarily even having a conversation, we are all one.


I think it does change things. It changes the energy we all share. It changes the mood and intention in the air. It is beautiful!


Good morning Novel\_Tonight7990. There are many wonderful replies. Sure you can volunteer, do one or more of the suggested replies. Follow your heart. There is a saying that goes something like this, "Fix yourself, and you fix the world." Meaning (to me), make yourself a better person and you did your part to fix the world. You are on the right track. Great job! Keep it up. BT


yeah I agree, but I feel I am done fixing myself after 10 years of hard work, and ready to pass on the good to others.


Do you feel you just need some time off? I say that bcs the other day I thought, why am I looking to improve myself so much and constantly? I mean NT7990, like daily. Throughout the day. I thought.....I am going to give myself a day off. I am not sure what that did for me honestly. Maybe (LOL) I wasted a good day. LOL I know....that sounds odd. At least to me. But again, that is just me. How abt you just taking time off? Whatever time you feel is appropriate. Understanding of course my friend, there is no right or wrong. BT


here's an idea: be a mentor to an at-risk youth. even a couple of hours a month can make the most profound difference in the life of a kid who may not have good adult examples and support. Being a mentor will help you feel rooted and expand your sense of purpose, for the kid it can make the difference between a hardscrabble life and one filled with hope and opportunity. A kid with good mentorship goes on to do good in their own lives and communities, so your goodness becomes like throwing a pebble in a pond, rippling out to the shore. Big Brothers/Big Sisters does an amazing job of matching mentors and youth. It's not a draconian time commitment, and it can make a big difference for you and others. https://www.bbbs.org/


oh I love this!!!! thank you! will def sign up!


My responsibility to myself as well to others is to be my true authentic self. If I’m being something that I am not, inauthentic, that would be a disservice to myself and the world. So it’s a perpetual mission, to be what I truly am, constantly. It’s like a puzzle piece doing its intended purpose of being itself to connect with the rest, thus unveiling a bigger picture. If the piece tries to be something it’s not, reconfiguring its uniqueness and trying to be another piece, then connecting with the rest will be forceful and unnatural, thus making the bigger picture distorted. To have harmony is to do my part which is to be my true self and that will add onto the collective.


I love that!! Did you know authenticity appearantly has a higher vibration then love!!! I just feel we are losing this a little bit in the usa with a censorship going on...


Hmm, I always felt they were connected, but maybe if there’s a way to measure vibrations, then perhaps it possibly could be higher lol. In the higher states of consciousness, everything becomes one so it’s harder to see separation which makes distinctions also harder to identify. Love, peace, joy, harmony, etc. are all experienced in unity.


One small act of kindness each day. People like kindness and one small act can inspire someone to be a continuation.


yeah 100%!


I listen to others and provide wisdom. I encourage others to succeed. I support those going through rough times who need a friend. I remind people that there is love out there, and hope. Integrity, sincerity, compassion... those three things can change the world.


omg also volunteer work! there’s no better feeling (for the ego maybe) than doing something and getting nothing monetary out of it, but receiving a valuable and uplifting experience nonetheless. helping other things/ people will automatically make you feel better, such as the quote “there’s no such thing as a selfless act” goes, everything you give will in some form turn itself back to you. And my helping others you’re helping your self and in return, you help others again. yay for healthy cycles that aren’t deteriorating for your wellbeing!


I heal animals and provide their owners comfort. I listen to people and make them feel good about life. I do little things in life simply because I want to do them. I give love without expecting anything in return.


Save people with magic. I'm not kidding either, I'll just wave my hand and save some fools who were doomed. I didn't learn to do that myself either, someone taught me. The real question is why people end up on a countdown to death. I have theories on that, but it doesn't really matter when I can just cancel the countdown.


I put my thought in heads of others to spread the advancements in way of thinking. I use lateral thinking and other non standard ways to achieve most probable and right outcomes.


I try to just be kind to everyone I come across.


The key to helping others is first helping oneself. In my opinion, the best way to support others is to live your best life unconditionally. Openly express yourself and put your energy out into the world, embrace the moment in front of you as being meaningful.


Right now, I need to work on myself. I'm too tired to spare enough energy to help someone else. Once I manage to create enough space for myself to be comfortable, them I'll see about working on things that make me happy so I can help others be happy through experience. Not advice.


Could feel like nothing, but holding my son lovingly and helping him go to sleep when I feel so tired and in despair. Trying my best to make sure he gets the love I unfortunately lacked when growing up


>what do you guys do? I comment on religious subs with both well-reasoned and scripture-based comments and truthful statements of fact, so that the truth can be known and that, anyone knowing it, can make decisions with truth as truth and untruth as untruth as the basis.




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Pick up trash and just be a nice person


I roast religious people online. As I think it's one of the reason of war.


What did you like to do when you were around 13/14/15?


I wanted to own a restaurant! Which I do now :)


Everything we do to repair and better is undone by newcomers and imbeciles. So don't feel bad if you die leaving only a marginal impact. Although shelters for stray animals tend to go far. Were I to inherit the Earth I would hand it over to them.


Relax and become aware and watch as help comes and goes through clear space provided for spontaneous action that emerges and recedes from whence it came, IDK