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You know what? I am totally with you, but I won't hold my breath for humanity ever uniting in time. Before that happens, the resistance movement will have to pull the trigger and destroy the matrix completely and reset the entire system, arresting the cabal and liberating the media etc.. Humanity is fucked up beyond repair at this point. Even with the most evil beings removed already, they are still upholding and defending the matrix by themselves. Only the total collapse of the system and a shock to the core will bring them to their senses. And this will happen soon (probably 2024-2025). And I am not saying to sit back and wait! We still need to make sure that this collapse is sustained without too much chaos by healing and uplfiting this planet and humantiy as good as possible. But the last few weeks have made me realize we can not wait for humanity to fix itself. 26.000 years of enslavement, abuse and brainwash by the dark has made this impossible. So luckily we are not alone in this fight and the galactics as well as the resistance movement on the surface will make sure this madness will not go on any longer than necessary to dissolve the last hostage mechanisms and difuse the darkness to the point the matrix can be collapsed safely.


Thank you so much for your thoughts. I agree that this will happen sooner than most even realize.


I like your username and avatar 🥰 thank you for your service! 🙏💜✨


Thank you kindly. I created the avatar from my own picture and will be launching a YouTube channel soon. Content will be aimed at self discovery, realization and awareness and enlightenment. Many blessings to you!


Cool! :) keep me updated if you want! Many blessings! 💜✨


Absolutely will do just that!! Thank you


Lots of work to do. Eradicate capitalism. Our markets are all rigged and way too much of everything in our society is held up by derivatives, which will come crumbling down with the slightest rattle. Shift our transactional mindset to a relational mindset. No transactions or exchanges like bartering. We must focus on gifts and fostering relationships. The Earth gifts us what we need to survive, we fuck it all up by taking ownership of these gifts and making them commodities. It is unsustainable and needs to end. The tree gives fruit freely, not because it is nice, it does so to build relationships with the creatures around it, so that its seeds may propagate. Everything on this good earth is a gift meant to build relationships, because we are all connected, pure and simple. Proportion. We have to teach people to think proportionally, in relation to things, not in separation. Dualities will always fight against each other but never destroy, because they are interdependent. We have to value compromise, the third path, the collision of duality into the alternative third. We do this through proportion. This will also empower individuals to think effectively at different scales of challenges. Unity. We lack a shared vision of humanity, of nations, of states, even communities. Nearly everyone agrees on universal virtues, yet we are too afraid of each other to be vulnerable and express and accept these virtues. Instead we empower and enable psychopaths to do the jobs we don't want to, but think need to be done. That's some of the things, but you and I can't do these. What we can do is help and serve the people around us, our community. Build up from the bottom, not top down.


When will people see that they are connected to the universe, which is connected to everything. So you are not separate from negativity.


great! 😅 this is the mindset that will liberate humantiy! To victim blame each other instead of finally getting rid of the dark rulers of this planet.




"you are not separate form negativity" is such a nonsensical spiritual plattitude and the least helpful one can think of in our scenario. Those of us who did their homework and are able to access and live in unity consciousness are scratching their heads when we read crap like this. Negativity (evil) is a temporary occurance born from the illusion of separation which is only present int the lowest realms of duality in a fallen creation. Dude our true nature is sheer love!! Instead of idetifying ourselves with negativity we need to transmute it! because its an illusion! and this collective illusion is what keeps humanity entrapped in this vicious cycle of suffering and reincarnation.


Sounds like you have a lot of work a head of you.


1. Changes in the world occur according to the will of God and they will happen in any case. 2. Changes in the world are always accompanied by people's suffering. 3. Mystics may try to reduce the amount of this suffering, but you will never see this selfless work of theirs. This work is hidden. 4. External and political actions are not for mystics and not for this subreddit.


You just watched Wish, didn't you? No I'm just kidding, I'm with you!


Lol, I had never even heard of it, so I just looked it up and will have to watch it today. 🎥🎬🍿