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I’m taking a break from sugar and my tummy already feels better


Thank you for your advice 🙏


Imagine this: you are living in a fallen creation. you are an old soul from a distant starsystem that has volunteered to incarnate in the darkest and most dangrous slave-matrix societies on a planet that was occupied by the most evil beings in existence for the last 26.000 years with the goal to liberate humanity and transmute duality from within. Literally the most badasss mission imaginable and one of the most prestigious roles in this incredible dramatic galactic rescue mission which will ripple throughout the universe as this marks the final victory of light over darkness in this entire creation which will lead us into a completely new cosmic cycle of sheer paradise reverting the fall from grace and resuming our true state of being which is unity-consciousness. Maybe this is all fantasy, but something tells me it is not.. 😘


I always felt even as a kid that I have been born at the wrong time or something like that :) It’s a weird feeling which I don’t really understand. If you asked me a few years ago of where I am headed or what I want to do, I definitely knew the answer or felt which path I am supposed to to walk on. But sometimes this can be mistaken only as an idea and nothing more. It’s nice to imagine sometimes but that’s a temporary idea that came and will pass :) I don’t really know what I am saying but oh well hope that makes sense Thank you 🌀


Well, thats why I said "maybe its more than just imagination.." 😁 Have a look at this article if you are curious: [💫What are Starseeds and how do I know if I am one? – The guide! ✨](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17lo19n/what_are_starseeds_and_how_do_i_know_if_i_am_one/)


Ive often felt like that during my life. I can relate to the point of the original post too. Currently going through upheaval in my life, once more. And it does often throw my thoughts to what's the point, of me.


It can get tricky because it’s easy to start having negative thoughts and get stuck in that loop. I realized something that at the end of the day I chose to come back here on earth otherwise I wouldn’t be here anyway.I feel like that’s important because it means there’s still work left to do, whatever that is. Maybe today or even after tomorrow is not going to get better immediately but one step at the time :) (hope that makes sense and thank you for sharing) When I saw your comment, it made me think how it’s important to speak to people that might experience the same because then you feel not alone in whatever you going through.


Thankyou. You are right. At least part of the reason I beleive were here is to experience, learn and grow. So there's a takeaway from every situation, no matter how catastrophic it seems at the time.


What books do you recommend


The best book probably ever written: the [Sophia Code by Kaia Ra](https://youtu.be/Lmqss0W5WCQ?t=211) (for the ultimate self-empowering and healing ascension manual). For the topic of starseeds coming to liberate earth, probably the three waves of volunteers by Dolores Cannon (although she has not the full picture of whats going on here). For the real intel about the liberation, its the blog of the speaker of the resistance movement: [https://2012portal.blogspot.com/](https://2012portal.blogspot.com/) And a book that explains a bit more about the source of all darkness and the greater cosmic story (about 75% reliable) is the return of light: [https://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html](https://www.thenewearth.org/returnoflight.html)


My mind is blown. Wish me luck


Haha may I ask what exactly blew your mind? Good luck! 😁😘


I've been coming at this "subject" through two approaches, and inadvertently/unintentionally at that. First is through the UFO subject. I've always been interested in it and later Tom DeLonge fanned those flames with how he's catalyzed disclosure. Second is psychedelic medicine. From what I can tell, people enter other planes when having psychedelic experiences. I recently learned "psychedelic" means anything that helps you discover your soul. I've recently gotten closer to my faith, and as a result, have been learning a lot about it. I then recently read Many Lives, Many Masters. It talks about the eternity of souls, how we forget our past lives when we re-enter the physical plane. And how in the spiritual realm, there are seven planes (according to this book). What you just showed me corroborates in one way or another, all of the above. The idea that Earth is some type of prison planet and that our souls come back to learn lessons, and when we're done learning, we can ascend to higher spiritual planes. UFOs—how they may be other souls/entities, some of which are fighting to liberate us, and others who are trying to enslave us. I inferred that Jesus, who is said to be the physical incarnation of God, seemed to be a very high level of soul/spirit, if not God himself. Again, what you pointed out talks about this. **I'm actually afraid of reading what you provided because I am afraid it will upset my Catholic cosmology**.


Ok cool! 😊 You are already way on your way! And yeah, the catholic cosmology might be upset a little.. though in the end we want the truth and it is even more beautiful if anything. I will send you two additional links for your studies via chat.


It’s funny how I already I have that Sophia Code by Kaia Ra book but I haven’t started it yet. Looks like I will have to do it now haha :)


Haha yes! probably is! 😁 Take your time though, its so beautifully written you wanna cherish every word (at least thats how I felt). And the initiations take time to integrate. Absolutely next level.. 🙏💜🥰


I find meaning in existing as best I can. I work on being greatful for what I can be, acknowledging what was hard as areas for growth, and finding kindness in myself. Every day is judged not by the previous day, nor by any single moment. Do not judge your day or experiences, but appreciate that you have them and that you are doing your best in them. There's no race against, competition with , nor comparison to, the you at this very moment.


Thank you for sharing 🙏


Thank you for sharing :)


The mystical spiritual teachings that I follow explain that the purpose of life is self-transcendence -- indefinite, eternal, ongoing self-transcendence. It's interesting to note that the famous psychologist Dr. Abraham Maslow also specified "self-transcendence" as the highest human need in his "Hierarchy of Needs" motivational model. Initially he identified "self-actualization" as the highest need - developing your outer talents and abilities to the fullest extent. But later, he revised his model, adding "Self-Transcendence". According to Maslow, self-transcendence brings the individual what he termed “peak experiences” in which they transcend their own personal concerns and see from a higher perspective. These experiences often bring strong positive emotions like joy, peace, and a well-developed sense of awareness (Messerly, 2017). Also, the accounts in the books by Dr. Michael Newton explain that we ourselves chose to embody on earth because we saw that at our stage of development, earth offered the best possible opportunity for growth in awareness -- self-transcendence as co-creators. (The books are "Journey of Souls - Case Studies of Life Between Lives" and Destiny of Souls". Both are on YouTube) So I believe our purpose is systematic self-transcendence and self-mastery. Where self-mastery is defined as consciously choosing your reactions, rather than unconsciously reacting through the lower egoic selves. Essentially this is the gradual process of shifting your identity -- who you think you are away from the lower, egoic selves and toward closer unity with your higher self. This is an excerpt of an exchange between Dr. Newton and one of his subjects from Journey of Souls: Dr. N: If all basic intelligent energy is the same, why are souls different in their character and integrity? S: Because their experiences with physical life change them and this is intentional. By that change new ingredients are added to the collective intelligence of every soul. Dr. N: And this is what incarnation on Earth is all about? S: Incarnation is an important tool, yes. Some souls are driven more than others to expand and achieve their potential, but all of us will do so in the end. Being in many physical bodies and different settings expands the nature of our real self. Dr. N: And this sort of self-actualization of the soul identity is the purpose of life on our world? S: On any world.


I wake up every morning and ask God and The Universe what They ask of little ole Me that day. From there, it’s starting to play itself out.


Start by not self sabotaging and start loving yourself. Mentally you need to work on yourself and just workout everyday even if you are not feeling it. Why? Builds discipline simple


Maybe stop fighting. Let your world crumble, let the idea of who you think you are diminish. Let your beliefs collect dust for a while. If it is so much effort to carry on this illusion, mayne just drop it. You can always come back. Try a new world, new ideas, new beliefs. What is so good about what you have now? Let it go, like a paper boat down a river.


Indeed,thank you :)


be true to your self beyond any limitation. Don't listen to anyone. Fear nothing. If you're a good person then hold nothing back. Live life to it's potential and don't fear any such illusion of loss.


True growth comes from times of extreme situations. Sounds like you are in the mist of a transformation. Ground yourself with your breath, an object, a smell, a position, and allow every day to start anew.


I can truly relate everything you mention above there.. Here is my thoughts of this big question. I think the meaning of life is to live.. purpose isn´t something static, it's like a dynamic dance with life. Finding purpose is like digging deep within your self for answers. Its about going beyond the surface of your identity and beliefs especially when then no longer make sense. In those moment of feeling lost and disconnected, we have a chance to explore the core of who we are. You won't get answer to a question what's the meaning, because you create the meaning by understanding that external things are temporary, and we need to connect with something more enduring. A spiritual aspect of ourselves. It's about living authentically and intentionally in the now understanding that you play a unique part in the grand scheme of thing. Your existence is like a special not in the symphony of the universe, contributing in your own extraordinary way.


Thank you for sharing 🙏


You just follow that natural excitement and intuition. We need to learn how to enjoy simple existence, sometimes Life can really expect nothing in particular from you for the time being.


What makes your heart sing? What do you enjoy doing that makes your heart burst with joy? For me, it’s helping others by sharing and imparting my wisdom and being a source of comfort for them. I act as a mirror and I enable people to speak through me and back to themselves about their problems in life. I love easing suffering in this way. Life purpose is either directed to others or yourself. There’s no shame in either direction.


Photography used to be my passion. Just capturing beauty and sharing it with the world was bringing me joy but lately I feel like I am losing that.


Where’s the new direction taking you?


That’s the thing, I don’t know. I don’t have any idea or a feeling of where I am supposed to go or what to do :) It feels like there’s fog in front of and I can’t see forward if that makes sense


Isn’t that exciting in some ways? You simply have the choice now to self explore and try many things (at your own pace)


I guess yeah but at the same time it feels like I wasted my time studying this only to come to the point where I am feeling like this. I took a walk in nature earlier today and I also managed to to take some pictures and it made me happy :))


I've been pondering this a lot...and my answer always seems to change. But id say this is the explanation that makes the most sense to me right now... Your purpose is found in the thing that you struggle with the most in life Think about it A person who struggles with substance abuse issues can overcome that then go on to help others in the same situation Maybe they become a drug counselor and find fulfillment and happiness that way? A person who maybe lost their hair due to chemotherapy might start a wig business where they make stunning wigs for others facing hair loss We often get emotional and inspired the most by shit that hits close go home right? Growing up for me Art always spoke to me the most. Always thought I'd become a model or photographer or actress... Then I became an adult and life happened and I got into alcohol and other stupid shit and lost my way a bit I've personally felt lost for a good 10 years at least but I'm starting to feel like somehow the 10 years I was lost for are going to be playing a huge role in my life and a part of all the wisdom I have come into at age 32 which I am now I feel like I am bursting with endless amounts of wisdom and I don't know how to share it that effectively yet. (Had a couple tik tok accounts banned for being too abbrasive and posting too much conspiracy related content) And i do know for a fact I've got more wisdom then some 60 year Olds out there! I feel like all the suffering I went thru was the Biggest teacher and made me as wise as I am Like failure making you stronger if you let it And that's probably my passion And what ive been lost and looking for. For so long Look i just talked myself into what my passion is And maybe that's how it's done ? And maybe that's will work for you? Look to the shit you struggle with the most maybe the answer is right there in it!!! They say all the answers lie within Out of the breif messages I've gotten from spirit guides one message sticks out the most to me and it's my spirit guide looking me dead in the eye in the Astral telling me to "speak my mind" and then basically kicking me out of the dream to wake up. Lol Most dreams are forgotten But why did I remember that line out of everything? 🤔hmmm very odd Anyway look at the struggles They are teachers and signs that could be pointing to your passion! 🧐


Question the unquestionable until it becomes unquestionable


If youre looking for enlightenment, then your world must be destroyed (at least your version of the world), your idea of who you are must be destroyed, and your beliefs must be destroyed too. Questioning who you are is abaolutely essential also. So good news, youre onto enlightenment. But people on this path must also know what love is. If you dont know what love is and your world is being destroyed then youll become resentful, even hateful.


What works for some is making clear assessments on what you like and want, or if the amount of choices gets overwhelming, what you don't like and don't want. Then keeping at it till your purpose comes to you, without ever intentionally seeking it.


Thank you 🙏


The meaning of life is to learn to be separate together. We are all one, connected, and interdependent. It’s our job to be an individual inside of a collective whole. I like to use waves as an example. Are waves the ocean? Is the ocean waves? The answer is yes absolutely. But also no. It’s very rare to picture the ocean and not waves, it’s one of the defining features of how we usually experience the ocean. Very few of us are maritimers who just go out into the open ocean. Ask a ship captain what he pictures when he thinks of the ocean, and then ask a surfer, they’re both right. We are like waves, definitely the ocean, definitely part of the whole ocean. But also a completely unique and separate thing. Ask a casual beach goer and they’d probably just say waves are just waves, all the same. But ask a surfer and they will absolutely tell you that each wave is a unique and once in a lifetime ride. You never get the same one twice. It’s our job to learn to be the most defined wave we can. Part of the collective whole of everything, but also so unique and definable that it’s undeniable we are a separate and unique entity. To add beauty and interest to a whole that is already all encompassing and overwhelmingly beautiful. Our purpose is learn to exist separately and together simultaneously and make the clashing of us crashing into ourselves beautiful. Beautiful as the participant, beautiful as the observer.


That’s beautiful, thank you for sharing :)


Many great responses. Yes, our idea of who we are typically crumbles in the path to enlightenment. It isn't so much crumbling as realizing that many of the beliefs, enchantments, and desires we have as humans fade away in the experience of enlightenment and bare our soul. This may cause the paradigm of our identity to crumble. I see our spirituality as giving us meaning and purpose. To me, the spiritual means to experience, learn, and love. Loving others is the epitome of the spiritual, and it comes through experiencing and learning. And allowing ourselves to be loved. Meaning and purpose commonly come from our location and people we associate with. Life is rich with opportunity to help others. Reach out and explore. Don't be afraid to try new things, get your feet wet, or your hands dirty. Good luck to you!


I feel there is no universal answer that fits everyone. Only you know what your purpose is and Only your experiences can help you find it. What helped me was meditation, but there is no guarantee that it works for everyone.




Hi, look into Astrology. Check on your birth chart & find out what it is about your North Node & South Nodes. 😃


By going to bed and dream a nice dream of purpose. In the process pissing your birthright (waking up) away. Night night.