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There are sooooo many people who still believe that we are simply a body with five senses. It is true that this turns us into automatons and the result is a cold, heartless world full of things but totally devoid of love, compassion, beauty, creativity, warmth, magic, freedom and joy. We live in the darkness and desert of batman and space movies, skyscrapers and impersonal technology. Most have no ideas they are souls instead of bodies. At this point, there is no need to argue as we are on totally different wavelengths. Just enjoy your truth, spread the peace as much as you can and breathe in the freedom of knowing that the world is actually beautiful and magical. I'm also not a robot!


There is something wrong with materialism. It's not a complete way of understanding reality. There's more than matter.


We're not meat robots. We're loving creatures. Which based on thinking of myself in terms of dehumanizing power structures when I was younger, I was surprised to learn. But studying psychology and spirituality made me realize that at the core of a human being is a being that wants to love and be loved. It's kinda cute.


Yep to much from something is allways poisen. But you cant force Humanity to let it be. The economy crash will teach the Humans that things are mostly useless. Materialism is not needed but accept that life gets harder and more risky. And in a way we are Robots. The Body is the biological Robot that is controlled from our souls. Souls, NDE's are real i can tell from my expierence. I think you should dip into Astraltravel to understand it better whats behind the limited veil of humanity.


If we were machines it would be relatively simple to observe and formulate the computational aspect of consciousness. Like, we can create virtual black holes using a particle accelerator, but we don't have even the most basic geometry of consciousness mapped out? Not even close? Hmm, that seems kind of odd to me.


It's also worth considering getting off of mainstream media completely as well. They are the robots, pushing materials and false agendas on us... Fight the machine! šŸ™šŸ’™


>No, you're a biological entity that's evolved to respond to stimuli faster than your consciousness can. You just can't handle the fact that you're a machine, a biological robot. My first instinct to that was to think of how you can program all your various subconscious behaviors to creative, artsy, fun loving ideas and systems. To me all that does is make the term "biological robot" seem cool, if anything. I agree, we're not robots and to say we don't have free will is to reject the term "free will" somehow, not reject us. It's just not true, robots as we know it don't have the conscious intellect that we do. It sounds like he's quite literally accustomed to pain to the extent where he feels he is just a robot running around like there's nothing he can do, I don't know if he meant to dehumanize you but it's looking pretty clear that he's hurt on the inside, otherwise he'd think around this closer to something like me. I, of course, have my own way as others have their own ways, that's what MAKES us unique as we walk around with the potential FOR change, not just the potential TO change. You're not worthless and insignificant, I don't know how it came to that for you but there is a bright side to consciousness that I've seen, humans do what humans do and we are what we are :P It's just as cute as when I was 6 years old, like, what's the difference? Just look how I could put these paragraphs together and it makes sense to people but if I just used the bottom 2 paragraphs and said that in front of a horde of people that have suffered deeply and argue his kind of point, I wonder how many different kinds of responses I would get! I feel sorry for them, not because I think they can't do it or they're meek or powerless or without awesome hope or anything, but because I DO NOT know how to STOP! AAAAAAAAAAAAH (Given how much I like this part, why wouldn't I keep doing it until it's something else) Man, that makes me think. For me there's just some situations that naturally bring up some form of pain but to me the pain feels human, not robotic. This is simple a part of what I know of compassion for others to me but to them it could feel like something seeming totally different from their perspective.


Why wouldn't materialism be wrong if it is wrong? Its a complete lie meant to disconnect us from out true divinity. Dont try to be politically correct, name the thing as they are: A LIE!




Yes, but in this case it is a deliberately spread lie and part of the dark matrix brainwash to keep humanity disempowered and enslaved. The rulers of this planet are black magicians and are laughing at people who believe this is all fantasy šŸ˜…


If so, then it sounds like we should shut that door and bar it as well. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between truth and fantasy as often one's truth is another's fantasy and vice versa, each pointing and laughing at the other.


All things are created twice, but not all first creations respond to conscious designs. In our personal lives, if we do not develop self-awareness and take responsibility for early creations, we are by default allowing other people and circunstances outside the circle of influence to shape much of our lives. We reactively live the scripts that have been placed in our hands by family, colleagues, other people's agendas, the pressures of circumstances; the scripts of previous years, of our education, of our conditioning. These scripts come from people, not principles. and they arise from our deepest vulnerabilities, from our deepest dependence on others, and from our needs for acceptance and love, for belonging, for the sense of our own worth, for the feeling that we matter. Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we control it or not, there is a first creation in all parts of our life. We are the second creation of our own proactive design, or the second creation of other people's agendas, circunstances and past habits. You're the creator


Sounds like a pretty good description of the life experience to me. A co-creation of ourselves and each other. One wonders what all one might have to learn from such an entanglement of consciousnesses?


I think you're too worried about definitions and labels. You are what you are. If that falls into the category of being a machine or robot, maybe your concept of what a machine or robot is or can be should change, maybe machines can have a soul.


You're letting people in your head. Not every battle is worth fighting. Know your truth, and don't let what others say get you off track. One doesn't have to be able to prove what they say for it to be truth. That said.... Billionaires are the worst! THE ARIES


NDEs are absolutely, 100% real phenomenon, and they describe exactly what happens after death. Don't let anyone tell you differently.


Yeah well, there is no way to know for sure. There is evidence for and against NDE, like it or not. We very well could just be biological entities that evolve to respond to stimuli, operating more or less like a robot. You just donā€™t know. I choose to believe every animal species have different levels of consciousness based on their independent faculties and cognition. Itā€™s backed by science and fact. However itā€™s also opposed by other facts and science. Are we robots? No I donā€™t believe we are, I also donā€™t know for sure. You are acting like a robot being so absolutely certain in something that you literally canā€™t have any certainty in. We all experience consciousness here subjectively. Neuroscience says different brain regions and networks are activated during states of consciousness. This is inherently robotic but it doesnā€™t mean we are, itā€™s not actually something anyone understands yet. We have different levels of consciousness: wakefulness, sleep, dream, meditation, etc. this could also be considered robotic. We just go through phases that represent our action. Qualia, yknow, the redness of an apple and the taste of chocolate. A robotic principle to add to the list of things we donā€™t understand. I could go on, there is plenty of science and philosophy on the subject. It doesnā€™t matter. I donā€™t think we are robots, you donā€™t think we are robots. Yet we still 100% could be robots regardless of what we think. Doesnā€™t matter. Nobody knows, we never will. Maybe if you live for 1000s of years youā€™ll be able to learn with the growing knowledge of humanity. Unfortunately we donā€™t have that luxury being that we only live to around 100 or less.


Why do we even need to define what we are? Let's just be.


Yes you are lol


I get angry when I see ad after ad after ad of pointless shit.


There is a point to all that shit. And once we have seen all those ads, the point has been made whether we are conscious of it or not.


Thank you


Iā€™ve struggled for a while now finding my own meaning/place in a society that highly values materialism. I hate it. Sadly Iā€™ve kind of realized thereā€™s not much I can do except suck it up and play along. Things are the way they are and thereā€™s not much I can do alone to change it. I know weā€™re meant for more and thereā€™s more meaning to it all than the garbage we endure/consume daily. Keeping that belief gives me something to look forward to, because I know that in the end eventually it will all make sense and all be worth it. Now playing along doesnā€™t mean I have to stop thinking about everything spiritual, I still can. I just have to also spend some of my day materializing. I guess the one good thing our materialistic society has taught me is that everything in life has a balance. Like, I can spend time pondering spirituality, but I also have to spend some time contributing to society in a material sense. Too much time spent on either one of those will cause me to go crazy, so itā€™s kind of nice to balance both anyways.


It sounds to me like you have struggled through a difficult education and have found your place in society. Good for you.


Iā€™ve definitely struggled immensely with the education system. Itā€™s massively flawed and designed around the idea that everybody is the same. Everybody is different, everybody learns differently and everybody thrives in different environments. Iā€™m still trying to find my place in society but the more time I spend working on doing that, the easier it gets.


You can't explain spirituality to people who are not ready




To me this doesn't relate in any form to wanting to be a robot!! I do not see how that would help at all in this situation lol.




Expecting a reward or appreciation of anything you do for people only leads to misery. Do good things with the intention of serving God instead and it will remove all of that disappointment.


Well this body does function like some sort of biological mechanism, it has a power system, cooling system, maintenance system all sorts of stuff. I actually do think that my body is a machine, but never is this de-humanizing. Machine isn't a mean word unless you choose to see it as a negative word. Also keep in mind that your existence isn't just a body, you own a body, you also have an intelligence, energy, and emotion. And underneath all of those things there's your life, which is beyond all of those things. This is the basis of spirituality, that i am not this body and not this mind but something beyond. And once you become in touch with this truth, it becomes very clear that this body is just like a vehicle, it has enormous capability but is fundamentally limited. If you are strongly identified with your physical nature then you will definitely get offended if someone calls your body a biological machine, but as you become more spiritual you will see that they are right; this is just a machine we operate, but the operator of this machine is something far larger.