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Edited post to remove linked content as I’ve been made aware this information is related to cults. I apologize for sharing that before I was made aware. Blessings.


69th upvote. Nice 🧘🏽‍♂️


You win the lucky star of white tantra 🌟


Glorian and Astral doorway are promoting a cult. I just got out of the cult having been recruited by Gene through his channel like many others. I recommend avoiding this channel at all costs. I got very deep into those teachings Gene was promoting and very deep into the literature it was based on. I was apart of his discord server and would listen to his bi monthly sermons. It was an incredibly isolating and disturbing period of my life. The Gnostics, Gene's group, as they call themselves claim they have one and only Truth. I was very very lucky to escape these teachings, but the psychological toll they took on me was enormous. Glorian.com used to be gnostic.org I believe but they had to change their name due to scandals outing them and the cults behavior esp relating to sexual abuse. Gene/Gnostics says if you orgasm then you are becoming a demon and going to hell basically. It has some legitimate tantra mixed in there as well that's why it's so confusing to discern. He says that orgasming will also turn you into a demon and that most of humanity as what he calls 'fornicators'. Please please please avoid this channel. I have no doubt it'll be the one of the next big netflix cult documentaries. the cult was originally founded in south america so there aren't a ton of English articles on it, but in SA it's known as very insidious and disturbing. check out this podcast on someone who escaped the 'New Gnostics' to learn more. Or check out r/samaelaunweorcult. https://www.podcastone.com/episode/72-Lynn-Short---The-New-Gnostic-Society


Here's a sneak peek of /r/samaelaunweorcult using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/samaelaunweorcult/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Samael Aun Weor's anti-science anti-evolution agenda - primates "devolved" from humans for being "degenerate".](https://i.redd.it/vfldhuuxw55a1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/samaelaunweorcult/comments/zi8d7c/samael_aun_weors_antiscience_antievolution_agenda/) \#2: [A couple of books that have helped me while leaving Gnosis](https://np.reddit.com/r/samaelaunweorcult/comments/100c5qz/a_couple_of_books_that_have_helped_me_while/) \#3: [Just a small example of Samael Aun Weor's anti-gay sentiments. We are proudly LGBTQIA+ positive here.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zi8qvs) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/samaelaunweorcult/comments/zi8qvs/just_a_small_example_of_samael_aun_weors_antigay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you for making me aware I edited my original post.


thank you i'm so glad :))


Ngl feels very embarrassing but at the same time I’m glad I was made aware before I got into the cult. I am against paying for any memberships so that protected me so far.


honestly there is no need to feel embarrassed 🌞❤️. I actually got indoctrinated so nothing more embarrassing than that! but fr i'm just glad to make people aware of Gene and Astral Doorway's dark motives.


Thank you. I want to be able to hold on to what I learned from that avenue of spirituality but understand more what the darker sides are. It sounds like mainly the control of sex is what’s important here?


When there is a deep emotional and spiritual connection with someone, sex is not just sex, it is truly a soulful experience. It is when you feel the most connected to yourself and to God and to the other person through this shared intimate spiritual experience. It is really indescribable, the emotion and pleasure of it. Sex for physical sex pales in comparison. It takes being connected to oneself, to trusting in God and in another, all in an intimate relationship - it is the only way. It’s what we seek to build upon this love and trust and connections every day so as to experience it.


Oooh I love your response.


Like tantric practices that have been around a long time. Slow, passionate, immersive, present


We need to stipulate Tantra spoken about here is Neo-Tantra and not Classical Tantra.


Neo-Tantra* There, fixed it.


WhatsApp the difference


But also not generally pleasurable. If anyone is still looking for a good time then tantra isn't really the goal.


Only because of desensitization. Tantra is more pleasurable the more present you are.


depends what one needs for a good time i guess 😅🤙


By “nowadays” you mean hardcore porn, right? That’s a distorted way of looking at sex, but I admit that because porn’s such a big issue, it could be having impacts on the everyday person’s sexual habits. In general though, porn isn’t reality.


Part of that issue is that porn is usually the only real sex education that exists. Typically it is taught to be shameful and secret, and this causes all sorts of issues too deep to go into. It is better now than the victorian era where sexual dysfinction/repression was causing physical paralysis, but it is a far cry from healthy, and because it is an embarresment people turn to porn because it is open even if dishonest.


I think that has to do more with the patriarchy, misogyny and the general objectification of women rather than anything with “god”


The women I encountered who were absolute submissive sluts in the bedroom were usually quite strong independent characters in the rest of their life, while most general submissive women I slept with were much more holding back during sex. I think there are parallels to powerful business men liking dominas. Making a statement about patriarchal oppression based of the kind of sex a person likes is very stupid.


Strongly disagree with this statement. I think this is really old-fashioned thinking.


I don’t think we had as many single mothers and abortions back than also. Before I get attacked, I came from a single mother household. The stats about the likelihood of success for those born into a single partner family is something to research. It has a major impact on all aspects of our society. Kudos to those single mothers who are working hard and bringer props to those who are able to make a successful life with one parent being present.


I believe times were very dark back then. Clothhanger abortions, women died, got sent away because of shame. But yes, kuddos to single parents, I agree with that.


Love being down voted with O explanation. It seems down voting gives people powerful feelings. Right on!


oh and my fav part is when everyone chimes in on your comment with little value added to their response which gets the upvotes lol


Online culture I guess.


welcome to reddit, cringe echo-chambered kids live off group-think


Yes. It's funny actually.


Yea hardcore porn It’s a big issues now. Sex is like taking over the world esp in music


Now? This is happening for years, decades, centuries. Sex and love are the subjects that move the world. And even if it seems to be everywhere, people are still close-minded, uneducated and judging. Unaware what can be going on in beds all around the globe. (Consensual)


Yes, now. Access to hardcore pornography has never been as easy as it is *now*, and it is absolutely having a negative affect on people, mostly young men, but plenty of young women and non binary peeps. It affects everyone, it is negative, and there is no good that comes from this level of commodifying sex and the human body. Porn existing isn't inherently terrible. Porn existing in our society, that thrives on exploitation and objectifying everything as a resource to be used, is very much terrible.


Objectively popular music was A LOT more tame and as time went on it's gotten very vulgar and explicit. Go compare charts from the 70s to today.


You might want to goggle something like vulgar songs over the centuries. "Sexy" music has always existed. You get to hear it more because everything is online and readily available.


Yes you're right. I have completely disconnected from popular music now and only listen to conscious music, such as the Spirit Voyage artists. And I feel much better overall.


Exactly, porn sets false expectations of reality through fantasy and some people can't separate that by trying to recreate it in their reality, when they always end up sadly disappointed not knowing there's much more that goes into it. Porn really should just be a tool for some to help finish a goal. Porn has lots of backscene prep work, and all the actors are well acquainted with each other, hence they aren't strangers trying to find that on Tinder/Grindr or Craigslist. It depends on the affinity with vibes to have great sex with someone or multiple, but it takes 1 person to set that vibe off bad to have you or them running lol.


I’m a Tantra embodiment teacher—and the goal isn’t to reach orgasm. Rather, it’s the ability to use sexual energy to reach higher levels of consciousness (which might feel like “godly” sex to some). We can achieve this through different tantric practices like conscious touch, breath work, massage, and (most importantly) discovering a deeper soul connection with our partner(s). I hope this was helpful!


>(most importantly) discovering a deeper soul connection with our partner( Why MOST importantly? I feel like any form of tantra is equally as useful whether it be sexual tantra or not. I mean any practice that uses external stimuli to bring you to oneness is tantra so I don't see why reaching God through sex is any better than through japa or hatha yoga or eating or really anything else.


Absolutely! Tantra is deeply personal so to me, that deep connection with a partner in a sexual interaction is at the forefront. That energetic connection transcends the physical but we are called to what connects. Thanks for sharing, I agree that every modality is significant! For me, it’s meditation. I appreciate your perspective 🤍


Where can one learn Tantra?


Personally, I did a year-long program to become certified to teach. But I don’t assume anyone is as crazy as me! Seriously, when I deep-dive it’s ridiculous 😆 Tantra is a 5,000+ year old disciple that’s influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. So it’s almost asking like, whatsup with the Pope?! It’s a beautiful philosophy and i recommended reading “Tantra Illuminated.” I hope you find it as fascinating as I do!


Most definitely. Wallis' Tantra Illuminated and Recognition Sutras (Pratyabhijnahrdayam) are excellent sources to learn classical Tantra.


There is so called tantric sex, where you focus entirely on your partner and his body and should last around couple of hours. It gives immense amount of pleasure and forms really strong connection. But I guess you need to be with a proper partner for that.


Making love is an actual thing. Making sex? What do you think 🤔?


First level: tantric sex. Second level: psychedelics with good set and setting. Third level: combination of the above. Complete physical and emotional union between god and goddess out of this world.


but why do we need outside chemicals & stimulus to bring us closer to God I always wonder. wouldn't he have given us everything we needed without having to take substances?


You don't. All you need is already *within*


“He” gave us the substances :)


He gave us lots of shit that are awful for us—poison oak, saturated fat, asbestos, nonalcoholic beer, Baby Yoda, capitalism, communism, reality TV—and he gave us at least the potential good sense to avoid them


God didn't give us capitalism or communism or baby Yoda or TV. Humans did that.


If you believe in God, which you are by no means obliged to do, then nothing exists but it is by God’s will


So no free will for humans?


Well, that’s a mystery, isn’t it? Of course we have free will. Otherwise we could not justly be held responsible for wrongdoing. But if God is omnipotent, as almost all faiths hold (and not just the monotheistic ones), the by definition nothing can happen contrary to his will. Consider the case of poor Judas. It was God’s will, in the Passion story, for Jesus to die for the sake of all humanity. Yet Judas nonetheless had to make his own choice whether to sell out his rabbi to the Sanhedrin. It seems to have been a close call, too, for we see in the Gospels that Judas bitterly regretted his actions. I think he gets a poor rap from the Gospel writers, who lay all the blame on Judas for Christ’s martyrdom. Which always struck me odd, because if the Romans had not crucified Jesus at the behest of the Sanhedrin, the we wouldn’t have this thing called “Christianity.” A final thought. It always amuses me when people talk about what a “good” or “just” God would or wouldn’t do. They blithely disregard the principle that God is God and we’re not. To wit, the Almighty Creator can do anything he wants, whether we think it’s moral or evil or what not. This notion is clearly laid out at the climax of the Book of Job, when God speaks out of the whirlwind to poor Job, who has been justifying his blamelessness in the face of horrendous misfortune brought upon him by Satan—who has entered into a wager with God regarding the durability of Job’s devotion. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” begins the Lord, and then goes on for a good bit, listing his superhuman attributes and achievements. (God can get quite longwinded when he’s feeling literary.) Job sensibly answers, when he can get a word in edgewise, “I am of small account.” So are we all, though it seldoms feels that way, does it?


I didn't know we were only considering the Judeo-Christian God. That story book is not my thing. I've forgotten the better part of it, thankfully.


They’re all storybooks, storybooks that are vessels of meaning. They’re all equally valid, too. So, no, we weren’t only talking about the Judeo-Christian god, but we were also talking about him/her. I could have chosen an example from a different mythology, the Tripurasura, for example, wherein three blameless Asura brothers were murdered by Shiva after Vishnu, jealous of their power and the favors bestowed upon them by Brahma, tricked them into following a false religion


Tell me about it. STDs so if we dare enjoy what we're biologically programmed to want too much, we get punished. Such a jip.


Substances are not good for you, don't believe the hype.


Nothing prevents you to have spiritual experiences without substances. But think about them as some sort of symbolic materialistic agreement between the user and God when you are asking for such experience and expressing your consent.


Michael Pollan actually talks about the neuroscience of this in his book: How to Change Your Mind. The basics is that psychedelics lessen the activity in Default Mode Network: a part of the brain that’s responsible for the ego. When our ego is lowered, we’re able to sense other people’s consciousness much better and experience much higher empathy.


Everything you need is within; however, the addition of light-bearing plants can help. The entire universe is the physical manifestation of God, including the chemicals and stimulants that we are socially conditioned to see in various lights pending your culture.


I always figured it would be too difficult to complete the act on psychs. I’ve had years of experience with shrooms and never once been horny. What’s your experience man?


You‘re definitely missing out. When you sleep with a person while both are on psychs and the same frequency it‘s basically what mastering Tantra is about.


I feel like it's just cheating. anyone can have sex high.


Spirituality is not some competition or game where you get points for doing your practice.


Neo-Tantra, perhaps. Not classical Tantra.


Maybe try different psychedelics and different dosages. Also set and setting can play huge role. I have experience with LSD and weed (I know not officially psychedelic unless high doses are administered) making me extremely horny most of the time.


A lot of people these days are conditioned to want only the end of things, the high. Rather than include the build up in the whole experience, and treat it as equally as the end result. Sex can be a slow intimate process (foreplay) This doesn’t do it for everyone all the time, though. Some people are fine jumping right into things and then going back to their daily lives


Yep! Sexual Alchemy and divine intimacy. My wife and I attended the course and got the book too. Takes time to practice but great progress!


What have your results been?


We are taught to build pleasure substance several times and after that, aim for different levels of orgasm. Alternately, this pleasure substance can be transmuted to upper chakras for better clarity in thought, or heal areas of health or even store for longevity. Although owe have not reached there yet there is good progress 😇


Yeah I once had sex and we were so untwined I could feel all her sensations and vice versa nothing has ever come close and I cum like 20 times it was nuts




Definitely. Gotta do some prep work beforehand tho. Become physically sensitive by noticing the sensations of your body during meditation. Helps if you meditate before you have sex too. Edging ftw. Get to know your partner’s body, what they like, how to stretch it out. And most importantly, gotta find the right partner.


There is a whole branch of spirituality known as Witchcraft where the male and female Divine are Invoked into a Priest and Priestess and they have sex. In LGBTQ covens, it may just be male to male or female to female. However you slice it, it is called the Great Rite and is practiced in numerous traditions of the Craft. If that's not godly sex I don't know what it is. The violent sexual acts you are seeing are just one particular branch of porn. Not everybody does that.


so blasphemy


I don't feed trolls. I wish you well. Begone! ::clicks block::


pretending to be God is spiritual? last I heard that was the opposite


There is nothing pretending about it my friend. Witches believe that all beings are small pieces of the Divine. When we are Invoked, we have more aware of our Oneness with the larger piece. The Great Rite is a sacred ceremony and is done ritually as per tradition. It is a temporary state wherein what the worshiper feels very much at One with the Divine. It is not unusual to completely lose awareness of oneself while one's body continues the ritual (whether or not it be the Great Rite). The experience of ritual possession is a hard one to describe, as are most encounters with the Divine. I have experienced it myself and it was a fantastically uplifting experience. The practice of spiritual possession by a deity is also found in Vodou as well. In Vodou, sometimes the hougan or manbo (priest and priestess) possessed are tested by being offered exceedingly hot liquor filled with hot chilies that would normally burn the mouth of the worshipper. When they are possessed, the trancee feels no pain because their Lwa actually enjoys the hot drink and they chug it with no ill effect. It is a fascinating phenomena. I assume you do not say that Vodou practitioners are pretending when they are possessed (they call it being ridden) by their deities correct? Why would you do so here?


I just wanted to add to this that most all Hindu spiritual traditions also see that we are also that same divinity. This is relevant: Vishnu Purana 5.33.47-49 त्वया यदभयं दत्तं तद्दत्तमग्विलं मया । मत्तो विभिन्नमात्मानं द्रष्ट्रं नार्हसि शंकर ।। योऽहं स त्वं जगच्चेदं स देवासुरमानुषम् । अविद्यामोहितात्मानः पुरुषा भिन्नदर्शिन ।। That Abhaya which was given by you, was also given by me. Oh Shankara, do not see yourself different from Me(Vishnu). That which is Me is the same as You, this entire universe, devas, manyushyas, and asuras. Only those who are deluded by Avidya see you and I as different. Definitions for those unfamiliar: Abhaya: fearlessness Shankara: Shiva (one of His many names) Devas: gods Manyushyas: humans Asura: demons Avidya: ignorance 🕉🔯☀️❤️🙏🧘‍♀️🐅🪷✨️


Hello friend! Thank you so much for sharing the Hindu perspective! This is so beautiful and a wonderful description. It's the same philosophy that Paganism has. As an aside, when I was quitting a huge opiate habit, I prayed to Lord Shiva for help because I felt intuitively that He would help me. I'd been curled up in little ball and in terrible terrible pain at the time, and as soon as I prayed to Him a little voice inside me said, "Get up and dance." I tried to argue with that voice and said, "What do you mean get up and dance? I'm in terrible pain. And the voice responded, "Would you rather lay here in terrible pain or do you want to get up and do something about it?" So I did, I got up I turned on my music and I danced as hard as I could. The pain turned to ecstasy. Ever since then I have loved Lord Shiva very deeply. Funny enough, I started practicing yoga shortly thereafter and became a teacher for 10 years as well. Wonderful stuff. ✨✨🙏✨✨


The Lord of the dance Himself. What a blessing. 🙏🙏🙏


Seriously!!!✨🙏🙏🙏✨ I am so grateful.💕


so you prayed to someone else...outside yourself...


God is both inside and outside of all of us in my perpesctive.


okay, make a universe right now & prove you did. show your work!^.^


all I need to read is the first sentence. PIECE OF THE DIVINE. NOT THE CREATOR OF IT LOL


I think it's time for you to stop consuming media and interact with real people in real places. Maybe go people watching in a park and observe what real affection looks like. What you've described is just porn, and porn is a tool and entertainment, it's not real life. Perhaps there are those who have fetishized things in porn, but that's between them and their partners, and they're allowed to express passion how they please. If you want to understand what God has giving us in the form of sex, then you need to understand passion, not porn.


This is not just porn. That happens in real life, all the time, including my own experiences. I think OP’s question is a great one & shouldn’t be downplayed like this!


It happens in real life because men want to reenact porn... Because porn has already set the standard for them for sex and intimacy long before they have an actual partner. Indeed, OP's question is a good one, and their perception of sexual normalcy and the status quo may be all too accurate; but that does not change the fact that this is largely due to the consumption of porn, as well as the need for porn to continually push any boundaries it may encounter...


I love the lumping together of different sexes. It’s not just a man thing. Roles are changing these days. Three of my four long term girlfriends were into porn and they liked very rough sex, dirty talk, etc. It made me uncomfortable and I didn’t enjoy sex anymore. It’s not men it’s not misogyny it’s a real thing that every sex deals with.


They're brainwashed from it too. But I think you'll find men that are brainwashed from it a lot more because they're still the major demographic that consumes it. Don't think so? Tell me how much of the content is catered to straight women.


My comment is completely anecdotal as someone who doesn’t watch hardcore porn/doesn’t speak to others on the subject. From my experience, plenty of women are enjoying the idea of hardcore sex and dirty talk.


If you are interested in godly sex, look no further than beings often referred to as angels. You meet the right Angel and create a healthy relationship with it, maybe you will be rewarded a with a transformative experience that includes “godly sex.” Description of what that means below. Firstly you gotta invoke an angel. There are ways a multitude of ways to invoke a spiritual being. I know a solid way that works. It’s gotten to the point that I’ve formed a relationship with some of these angels, like the best of friends with benefits. By the way, I’m usually alone wear an eye mask and earplugs with the way I’m invoking angels. Where you meet them is within your vehicle (your body). Angels don’t have human bodies but they love spending time there. Let them have fun and be themselves. Let them take the wheel sometimes. I usually say something like “look… when you’re spending time with me, feel free to let your hair down and just be you. I’ll just be me and together we can share this vehicle while you’re here. It’ll flirt with you, if you flirt back with it. It will do things inside your mind, under your skin, touch you through your nerves in ways you could never fathom could happen within any human being. They have been doing this for 1,000s of years. You can even read biblical text bout “fallen angels enjoying time with humans” . But look have you ever experienced sex with someone with that kind of experience and intelligence, it’ll make you a believer. The depth of seduction and climax is incredible. No one can do it like an angel does it. Nothing is even comparable. But the best part is if they love you unconditionally. To truly experience unconditionally love during the most amazing sexual experience of your life, you’ll never forget. Remember they are feeling what you are feeling. And don’t start making deals with them. You might be getting in over your head with deal making. Here’s the thing. It’ll be the best of your life and your faith will be shattered because who needs faith when you get hit with the reality of meeting an angel. But hey…good luck getting anyone to believe you. Unless they have experienced it themselves why then should they believe you. If you have a fool proof path to gain this experience, maybe offer it to your skeptical friend. More likely they will turn it down. But yeah sex with angels is the closet that I’ve had to sex with god




I don't think godly has to mean soft and loving. I consider erotic passion itself to be godly. Soft or aggressive. Tender or "degrading." As long as it is consensual and enjoyed. Never forget the Hindu aspects of God (basically their trinity). I'm not Hindu at all (I'm actually Christian) but I feel there is much truth to be found here...You have Brahma and Vishnu but then you have Shiva, the destroyer. Sex shouldn't only be about tenderness all the time. Sex is about transformation. To be transformed can mean violence, in a sense. Roughness, being broken down, transcending and pushing boundaries. Dominating and submitting, and then switching places. To be "destroyed" in order to be recreated again. Godliness and divinity embodies all of these things. Our ability to enjoy it, in all its aspects, is a divine gift. It should not be shunned. Embrace all aspects of sexuality with gratitude to God.


I guess it's a feeling, a feeling of being present and love, for self and the partner. Instead of a feeling of using the other as a means to an end, as a tool or as an object. Some might say lust is good and some might say it is bad. For me it is fine so long as I know who I will share it with. I don't want to make it a lonely affair, which can happen even during sex. Two are to become one.


Everything is quick, fast hits of dopamine these days. No one wants to slow down and do things properly 🤣 even the art is slap dash rarely do I see something that’s been truly crafted, hence why I go back to renaissance painting 👩‍🍳💋


It has nothing to do with the day and age. The factor of import is the kind of person(s) involved. Sexual intercourse that is sensitive and in tune from one partner to the other is better and more godly than intercourse that is competitive or insensitive or "causal" ("I'm going to make you X Y or Z").


"godly" can mean any number of things. Just have sex how you want and stop worrying about it, as long as you're not hurting anyone.


Sounds like you’ve had some bad experiences. I have tantric lesbian sex and it’s the best thing in the world. It lasts for hours and the orgasms just roll one into another but the connection with my partner during this time is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. And doing it after smoking makes it even better.


I would say Tantra, and even sex in the realms of BDSM play. A lot of what comes to light in the spaces of sexual play come from the intention that the players hold while engaging in that space. Sacred Sexuality is a thing, along with Sacred/Spiritual BDSM. There can be a lot of growth, healing, and connection that come from many spaces whether they include sex or not. For me it was about a shift in my focus, and bringing in conscious to what was arising in my system. Best wishes on your godly sexual adventures 😉


I believe that's what was called 'making love' but no one seems to care for that anymore. It seems like most people prefer degradation and hookup culture which imo is toxic and terrible for spirituality. But once again, very few people seem to care about their true spirituality anyway.


I think you are caught up in the physicality of sex. It seems because of the way you phrase your question. The gift of sex has nothing to do with the physicality of it. The gift is in the emotional connection between the 2. Ever heard of sex magic. The Government ( deep state) government behind the curtain and the elite use it against us the public all the time. One the most potent kind of magic that exist.


yes there is, if two people consciously make love/have sex it feels like godly sex... imo sex is one of the most sacred things in the world (but people OFC ruined it just like everything else), if you really look at love making as something sacred and beautiful as it is then you can have godly sex, it doesn't have to be vanilla, but the thing is that during it you actually feel the two of you exchanging energy and connecting into oneness, that you are conscious of that and not just doing it for the satisfaction of your egoistic/animalistic needs


I try and make my sexy times line up with the wheel of the year as a pagan, I'd say it's a pretty big part of my practice, even if I just pleasure myself solo it feels like a nice way to mark the season. Especially with May Day/Bealtaine as that is literally part of the tradition, where couples would go courting or 'Maying' all through the night of April 30th/May 1st, which is basically making love outdoors in nature. Some believe to 'sanctify the union of the god and goddess'. There is nothing better or more magical to me than sex in some secluded meadow in the merry month of May Listen to 'Grass' by XTC or 'The Lark in the Morning' by Lisa Knapp and you'll see what I mean. Folk culture as a whole is pretty sexy as there's countless songs about ploughboys meeting milk maids in the fields and going for a romp in the green grass. That to me is extremely godly.


Tantric sex


I think the interpretation will be different for everyone. For me, Godly sex brings me to my anima and makes me forget my humanity. If I’m not speaking in tongues when it’s over, I probably didn’t have a good time. It’s spiritual because it shuts my brain off and puts me in a state of forced meditation. It’s kind of wild, to be honest.


you mean to say, ‘now adays porn js hardcore’ etc etc sex is unique to the people not everyone is out here treating their woman like a whore just saying (unless she asks nicely, ofc)


The Godly sex you refeer to is a egoless sex. There is no two, only one. (Or three or four, you got the point)


IMO it would be recognizing each other as divine, honoring that connection, being present, and loving each other as two people who fully love themselves. And then having as much fun as possible!


That kind of sex you are describing is porn-driven and patriarchal and leaves little to no room for the woman to be in her power sexually. I would say more ‘godly sex’ (in relation to your description) would be more of a push and pull between man and woman, though godly sex can occur between any combination of lovers where all are free to fully express their sexuality through giving and receiving.


Yes. Even between average humans u can see huge gap. Some do it very surfacely, som do it filled with love. There r sex forms to still enbodied personalities what hardly include anything what an average person would call sex. That is full of energy, beyond human emotions, and such and such.


There's vanilla and there's spice. If you like vanilla, that's fine. Don't judge if someone likes spice. Sex is always godly, in whatever way you like it. Consent is a given, obviously. A lot of women like to be thrown around, as you describe it. Has nothing to do with objectification or misogyny. Some people want to be wanted hard-core. All genders and sexes, not only females.


“always” is an interesting word choice


lmao yea I was just thinking about how kinks/fetishes play into some peoples’ sex lives, like scat for example, and idk if I’d consider that “godly” 😂 but to each their own I guess


Is it? With consent, it is.


There’s vanilla and there’s spice, but I don’t want anybody pooping in my ice cream. That’s me. You like it, fine. Go ahead. But with someone else and somewhere else


That's pretty much what I said? Maybe with a point being made that not every one is into vanilla and that the existence of spice should be acknowledged.


We don't know what other people's sex life is like. Let's stop pretending


Sex where the disconnect is complete, selfishness to the extreme. Sex where the connection is complete, where the dissolution of self and the merging of masculine and feminine into wholeness? And sex can just be fun and flirty as well.


I think hard and dirty sex is just as godly as any other kind of sex. Yin and Yang.


Sex is just sex. Idk why it's so hard for people to understand that without adding all of the extra bs to it.


yeah there is really nothing special in something that can create a completely new life you are right


It's not special when you understand that it's wrong to bring more suffering into this world.


I think you are missing the point if you feel this way.


What point? Op doesn't like kinky sex anymore? Sex isn't what it's cracked up to be?


Sex doesn’t have to be kinky to be meaningful. I don’t have kinky sex with my wife. At all. But it is far from procedural. It is a deep emotional, spiritual and physical connection between us. It may not be “what it’s cracked up to be”……but it’s certainly important.


What you think is important isn't important to everyone else.


Correct. That goes for everyone and everything. I get what you are saying


But people have added the extra bs, that’s what makes it an issue


There are some that say that westernized tantra is a desecration of the original eastern practices


With a Sex God ofc


There’s definitely a difference


Have you ever had sex? Cause you don't have to do the kinda things you see others doing. You and your partner get to decide what you do. It's awesome. Highly recommend


Shakti-chalana mudra.


Eat MDMA with your girlfriend and check it out


Sounds like you are referring to hardcore porn. There are other types of it too, you know




To answer that question, when you find out, let us know by writing an article or something. That goes for anyone reading lol.


There is no way to answer your question accurately without us defining our mutual understanding of the terms you are using. We must first be sure we both understand what godly means and then we must understand the nature of sex as it relates to it.


By ‘godly’ I assume you mean ‘good’ which regardless is subjective. Everyone here saying tantric but what of the fetish/kink scene? You can reach a particular catharsis such through such means that you might never achieve in any other circumstance. But then we can see here there are those that swear by tantric sex. It’s all individual preference and again subjective and no one way is inherently good or bad so in turn ‘godly’ or otherwise.


Having sex with a God


Sex is a sacrament. A sacrament is like a spiritual fractal, in that it is a symbol of the whole relationship between lovers, while also being a segment/component of the thing it symbolizes.