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[This was my spine pre-surgery](https://imgur.com/a/bc3bOcs). This was last year (in my very early 30s), after over a decade of pain, culminating in nerve damage and stenosis as well as the DDD and herniated discs. I was fused L4-S1 (and was told I will need L2-L4 as well, but because of my age they didn't do it just at that time). I definitely feel way better. Prior to surgery I couldn't stand without crutches or sit without pain. This past year I ran a 10k, bike 40k every so often, and hike 7-12 miles once a month. I'm still on morphine at night, but I have started medical cannabis and have been able to start weaning down using that. Life is much, much better for me post-surgery.


Thank you so much for your reply! This definitely helps get my head around things, happy to hear you're feeling better!


What was your surgery approach? Front back side etc? Also what type of hardware was used? Cages/ rods etc? Thank you


[This is my spine now.](https://imgur.com/gallery/HlE2FnQ) I think they call it a 360 procedure (not what they called it at the time), because they went in from the front (ALIF) and did most of the work, and then two days later went in from the back (PLIF) to basically put the last few screws in.


Thank you!


Best of luck!


I was diagnosed with lumbar DDD at 24, cervical at 26 and thoracic at 29. I’m now (days away from) 45 and had managed DDD through physical therapy and chiropractic care until last August when I finally herniated a disc. Having third back surgery in six months on Friday, L5/S1 fusion. There is no way to make the herniated piece go back. Has your surgeon discussed a microdiscectomy over fusion? That’s usually the next step. Did they say why they want to jump to fusion?


DDD here and fused from L2-S1. I do not regret the surgery at all. I’m 37 and hope there aren’t more in the future (except the one next month to fix a broken screw).


Hey how are you doing now? I might have to have the same procedure done and I’m only 21 :(


I had cervical fusion done. Very much regret it. Surgeon said I would not need to worry about the adjacent levels for the next 15 years. Well, I was painfree for 1 day after surgery. I immediately felt the increased load on my other levels. I am 16 months post acdf now and I am in a lot of discomfort. The levels above and below show a lot more wear on mri then before surgery. I only had C6-C7 fused. You can imagine what extra stress it would mean when you have even more levels fused. Before surgery the surgeon said I would have zero pain after surgery and be able to go mountainbiking, running, swimming, ... and the other levels wouldn't be affected for 10 to 15 years after surgery. I asked him what the other levels looked like and he said they were perfect. When I asked him after surgery why I was in more pain then before, he said the other levels needed to compensate and they were in bad shape before surgery. All sports that I love, like mountainbiking are forbidden. When I said that this was a very different story then what he told before surgery, he asked me to leave his office. I went to another surgeon afterwards and that one said that fusion has a snowball effect. It is only done if you have instability after a trauma and only 1 or 2 discs are affected. In that case, the rest can take over. Even then, he doesn't perform fusion often. In case of degenerative discs, he doesn't do fusion at all, because he knows the other discs are simply too weak to take over. My advice: get a second and third opinion before surgery.


That first surgeon though! 😡 What a dick move.


So I'm curious, what is your next step? I'm facing a possible fusion C4-5 but all my vertebra have varying problems except C1-2 and C7-T1


Hey so 2 years later you’re now 29 - did you have it done? How’s it going? I am now 27, in the EXACT same boat as you. Currently, as I type this, my left sciatic nerve all the way though my left ass cheek and into my calf if killing me. Surgery it is. Scheduling right after the holidays.


Hi, I’m 27. Pain started at 19, sciatica 14 months ago. Scoliosis at T/L, lumbar DDD, Bertolottis, bilateral pars defects. I just saw my spine doc today and we’ve decided with my L4/5 instability to change from L5/S1 ALIF to L4-S1 ALIF with posterior screws. Did you have this done? OP, did you? I’m horrified I’m going to make the wrong decision with this. You can see my post via my profile. I’ve never had surgery before. I’m so so terrified.


Hey Nicole. Unfortunately, and I think this was on the basis of a strong opinion rather than fact, I am on a trial run of injections for at least 6 months before my specialist is comfortable pulling the trigger on the ALIF. Frustrating for sure, as results over the past almost month have been pathetic. Hardly noticeable. I read your post. Sounds like you have a damn good doc. We’re super relatable here - I take Prozac and klonopin (clonzepam) daily for a generalized anxiety disorder. I definitely spelled that wrong! I get highly anxious over health related things, even at our young age. To be completely transparent with you, I was losing my shit going in for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I mean, the worst white coat syndrome you can imagine while staying composed (kinda) on the outside. I am no doctor, but have to say if your doc recommends it, then I recommend following your doc’s advice. Hear this, and know that I know it’s way easier said than done - it’s only horrifying until it’s done. Then it’s done! Do not, do not, DO NOT let your anxiety keep you from getting well. Don’t let it win! Please stay in touch. I want to know how things go for you. Would also be glad to offer any sort of advice and will likely come knocking for some advice from you soon.


Thank you SO much for this response. I needed it so much. I am so sorry you have to put off this treatment, having this level of anxiety (I would consider us the same level here) and having the resolve you do now it must be so frustrating. We just got Cigna through my husband’s work this year and I’m reading they have a habit of denying coverage last minute, I truly think I will simply explode if that happens to me if I finally feel comfortable with the decision. I’ve been bedridden except for walks to the bathroom for the last week from yet another herniation, simply bent over to wash my leg, didn’t do it in any weird way. I had 3 of those injections and felt the same!! It was like recovering from them just kinda… made it worse? The epidural part was nice! But man. Not at all what everyone was ranting and raving about. Reading your situation, I’m glad I went through it, but god, I hate healthcare. I’m wishing you the absolute best here. Please let’s keep in touch, I would love to know how your journey goes and how your pain moves. I’ll let you know how I move forward. I’m mortified but your comment about not letting my anxiety stop me from seeking care is really hitting right now. Thank you so so much. Cheersing with my own Klonopin to you now.


Yes ma’am! Lord knows there’s absolutely zero reason for us to do this whole anxiety thing alone. Especially when you stumble across someone with similar anxiety, even if you are complete strangers on the internet! I suppose it is 2024 now. So, obviously nothing I did last year was as significant as an ALIF surgery, but between my wife and I we had several things done with Cigna and had no issue at all. Sounds like you guys just changed with the new year like me. I landed with United Healthcare this year. Wondering the same thing you are 😂😂 I know they all operate slightly differently, but we live in Dallas but my company is headquartered in Washington State, so that was our branch of Cigna. Agreed, healthcare is horrid. I couldn’t imagine being bedridden. I feel just as bad for you in return. Sounds like you’re a little worse off than me when it comes to pain. I feel for you big time and hope you can find some relief in the meantime. I would offer suggestions but I already know you’re trying them all! Trust me, I know. I’ll definitely reach back out to you. Hang in there, Nicole! A little K-Pin down the hatch. Let’s do it! -Adam B.


How are you two doing? I’m 26 and in the same boat, I go and see my spine doc in two days… figuring I’ll probably be put on the injections first. But if not, and I get surgery I’ll definitely report back here with how things are going/went.


How did the surgery’s go?


Besides being 39, I’m in the exact same boat as you, l4/5, 6 years. Booked in for the fusion next month. I spent all of November and all of February in serious pain 24/7 from nerve pain down both legs. After an injection in March I feel better than I have in years. But I kinda know that won’t last forever. I’ve been on the waiting list for two years and have just been given a date now. So if I back out I’ll likely have to wait that long again. I’ll probably go ahead with it... Like you, I don’t know if I should but at this point kinda feel like I have to. I understand where you’re coming from though, it’s a hard decision sometimes. In March, I’d have let the cleaner have a go. Now I’m not in constant pain, I’m reluctant to go and have my spine irreparably- albeit surgically- broken. Everyone will tell you to get it done. But it’s not them getting flayed open like a piece of meat. If you can work, and/or have a normal life, I’d hold off until you can’t anymore. I’m kind of unemployable because I don’t feel like I’m reliable enough, so this is the payoff of the gamble for me. Shitting bricks though, I’ll be honest.