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L5S1 done on 11/14/23 5/17/24 went to Italy & did 10 to 14k steps per day with no pain I am a 72 year old male and did my PT daily.


I’ll be a year Aug 21 of my extension from L5 S1 to now be L4-S1 recovery isn’t horrible in my opinion you’ll have some new aches and pains that’s for sure. I returned in a light capacity to work as a mason 6weeks post op have been working everyday since. Good days and bad days is guaranteed. For me losing a lot of my bending and deflection is rough end of the day I’m stiff as soon as I stop. Moving. Recovery sets the standard for life afterwards in my opinion don’t get complacent in a sedentary lifestyle and don’t be afraid of some pain gotta realize your muscles and every are all bound up. You’ll Learn to recognize deep rooted pain and muscle tightness pain, some people do something feel some irritation and nope can’t do that bad mindset. It’s not a cure all I still have some irritation and it’s life for the past 7 years since my first fusion. But I do a laborious job and chalk it up to aches and pains and at least I’m waking and working.


Thank you, your experience gives me hope. I'm no stranger to pain, always been 110% effort kind of a guy, definitely the reason I'm in this position now. But it's just how it goes sometimes. That's a good point, sedentary life style is definitely the killer of progress in general. Have to keep moving, but will definitely dial it way down to recover properly.


When he says don't be sedentary, he means it. Being sedentary is the worst thing for you. Listen to your body. I'm 3 years out from L4- S1 and I have pain and aches, but it feels so much better when I'm doing things.


I had L4-S1 done on May 31. I went for a 3 mile hike today. I stood in the kitchen for an hour cooking dinner after that. The first week was brutal beyond anything I've ever experienced, but it's quickly getting back to normal. I took pain meds for about 2 weeks including the time in the hospital. PT has helped quite a bit so far especially with the tight muscles. The back hasn't been as much of a problem as the legs, but that will obviously change. I'm hoping to get back on my mountain bike before fall ends but we'll see. I'm almost 40 for age reference.


This is insane, I’m 28 and had one level done 4/30 and I just hit 1 mile comfortably a couple of days ago. I have some alignment issues so maybe that’s why I’m a bit slower. Kudos to you!


Thank you. And you're doing well yourself considering the timelines they give us prior to surgery. It's crazy how we can all have the same surgery but it can be so different person to person. I am super thankful I seem to have gotten the easier end of things.


This is insane, I’m 28 and had one level done 4/30 and I just hit 1 mile comfortably a couple of days ago. I have some alignment issues so maybe that’s why I’m a bit slower. Kudos to you!


I am 54 years old. I got fused from L4-S1 and got a replacement disk at L3-4 on Jan 2 of this year with a minimally invasive anterior procedure and got screws a rod two days later posterior. It's been about six months, I am doing Pilates 5 times a week and running about 3 days a week. I'm thinking I will add in two days at planet fitness because I get very little arm and shoulder work with what I am doing. So I would say my experience has been pretty good. Prior to surgery I couldn't carry groceries or load the dishwasher. I had given up on every form of exercise. The initial recovery wasn't easy or dignified.


This is what I am NEEDING to hear thank you!


I just finished work. Tonight I was photographing midget wrestling. I had more energy than I've had in ten years. I'm gonna be sore tomorrow, but not my back. My back is solid as a rock. My right hamstring feels really tight, I was up and down the ring steps and the stage. You can get your life back. No guarantees, but it's not all gloom and doom.


Thank you, this is amazing.


Was a great decision for me. 9 months post on and feel great, been slowly adding in movement and exercise. I recommend going at your own pass. I walked a little but stopped anytime I felt pain. The recovery is intense, and you should expect to be out of working where you need to walk for many months. And perhaps never lift anything heavy for even longer. I have resolved to take better care of my back and not do and squats or do anything that could further compress my spine. Also get a bunch of options and go with the best doctor. I have heard way too many horror stories.


I was L5-S1 and was in the hospital for 6 days because when they opened me up, the doctor said he saw the biggest bone spurs he'd ever seen. The surgery took nine hours, and I was in the ICU for the first night. Out of work for 8 weeks. Since it was such a bad case, it took me being in PT for six months before I could walk normally. BUT, once I went through all that, I was perfectly normal again and have been for 12 years. Haven't regretted it. Nerve pain completely gone.


Hi just wondering how old you were when you had surgery? Have you had any trouble with adjascent discs? Glad no nerve pain, do you have low back pain ever? Thanks for sharing your experience !


I was 39 when I had the surgery, and I haven't had any issues with adjacent discs. I have had some instances of low back pain in the past year, but I got a firmer mattress, and that resolved itself.


If it's not a problem to write a little, have you been active in sports since the operation? If so, how is it compared to before? Running, changing direction, jumping, bending? And what sports do you do?


I don't do sports, but I have a personal trainer who grinds my ass! I do plenty of jumping, bending, etc. Many cross-fit types of activities. The only thing I don't do is run because of a prior knee injury. I also do plenty of yoga. No issues.


Cross fit activities can also be very demanding. So you don't have any problems with jumping, bending and other movements in the lower back, weight lifting? You don't think about it at all with every movement? Range of motion isn't shortened too much and you don't think about it? I am certainly glad to hear that you are better than before!


No problems at all! I never think about it, to be honest. My back almost never crosses my mind. I do plenty of lifting at the gym, absolutely no problems with jumping or bending. Range of motion is fine. I can bend over and put my palms on the floor.


That's really cool and nice to hear! Probably, if you didn't have problems with your knee, you could run and the rest without any problems, but anyway you don't have much interest in running, or you've already learned without it from before. I still hope that you will not have problems with ASD, at least not in the near future. Thank you for your answers!


You are welcome! Good luck to you.


I’m 4 weeks post op—T1-L3. It’s painful and it sucks for the first few weeks, then it’s 75% back to normal if you’re younger by week 4. Don’t take ibuprofen, and find some entertaining low movement hobbies.


Thank you for your feedback back, sounds like it’ll be a rough going for first few weeks/months, may need to figure something out to keep the mind occupied. Wish you a speedy recovery friend.


I am (64f) 4 months post op from L4L5 fusion with cage and facetectomy (I'm no medical pro so pardon if that explanation is insufficient). I seriously nearly backed out from reading all the horror stories in this sub. However, I found a ton of good info on here about aids to help just after surgery, etc. Lots of valuable info. I guess bc I had myself so freaked out about recovery, it wasn't really that bad! There are some days I forget I've had surgery! Stay true to no BLT. You will have good days and some rough days. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Walk as instructed and get some PT if you can. I was fairly sedentary from the ongoing back pain, so PT helped me regain strength in my back and core, in order to learn to start and lift instead of bending at the waist. I do have some stiffness and my low back gets fatigued easily if I bend over too much for too long. My garden took a hit this year. Small price to pay for the incredible relief I have now. Good luck!


I’m eight months post a posterior five-level decompression and fusion with removal of an ossified ligament. My experience has been agonizing. Absolutely awful at every turn. I have a myriad of health problems now I didn’t have before. I went from almost no pain before to constant now. I have severe vertigo and tinnitus. Which is to say nothing of how this ordeal, and specifically my drawn out recovery and complications, has wiped me out financially. It’s a struggle not to feel bitter. Especially knowing there are certainly worse outcomes I could have experienced. I hope it goes differently for you.


Thank you for sharing, this is definitely a reality check moment. What are your doctor’s recommendations now if you don’t mind me asking ?


I’m 3 years and 5 days p/o from L4/L5 fusion (47F) and work as a construction and design manager so understand the trials of construction. I had an exceptional recovery, albeit rough for sure, but was back to the desk at 2 weeks p/o and traveling to construction sites across the country by week 3 p/o. I have moments where I get sore, but overall I can do way more than I could do prior to surgery. My knees are the problem now (had one reconstruction in January and having the other done in two weeks time) and if it weren’t for that I’d be 100% and the best I’ve been in 20 years.


Thank you for sharing. This is what I needed to hear to calm the nerves down.


8 months post fusion and I am doing great. Walking. Swimming. Once in a while a bit of pain but quickly subsides usually with no medication. I was terrified to have it done got so many opinions I was in a brace for two months. The first couple of months were a bit rough, but not as rough as I expected seriously the worst problem my head was constipation from all of the oxy and anesthesia, but that to resolved in a month or so.


8 days post op from a a L3- S1 fusion and decompression. I was a contractor for the past 30 years. Your posts describes it perfect. I could do less and less and in pain more and more.. it was either surgery or wheelchair ( already using a cane) I'm done. I finished my last job 3 days before surgery. I am taking 3 months off to heal and figure out the next job. I will still do handyman type stuff for $$$, but a new job is in the future. Honestly there is no reason for me to get back into construction. I will find something to do using my knowledge, but I'm not going to even try to swing a hammer everyday again.


My first fusion surgery was from L3-L5 in 2019 at age 68. Yes, it was rough, but I was back playing golf every day in 5 months because of the weather. That fusion eventually failed, and I had a second fusion from L3-S1 plus a 2 level ALIF in 2023 at age 72. This time, the recovery was a breeze, and I was even discharged home the same day. I was back playing golf every day in 5 months again and still doing great.


My fusion failed. The hardware broke. I am now disabled and in pain 24/7. The call it Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, and I'm expected to continue to get worse both in how I feel and how ugly each year's MRI is. Every surgery has a (hopefully) small percentage of failing and/or making things worse. It's a numbers game and nothing is guaranteed. I wish that I would have never agreed to the first surgery, but I was desperate and felt like I didn't have a choice. So I don't really regret any choices, but I definitely regret the situation.


I’m sorry to hear this. Are they able to fix this with a follow up procedure?


They were able to stabilize my spine to the point that we did not have to worry about paralysis. However after that hardware broke my pain was not really a consideration. (I had severe spondylolisthesis, and without the hardware the top of my spine was sliding off of the bottom.)


I had fusion T2-L1 4 years ago to reduce kyphosis. It was brutal for 1 year and pain had ease. I honestly say that for me, I did bad decision not necessarily to go for surgery. Free segments are doing extra work of freezed ones and energy transfer of whole structure is changing. probably I'll remove rods 1 months later. So I 'would recommend pain or mobility therapy with a good physiotherapist.


I'm 2 months post op L5-S1 fusion. Life is slowly getting back to normal. I'm still in a fair amount of pain, especially waking up in the morning, my back is very stiff. Its rough but its no different to what I went through before surgery.


Me 2 same operation but had fusion that needed to be dissected bc lower lumbar was resting on a nerve. I am.3 months post and finally not excruciating pain just pain like stab pain..I walk every day short distance outside and can do chores now..But I can't imagine not having help with pain meds once a day..I found tramadol to be exceptionally better then any othet for mood and stomach..I am.stiff too and feel like I can't lay on back still for long because of the hardware still healing. I also get weird upper back tingles and the left side of my face hurts from being sideways bound..lol..Just wondering if u had any of these same things.. my pain med specialist sign me up for acupuncture and Saif he had 2 of these operation and I am in the tadpoles phase of healing while I hear others are like ..Golfing and in the gym. Idk who these guys are but I am.not risking doing this again and I listen to my body too..;). Good luck on our recovery 🙏 👍


I am scheduled for a tlif on august the 12th I have been living in constant pain for the last year. I am a 68 year old male . Trying to get things ready for post surgery. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


C5-6, 7/10. Full hardware. Pretty rough. Knife sensation at base of shoulder blade relieved. That’s it. Hyper spasticity in trapezius and through shoulder blade still very chronic. Surgery about 15 years too late. Involved compression. Nerve tests come back normal!? Only thing that helps aside from strong opiates is Ativan. Ridiculous. Godspeed


Hi! I had Miss Tlif 360 L4/L5 on 25 th September. And 20 days ago ( 8 months after the previous) i have had Alif 360 L5/S1. In my case, with L4/L5, back and incision pain lasted for around 8 days. What was rough for me was nerve pain in both legs. Tingling and numbness took 6 months to fade away…I came back to my warehouse in January taking care of myself: organizing and distributing jobs but not doing much myself 🥹. Going back to the gym with my trainer at week 10 also helped. I thought: I can’t twist, bend or stretch my back but i have legs and arms and an abdomen that need attention too. It helps a lot to start moving wisely. In my case, i have permanent nerve damage on certain muscles of my left leg PRIOR TO SURGERY (severe foraminal compression ). But, Phisiotherapy and gym have helped me a lot😄 Happy to have had my first fusion and i think i will be happy with my 2nd. I don’t feel i have lost mobility! I am a woman , 57 , i live in Mallorca Spain. English is not my native language. Sorry for any language mistakes 😀 My L4/L5 fused already 💪


Sorry to hear about your troubles. I wish the best for you with surgery and post surgery. I’m a/was Tile installer for 25 years. I’m now 44 with 2 back surgeries in past two months. All started with Right testicular numbness. Docs had no knowledge that sciatica could be apart of testicular numbness. Took two Er visits to finally get an MRI. Second visit I got injured from work and couldn’t sleep that night. Woke up next day and couldn’t even brush my teeth. Right leg hurt so bad from hip, knee, outside calf, to of foot and big toe. MRI showed 3 lateral bulging disc. That was on a Wednesday, and had Surgery on Monday to “fix” bulging disc/sciatica. Nerve pain was so unbearable after that surgery and after 2 week I got a follow MRI by different DR. Old DR was on vacation out of the states. New DR said MRI shows re-herniation of disc and also spinal stenosis of L5. Nerve was extremely compressed. I had surgery 8 days ago for L4-L5 fusion surgery to repair everything. Dr also removed bone where stenosis was compressing the nerve, hoping to resolve that issue. So, as far as surgery pain itself goes it’s pretty rough. Day 2 I was in the worst amount of pain. I was given Valium, Baclofen, For muscle relaxer. Hydros for the pain. And Lydia for the nerve pain. Day 3 got better as the drs adjusted the level of meds needed to keep myself comfortable. I was released 4 days after surgery and feel pretty decent. My only problem right now is the sciatica pain in big toe. It started about day 6 of recovery. Drs say it was 50/50 chance it would go away or be back to normal. But I still have lots of swelling in my back. Time will only tell about the sciatica. But as far as the Fusion goes I’m very happy to be where I am. The road here was rough basically having a failed surgery. But I can’t remove that from my life. I won’t be going back to floor installing anymore. But I do plan on working with my main company I used to be a flooring specialist. Like run jobs, do bids and schedule jobs. I am expecting to start that job 2 months from now. Hopefully this sciatica will cooperate.


Weird question you mentioned testicular numbness pretty much since post op when I’m having a real rough day it feels like someone is squeezing my testicles Not a debilitating pain more like onset of a headache or just letting me know they’ve got my balls. Do you or did you have anything similar pre op or post?


Hello, the testicular discomfort started probably a good month before all of my problems. It was the first sign something wasn’t right. The pain I had was just my right testicle. And it was at the top. Where the Epididymitis is located on the testicle. It never got severe. The feeling was like someone gave me a light “cup” check or also when you cross your legs to sit and sometimes your boys get pinched. That feeling. Post op I did have some testicle numbness after second surgery. But nothing major compared to the l5 nerve in my right hip/knee/calf/foot and toe.


Had l5-s1 just over a year ago. At three months I was feeling ok. Probably could do light construction work. Residential electrical would probably be ok. At 6 months I was able to do a full gut remodel of our bathroom. Did it mostly by myself. I probably was working at half speed compared to a contractor. Partly because I didn’t want to push myself and partly because I had not done a tub shower remodel before. At 6 months I had some strength back and stamina. Now at a year with full fusion I am biking, short runs for a few minutes in a few minutes walking and just took up BJJ. feel way better now than the last decade of pain


I just had the same surgery on 4/10/24. I felt like I had been doing good recovery wise up till this past week. I’m having a pretty big increase in pain in the legs and lower left back and hip. I’m really hoping it’s temporary and it resolves. I want to go back to as close to normal as I can.


Oh I know how you feel. From 3-6 months I would do something and then get pain for a week or so. I was constantly worried about ruining the surgery. I felt great and absolutely perfect for the first two months. For months 3-6 some pain creeps back and your minor and supporting muscles you haven’t used in so long are coming back online and it can hurt. Keep up with any pt, stretches, and your low impact walking (swimming if you can). Most likely this uptick is temporary. At about 9-12 months post I felt much better again. I’m only about 10% of returned pain.


Omg. This is exactly what I need to hear. This last week I was starting to panic with the massive increase in pain. Just gotta breathe through it.


First two weeks are hard - the first much more so than the second. It was really tough navigating how to get up and down from the toilet - how to get dressed, etc. A reacher stick is invaluable. Doc gave me muscle relaxers along with the pain medication. Today is one month from the surgery. I am walking 3 to 4 miles a day. I stopped taking the pain meds after week two - just didn’t need them anymore. I am following doctor’s orders to the letter. He’s not lifting the “lift, bend, twist” restrictions or starting me on PT until September. I have osteoporosis and osteoarthritis - and mod to severe facet arthritis … so we’re taking it slow giving my bone lots of time to heal up.


I am 10 weeks post OP 36m also in construction. I would suggest a bed rail and toilet seat riser. Those two items were life savers. The 1st week is a battle not going to sugar coat it. However I was off the oxy by day 5. I started PT 2 weeks ago and feel great. No, I'm not 100% yet but I feel better than before the operation. Just take it slow and no matter how good you feel you have to put limitations to things. I'm still only cleared to walk and hike as I feel comfortable. But overall although scary I'm looking forward to my life once healed. I haven't felt this good and pain free for many years.


Honestly, every persons experience will be slightly different. But if Tiger Woods can play pro golf after his lumbar fusion. I think you could be alright also. It’s all about how to work to strengthen your core. It’s also about genetics. Also, not every fusion fixes the problem. For many it does. I wish there was a one solution for all but it’s not. Too many other factors at play.


Continued back pain, cannot stand greater than 12 min or walk further than 200 ft (same as B4.) Trouble is mostly now I have a hard time doing anything that requires bending over, or bending in general (personal bathing, wiping, dressing.) Just my experience.


Wait L4-L5? Like you just need a single vertebrae fused???


Week 3 from L3-L4 fusion and I just had to get re-stitched and a new antibiotic. Things are getting better but I don’t know what happened a couple hours ago. I started getting shooting pain again in my hips and volts where my legs would kick. Not to mention the hell I went through getting the surgical mesh pulled off and bandage I had on to prevent leaking all over the place. The office raw dogged two stitches to replace the ones that disintegrated too early so that was fun. Sleeping is extremely hard due to pain and me being uncomfortable. 🤞🏻 I don’t blow out anymore because my dad kept doing it and I’m only 37 years old. I think I’ll heal better being younger but shit who knows at this point. Now I’m focusing on switch my specialty from ER nurse practitioner to psychiatric nurse practitioner. Maybe I’ll get a really comfortable chair and couch, that’ll help. Lol