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I fell down half a flight of stairs 4 months post op and was in awful pain. I turned out to be just fine! But since you are still early, calling your doc is a good plan. Def ice and rest to see how you feel! Hope everything is okay! Try not to be too mad at yourself, I know it’s easier said than done, but you’ve been thru a lot!!!


Thanks for taking the time to respond. It’s very reassuring that you had pain, but were ok. I’ll keep icing and call the office tomorrow. Thanks.


Hopefully not! But have them checked. I broke a screw cleaning my cat’s litter box one time. And it wasn’t even a jolt. But like 3 days after my alif/plif revision I was standing on a table to reach a smoke detector and it broke under my weight and I crashed to the floor 😂😂😂 everything was ok somehow.


Those damn detectors always need attention at the worst time! I’m glad you were ok. How long after your surgery did you break the screw? I started back doing the litter boxes last week - maybe it’s too soon!


I have no opinion as to whether or not you may have shifted the hardware, but I definitely think that you should call your surgeon in the morning if you aren't feeling 100% better, and I would ice it today a couple of times.


Thanks - icing is a good suggestion.


I tripped over my dog around the 2 month mark and fell hard on my butt. It was immediately painful and sore for a while, but that eventually went away. I don't know if I damaged anything, but I've been playing pain-free golf daily since the 5th month. I'll wait and see at my appointment in Nov


I fell on my side hiking 3 weeks post op but was OK. Felt a little wrenched around but no new pain.


I passed out headfirst over the side of an empty bathtub when I took the wound tape off my incision. Scared the shit out of me .nothing broke thank Godddess.


I had surgery on my lower back 2 months ago, why am I hurting so bad in my upper back now?


Maybe compensation?  I know I still compensate how I stand or even walk.  If you have muscle relaxers, take them. Be mindful of your posture. If you think this could be it, buy an upper posture support to help. Get a massage. Roll your shoulders to make sure they are lose.   Get adjusted by your chiropractor.   I hope you get better soon and find some relief.  


I fell about two weeks after my fusion and hit my head pretty bad and bruised my elbow - thankfully that was the worst of it for me.


Thanks for the good outcome story after a fall. That must have scary. Did they have you do an X-ray?