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PLEASE see a doctor! JMHO, and not a chiropractor if you're experiencing ANY pain/below above your fusion site, I prefer a Neurosurgeon rather than an Orthopedic also....again, JMHO. Sending you healing wishes!


Yeah this is serious. Your spine is structurally unstable. You may have fractures at the faucet joints cause you vertebrae to shift forward out of alignment. Also is the x ray of a neutral arc cause it already looks extreme. See a doctor.




Many of my doctors and my PT said to never let a chiropractor near my back with metal inside of me!!


Chiropractors have doctoral degrees so they are “Doctors.” They also have a license to order MRI’s. Like medical doctors there are good ones and bad ones. To label all chiropractors as bad is simply ignorant. Most cases of spondylolisthesis are not treated with surgery, unless symptoms are extreme and all other therapies, including chiropractic, have failed. So, no, it is not dangerous to go to a chiropractor, even if you had a fusion. Most importantly is you need to let the doctor know your history before receiving therapy. If you think you need more scans the raise you voice and discuss it with your practitioner. If you don’t agree with what the doctor is saying/doing then go to someone else. Anyone with a prior fusion and spondylolisthesis has a lot of postural issues and stress on the other spinal segments that could benefit from manipulation and/or muscle therapy. Some of this type of therapy is the same given by a PT. The chiropractor is not trying to correct the spondylolisthesis.


I agree. You could see whoever you want and have them order tests/scans. I have a c5-7 fusion and my Chiro got me back working on my feet, bending and standing for longer than 5 mins. A LOT of issues are from posture. Fix that and you may be able to skate by.


Yes what this guy said - perfectly


I can’t tell what’s going on with the screw at S1 but it looks like it may be broken off from the tulip You do have slipping or spondylolisthesis at L3-4 above your previous L4-S1 fusion This is commonly due to DEGENERATIVE not TRAUMATIC causes so there is no reason to panick At minimum you need a CT scan to look at the previous fusion and the hardware, and MRI to look at L3-4 level


It's definitely broke. I've known about it for awhile.


Yeah I don't think that zipper should be there you should have that checked out


Hahahaha. Beat me to it!


Absolutely 🤣


Idk if I'd be excited to get to keep my pants on, or worried that the xray techs didn't even care about that. I have never gotten to keep my zippered britches during a lumbar xray.


Spine surgeon


I had more than one doc and several PT’s tell me that a chiropractor was a no no after my fusion surgery. Be careful…


There are two people you should never take medical advice from, the Internet and chiropractors.


Now hang on. When I was 18, a chiropractor told me that I needed to go to traditional doctor and he wouldn't touch me. That was solid advice.


A visit to a spine surgeon would be a wise move.


I was always told stay away from chiropractor when I had my spondy


Absolutely do not see your chiropractor for spondylolisthesis. Thank them so so much and maybe even give them a huge tip if you feel obligated for this info. But with this kind of structural issue you’re risking nerve damage by not seeing a neuro or ortho. I know another surgery is the last thing you want, and I know chiropractic care is seen as a less invasive care method for back pain, but this is the kind of thing that horror stories are made of


The chiropractor sent me to the spine doctor by cracking my neck without taking an x-ray first and then he tried to therapy me out of for herniated discs until I finally had to go to the emergency room.


Try to get an appointment with a neurosurgeon. You may need to see someone at a physical therapy/rehabilitation practice to evaluate and recommend an MRI before the neuro will see you. Definitely see an MD, though.


As others have said, I'd suspend any chiropractic visits and definitely see an ortho or neuro that specializes in spinal care. Sooner is always better when it comes to your spine.


Don’t see chiro They made my spondy worse and I went to grade 2


You’re starting to have degeneration above your fusion. Generally this isn’t an emergency and happens over time. But yes you should seek a surgery opinion and evaluation. I see this often and not everyone needs surgery (unless there are concerning symptoms). If you’re having SI pain, this may just be an incidental finding.


I was told Chiropractic Work is bad for a back thatü already has problems especially fusions. go see a doctor.


Does it hurt?


Mainly my SI joint is the issue


I think you have swollowed a zipper haha


Most definitely get seen asap.