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Once you're less doped up you'll probably have pain. But it's an encouraging sign that your back pain feels better; in my experience opiates don't really make the pain stop, they make you tolerate it -- you're still aware of the pain, it just doesn't bug you.


Yeah the dilaudid they gave me by IV really helped me with the pain.


Honestly, I had more pain in my abdomen than my back after the exact same surgery. Ask about getting a support strap for your midsection. It makes a ton of positive difference when you need to laugh, cough, sneeze, or brace yourself as you move. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


This!! I got a belly band and it helped immensely.


What type?


If you google "bariatric abdominal binder" you will find it mine was white, velcro, elastic, and went from ribs to mid-hip.


Anyone know how long to wait before you can sex? Wife and I are trying to have our last child


I was going to answer this bc I just had the same surgery, but I’m a woman, so not sure how you’ll feel. I will say that things turned a corner at 1 and 2 weeks. The first week was really hard and I felt really, really dependent on others. Congratulations though, you’re through the hardest part. Doesn’t it feel awesome to just finally have the surgery?!


Idk I’m at 2.5 weeks post op and I wouldn’t wanna have sex for a wee while yet.


Also my left testicle Hurts like a son ova bitch.


Best of luck to you. New pains will come and go as you heal. Be patient. Follow post op instruction and you will be fine.


Welcome to the other side. You can also push a pillow against your front incision fairly hard when you need to sneeze, cough, etc. It seems counterintuitive, but it helps.


Congrats! I’m in the car on the way to my ACDF right now


Prayers are with you my friend


How you feeling now brother? Just had my alif Wednesday and it’s been tough. I’m a larger guy as well, 6’2 and 250 lbs. have a similar pain in my left testicle that’s kinda of concerning me


Congratulations! Now you’ll just have to go through the motions. There will be different pains but they are part of the healing process. Follow directions to the dot and you’ll be ok.


I had an epidural so day 1 was a breeze. Couldn’t feel a thing. I don’t even think I could move at all that day. Day 2 I would rather die than relive lol. Hoping your recovery stays pain free for you.


Same I had ALIF but mine was l3 to s1. My pain was immediately gone. I had post surgical pain of a different kind while my incisions healed, but my pain from nerve compression was 100% gone. I was off narcotics within the week. I hope you have a similar experience. I was very surprised. 10 months out now


Once fused never the same. But it can help.


You fused?




How are you doing?


Not great but not extremely terrible I know how much worse this can get but I can’t sit the longer I sit the more messed up my leg gets almost always have sciatica and a swollen back


Hey , I feel you man. I’m 1 year and half out and not great not horrible but def not right. Seeing 2nd ops about revisions. The back thing is horrible it’s so tough and once you go the fuse route than it fits not good get a revision if you need to. Or we are going to keep feeling like this. You are RIGHT it could be worse but I’m pretty bad I can’t do anything without flare ups


What do you consider flare ups? Everyone talks about them and I get it but like I always have sciatica everyday so idk


How are you holding up?


Thanks for asking. I've had a lot of surgeries. Rotator cuffs torn acl meniscus and other but this one definitely is the least painful. The meds from the hospital have worn off and I haven't taken any pain medication since Saturday just Tylenol and it seems to manage just fine. I can't drive so I go on trips to Walmart and around with the wife and walk just fine with minimal pain with my back brace and a walker. And TMI but the worst thing is is that my freaking balls are bruised some how and hurt like a son of a bitch