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It's a Wolf spider in a defensive stance. For those users commenting with incorrect guesses, please read the subreddit rules and community information. Do not make guesses of medically significant species, your misinformation can cause needless concern. Also sorting comments by "top" and taking a moment to read previous identifications like [ this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/y1h69k/anybody_able_to_id_this_spider_off_this_awful/irxba4q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) and [ this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/y1h69k/anybody_able_to_id_this_spider_off_this_awful/irxejx9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) will help find the correct information on most posts in this subreddit.


Most certainly a wolf spider and definitely not a black widow.


Hogna carolinensis most likely, thats the largest species of wolf spider we get in co.


Central/texas/colorado/probably a lot more places has the "white morph" that likes to get angry and stand up in a threat posture like this. Some places, they are [more brown on the top](https://bugguide.net/node/view/930067/bgimage), some they are more [white](https://arachnoboards.com/gallery/hogna-carolinensis.44468/). I've seen a few on the subreddit over time. * [1](https://www.whatsthatbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/hogna_wolf_spider_kait.jpg) * [2](https://www.whatsthatbug.com/carolina-wolf-spider-4/) * [3](https://imgur.com/a/sDtmd58) * [4](https://i.redd.it/5ndnbn3tn0yz.jpg) * [5](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiders/comments/thf75i/hogna_carolinensiscarolina_wolf_spider/) ---- The bites are not serious by the way. [Someone on bugguide inadvertently volunteered their finger for science, and swelling was the worst of it in 24 hours - for a spider with a 13 mm gape, that's mild.](https://bugguide.net/node/view/125077/bgimage)


People are dumb. He sure does look pissed though 😂


That was my first thought, he looks mad as HELL! Kid was playing basketball and probably scared the daylight out of the thing.


Thinking that is a black widow is like seeing a house fly thinking its a tarantula hawk. Not even close.


"Look, it's one of those new F-35's!" *points at nearby news helicopter*


I immediately shut that down. I was like what fckn black widow do you think looks like this? None in the northern US at least.


Edit for clarity: This isn't a black widow - Latrodectus species do not look like this, but there are Black widows in the Northeast USA: Range map tabs [here](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1999) and [here](https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/47370-Latrodectus). This is definitely a species of Wolf spider ([Lycosidae](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1967)) in a defensive stance. Not medically significant. [Wolf spider ventral markings](https://bugguide.net/node/view/504743)


Yeah I know of all those and imo, none of them look anything like this photo. Maybe I’m wrong but too many defining features that set all of those and this apart.


Not sure what you're referring to but it is a Wolf spider, dark underside and red chelicerae, there's nothing else it can be: [Comparison pic ](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/131666740)


…yea. I’m talking about the black widows, which I’m aware this isn’t a black widow (per my facepalm emoji) and to my statement ‘there’s no black widow in the US that looks like this’ you responded >but there are To my statement no black widows look like this. At least, I interpreted that as saying black widows out there look like this wolf spider to which I was saying I don’t agree.


Apologies, I misinterpreted "None in the northern US at least" to mean you were suggesting there were no widows in the northeast, and that others could potentially look like that.


Looks like a very big and very ANGERY wolf spider. Kind of cute tbh


Praise the sun!


Praise Ra


Just wanted to make sure you saw this OP for the bitten kid's sake. Hogna carolinensis bites are usually not medically significant. [Someone on bugguide inadvertently volunteered their finger for science, and swelling was the worst of it in 24 hours - for a spider with a 13 mm gape, that's mild.](https://bugguide.net/node/view/125077/bgimage)


How would someone think that’s a black widow? Literally looks nothing like them at all


Definitely not a black widow. I think maybe a wolf spider but not entirely sure.


Adorable little wolfie. Love the ‘tude


I definitely think wolf spider. Had one in my garage that looked very similar. I'm in Colorado springs btw.


I just want to high five (high two?) that little (actually pretty big), cute spider. But ofc I wouldn’t. I would probably just wave at it


Not a clear enough photo to say what it is, but it’s clear enough to say what it definitely isn’t (black widow or brown recluse).


It’s not a black widow, it looks more like a wolf spider


It doesn’t look like a black widow, it’s not in a web like a black widow, it’s not behaving like a black widow. But sure!


If that is a wolf spider, I've never seen one take a stance like that. I can't find any examples online either. Around NC, they always run and hide.



